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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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These devs have a lot to prove to the gaming community and themselves. Anyone who expects them just lean back and watch their MMO erode because of bugs and unresponsive combat is jumping to a anxious and hasty conclusion.


I don't think Bioware has bit off more than they can chew, it's just going to take a few months gnaw out the bugs and loose mechanics.


If the game shapes up to something amazing then I'll be happy saying "Started playing first day of early access and didn't miss a thing". If not well I can't get on them for trying and my life won't be destroyed.

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I had just got done telling some dude on mmorpg.com that was having a hard time getting him self aroused to log back into this game what makes me want to log into it all the time, I told him the combat cause I loved how silky smooth it was for my Jedi Knight.


Its one of those things to me, Iv been playing mmos since meridian 59 and underlight which I still do, but I own mostly just mmos. My latest being WOW, Rift, SWG, Warhammer online, and Aion plus tons others like eve, lotro,DDO, just about every mmo you can think of, I also played a bit of everquest when it first released. What I was saying though, with this game is even though there are a few iffy moments in combat, the game will change with time, its not always going to stay like that. I mean who can tell the difference between all the player resistances to which skills any way plus you cant expect the thousands of skills bioware has made to work flawlessly in there first week, I dont know exactly but to me it didnt bother me really.


Iv put in 40 hours so far, which isnt much but Iv enjoyed it alot, and look forward to loging back in every time I play. Maybee look more at enjoying logging into the game then its downfalls for now untill the dust settles for SWTOR to some degree.


Just remember, the game is what the players make of it especially in an mmorpg. You can everything in the world but it wont make you happy all the time. SWTOR is going to be what you make of it, even if the combat was 100% perfect, can you tell your selves that there wouldnt be something else causing you to say the game just isnt up to your standards. Its not easy being SWTOR, guide it along, push it forward with care dont overload it by saying the game is **** and its going to stay that way till it dies and that its a terrible pos cause of some delay.


Start watching your cast bars.


As soon as you realize that they have NOTHING in common with what is going on, this will start to infuriate you.


These devs have a lot to prove to the gaming community and themselves. Anyone who expects them just lean back and watch their MMO erode because of bugs and unresponsive combat is jumping to a anxious and hasty conclusion.


I don't think Bioware has bit off more than they can chew, it's just going to take a few months gnaw out the bugs and loose mechanics.


If the game shapes up to something amazing then I'll be happy saying "Started playing first day of early access and didn't miss a thing". If not well I can't get on them for trying and my life won't be destroyed.


One of the problems though, is that we shouldn't have to pay for several months of gameplay while they sort things out to make the game.....playable.


If they sort everything out, awesome, but I'm not paying them 6 months play time to do it.

Edited by Arkimor
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First time posting in this thread line.


I think anyone who has ever played more than one game should be able to at least feel the problem. It is there, I don't like it, even though it levels the playing field a little bit. I vaguely remember them talking about the 0.5sec delay being intended. If it was, they will be able to remedy the situation. If not they still will be able to, but it will take some time.


I'm amazed by how much gamers have grown since my first steps in MMOs. Criticism like this shows, how much people care for a product they pay for. They want it to succeed, they want it to be good. And this is partly why WoW could rise to where it is today. Ever wonder how the game would have fared, if they didn't shamelessly adapt great user made modifications into their own programming arsenal?


To the OP: I bow to you. Very impressive work. From now on, I shall monitor these threads and hope with you for a fix. I know I will love the game even more, when the combat system is up to speed.



Edited by Guiatan
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He could, very possibly have done just that. Imagine the entire development focus being on immersion (or thinking it anyways -- not realizing that this feeling of responsiveness is a major part of immersion).


What if Georg and his team were instructed to "perfect" immersion? What if they were told, "Hey, WoW is good and all but look at how the swords don't touch!! -- We need to make Lightsabers touch!!" What if their entire focus was misguided in this or similar fashion?




A seemingly casual *** development team, none of them likely have ever killed a Boss encounter on heroic while it was relevant. Furthermore, I have serious doubts that any of the team have any credible credentials in PvP (CS:S, SC2, WC3, WoW Arena etc.).


