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Why Continue To Play SWTOR?


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I purposely ignored the brevity rule to weed out those I was speaking of, knowing they wouldn't read it all, but tried to keep the wit.


yeah and you did, it was a great post, however, that being said...


How could I not quote the Shakes up in here? it was too obvious a response?


sorry if i gave the impression of "wall of text crits u for 9000" that wasn't what i was trying to do, figured you'd have a chuckle at what i said :p

Edited by artilleryshell
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OP I read your entire post and I disagree.


I played WoW and left for a reason...it sucked. Even after years of playing and getting several toons to 85 it still sucks. I went back briefly for Cataclysm, and guess what? It still sucks.


Why did I play? And why did I go back? Because there was really no MMO left to play. And why play a new crappy MMO when I can play a crappy MMO that I already have several high level characters? Make sense? Of course it does.


Now that SWTOR is out, yes it's just like WoW, but guess what? It's not crappy! Sure it has bugs, all new games do. Sure it lacks the bells and whistles I need to role-play with more enjoyment, but that will be added. In the end, despite it's current shortcomings, SWTOR is not crappy.


Case in point, WoW is crap, and that is why I will stick with SWTOR.


P.S. - Speed Seduction does not work in forums. It requires vocal and sumliminal body language to work.

Edited by Darth_Malady
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yeah and you did, it was a great post, however, that being said...


How could I not quote the Shakes up in here? it was too obvious a response?


sorry if i gave the impression of "wall of text crits u for 9000" that wasn't what i was trying to do, figured you'd have a chuckle at what i said :p


I only used your quote as a way to bump the thread back to the front page. At least we're both well read individuals :D

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Oh! Ok, I know what you mean. SW, was at one point, being toted as FPS RPG type game but in truth, it's because there is no Auto Attack. You have to press the buttons manually every time you want to attack (we'll steer away from the issues and bugs of this at this point).


FPS games are instant action, for sure, and do that quite well. But, let's seriously look at the FPS games out there. They've had no innovation whatever in years, dang near a decade, the only thing they are adding is more realistic graphics. To use your analogy of collection quests in MMO's, all FPS games are Capture The Flag style games with different settings and eras. It's a tough pill to swallow when you realize this, but it's very true.


I contend there have been no actual advancements in Gameplay in any genre for almost a decade. Only new genres are being created, old genres are merely being updated with better skins (higher end graphics), and are quite interchangeable, at best.


BF games are like MW games. The rabid fanbois of each game will eat me alive for saying this and go to great lengths to prove me wrong, but, were I to set up 2 screen shots, 1 of each, it would be VERY difficult to tell them apart.


Not to get off on a rant here, but I've been around video games since they started, and I mean prior to the Atari 2600. Back in the day, you'd get a NES or Sega game for your console and it would take weeks or months to finish. A 256M game on a cartridge would take months to finish. Any player of the original Zelda can attest to this. These days games come in at around 8-20 GIGS and can be beaten in a weekend. Bio Shock was an awesome, beautiful game, and I finished it in 12 hours.


Does this mean games were better? Define 'better' that everyone can agree on, then we'll discuss what was what.


Well actually you are spot on about BF MW etc. They are just facsimiles of each other and there has been little innovation although I would argue that the original Crysis was a definite new direction. I too have gamed from the start. I used to type Computer & Video Games listings into my Dragon 32 and even wrote a rudimentary tank game in Basic after seeing the original Tron. I don't claim to be able to write this stuff (even though I am a full time programmer) but I can tell when something isn't quite right or when a developer has been lazy because they want to attract the established community. I love RPGs like Skyrim but this one....??? As for better well that is definitely another discussion entirely. I guess the fact that an MMO never ends means the story will be slow and protracted thus taking the impact out of it. Is that a "better" situation?

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OP I read your entire post and I disagree.


I played WoW and left for a reason...it sucked. Even after years of playing and getting several toons to 85 it still sucks. I went back briefly for Cataclysm, and guess what? It still sucks.


Why did I play? And why did I go back? Because there was really no MMO left to play. And why play a new crappy MMO when I can play a crappy MMO that I already have several high level characters? Make sense? Of course it does.


Now that SWTOR is out, yes it's just like WoW, but guess what? It's not crappy! Sure it has bugs, all new games do. Sure it lacks the bells and whistles I need to role-play with more enjoyment, but that will be added. In the end, despite it's current shortcomings, SWTOR is not crappy.


Case in point, WoW is crap, and that is why I will stick with SWTOR.


P.S. - Speed Seduction does not work in forums. It requires vocal and sumliminal body language to work.


