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GSF Has a Problem


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Again, ALL of this doesn't matter as long as gsf have been and will continue to be the best source of tech fragments and equipment, EVEN if the biowaste changes the conditions to win instead of participation. I can go to pvp at night and get into the arena instead of an idiot filled huttball 10 times out of 10, and be guaranteed to win because there are four of us with a healer against three (or 100% lose, if vice-versa but at least it will be fast, nice matchmaking tho), but all this weekly will not even give me half of the gsf reward. And I hate deathmatches, I have no idea how to play if you can't just kill as many as you can without caring about your deaths, and I'm not going to understand as long as there is domination. Especially when you are given a season goal to CAPTURE 3 satellites or HOLD one for 8 minutes. For God's sake, when will they finally give the choice of these modes? Wasting a ton of time and effort while having 8-13 medals in a deathmatch, but only 2-3 count towards the goal of the season? ***? How is that supposed to motivate you to do anything? Edited by AmorphLex
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Especially when you are given a season goal to CAPTURE 3 satellites or HOLD one for 8 minutes. For God's sake, when will they finally give the choice of these modes? Wasting a ton of time and effort while having 8-13 medals in a deathmatch, but only 2-3 count towards the goal of the season? ***? How is that supposed to motivate you to do anything?


The GSF Medals Season objectives would be completely F-ed even if they were actually working as stated. They were warned by multiple people that making only certain medals count would encourage bad behavior by players instead of making best efforts to win matches, but they went ahead and did it anyway with predictable results.


The truth is, virtually all PVP conquest and seasons objectives should be based on pure medal counts, but Bioware's devs are just too stubborn to admit the current system is broken.

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It's clear that a lot of players are joining matches, losing on purpose to progress the weekly, and have no interest in playing GSF at all.


Actually, what was most 'clear' to me was that somebody spent more time typing into chat than I have seen in the last 20 GSF matches I've played combined. And that every single word consisted of worthless whines and taunts.


Worthless POS like that piss me off a lot more than AFKers. AFKers are passive, adding nothing to my experience. Whiners actively detract. They are loathsome.


Thank you for illustrating the problem by posting the chat log. This is an issue that needs more attention. Everyone should hate whiners.

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The GSF Medals Season objectives would be completely F-ed even if they were actually working as stated. They were warned by multiple people that making only certain medals count would encourage bad behavior by players instead of making best efforts to win matches, but they went ahead and did it anyway with predictable results.


The truth is, virtually all PVP conquest and seasons objectives should be based on pure medal counts, but Bioware's devs are just too stubborn to admit the current system is broken.


Agreed on all counts.

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The GSF Medals Season objectives would be completely F-ed even if they were actually working as stated. They were warned by multiple people that making only certain medals count would encourage bad behavior by players instead of making best efforts to win matches, but they went ahead and did it anyway with predictable results.


The truth is, virtually all PVP conquest and seasons objectives should be based on pure medal counts, but Bioware's devs are just too stubborn to admit the current system is broken.


I think capture and defense medals for DOM and damage medals for both TDM and DOM are reasonable selections. What else would you pick? Kills+Assists would be much harder for newer players to get, although they would score an assist on TDM while they are accumulating damage. Damage ensures a player can’t just shoot at one enemy almost dead and earn credit.


I will admit that including defense medals could leas to the problem of an excessive number of defenders at one node. However, I’m not going to fault someone for playing that way since it is correct to guard the satellite. It’s unlikely the team would win a match if you had four or five players on that team who were only their to earn defender medals, but in my view it’s far better than a self destructor or an AFK. If the entire group of defenders is AFK, or even most is them, they will not last long against a coordinated assault and their “medal farming” will be extremely short lived. So, they will either have to choose to actually play and actively defend a satellite or they will be forced to queue up again. I think this is much less of a problem than people who are farming GSF because of its compelling gear incentives,

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GSF is like warzones were at launch without brackets. New players coming in unmodified ships without knowing where to make changes, get to go against seasoned veterans with fully maxed ships. They hit you 10-20 times without making a scratch for you to turn around and one shot them. So just like the level 10 people entering the warzone going up against a level 50 with full battlemaster gear, they are getting curb stomped. It is easy to see for me why so many just feel frustrated and decide to do the minimum to get out of the match and get their reward.

