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Game Update 7.0 - Legacy of the Sith Known Issues


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After waiting for ~10 minutes it finished loading.


Hello, Im having the same problem, the Legacy of sith screen is loading, im going to wait 10 minuts as you said.


And what here i thinking, why the hell i subcribe when the game was downloading the 7.0 version.


Can any one please help me to solve this Issue? so far the game is stuck on loading screen.

I will try tomorrow again, but its to bad who just spend money and cant even try the new features.


Best Regards


Luís Dias

Edited by Luisdrk
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AutoLoot is inconsistent about working. Most of the time it does not work.


I've only noticed this on Manaan so far personally, other content was fine. So I have a feeling it's either the new area itself or the fact that the new area is overpopulated. There are 61 instances of Invasion Zone open right now on Star Forge.

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Hiya guys.

Quick issue I ran into when logging in.


I'm missing a hotbar.

One of my hotbars had abilities such as: Debilitate, Flashbang, Cloacking Screen, Evasion, Exfiltrate. Etc.

Those abilities are now gone. And my keybinding import which used to have those keybinds set for that hotbar is now empty for that specific hotbar.


Its fixable, it just takes me time and is something I'm notifying you about.


edit: quickbar 5 is just gone completely from the keybinding import page. 1,2,3,4,6 no 5.

Edited by Iymurra
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  • Keybindings reset every time you have a loading screen
  • "Enable Area Loot" option doesn't work
  • "Auto-look on Right-Click" option doesn't work
  • Sometimes you can't close the "Combat Style" pane with "Esc" key
  • Some gear Cache (e.g.: [Decurion Gear Cache (Lower Body)]) returns nothing when opened

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Holy cow! All those "Known Issues" on the day of the expansion no less.


And that is not even all the bugs. I've encountered half a dozen bugs NOT on the Known Issues list in the first 3 hours of playing.


7.0 should have been delayed again so this beautiful game doesn't look like the POS it is right now.

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Another launch BioWare managed to completely mess up. I wish I could be surprised but honestly BioWare failing is pretty much the norm at this point. So our keybinds get reset every time you zone. I can't play with it broke like this. I have ten years of muscle memory telling me to push keys that no longer do what they're suppose to do.
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These two bugs are known issues. Just adding for additional input.


After viewing the character panel, and then viewing the galaxy map, the image of my character(or companion) pops up for a moment before the galaxy map appears.

Screenshot: https://imgur.com/BgG3yKB


I am unable to keybind the activities panel. The option to do so has been removed from the keybindings tab under preferences. The only way to access the panel is to click on the mini-map button.

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Jesus...the known issues list is longer than the patch notes. Tell me again what the delay was for then? Clearly not taking the time to fix these things.


...and I also can't even play because the launcher keeps freezing during patching, and I previously had no launcher issues like other people had in recent days...


You guys really want me to quit, don't you?

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Some people are getting all their titles and mk90 mount, most people are stating they are missing two titles or more and missing their mk90 mount. I am one of those people. I also have eividence here.


Oh yes. I'm missing the last two titles as well and the mounts with it (I know one would only be granted later, not the point) - annoyingly so. I'm gonna *bet* with you that this is because regardless of what was POSTED about us only needing to finish the last chapter of KOTET/KOTFE, when refining to grant titles they looked for full completion - I *bet*. :rolleyes:

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How about fixing the issue of boosted 70’s using your token and hitting 80 and can’t unlock combat styles since it say complete act 3. Obviously act 3 is auto completed by using the token and no way to complete class quest. The whole point of the boost is to complete the story for you to bring you current. So I leveled to 80 for nothing.
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Can we go back to Onslaught? I feel like I'm playtesting an unreleased game and paying for it. The amount of bugs that this expansion was released with is ridiculous. And the eyesore that is the new inventory widow, I feel like I'm looking at an optical illusion. The keybindings resetting after each loading screen and having to go into the main menu to apply them again and again. It made me close the game. Sad because I really enjoyed this game and want it to be good, but this new update is just terrible. Edited by jackwashere
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More bug: In the mission Restoration I couldn't get into the Republic's ship, I clicked on the bluish part, on it all and nothing. I ended up falling in the water, died and now I ended up on the other side and there's no way to get back to where I was. Please fix this, it became impossible to continue with the game.



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- Final boss in the new Elom FP casts 'Relentless assault' which insta-kills, consistently, unable to complete

- Fleet Implant vendor charges did not increase beyond completing weekly personal conquest, weekly heroic cz-198 rewarded no charges, neither did completing a vet fp via gf (czerka meltdown)

- All of the UI changes are awful, consistently.

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- Final boss in the new Elom FP casts 'Relentless assault' which insta-kills, consistently, unable to complete

- Fleet Implant vendor charges did not increase beyond completing weekly personal conquest, weekly heroic cz-198 rewarded no charges, neither did completing a vet fp via gf (czerka meltdown)

- All of the UI changes are awful, consistently.

Same here. Malgus can insta-kill and pull you and your companions under the map, which means you cannot reliably cheese the fight by hiding behind the broken pillar, plus Coalesced Lightning does approximately 100k damage per tick, making it a practically unavoidable death as well.

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For us, MM FPs did not advance the legendary implant mission. We got 2 charges for the GF bonus, but not 10 + 2 for completion. Veteran FPs work it seems.

Also, gearing seems completely random. Some of our team members got loot from every FP boss, some of here and there. It seems that having a secondary combat style (even if you don't switch to it), affects the amount of loot you can get.

Also, With item rating 320, wearing a couple of blue gear pieces from a previous Vet FP, in an MM FP, i was getting green 322 gear. Then from a green lootbox, i got blue items. No idea whats going on. It seems that for some reason, i get blue gear in one MM FP and green in an other one. No rhyme or reason. Also, vet FP, with 306 item rating gave me 320 blue drops.

The keybind bug is probably the most triggering, it was reported on the PTS forums on week one. Couldn't figure it out how to solve it, really?

Also, the UX design is laughable... this is not a bug though.

Edited by MokiDono
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Absolutely disgusting. The Malgus bug is so broken it makes Cyberpunk a Shakespearean masterpiece. I paid money for this, hard end money to be met with this...


The chat was a continuous joke about this so-called "expansion" together with one of the most anticlimactic letdowns since Covid.


Thank you for everything.

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Where to begin; No mounts, Key-binds reset, was sawbones logged off for about an hour of so then back on and no longer sawbones but ruffian, no Legacy of the Sith digital bonus stuff, every-time you switch combat styles it messes with gear and keys, UI is so not user friendly, Stealth is broken on Scoundrels your still seen and attacked, Quests are bugged the weekly on Mekh Sha Tradehouse Requisition says you have 10 hours to complete instead of a week after doing 1/3 times, and non modifiable armor. After an extra month of testing and development you even broke stuff that wasn't even part of the update. Way to go..... Just take the servers down now and reset them back and try again in a month.
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I haven't played since before the Secrets of the Enclave story flashpoint was released, so I had to play through that. Haven't gotten to the new content yet, because when I reach the Graul boss the companions first get stuck on the ledge, then after a few seconds one makes it down (Darth Rivix) then as soon as the swarm appears the companions disappear. I've tried the fight 5 times, I've run passed the boss so it de-agros so I can re call the companions... Although you're down to one then, as soon as the swarm phase starts the companion disappears again. I can't play the new content, because the old content is bugged to the point that I can't progress.
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