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Curious where people are so far in Galactic Seasons


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I'm curious where people stand so far with Galactic Seasons.


I'm probably a bit ahead of the curve at GS 47 since I paid into the first couple of weeks. Last year I paid through the entire season the first day with cartel coins, but I'm not in a position to do that this time around with Refer a Friend gone.


What's your GS level?

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On two servers, where I have max level toons with max level crafting, I'm about 65/800

On the third, where I started completely new Legacy and a have level 26 toon (to see how 7.0 feels for the new players) I'm 54/800.


I play one toon on each server, for about an hour a day. I didn't do any PVP or group finder.

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I bought my way to the end too. That way I don't feel pressured to do content I don't enjoy just to earn points.


Over all I think the rewards were better than season 1, other than the new companion not having gear slots for customizing. Until Bioware can explain how Mandalore in a bikini fits their "vision" of Shae, but Fen Zeil in a change of clothes does not, I'm not buying their excuse for not giving all companions gear slots. I think they are just being cheap (and a tad sexist). Having numerous skins that are "find the difference" puzzles is totally not satisfying. They should at least have all been free instead of blocking our ability to 100% season 2. They sure as heck aren't worth GS tokens to get.

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Level 19 at the moment. I am actually enjoying the progression so far. Since I already do conquest on multiple characters, is a nice extra to have this to earn. I missed out on the first season beyond the first tiers because the rewards just didn't really got my attention, but this one feels pretty good what you get and I like the companion and reputation earning having a story to it. Makes the whole thing more engaging then just grind, kinda it's own mini event.
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I'm level 19 and will have just enough to get to level 20 from daily objective by the end of the week. A minimum of 5 levels per week is needed to finish by the end of the season, so this is double the rate. I like to get more, so if I am gone for vacation or sick I can take a few weeks off and still have enough points. So far the weeklies have been pretty easy. I hope that keeps up with not needing to do lots of endgame activities. The only one I do regularly is flashpoints.
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Same here. Think being 1/4 into 21 is where the average person grinding out all weeklies, dailies, bonus sub points are.

I'm 3/4 through 19; almost at 20. Not sure what I'm missing?! EDIT: Nevermind; I see that they put higher points values on the things that people don't actually want to do, so that explains why I'm a few points behind. Figures.


I noticed yesterday that when I completed the March Across the Galaxy objective that I only got four points for it, not +8 like it says, however. I put in a ticket, but I only got some cryptic reply back that doesn't actually explain what happened or even make any coherent sense. I'm pretty confused, but I think I'm being shafted out of at least a few points, and I can't figure out why, and the ticket center at BioWare can't even speak English well enough to explain the situation to me. :mad:

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Working on 11.. finding it a struggle as I am a solo player. GSF, PvP and anything group related is pretty much impossible with my physical and technical limitations. Have purchased a couple of them so far too.

Fast losing my will to play. I now hate how my characters play and have lost all hope of finishing my guild ships. Those were my end game. Not helping that the conquest reward boxes no longer give upgrades.


they have a very weird definition of "Play your way". It's definitely NOT my way.

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GS2 is a massive improvement from GS1.

I can finish the weekly and dailies on 3 servers with relative ease. Probably because it also works as gear grind.

Can't say the same about gearing. No luck getting 322+ drop and I'm still confused...


Yeah it sure is. One of the things about this expansion that I can say was, absolutely, no doubt about it, a big improvement.


I just hit 18, got another token, got the other stronghold.

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Working on 11.. finding it a struggle as I am a solo player. GSF, PvP and anything group related is pretty much impossible.


1.Look at which flashpoints give extra credit this week - they are (so far) always solo-able. Run two / three of them and you'll get weekly.

2.In the proccess you'll get some reputation tokens that will a)count towards "getting tkoens" weekly and b) provide rep conquest increase when turned in.

3.Check which planets give bonus for running missions / killing mobs. You don't have to do heroic weekly. Do separate heroids or just story missions. All will count towards the goal.

