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10 Good
  1. No it's not. Anyone who thinks so is ignoring the lower levels.Selling to level 50's has it's problems but the lower levels gulp the stuff you make down like a trusty man in a desert drinking water.
  2. Yes, All the way to purple.
  3. You can't get earpieces with augment slots out side of making them your self.
  4. Ding ding ding....We have a winner. Do forget that fact that the default price does not cover operation cost.
  5. Wait.....WHAT? How is gtn interface bad or hard to use? You just click the item your sell, put down how long your selling it for and set the price. How is that awful?
  6. What about the cost to make said items? How do you make up the money lost trying to get materials and specs...This has to be considered.
  7. Don't tell them....I like taking advantage them selling purples at base price.
  8. dreman

    Is RE broke?

    But it's not tied to mats, it tied to the materials. That's what controls the market. Even if we have the specs for the item, how can we make it if we don't have the proper material. Add on critical crafting, and it add a new level of variability to the game.
  9. dreman

    Is RE broke?

    *Looks at the auction house... What saturation? You can hardly get a purple materials to make these mats. Blue and up are barely on the market.
  10. dreman

    Is RE broke?

    My server isn't like that at all a blue or green spec at 33 5 to 7 k. Only purples are 10 k and up.
  11. Choices do matter.It just that some time they narrow the choices you make. Just because they it linear at one point of the story doesn't mean the entire story is like that.
  12. Wow, that's a lot of ************. In the end it's just you saying....I hate him and I don't want him on my ship. Doesn't really cover the reason why you can't kill your companions...I'm luck. Smugglers have no bad companions unless they really play dark side.
  13. 1.You'll soon gain the ability to take mods off purple gear. So that still has some use to make regular armor. 2. It's not that easy to crit any gear in this game.
  14. Light spring was always hard and tricky. You have to do thing in away to beat it.
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