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The gearing changes didn't work. Were all in 330 gear with no effort.


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You buy one legendary, then you get more fragments, then you buy another one BUT both of them TOGETHER cost 13k,

Hush. No logic allowed. There's an 11K frag limit, so "obviously" you can't spend 13K frags. 🙄


This whole thread is just one logic fail after another. It reminds me of discussing evolution with a creationist. 😂

Edited by JediQuaker
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For a start you'd need the viewpoint of someone who actually did NiM operations at a time when they were not trivialised.


Contrary to what you imply, a challenging boss has you dying and wiping many many many times and is not enjoyable. Sure that first kill you carried your weight and it took 250 wipes. Hence the extreme relief when the team finally gets the challenge done.


The enjoyable part is having a team you want to be with, seeing the mechanics of the fight being done with competence and killing the boss.


You don't look forward to another kill requiring 250 wipes.


And it doesn't suddenly become 1 shot killable just because you killed it one time either.


^^^^ THIS ^^^^


all of it. Especially that last observation

Edited by SwampHobbit
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Other than parroting without thought yet again a red herring, most casuals won't pvp and still won't no matter what you think, and not as many people will gear up their alts of different classes like they did in prior expansions, and your red herrings won't change that.


gearing alts in 7.0 is much much better then it was with ******** Kai Zekken Gambling.


Maybe you like gambling, I don't.

And yeah I still considered the log in every Friday to check if kai zekken had what you needed as gambling, worst of all it cost valuable time instead of a currency you'd likely have plenty of.


you don't have to PVP either, Worldquest Boxes will be at 326 if you wear 326 they just won't upgrade if you are below 326 and they won't target the lowest iLVL Piece like weekly Boxes would, but you get like a dozen of them in no time at all.


if people don't farm separate Gear for alts it's because they don't have to thanks to Loadouds and the Legacy Bank.

Getting the Pieces a 2nd time if you have them once is less then 1/10 the effort getting the first Piece was, but water takes the path of least Resistance as do MMO Players so anyone with a Brain would use the Loadoud System instead of using the mostly as viable same iLVL Drops.

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