I'd say to just be happy the developers are incentivizing people to queue so that GSF matches actually pop. I remember having to sit in queue for 30-40 mins without getting a match. You will have some bad matches, but you'll also have some good ones. Even in a bad match I can still have fun and it still counts against the weekly. Don't let those losses here and there ruin your day.

Edited by Jamtas
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I crashed into... "obstacles" plenty of times, especially from spinning too much while trying to escape from constant shooting. However, the times I did it on purpose was to actually... deny the adversaries a point in their favour!


In regular "ground" warzones, especially Huttball, if I jump off a platform to my death, or in fire, I deny the enemy a killing blow, while still not necessarily affecting my team's score. Jumping straight into GSF with this mindset, self destruction seemed a... "smart" move to me. Then I hear it's not so good and I decide I'll watch the score before doing it, but when I get again under heavy fire and self destruction seems the only "solution" I forget about checking the score, so I couldn't figure just by myself if it was indeed a point against my team.


As for the "map awareness", again, coming from regular warzones, I'm used to see the map from a different point of view, allies and adversaries within my range without necessarily having to "turn" around. I can see who hits me and, even if from range, it takes me a quick turn to spot the attacker. In GSF, I try to turn around to... "face" the attacker, but no matter how much I spin I cannot figure who that is! I try to move my mouse to the mini-map to identify the enemy, but it's my ship that starts moving instead. I press spacebar to get close to the center of the map, but I quickly end up consuming whatever ... "energy" fuels my ship and have to hang on helpless while it recharges.


Oh, and what about firing at a "ship" which seems somehow close, only that it's actually on ... the other side of the rock or whatever obstacle stands between us. Why am I able to open fire at what is out of my "line of sight"? That doesn't happen when I try to shoot at an enemy that's hiding behind a corner, in "ground" warzones, and the game will warn me and my weapon will "refuse" to fire!


So, yes, coming from the "main", "open world", "ground" area, GSF seems a whole different game. I would expect to "figure it out" as I play through it, as it happened with my ... "ground" characters, but it seems one has to go find some guide... only to get flooded with all that endless list of upgrading components and several different combat styles depending on the ship you pick, ship that still doesn't seem to make much of a difference since I get killed pretty soon anyway. Sometimes it seems like you need a ... degree to make a significant progress there, while many new "pilots" would go with "but I only need my PvP gear and then, I promise, I'll never come back!"


I came here and managed to read the whole thread, and I'll try and learn the most I can so not to be a burden to my team, but it's going to take a while to get into this so different game-play and I'm afraid that many will still wonder what kind of "afk" am I with maybe not even within the "k" range damage!

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I crashed into... "obstacles" plenty of times, especially from spinning too much while trying to escape from constant shooting. However, the times I did it on purpose was to actually... deny the adversaries a point in their favour!


In regular "ground" warzones, especially Huttball, if I jump off a platform to my death, or in fire, I deny the enemy a killing blow, while still not necessarily affecting my team's score. Jumping straight into GSF with this mindset, self destruction seemed a... "smart" move to me. Then I hear it's not so good and I decide I'll watch the score before doing it, but when I get again under heavy fire and self destruction seems the only "solution" I forget about checking the score, so I couldn't figure just by myself if it was indeed a point against my team.


As for the "map awareness", again, coming from regular warzones, I'm used to see the map from a different point of view, allies and adversaries within my range without necessarily having to "turn" around. I can see who hits me and, even if from range, it takes me a quick turn to spot the attacker. In GSF, I try to turn around to... "face" the attacker, but no matter how much I spin I cannot figure who that is! I try to move my mouse to the mini-map to identify the enemy, but it's my ship that starts moving instead. I press spacebar to get close to the center of the map, but I quickly end up consuming whatever ... "energy" fuels my ship and have to hang on helpless while it recharges.


