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Everything posted by LordBeliall

  1. How about you at the very least shut up those annoying fleet public service announcements? nobody likes them and they're ungodly annoying! not only do they blast right in our ear drums at max volume you go the extra step and actually lower the volume of everything else so they sound that much more annoying.
  2. They need to go. They're too loud, the voice actors (especially the Imp's) are horrible and they ruin my time at fleet. I dread ever going to fleet because I know these godawful service announcements are going to blast at max volume and kill what's left of my hearing. I'm going to go so far as to say they're even worse than our ship droids where when the game first launched.
  3. I'm royally PO'ed that weapons werent added to the outfitter. Most players spend a LOT of cash on weapons that we like, maybe they got a sweet sound, effect or are just plain beautiful, and now its wasted until BioWare eventually gets around to it? They couldn't be bothered to just add regular mods for our gear? You know like 100% of the playerbase has been using since this game launched? How hard would that of been? No instead we're stuck using some ugly garbage green random drop for months on end until BioWare gets done counting their $ and actually does something
  4. Another launch BioWare managed to completely mess up. I wish I could be surprised but honestly BioWare failing is pretty much the norm at this point. So our keybinds get reset every time you zone. I can't play with it broke like this. I have ten years of muscle memory telling me to push keys that no longer do what they're suppose to do.
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