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Game Update 6.3.1 - Known issues


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It compiled. What more do you want?! /s


At least it wasn't the fake patch...lol..

on a side note, I managed to log in, but when I went to switch to a different char, it just keeps going back to server select. Anyone else having that issue (possibly my comp, going to shut down and restart) was just wondering :)


EDIT: Seems fine now, will re edit, if it happens again :)

Edited by DarkTergon
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I'm about to try the others (which include Iokath) on another character - I'll track them first to test it out and report back.

Okay, just finished and I got completes for all my POs (weeklies and dailies) including Iokath and I had tracked them in the conquest window before starting. Progress is NOT showing in the conquest tracker, but the objective definitely completed and was awarded for me (I am now 100% less fuming :) )

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Known Issues list vying for supremecy in length with the Patch Notes now. Am I the only one who just steers clear of playing for a few days after a patch to avoid unplayability issues?!....shame it eats into 2xp time allocation.


There is a reason we have until August to complete Nightlife event each year.

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Am I supposed to have Rass Ordo's and Darth Rivix's armour sets in my inventory? What's the point.

Also, that PO untracking malarkey needs and urgent fix.



w.t.a.f??? (the ban for this abbreviation is worth it) I saw the other tracking thing but just saw this after noticing nothing was counting towards the POs. First thing I did was track the weekly/daily POs and now they can't be completed? Why do any of us even bother? Why did you bother with this patch? Why didn't you just extend maintenance until this was fixed?


if they extended maintenance until it got fixed nobody would EVER be able to play the game.

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I'm not sure if the update forgot my Imp Saboteur's are Saboteur's, or if this is supposed to be how it goes, but when talking to Pardax

about the Turbo lasers, she says that we gave Corellia's Imperial Command Intel, that led to half the weapons being destroyed before the enemy fled.


At the time when the turbo lasers first came up, I had my Saboteur take the [saboteur] option involving the turbo lasers which was pretty much 'this isn't worth our time, ignore the shipment' but the new update seems to imply otherwise. Is this how it's supposed to go for an Imperial Saboteur or did the game bug and forget?


Is this supposed to be what happens for a Saboteur? Or did this option just mean we didn't try to use Zenith for it, and dealt with the shipment another way? My Imp loyalist was told Zenith escaped, but my Saboteur never had him mentioned. I just wanted clarification before I take anymore of my Imps through.


at least you lasted one update longer then i did. enclave fp screwed me out of my op saboteur toon.

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I read somewhere that there are only two developers left on the game. If that is indeed the case, then they have my sympathies. They're both under the gun to do bug fixes and develop new content, and they probably don't have adequate testing before being forced to deploy whatever it is that they've got completed. 'We'll test it in PROD' is probably their paradigm right now.


Still, this patch seems like one step forward, two steps back.


Edited to add: kudos for doing a hotfix on that bug regarding progress on POs. That was pretty much a SEV 1 item.

Edited by Vaipetrucci
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I read somewhere that there are only two developers left on the game. If that is indeed the case, then they have my sympathies. They're both under the gun to do bug fixes and develop new content, and they probably don't have adequate testing before being forced to deploy whatever it is that they've got completed. 'We'll test it in PROD' is probably their paradigm right now.


Still, this patch seems like one step forward, two steps back.


Edited to add: kudos for doing a hotfix on that bug regarding progress on POs. That was pretty much a SEV 1 item.


Please cite [somewhere].


Also, strongly consider reading the game's credits for the most recent expansions, because for Bioware to go from the number of programmers, artists, and editors listed in the credits down to two... even if the majority were contractors now long gone, and even with any devastating effects of COVID visited on employees, that's a ridiculously (read: highly implausible) huge drop.


This is showing slightly more than two, and I'll hazard more than 2 of them are working on SWTOR.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Covert Stalker mount is broken. When I mount up the "flourish" action is already initiated. So the nose of my speeder is retracted which looks silly. I never use that flourish feature anyway.