Oh, and what about firing at a "ship" which seems somehow close, only that it's actually on ... the other side of the rock or whatever obstacle stands between us. Why am I able to open fire at what is out of my "line of sight"? That doesn't happen when I try to shoot at an enemy that's hiding behind a corner, in "ground" warzones, and the game will warn me and my weapon will "refuse" to fire!


So, yes, coming from the "main", "open world", "ground" area, GSF seems a whole different game. I would expect to "figure it out" as I play through it, as it happened with my ... "ground" characters, but it seems one has to go find some guide... only to get flooded with all that endless list of upgrading components and several different combat styles depending on the ship you pick, ship that still doesn't seem to make much of a difference since I get killed pretty soon anyway. Sometimes it seems like you need a ... degree to make a significant progress there, while many new "pilots" would go with "but I only need my PvP gear and then, I promise, I'll never come back!"


I came here and managed to read the whole thread, and I'll try and learn the most I can so not to be a burden to my team, but it's going to take a while to get into this so different game-play and I'm afraid that many will still wonder what kind of "afk" am I with maybe not even within the "k" range damage!


The team gets a point when you self-destruct in GSF.

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I crashed into... "obstacles" plenty of times, especially from spinning too much while trying to escape from constant shooting. However, the times I did it on purpose was to actually... deny the adversaries a point in their favour!


In regular "ground" warzones, especially Huttball, if I jump off a platform to my death, or in fire, I deny the enemy a killing blow, while still not necessarily affecting my team's score. Jumping straight into GSF with this mindset, self destruction seemed a... "smart" move to me. Then I hear it's not so good and I decide I'll watch the score before doing it, but when I get again under heavy fire and self destruction seems the only "solution" I forget about checking the score, so I couldn't figure just by myself if it was indeed a point against my team.


As for the "map awareness", again, coming from regular warzones, I'm used to see the map from a different point of view, allies and adversaries within my range without necessarily having to "turn" around. I can see who hits me and, even if from range, it takes me a quick turn to spot the attacker. In GSF, I try to turn around to... "face" the attacker, but no matter how much I spin I cannot figure who that is! I try to move my mouse to the mini-map to identify the enemy, but it's my ship that starts moving instead. I press spacebar to get close to the center of the map, but I quickly end up consuming whatever ... "energy" fuels my ship and have to hang on helpless while it recharges.


Oh, and what about firing at a "ship" which seems somehow close, only that it's actually on ... the other side of the rock or whatever obstacle stands between us. Why am I able to open fire at what is out of my "line of sight"? That doesn't happen when I try to shoot at an enemy that's hiding behind a corner, in "ground" warzones, and the game will warn me and my weapon will "refuse" to fire!


So, yes, coming from the "main", "open world", "ground" area, GSF seems a whole different game. I would expect to "figure it out" as I play through it, as it happened with my ... "ground" characters, but it seems one has to go find some guide... only to get flooded with all that endless list of upgrading components and several different combat styles depending on the ship you pick, ship that still doesn't seem to make much of a difference since I get killed pretty soon anyway. Sometimes it seems like you need a ... degree to make a significant progress there, while many new "pilots" would go with "but I only need my PvP gear and then, I promise, I'll never come back!"


I came here and managed to read the whole thread, and I'll try and learn the most I can so not to be a burden to my team, but it's going to take a while to get into this so different game-play and I'm afraid that many will still wonder what kind of "afk" am I with maybe not even within the "k" range damage!


Line of sight is a huge part of GSF. The reason you can shoot blasters at things that are either too far away or are behind an obstacle is because your number one job is to manage your ship's resources wisely. You have 3 power pools (Weapon, Engine, and Shield) to manage. So when firing blasters at an enemy, you will need to pay attention to what your HUD is telling you about the enemy. If the LOS is obstructed, the target cursor is dotted (not solid). If they are out of range, it should be white, not red.


