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1.5m subs, best in launch history


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Still trying eh?


It's the truth. Those accusing that poster of being paid by blizzard are delusional if they don't think what he says is not the case. Current subs are absolutely meaningless. It's how many subs they can hold on to when they hit the 30 day mark, the 3 month mark and the 6 month mark that counts. Right now it's kind of hard to tell how the game is really going. There is a lot of whining, but for all we know that's just a vocal minority. Are the majority of players happy? Or are they not happy? Will they stay long term? Impossible to know at this point.

Edited by deneeve
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This game is definitely a space based MMO. It's got "Star" right in the title. I have a ship. I go from planet to planet. I use laser guns.


Not a single elf or magical spell or suit of chain mail armor in sight. And it's definitely not a super hero MMORPG, as there's no spandex and no leaping of tall buildings in a single bound.

I think you misunderstood. EVE is a space based game, i.e. the gameplay is mostly all space flight and combat. SWTOR is not, its a ground MMO, but it does have a ship you use to travel between worlds and the space combat mini-game. So while it does have a very limited space experience, its not a space-based game like EVE is. But yes, the backstory is obviously based on space, given the name :)

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You are just looking to argue - did not even get the point.


The point, I think, was "how sad is it to see people experience glee over the misfortunes and failures of others." Psychopathic . . . but then again, that seems to be the majority if MMO players these days . . .


I love you man! No, not looking to argue :)


I've been in the market of game promotions for years; even worked on WoW (OMG!), and I know fail when I smell it. :)

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Your life must be VERY busy for you to take the time & effort to post useless drivel on the forums.


I work in a hospital, i work 46 hours a week & i have a level 42 Scoundrel. Why are you acting as if leveling takes long in this game?


On the other hand, I'm a nolifer with basically all the time in the world, and my Sith Warrior is only level 26.

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I only know of two AAA titles: WOW and SW:TOR


AoC, Warhammer, LOTRO and the other also rans weren't AAA in my opinion.


How do you figure a MMO with a million subs is not AAA? AoC, Warhammer and lotro all had at one point over a million subs. I think you may be on crack. Is the only AAA game in your opinion WoW?

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lol - keep telling yourself that...Happy thoughts work great for Peter Pan too...


No, Warhammer's launch was just as smooth as this launch was (actually, This launch was worse IMO with the terrible idea of EGA and the artificial caps on servers causing huge ques and then dead servers...not to mention the 30+ game in SWTOR is terribly buggy and broken ...Ive seen more bugs in SWTOR than Warhammer ever dared to have past 30...)


So keep wishing there Tinkerbell....


Think on that again while you are trying to decide on an insulting name for someone else. Warhammers launch was complete garbage and only went downhill from there. Oh and if The old Republics is so much worse then why aren't you playing Warhammer???? .... Yeah, thought so...

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You know it's pathetic how people are allowed to rub their hands together with glee hoping a game will fail. :rolleyes:


Nah, I feel sorry for them. They lack any imagination and need games like WoW to tell them what fun is. Then they think that all games must follow this formula or it simply isn't fun. Yet here they all are trying to get away from WoW.... See the Irony here? You will now see them quote this in a vain attempt to justify their hate for this fine game and yet they are still here.... not playing Wow... :D

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Nah, I feel sorry for them. They lack any imagination and need games like WoW to tell them what fun is. Then they think that all games must follow this formula or it simply isn't fun. Yet here they all are trying to get away from WoW.... See the Irony here? You will now see them quote this in a vain attempt to justify their hate for this fine game and yet they are still here.... not playing Wow... :D


that's result of years of conditioning dude.



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that's result of years of conditioning dude.




Yeah i read and quoted the second boxout in your thread as a reply in that thread. It's a shame that people have forgotten how to think and have fun isn't it?

Why is it so hard for these folks to let go of the WoW mindset?


Lol riiiight. see who last longer.


See this above example? This guy is talking up WoW yet remains here ummm... not playing WoW. God help him when he has to learn how to shave....

Edited by Mashy
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What flaws at higher lvl?


You are quite ignorant not knowing about the biggest flaws at LvL 50...

Well, Im sure not gonna wake you up from you dazeling dream of the perfect SWToR that is out now.


If you ever find out you want to enlighten your self a bit about the game, take a look in the support forum.

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Cancelled my subscription today. Got my Bounty Hunter to lvl 40, then I tried the other classes, got them around lvl 7-10's. GOT BORED! High population server, spamming general non stop for groups still no luck.


So make that 1,499,999 subs.

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1. Ability delay


2. Nodes appearing on map though they don't exist. ( they even tried to say they fixed it, lol)


3. Almost every flashpoint after Hammer Station


4. Load screen durations


5. Glaring issues with certain video cards.


6. Pet AI, and pet autocast options not sticking.


7. Other UI options not sticking (Sith corruption, etc)


Do you need more? I can post more.


BTW don't try and say it's user-specific or anything, plenty of people have reported these issues and almost no issue in any situation affects EVERYONE.


Based on this list, if they fix all of these things, you're saying they will have a nearly perfect game?


I agree.

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See this above example? This guy is talking up WoW yet remains here ummm... not playing WoW. God help him when he has to learn how to shave....


What's funny is he was doing it on the forums before launch, and he still bought the game. ;)


He will likely be here for months to come, repeating his doom and gloom while the rest of us enjoy the game and it continues to grow (thanks in part to his continued sub). :)

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Yeah i read and quoted the second boxout in your thread as a reply in that thread. It's a shame that people have forgotten how to think and have fun isn't it?

Why is it so hard for these folks to let go of the WoW mindset?




See this above example? This guy is talking up WoW yet remains here ummm... not playing WoW. God help him when he has to learn how to shave....


Want my live stream feed? I am playing wow :)

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Ongoing subscriptions is the only thing that matters. Yes, initial sales look good...let's see what retention rates look like.


Agreed. Subs most likely have gone up since the presser, and attrition will pull it down some after the first month.

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Yeah i read and quoted the second boxout in your thread as a reply in that thread. It's a shame that people have forgotten how to think and have fun isn't it?

Why is it so hard for these folks to let go of the WoW mindset?



i actually know why. for, i have been in that mindset and gamed with that mindset for a long time.


when doing that you basically identify yourself with your character's progression. it makes up for some id-ego. your character is progressing, getting stronger, and so are you !


it passes away with coming of age. or getting mature in different ways. accomplishing things in real life also immediately erases all such inclinations.

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