I do apologize you missed the satirical approach I took, I attempted to throw enough tongue in cheek comments in there to keep it flowing, but it was my intention to say what you feel.

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Actually I only played WoW to level 75ish and quit, as it bored me to tears. The only reason I made it that high was because a lot of co-workers played it, and I had fun talking to them on Vent.


The story driven aspect of this game makes leveling much funner, and I like the crafting system in this game. I see myself sticking with this along side Eve for quite a while.

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From what I skimmed, it seems the poster assumes, everyone playing this game used to play WoW, and that because we all invested time in WoW, we should just stop playing Old Republic now and go back to WoW because there is more to do, or something along those lines.


I love this game, and yes I used to play WoW, I won't deny it. I don't really care about leaving my level 85 to rot for all eternity because I enjoy this game. Now don't get me wrong, there are problems with this game, but what large scale game doesn't have problems upon release. The point of an MMO is that the continued support of subscriptions will allow them to consistantly improve and add upon, so I look forward to the future.


The people who keep comparing this game to WoW, don't seem to understand how long WoW has had to improve it's self. WoW in vanilla was pretty limited. I'd rather compare this game to KOTOR, and then enjoy the fact that there are tons of other people playing with me.

You do understand he is being sarcastic?

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Well actually you are spot on about BF MW etc. They are just facsimiles of each other and there has been little innovation although I would argue that the original Crysis was a definite new direction. I too have gamed from the start. I used to type Computer & Video Games listings into my Dragon 32 and even wrote a rudimentary tank game in Basic after seeing the original Tron. I don't claim to be able to write this stuff (even though I am a full time programmer) but I can tell when something isn't quite right or when a developer has been lazy because they want to attract the established community. I love RPGs like Skyrim but this one....??? As for better well that is definitely another discussion entirely. I guess the fact that an MMO never ends means the story will be slow and protracted thus taking the impact out of it. Is that a "better" situation?


Well, most MMO's have the exact opposite and that is: quick one off quests to collect rat tails or wolf hearts. EQ first introduced the 'Epic Quest' and it was truly epic, required dozens of people to help you complete so you could personally get an item, everyone else was there for support and to see you get it, they got nothing except a hearty thank you from the recipient. WoW put in story line quests, but nothing near as epi as EQ1's Epic Item quests. This game offers the Story Line quests which arc throughout your characters level span.


Is that innovation? Not really. The cut scenes for quests kind of is, but not entirely. The point is, you'll find this in every MMO you play. One off quests are rampant, even in SWTOR, so, I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for in the game, but if you find it, grab on to it, and above all else, this is a game meant to entertain. Ask yourself how your being entertained and what the entertainment level is for yourself. Not all games are for everyone and if the game doesn't do it for ya, there's no harm in say ing Thank You and moving on.

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The summary is that he's being sarcastic and taunting the wow fanboys for wanting Swtor to be like wow more and maxing to level50 so fast.


Not taunting them, I am challenging them to hang tight and see what the next few patches bring. The elite gamers are the ones that are going to drive and playtest the endgame for us casual players. I know this because I was one at one point in my life. Back then, we had more patience and better avenues of discussion and feedback than threatening to quit on the boards.

Edited by QDMcGraw
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How many times did the OP repeat himself? The first four paragraphs were essentially the same invalid point repeated over and over and the condescending writing style was annoying and did nothing but make me madder as I read on.


This guy just sounds like one of those people that got married and had kids too early in life and now hates the rest of us that didn't. Somehow it's our fault he can't raid the way he'd like to, WE'RE the problem, not him.

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Rarely does it happen.


But sometimes, a post or thread is made that is so well worded, so excellent in nature, and so true to the very essence of the topic, that it actually becomes something else all together.


This is one of those threads.


This thread has morphed into a sort of sifter.


Thank you QDMcGraw! This is one of the best posts/threads I've seen in this game.


Happy New Year all!

Edited by Skoobie
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Yes, WoW at release was a lot smaller than it is now. There was a lot less to do at 60 than there is now at 85. But I have very fond memories of watching a guy at an Internet gaming cafe fight a Corehound with his raid a month or so after the WoW launch and thinking how crazy it was. 40 people vs this one monster? Nuts! I had only tagged along on a UBRS raid once at that point and hadn't even heard of Molten Core.


Now, I am officially retired from WoW, never going back. I am loving my time with TOR and wish it every possible success. That said, derping through heroic Esseles simply does not compare to the mystery and excitement of level 60 content in vanilla WoW. I don't think anything ever will. :cool:

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How many times did the OP repeat himself? The first four paragraphs were essentially the same invalid point repeated over and over and the condescending writing style was annoying and did nothing but make me madder as I read on.