It's also important to learn to use the targeting keybinds for: Nearest enemy, Enemy attacking you, and enemy in front of you. If you press the key to target the enemy targeting you, then your targeting arc (the large outer circle) should display a red diamond that indicates where to fly to find the enemy. When you actually fire your blasters, make sure you are aiming for the small red circle around the enemy.


Self destructing doesn't help your team, it hurts them. It happens to everybody from time to time (especially if you use retro thrusters). But you should never intentionally do it, It's better to search for a repair drone or try to kite the enemy attacker away from an objective.

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"Feeding" is when someone self-destructs immediately after they spawn, or lets enemy ships kill them easily so that the match finishes faster. Losses still count toward the daily and weekly, so it's a quick and easy way to get those missions done with zero consequences.


I think that if you get 0 medals, you should not get anything. I know I probably would have been in that boat, starting out on day 1, but I feel like that's a fair compromise from losses get you nothing (which I'm not a fan of) to afking or feeding gets you something. Like if you legit try and get a medal or two, but you're just bad, you still get something for a loss, which seems fair. And if you're just throwing or afking, well F you too.

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Maybe I’m just trying to see the good but I have a hard time believing most people are trying to throw matches. It seems to me more so that you have a huge influx of new or unexperienced players. GSF is difficult to get the hang of and I think we see a lot of frustration from experienced players because so many people are trying to figure it out at the same time. This is a bioware created problem though and it will have to be bioware that fixes it.
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Maybe I’m just trying to see the good but I have a hard time believing most people are trying to throw matches. It seems to me more so that you have a huge influx of new or unexperienced players. GSF is difficult to get the hang of and I think we see a lot of frustration from experienced players because so many people are trying to figure it out at the same time. This is a bioware created problem though and it will have to be bioware that fixes it.


That would be me. 100% inexperienced. For the most part I'm trying to do whatever I think I need to do. I don't play it enough to get proficient as a lot of my guildies don't play. I can't hit the side of a barn door, get turned around easy and don't know what have the things are for. The tutorial never really helped me too much. I'd like to play GSF for the sake of it , not even to farm stuff. It would have been nice to have the same kinda 'missions' that the solo space missions on rails have but with players not AI controlled fighters etc.


Sure I might have 'thrown' a game kinda sorta maybe. Not intentionally, but who knows what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.

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I think that if you get 0 medals, you should not get anything. I know I probably would have been in that boat, starting out on day 1, but I feel like that's a fair compromise from losses get you nothing (which I'm not a fan of) to afking or feeding gets you something. Like if you legit try and get a medal or two, but you're just bad, you still get something for a loss, which seems fair. And if you're just throwing or afking, well F you too.


The problem is that sometimes people come in mid-match and don't have time to get a medal.

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The problem is that sometimes people come in mid-match and don't have time to get a medal.


I understand this, I do. However if you come in at the tail end of a match you're not entitled to the perks of other player's work. Also you still have time to at least get 1 medal up there for something. It might change your play style a bit, forcing you to pick a different ship, and play a bit differently than you intended but you could still get a medal if you know what you're doing.


Again I understand how it can suck for that player, but honestly this is a no win scenario, and something has to give. Either :


1) You count only wins, which invalidates the play time of one side and several more players than just one or a couple people joining late match. Which is frustrating to the whole losing side, and could have the downsides of having less people play the game mode, if their time isn't valued at all.


2) You allow throwers and afkers to continue getting rewards, which will make the problem only worse as long as gear is attached to this game mode.


3) You potentially invalidate the game play of a couple people who join late, and not even necessarily as they can still medal. Or new players who have no idea *** they're doing (been there done that), but if I could learn the game mode enough to get several medals in a couple days (I'm still learning, but at least I understand the game mode) so can they. It just requires you to try. This seems like the least bad option to me.

