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Played WOW after playing SWTOR this is what i found


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But wow's world is mostly randomly generated terrain with some buildings copied and pasted here and there. TOR's world is all hand crafted. Everywhere you go in a zone is different, in wow it's the same pre-fab building models all over the place. Also some of TOR's planets are maybe half the size of a whole continent in wow.


Besides with instant travel and flying mounts, 90% of the wow's open world isn't even used.

Edited by NasherUK
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the first point actually worsens the game - see the ability delay thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=105955


companion crafting system is like doing it yourself and going AFK. If anything makes it easier.


Moddable gear is useless at max level as you'd use raiding tier for the set bonuses.


Space minigame is on rails, and is comparing to say ... The Netherdrake races on Shadowmoon Valley or flying bombing quests


Alignment system is meaningless. End game raid gear has no alignment requirement. Dark V characters can use green lightsabers, and such.

If you hate this game so much then go back to wow

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It would be nearly impossible for BioWare if they had to make every planet area as big as the planet itself, WoW is a world but not an entire galaxy like SWTOR. I see SWTOR as quite big like on Nar Shadaa, it seems very big but isent, but still i get the feeling of it being big. Btw if you havent tried to run out of fatigue in WoW, you just havent explored enough, even WoW got limits when it comes to being an sandbox.
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But wow's world is mostly randomly generated terrain with some buildings copied and pasted here and there. TOR's world is all hand crafted. Everywhere you go in a zone is different, in wow it's the same pre-fab building models all over the place. Also some of TOR's planets are maybe half the size of a whole continent in wow.


Besides with instant travel and flying mounts, 90% of the wow's open world isn't even used.


HAHAHAHA. You must be really low level because at this point in TOR every planet feels like a copy-paste with slightly different colored rocks and skybox.

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I really love this game but I agree with you completely OP. I quit WoW about a year ago and I won't go back, but exploration was so much more fun on there. I do feel boxed in in this game, even with the huge zones like Tatooine... I never truly feel free. There's always a certain way you have to go to get somewhere. In WoW there were exhaustion zones but weren't they generally in the middle of the sea? I can't remember them anywhere else.


I decided to explore on Tython when I first began and ran into the exhaustion area restriction so quickly, it was quite disheartening :( That said, there's enough in this game that I enjoy so I am trying to look past it and see what the future brings...

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HAHAHAHA. You must be really low level because at this point in TOR every planet feels like a copy-paste with slightly different colored rocks and skybox.


And how is wow any better? You have quests to kill X of X in snow, then a bit higher level you have quests to kill X of X in some grass, then kill X of X in a place with some lava.

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But wow's world is mostly randomly generated terrain with some buildings copied and pasted here and there.


Are you sure it's not FF you're thinking of? Regardless, to me the issue is not the zone size or zone transitions, but rather the amount of freedom within each zone. SWTOR does feel a touch claustrophobic - it's mostly crypts, corridors and canyons, with bits of open area here and there. It's like the game is saying "take this walled path, ok, now you can run around on this carefully fenced off field here, see, now get back on the path." It's kind of Dragon Age-ish in that regard. Warcraft would feel the same way too, if I were forced to stick to roads from one quest hub to the next.

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HAHAHAHA. You must be really low level because at this point in TOR every planet feels like a copy-paste with slightly different colored rocks and skybox.

Actually, every planet is FAR from being copy and paste with different rocks and skies.


Nar Shaddaa and Hoth are similar? The only similarity is the planets are both round.

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In Outland you started in Hellfire Peninsula, however you could avoid Zangarmarsh entirely if you completed all of Hellfire Pensinsula. By the same merit, at elvel 68 you had either Netherstorm or Shadowmoon Valley to choose from.


In Northrend you could either start in Borean Tundra or Howling Fjord, see where I'm going? In WoW you have options where to quest. You aren't forced into an area.




Considering my class story doesn't work, yes I would. ^___^


Yea and you basically did the same exact things in both areas...what changed? the background and name of the area

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Actually I quit at level 22 and unsubbed in Tatooine, thats were my toon will stay.

After the exhaustion zone I logged and unsubbed.


/thread right here because you didn't bother to play the game long enough to have a chance to complain. Level 22 is what, 2 maybe 3 zones, in WoW? If i was judging a game from that it would be very small too.

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Jumped on my mount started running through the fields of near Sentinel Hill to help my son do a quest.

Then I stopped for a second and looked around me as my mount stood in a meadow and it hit me.

This is what SWTOR is missing, I looked all around me and saw a open world, the sun was setting before night and it felt open, open I say and I didnt feel restricted at all.

As I was thinking this a group of 15 or so players ran by me heading out to kill a group of horde that were killing npc's in Moonglade.


Thats what we call MMORPG and that is what SWTOR is not.


No, it's not. MMORPG let's break that down.


M - Massive


Large environments filled with a variety of creatures. Both games have those.


M - Multi-player


Game requires you play with other people and gives you the option to group up. Again something both have.


O - Online


Online is required for both.


RPG - Role Playing Game


This is where it gets a bit different. I would not call WoW an RPG. There is no character that you are playing the "role" of. The wikipedia definition of a role playing game is "A role-playing game (RPG) is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting, or through a process of structured decision-making or character development. Actions taken within many games succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines."