Now when I mount up I have to mount, then press ctrl + Z two separate times. Because the first time I do Ctrl + Z does nothing at all. Almost like it's activating it (although it's already activated when mounting) the second time, it deactivates and puts my mount back where it should be as if I had just mounted up.

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Please cite [somewhere].


Also, strongly consider reading the game's credits for the most recent expansions, because for Bioware to go from the number of programmers, artists, and editors listed in the credits down to two... even if the majority were contractors now long gone, and even with any devastating effects of COVID visited on employees, that's a ridiculously (read: highly implausible) huge drop.


This is showing slightly more than two, and I'll hazard more than 2 of them are working on SWTOR.


It was one of the other bugs that are open on here. I'll see if I can find it.


I'll agree that two devs seems unlikely but if the game is literally in 'support' mode, who knows.

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Here's the quote:


I keep saying this but it is hard to think otherwise when we hit the 2nd anniversary of these issues: there are literally 2 devs left working on this game. 2 years later after this thread and the volume is still as low, NPCs still knee deep below the stage, hell I can't even access half of the secondary hooks of the decos because they are under its floor. Nothing was adressed.
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Hi folks,


We deployed a fix for the Priority Objectives not progressing bug.


Thank you for your patience while we worked on this issue.


So a bit confused, you found a fix but has it been done yet? Just went to try and do mine before the reset soon and nothing completed was able to reset one to get unranked warzone and that one completed just fine but still can't get other one finished

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I had the Priority Objective to kill 75 on: Yavin, Taris, Dantooine, Oricon. I did not track the objective. I tried to do this objective AFTER the hotfix. Objective never updated.


It's because we're not supposed to get that objective this week. I had that, and complete 4 daily missions on Yavin 4yesterday. I rerolled them when I could.

Edited by Toraak
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In the new mission "Relentless Ambitions," several characters are wearing incorrect outfits. Theron, Lana, and Shae Vizla both wear their default outfits/customizations instead of what they are equipped with as companions. Zenith wears his original base game outfit in the Republic version cutscene and as a returned companion.


Further details: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9952473#post9952473

Edited by neoraFIVE
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Any chance of looking at the status of Saboteurs in 6.3.1. If my Imperial Saboteurs took the Saboteur option when it came to the turbo laser shipment (i.e ignore it) then Pardax surely should not be acting like we gave Imperial Command Intel that lead to it being half destroyed. That doesn't seem right, and I don't want to risk taking my other characters through this update right now.
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Here are the current known issues for GAME UPDATE 6.3.1:


  • Tracking any Priority Objectives before being progressed makes it impossible for the Objective to be progressed and completed.


Not sure if this is related but....


Upon getting my ZENITH companion back (as Jedi Consular) , after doing the 'Relentless Ambitions' purple mission , none of my 'kills' are counting/tracking at all toward Zenith's companion-kill-achievement titled 'Rebellion' (the counter is stuck at 148/1000 , which is unfortunately where i had it left during the time when Zenith originally disappeared after KOTFE/KOTET expansion chapters)


If it matters, i also used a 'Commander's Compendium' boost-to-level-50 item on Zenith (before going out with him to make some 'kills' ) .


And yes, i have already filed an IN-GAME Bug Report about this issue.

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Any chance of looking at the status of Saboteurs in 6.3.1. If my Imperial Saboteurs took the Saboteur option when it came to the turbo laser shipment (i.e ignore it) then Pardax surely should not be acting like we gave Imperial Command Intel that lead to it being half destroyed. That doesn't seem right, and I don't want to risk taking my other characters through this update right now.


This... I noticed this on my imperial sabatour as well and backed out of the quest instead of finishing it. I hope they fix this or give us some heads up if this is intended for some reason

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Any chance of looking at the status of Saboteurs in 6.3.1. If my Imperial Saboteurs took the Saboteur option when it came to the turbo laser shipment (i.e ignore it) then Pardax surely should not be acting like we gave Imperial Command Intel that lead to it being half destroyed. That doesn't seem right, and I don't want to risk taking my other characters through this update right now.


Yeah, I was wondering about this. I don't have a saboteur PC yet, but I plan to relatively soon.

Edited by OldVengeance
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