This guy just sounds like one of those people that got married and had kids too early in life and now hates the rest of us that didn't. Somehow it's our fault he can't raid the way he'd like to, WE'RE the problem, not him.


Acutally, I'm not married, and have no kids. Why marry a woman when so many give up the booty without a ring? Points were repeated to create the theme and weave the whole narrative. I'm glad you caught on to that!


As for raiding, I still do, I'm just not on the bleeding edge of content anymore, and with SWTOR, I am taking my time. All my RL friends are finishing up their first 50's, and I'm still 25. I like it that way. I do have a very active social life (friends, family, volunteer work, music), so sometimes I do miss being plugged into the game every moment I'm not at work, but I've also learned to balance my life in my years.


Am I jealous? Not entirely, but there's still a small part of my heart aching to burn through content and strut around the common areas. I've grown, and I pass the gauntlet to the younger generation to keep the flame of elitism burning bright asking them to hang tight, be patient and be constructive.

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Not taunting them, I am challenging them to hang tight and see what the next few patches bring. The elite gamers are the ones that are going to drive and playtest the endgame for us casual players. I know this because I was one at one point in my life. Back then, we had more patience and better avenues of discussion and feedback than threatening to quit on the boards.


True, but they can always make a new toon and enjoy the game till everyone is at the right level.

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I have no idea what point it is you're trying to get across.


Who are you so angry at?


I was 50 in a week, have a wife and a job, eagerly watched every story unfold and even chased down/followed through on quests I enjoyed the story of after they were gray. I'm in no rush to 'WIN' a game that can't be won, ever.


There is no finish line.


Yet I've also done eternity vault, which is a raid. Is that bad? I do it for myself, not for you or anyone else. Is it OK to lump everyone into the same pool or do you think there might actually be a few more shades of grey in there that you've overlooked from your highhorse?


I honestly read your entire original post and it's just a rambling incoherent mess.


On one hand it sounds as if you're bitter that you don't have the time you used to, on the other it just sounds like...you're angry at some subset of players...or something.


I assume if someone's going to devote that much time to a post there's an underlying theme you're attempting to get across

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It's been 2.5 weeks and you're already max level and have nothing to do. You, my friend, are a serious gamer!


Now you are either


A. a WoW employee who is afraid that his job is on the line and must do something about it.


B. You are a WoW player who is stuck to WoW and can not accept better updated games.


C. You are a troll with nothing better to do but troll these forums looking for trouble.

Edited by Cordarn
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Well, most MMO's have the exact opposite and that is: quick one off quests to collect rat tails or wolf hearts. EQ first introduced the 'Epic Quest' and it was truly epic, required dozens of people to help you complete so you could personally get an item, everyone else was there for support and to see you get it, they got nothing except a hearty thank you from the recipient. WoW put in story line quests, but nothing near as epi as EQ1's Epic Item quests. This game offers the Story Line quests which arc throughout your characters level span.


Is that innovation? Not really. The cut scenes for quests kind of is, but not entirely. The point is, you'll find this in every MMO you play. One off quests are rampant, even in SWTOR, so, I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for in the game, but if you find it, grab on to it, and above all else, this is a game meant to entertain. Ask yourself how your being entertained and what the entertainment level is for yourself. Not all games are for everyone and if the game doesn't do it for ya, there's no harm in say ing Thank You and moving on.


Thanks. I have now officially moved on, deleted my character, uninstalled and shredded the discs. I feel a lot better now and you have helped me put my frustrations with this game into perspective. I still await the MMO that will be genuinely different & new. I will certainly hold off longer next time before dipping my toe in the MMO water. I'm off to kill some russians, afghans, germans or whoever wants to mess with me and my M4!

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You were generally right, and I thought you were leading up to somthing interesting, until halfway through the 4th paragraph, where you accuse me of liking Harry Potter and posit that I never played Vanilla Wow.


I played Wow from early beta on, and still hold it as a great game. After Lich King I just kinda resigned myself to not being able to do every single raid, too much time put in and the bar will just always be raised again. Now I will just play every expac for a month or so (cleared all of starting Cataclysm besides Nefarion/Onyxia) to see the new content and enjoy what Blizz has crafted.


SWTOR is way awesome cause I actuall feel like I am playing a different game with each toon, at least for the first 3 or 4 I am sure it will be captivating each time. I am still endgaming my initial character but yeah already running out of stuff to do besides pvp. Also I win at pvp, maybe you lose despite how super awesome you are at Wow arenas, but I own people in pvp as a tank.

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