Edited by Setta
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I understand this, I do. However if you come in at the tail end of a match you're not entitled to the perks of other player's work. Also you still have time to at least get 1 medal up there for something. It might change your play style a bit, forcing you to pick a different ship, and play a bit differently than you intended but you could still get a medal if you know what you're doing.


Again I understand how it can suck for that player, but honestly this is a no win scenario, and something has to give. Either :


1) You count only wins, which invalidates the play time of one side and several more players than just one or a couple people joining late match. Which is frustrating to the whole losing side, and could have the downsides of having less people play the game mode, if their time isn't valued at all.


2) You allow throwers and afkers to continue getting rewards, which will make the problem only worse as long as gear is attached to this game mode.


3) You potentially invalidate the game play of a couple people who join late, and not even necessarily as they can still medal. Or new players who have no idea *** they're doing (been there done that), but if I could learn the game mode enough to get several medals in a couple days (I'm still learning, but at least I understand the game mode) so can they. It just requires you to try. This seems like the least bad option to me.


I am one of those new players and still most of the time don’t quite know how to fly/shoot/evade and especially in deathmatches I still suck big time… but guarding a node and shooting from underneath a satellite wing at least gives me medals. So in the deathmatches chances are, I get no medals…


And because of that:

1) nope, I would most likely immediately stop playing (it was exactly the reason I stopped with ground PvP)

2) maybe it is my server (DM) but I don’t see many leeches, it is mostly really fun and people seem to be trying… so from my personal experience I don’t think it will get worse. so yes, keep it as is

3) nope, see above: as long as I cannot choose the game mode, it is a clear nope

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There is a learning curve with GSF. Here is how it goes...


1) new ... 2000-7000k dmg

2) not so new....10k dmg

3) moderately experienced .... 15-20k dmg

4) experienced ... 30-50k dmg

5) elite .. 50-100k dmg


using proton torpedoes gives you little damage and actually a lot of kills, if you do it right. So damage says nothing.

And anyway, I think having more than one way of playing, than ONE AND ONLY RIGHT WAY OF PLAYING GSF is something I consider existing, at least I hope for it.

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I am one of those new players and still most of the time don’t quite know how to fly/shoot/evade and especially in deathmatches I still suck big time… but guarding a node and shooting from underneath a satellite wing at least gives me medals. So in the deathmatches chances are, I get no medals…


And because of that:

1) nope, I would most likely immediately stop playing (it was exactly the reason I stopped with ground PvP)

2) maybe it is my server (DM) but I don’t see many leeches, it is mostly really fun and people seem to be trying… so from my personal experience I don’t think it will get worse. so yes, keep it as is

3) nope, see above: as long as I cannot choose the game mode, it is a clear nope


I've been playing GSF for 5 days now on about day 2 or 3 I got the basics down. Though there's still much to learn in the grand scheme of things I know that, and that's just the things I know I need to improve upon. There is probably a laundry list of things I don't even know that I don't know about.


However what you're telling me is that you can't get 2 kills, or 10k damage, or get 4 assists even. Then I have to ask what exactly are you doing under those satellites? Cause honestly it just sounds like you're leaching for the defense bonus, while not doing much of anything. Sure you might drop some drones, or maybe you are able to get a snipe or two on incoming players from a gunship, but overall I'm not sure what you're doing. I would say keep practicing and if your attitude is no I don't want too, then yea I can see why you wouldn't want to change things from the way they are.


That said, I don't think it's the fact that there aren't any afk people on your server, I think it's that with everything going on you're not paying attention to the people who are afk or killing themselves and just don't know any better.

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The problem is that sometimes people come in mid-match and don't have time to get a medal.


They could just make backfilling a match award 1 medal.


I had an interesting match the other night. I was on my most upgraded GSF character (all ships mastered / upgraded) and was in an 8 vs 8 deathmatch. It was over in just a few minutes (which is very rare for 8 v 8) as my team lost 50-1. I don't think anybody on our team got a kill or an assist for that 1 point. It wasn't because anybody on my team was tanking the match. I managed a measly 12K damage. As soon as I started targeting anybody, I was killed by someone else (not by a gunship) before I could finish a missile lock. So either we were up against one of the best premades I've ever seen (didn't recognize a single name) or there was something fishy happening. Needless to say, I doubt our team earned any medals.