4.Doing all above will also increase your conquest points, which in turn will get you another daily / weekly done. And you have the whole week to slowly work on all those goals.


Imo GS2 is really much more solo friendly than GS1. I didn't have to do any group / PVP yet. And unless something changes drastically in the coming weeks, looks like I won't have to.

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I'm curious where people stand so far with Galactic Seasons.


I'm probably a bit ahead of the curve at GS 47 since I paid into the first couple of weeks. Last year I paid through the entire season the first day with cartel coins, but I'm not in a position to do that this time around with Refer a Friend gone.


What's your GS level?


Were you hoping to be no. 1 with your 47? Or why exactly would you care for where other people are after only one week?


Well, as expected, some people paid real life money to get to 100 immediately. I don't understand why, but I say this:


Bioware thanks you for doing exactly what they hope you would do: Be annoyed by the limitations to your playing style, so instead you pay them real life money to get to the goal in the game. That's most likely their endgame. Easy moolah. It's like they're milking you hands-free. I wouldn't be surprised if they laugh at it.


Oh, my GS level? 0.

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1.Look at which flashpoints give extra credit this week - they are (so far) always solo-able. Run two / three of them and you'll get weekly.

2.In the proccess you'll get some reputation tokens that will a)count towards "getting tkoens" weekly and b) provide rep conquest increase when turned in.

3.Check which planets give bonus for running missions / killing mobs. You don't have to do heroic weekly. Do separate heroids or just story missions. All will count towards the goal.

4.Doing all above will also increase your conquest points, which in turn will get you another daily / weekly done. And you have the whole week to slowly work on all those goals.


Imo GS2 is really much more solo friendly than GS1. I didn't have to do any group / PVP yet. And unless something changes drastically in the coming weeks, looks like I won't have to.


Already doing all that.. Thanks for the suggestions though. Also trying to combine with conquest which takes me about 3 hours per character. it's painfully slow. Well, except flashpoints which I mostly avoid as those are very painful and exhausting.

Doesn't help that my gear sucks and I am no longer getting any upgrades at all. Best geared are 278. All gear I have been getting from conquest boxes are 276 or lower.

Also many heroics I had no problem with are no longer even possible :( Also, most stuff only counts for 1 toon per day. I used to run 50 a week through conquest.. now it's only about 10 at best and that equals a full time job.. which I am not well enough to manage. I have given up ever finishing my guild ships now :(


Don't tell me to group.. believe me.. nobody wants me in their groups as I have to rest often and with 750ms to 2k ms latency, there is no way I can keep up. Nor can I compete for click-ables so CZ198 is also off the list. Starfighter and the ship missions are also not possible for me.


I am not a new player.. been doing MMOs for over 2 decades. Been in this one since the start minus a couple breaks. I do know how to play.. used to be a hard core raider.. just not physically able anymore. I know I am not alone in this. Games are an escape for me and I am usually happy to just keep to myself and do what I can, but lately swtor devs seem bent on making sure I can't. I get great joy from decorating and stuff like that. Having doubts about ever getting the apartments now too.


BTW, people like me are NOT the reason for inflation. I have barely made 20 million in the past 6 months. What little I make and all encryptions go into the guild ships. Gold farmers/buyers are the problem and they are just ignored by bioware. Also Bioware is partly at fault for putting all desirable utilities in the store. I am sure most people would happily and frequently spend credits for things like character customization even though they are reluctant to spend cartel coins on them.

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Best geared are 278. (...) I used to run 50 a week through conquest.


I can't help but wonder - if you used to run 50 toons a week through conquest, how is it possible that your best gear is only 278? I mean, from deconstructing and crates alone you should have enough tech fragments to be at 306 a long, long time ago.


I used to run about 10 toons a week (down to 5 now) - purely through solo activites - and never had any issues with getting to 306. Especially once you took one character there and then used it to just buy the mods for the rest.

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