I am almost completely convinced that the Bioware Dev. Team is put together by incredibly casual people who are out of touch with the more "high up" things in MMO Gaming. Both Blizzard (especially), ArenaNet, Trion, have some pretty serious gamers in their ranks -- and I don't mean "pretty serious RPers".




I believe there was way too much "Back-patting" being done at the "amazing" success that Lightsabers "touch" in combat and deflect blasters etc. to notice something like the lack of responsiveness.


There was simply no-one around to say: "Umm, guys, this is garbage... why is this so clunky?"


They believe their PvP to be amazing, and balanced! You know why? because it is! -- It balances a Top Player (Professional even) with a complete novice to MMO Gaming. Anyone can really kill anyone in this system, personal "skill" is rather made ineffective. I think Bioware was deluded by this a little?




Once again, I would love nothing more than a Bioware employee to correct all of the above, until that time... I can simply analyze and draw conclusions.


wow...took the ideas right out of my brain. People may not be able to express the game-play but they definitely FEEL it, subscriptions are based on FEEL, BIOWARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION??????

Edited by Froth
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...They believe their PvP to be amazing, and balanced! You know why? because it is! -- It balances a Top Player (Professional even) with a complete novice to MMO Gaming. Anyone can really kill anyone in this system, personal "skill" is rather made ineffective. I think Bioware was deluded by this a little?.


Quoting this because besides the horrible UI and ability delay this issue is the biggest gripe I have with this game.


The skillcap is an inch off of the floor at the moment - good for casuals, but not so good for us that are interested in competitive pvp...

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WTH is this about?


I push my hotkey, it does my ability, GCD happens, I press my next ability and it happens and so on and so fourth. Whats the issue? My game is responding exactly how my hunter and rogue acted in wow.


watch the videos in OP, education++. knowledge++. Exactly like WoW = 100% incorrect, try again. Watch the videos in OP.

Edited by Froth
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I think the OP is doing a great job at this - and it's especially great that people add YouTubes of actual fails and that these get added to the OP.


I also agree the combat glitches is the most important issue I'm aware of in the game currently.

Edited by Axxar
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WTH is this about?


I push my hotkey, it does my ability, GCD happens, I press my next ability and it happens and so on and so fourth. Whats the issue? My game is responding exactly how my hunter and rogue acted in wow.




Go to the first page, read it. Watch the videos highlighting the issue. Read that the developers have already acknowledged the issue....


Then come back and tell us it's all fine and dandy.

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WTH is this about?


I push my hotkey, it does my ability, GCD happens, I press my next ability and it happens and so on and so fourth. Whats the issue? My game is responding exactly how my hunter and rogue acted in wow.


No they're not.


Please read the OP completely, as well as other posts.


Like I said to someone else recently, watch your cast bar, as soon as it ends use another ability; if it went off immediately,......wait......


.....not sure if serious?



Could you quickly explain it to give people here an idea? cause most of the people here seems to have no idea.


Inverse is true, actually. MOST people "here' know exactly what's going on.

Edited by Arkimor
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I will say that I 100% have not had any issue with my character using their abilitys after one another, after the global cooldown has happened.


The one video with the jedi's ability getting stuck has never happened on my sith wrrior nor my imperial agent.


I will say that my use of abilitys is slower because of the GCD then wow's but every ability I use goes off and yes, I do watch my ability bar as well as everything else that is going on, on my screen.


Maybe its me and maybe the ability thing is causing my rotations when in a fight to be slower but I kinda like that.


I never liked the idea of spamming my G11 keys in wow as I thought it was too fast of a pace.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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That's the other thing, wasn't there supposed to be an EPIC COMBAT EXPERIENCE? When does it start? When did I have to pre-order to get the EPIC COMBAT EXPERIENCE?


because mine is pretty delayed and buggy and not synched with my animations

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I will say that I 100% have not had any issue with my character using their abilitys after one another, after the global cooldown has happened.


The one video with the jedi's ability getting stuck has never happened on my sith wrrior nor my imperial agent.