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I've been playing GSF for 5 days now on about day 2 or 3 I got the basics down. Though there's still much to learn in the grand scheme of things I know that, and that's just the things I know I need to improve upon. There is probably a laundry list of things I don't even know that I don't know about.


However what you're telling me is that you can't get 2 kills, or 10k damage, or get 4 assists even. Then I have to ask what exactly are you doing under those satellites? Cause honestly it just sounds like you're leaching for the defense bonus, while not doing much of anything. Sure you might drop some drones, or maybe you are able to get a snipe or two on incoming players from a gunship, but overall I'm not sure what you're doing. I would say keep practicing and if your attitude is no I don't want too, then yea I can see why you wouldn't want to change things from the way they are.


That said, I don't think it's the fact that there aren't any afk people on your server, I think it's that with everything going on you're not paying attention to the people who are afk or killing themselves and just don't know any better.


well, then I am obviously not as good as you in learning new stuff (comes with age I guess), I am sorry, no need to be so hostile :(


... when I am defending a satalite and shoot other ships that come close, I am leeching? well then we have different definitions of leeching I guess /shrug


FYI I play GS for 3 days and I want to get better, already got better, and want to keep getting better, because I am actually having fun, thank you very much


what I do pay attention to on my server/the matches I've played so far, is that mostly people are nice, they help, call out A, B, or C if help is needed and we are helping. Sure I saw some ship that was kind of hiding behind the starting point, sure I saw the same name quite often sef destruct, but that were more exceptions and not the rule. And when I see something like that on the enemy team, I take my chances and at least damage if not kill said ship /again shrug


so yeah, I will probably (hopefully) get better and then getting a medal each match will most likely be possible and in the end easy as pie, but for now, while learning: keep it the way it is


(I have a feeling, they will change it soon enough anyway - if they do, I would indeed prefer your suggestion with the medals instead of only wins count... we'll see)

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well, then I am obviously not as good as you in learning new stuff (comes with age I guess), I am sorry, no need to be so hostile :(


... when I am defending a satalite and shoot other ships that come close, I am leeching? well then we have different definitions of leeching I guess /shrug


FYI I play GS for 3 days and I want to get better, already got better, and want to keep getting better, because I am actually having fun, thank you very much


what I do pay attention to on my server/the matches I've played so far, is that mostly people are nice, they help, call out A, B, or C if help is needed and we are helping. Sure I saw some ship that was kind of hiding behind the starting point, sure I saw the same name quite often sef destruct, but that were more exceptions and not the rule. And when I see something like that on the enemy team, I take my chances and at least damage if not kill said ship /again shrug


so yeah, I will probably (hopefully) get better and then getting a medal each match will most likely be possible and in the end easy as pie, but for now, while learning: keep it the way it is


(I have a feeling, they will change it soon enough anyway - if they do, I would indeed prefer your suggestion with the medals instead of only wins count... we'll see)


Defending a satellite is actively contributing. Sometimes if you're a bit too far you get the message saying you're not though, but you get medals for defending, and someone got to do it.

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well, then I am obviously not as good as you in learning new stuff (comes with age I guess), I am sorry, no need to be so hostile :(


... when I am defending a satalite and shoot other ships that come close, I am leeching? well then we have different definitions of leeching I guess /shrug


FYI I play GS for 3 days and I want to get better, already got better, and want to keep getting better, because I am actually having fun, thank you very much


what I do pay attention to on my server/the matches I've played so far, is that mostly people are nice, they help, call out A, B, or C if help is needed and we are helping. Sure I saw some ship that was kind of hiding behind the starting point, sure I saw the same name quite often sef destruct, but that were more exceptions and not the rule. And when I see something like that on the enemy team, I take my chances and at least damage if not kill said ship /again shrug


so yeah, I will probably (hopefully) get better and then getting a medal each match will most likely be possible and in the end easy as pie, but for now, while learning: keep it the way it is