The actual RPG element is something that's been entirely missing from games like WoW for ages. I feel SWTOR is more of an MMORPG than any game before it NOW is it a sandbox experience? No, even WoW isn't really but it has a more sandboxy feel even with the cat treats left behind. Is there anything WRONG with WoW no, I've got my sub still and it's not going anywhere but that is not what SWTOR is trying to achieve.


Not every game has to be a clone of one design decision or another and to think otherwise is hubris. WoW were trying to create a vast open world with lots of things going on or you could just wander endlessly which is interesting but also I find boring. SWTOR are trying to create a universe where you can wander and see what's going on but there's a distinct story with a begining, a middle and an end (at least to that set of chapters) that has destinct impacts on what you are experiencing.


If the vast open world and space dogfighting combat was so important than Galaxies would not have tanked. The two can live coposeticaly and if that's what you really really want go and enjoy WoW it's your right just don't dump on something because it's not what you want. Others don't all share your taste.

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then uninstall and play wow. no one told u, u had to play this game. BW is selling a product so if u dont like it then don't pay for it. I personllay LOVE SWTOR and am more than happy to pay for the product that I like. If u dont then leave
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My vote goes to less instancing and more open-ness


1) remove some of the instancing required to get to your ship, enter your ship, exit your ship, exit hanger, are all those really needed? If it were better streamed-lined, I wouldn't mind it so much, maybe 1 load screen (2 if really neede) should be all that is required to leave one planet and go to another.

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I just love how people call this a WoW clone, yet complain that its missing all the key elements of WoW.


I know the op didn't call it a clone...but it's just another complaint thread with WoW mentioned as the game of all games.


As to the size of the game and planets compared to WoW. You can't sew 17 planets together, but I garantee theres more land to cover in SW than in WoW by alot. WoW just has there's all together. In SW you actually have to travel to the next land by ship.....because its frigin SW!

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And when you get out into that large sea of space you called WoW what is there to do?

Fish? swim? all very well having these large areas if there was something to do in them.

Some areas in WoW are the same size as SWTOR.

When will ppl get it into their heads not all MMO's are for everyone and if you like WoW that much play it but for the love of god please stop with the threads about why your leaving.....

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But wow's world is mostly randomly generated terrain with some buildings copied and pasted here and there. TOR's world is all hand crafted. Everywhere you go in a zone is different, in wow it's the same pre-fab building models all over the place. Also some of TOR's planets are maybe half the size of a whole continent in wow.


Besides with instant travel and flying mounts, 90% of the wow's open world isn't even used.


Wow, this is such an incorrect statement.

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This is what SWTOR is missing, I looked all around me and saw a open world, the sun was setting before night and it felt open, open I say and I didnt feel restricted at all.


Odd, I played WoW and thought it looked phoney as hell. Ugly with a color palent that looks like it came out of a taggers spray can.


You must be running WoW on a black and white monitor.


BTW, you need to see Tatooine, Alderaan and Hoth and the other large planets. You wouldn't be so foolish if you have.

Edited by Daeborn
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Jumped on my mount started running through the fields of near Sentinel Hill to help my son do a quest.

Then I stopped for a second and looked around me as my mount stood in a meadow and it hit me.

This is what SWTOR is missing, I looked all around me and saw a open world, the sun was setting before night and it felt open, open I say and I didnt feel restricted at all.

As I was thinking this a group of 15 or so players ran by me heading out to kill a group of horde that were killing npc's in Moonglade.


Thats what we call MMORPG and that is what SWTOR is not.


Jumped on my mount started running through the fields of near Sentinel Hill to help my son do a quest.

Then I stopped for a second and looked around me as my mount stood in a meadow and it hit me. Where is everyone at??? How can a world with so much open space be dead. How can zones have this much detail and no one is around to witness it.


Ah yes, then I realized...a LFG tool that will just port you to the instance or raid. Queue for battlegrounds where 50% of the BG will be BOTS which means whatever team has the least BOTS will win. Players in tradechat that at any given moment will start the A N A L ( insert random skill here ) posts. A game that has lost it's own identity.


* There I have fixed your post OP....I'm not saying SWTOR is the best MMO...I'm not even saying I'm going to stay after I finish the story on each toon I create....but don't tell me WoW is either. I've played it up until six months ago endgame. WoW has its own demons to face along with this game as well.

Edited by DiottFei
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RPG - Role Playing Game


This is where it gets a bit different. I would not call WoW an RPG. There is no character that you are playing the "role" of. The wikipedia definition of a role playing game is "A role-playing game (RPG) is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting, or through a process of structured decision-making or character development. Actions taken within many games succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines.".


Before I start, I'm going to say I'm happy with SWTOR and everything. Yes it needs to grow and they need to add things but surely that's every online game during launch.


But I have to disagree here. WoW and every other MMORPG before SWTOR are a "sand box style" role-playing game. All the characters you create in WoW, FFXI, EVE, Aion, Lineage, Rift, etc have background stories and cultures. However in these games it does not hit you in the face like it does in SWTOR. It is not a direct part of your game play if you don't want it to be. In SWTOR you can't get around the alignment system easily.. so role-playing is far more integrated into the game. I like this a lot about SWTOR to be honest.


I would say that SWTOR has revolutionized the role-playing part of the MMORPG. The same way WoW did the game play part with instances. We don't know it yet but I wouldn't be surprised if many games take the SWTOR model of "role-play" into their games in the future.


For those of you crying for a sandbox style MMO really there are plenty of those around still. They don't tend to be really popular. Instead most people call sandbox style MMORPG's "lame Korean grinders."

Edited by Marabel
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