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Everything posted by jackwashere

  1. -Post content removed-
  2. Can we go back to Onslaught? I feel like I'm playtesting an unreleased game and paying for it. The amount of bugs that this expansion was released with is ridiculous. And the eyesore that is the new inventory widow, I feel like I'm looking at an optical illusion. The keybindings resetting after each loading screen and having to go into the main menu to apply them again and again. It made me close the game. Sad because I really enjoyed this game and want it to be good, but this new update is just terrible.
  3. Started playing again after a really long break and the whole server merge thing is new to me, so I'm wondering which side is more active in PVP. Don't really care which side I play on as long as the que pops consistently.
  4. ...............................................................
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