(I have a feeling, they will change it soon enough anyway - if they do, I would indeed prefer your suggestion with the medals instead of only wins count... we'll see)


Hey look, disagreement aside on the issue I'm sorry if I came off as a dick. I'm not trying to belittle you or anything, and props to you for sticking it out and getting better. I completely understand this is a very different game mode that takes getting used too, and people learn at their own speeds. I'm fine even with very, very, very slow learners I have 0 problem with that. I hate the people that feel entitled enough to ruin the experience for others by sabotaging the game, because to them is the best way to get what they want fast with the least amount of effort. It's incredibly selfish, and irritating.

Edited by Setta
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A couple disclaimers:


1. I've had a SWTOR account since 1.0 (and 1.0 was a hot mess, oh boy - but I had such high hopes for this game).

2. I don't play GSF - at all, not before, and not now, and have zero plans for this in the future. PvP in general is not by vibe, especially in MMOs.


7.0 basically has no avenue for solo play that reasonably upgrades your gear so people are desperate and wind up trying anything to get something out of this terrible gearing system we got. It would have been literally better off if everyone got 320 and nothing else. But there is also part 2 - nobody who isn't normally interested in GSF would have touched it with a 10-foot pole if it wasn't for the companion nerf via presence capping. Parts of the game aren't scaled very well to that, and people who haven't gone through the whole story (and there is a lot of people who did not finish KoTFE, KoTET, and subsequent story line) are scratching their heads trying to figure out what to do about that. And here is a hope that maybe 326 will be much better than 320 so will let them finish this stuff in STORY mode (like do the Star Fortresses in heroic that you absolutely have to do to get the alliance alerts completed which are constantly pinging your UI about being unfinished. Or if you're in the middle of KoTFE and you'd really like to get your level 50 infuence Vizla back that was your *subscription* reward that you spent real money on the compendium for). So yeah, people are feeling screwed, and desperate, and will try anything to solve the problem, until it becomes impossible.


I have several max level alts, 1 of them past KoTET, but they haven't even touched Onderon yet. I don't even want to bother going back to do that content now with how unbalanced things seem to be. So I'm leveling some other alts through the story line. I don't want to use GSF as gear farm, but I see a lot of people suggesting that openly in the fleet chat - this comes up nearly every time I am in the fleet.


To me this is incredibly broken system with very discouraging gameplay, that encourages people to game things like PvP and GSF in very unappealing ways. The drama around the gear has made the game very unenjoyable. The problems around the balance has made parts of the game unplayable.


There is no point speculating that GSF is turning into a gear farm - you just have to hang out in fleet chat for an hour to see that or read a couple reddit posts. Interestingly, the "problem" being addressed in 7.0.1 is gear dismantling. People who design this game should look less at the graphs, and more actually play the game, and try to remember they are trying to sell fun. It's becoming less and less fun to everyone involved by the minute, literally.


The most depressing part of this is knowing that 7.X will be with us for a long, long time. This is the 10-year anniversary edition, so we're looking at minimum 18 months of this.

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First off, don't assume anyone not making a move for a certain amount of time is afk. Some of us aren't that familiar with this part of the game, as the tutorial is not very explanatory and we are still on a learning curve.


Gunships sometimes don't move unless someone is targeting them. I've sat around for 5 minutes or more just shooting new players who have no clue what they are doing.


Same for Bombers. I will sit on a satellite and appear AFK on the name list but the whole time I am guarding a satellite (which is not being attacked) but also providing hyper gate access.


But I have seen too many players sitting on a satellite or never spawning just afking through the match to get their weekly crates.


I like the fact that losing still gives one point out of four for the weekly, but it should only count for the weekly if the player has earned at least 1 medal.

Edited by illgot
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