I will say that my use of abilitys is slower because of the GCD then wow's but every ability I use goes off and yes, I do watch my ability bar as well as everything else that is going on, on my screen.


Maybe its me and maybe the ability thing is causing my rotations when in a fight to be slower but I kinda like that.


I never liked the idea of spamming my G11 keys in wow as I thought it was too fast of a pace.


All i got was is that you are slow, don't like fast combat, and never played a competitive MMO. SWTOR will fail if it has catered to people like this. 100% Truth, THE END.

Edited by Froth
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I will say that I 100% have not had any issue with my character using their abilitys after one another, after the global cooldown has happened.


The one video with the jedi's ability getting stuck has never happened on my sith wrrior nor my imperial agent.


I will say that my use of abilitys is slower because of the GCD then wow's but every ability I use goes off and yes, I do watch my ability bar as well as everything else that is going on, on my screen.


Maybe its me and maybe the ability thing is causing my rotations when in a fight to be slower but I kinda like that.


I never liked the idea of spamming my G11 keys in wow as I thought it was too fast of a pace.


It is not a debate - the issue is recognized by BW and by most players. If you don't recognize the issue it is simply because you aren't good enought to see it. Sorry to be an ******e.. but it is what it is.

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This game did have hardcore gaming devs working on this game. They developers from Warhammer Online working on their team. Who were probably so terrified about losing their jobs (understandable) that they hesitated to point out the slow casting abilities.


Also I think everyone got so excited about the cinematic story lines and voice work, it overshadowed the gameplay.


I didn't notice this problem in beta. Most likely because I was so happy to play it, that I neglected to pay attention to any real problems. Plus the fact that I didn't get past level 10 could have been part of the reason. Maybe it wasn't as bad.


I don't know, I hope they can fix it.


Because I loved WAR with all its clunkiness and bugs. And I stayed in that game long after I should have left. And i watched EA slowly strangle it. I definitely don't want to have the same experience here.

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I want to add my name my to the list of people who are absolutely frustrated at trying to PVP with this issue.


It is by far my biggest problem with the game. As a short term fix while sorting out root cause does anyone think reducing the ridiculously long 1.5 second GCD time would help matters?.

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Hi All,


Just to keep this thread going, my worst ability that clearly demonstrates the issue is diagnostic scan. I really hope Bioware fix this!


I was wondering if the issues with the raid party interface not updating could be down to the same server lag issues...


Bioware have been aware of that from way back in beta and has not been rectified.


Makes me concerned that this is quite a design floor that is difficult to change without spending bucket loads of money!



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Coming from a PVE only player, I can say that the game content itself is not hard, what's hard is ability delay due to animations, Instant cast should be instant, If I am using 3 of my oh **** cooldowns in a 1 second period of time they had better all damned well trigger in that time. But I find myself Hitting Saber Ward -> Cloak -> Predation (Keyed as alt 1, 2, 3) and all of them are instants and more then 4 seconds later Predation is not up? I am still spamming alt 3? Unacceptable, marauders are squishy as hell when you get a big group you need your defensive abilities right now. Thanks to this ability delay I find myself popping Saber ward and Cloak before I even Engage as It gives me the mitigation I need to deal with 4-5 targets at once and kill 3 of them making the fight Survivable. (3 Regulars, 1 Strong, 1 Elite).


Again it is unacceptable to lose 4 seconds out of a 10 second ability to *********** ability Delay that is 40% of that abilities time, that is 4 seconds of 50% damage mitigation lost which is HUGE in PVE and I Imagine it would be a pretty damned big deal in PVP as well.


Another example is Kick which has to be used while a target is slowed naturally I pair this ability with another ability that slows my target. Thanks to ability delay on an Instant use ability I am missing my free 700-1000 Kinetic damage kick about 50% of the time while spamming my 9 key relentlessly hoping I get it. After assessing this I have come to the conclusion that Kick is now a useless ability because of the delay, the only way I would reliably get it to proc is if I coordinated with another person to slow my target for me. Ridiculous.


I am not against global cooldowns let me be absolutely clear about that I am against ability animations taking priority over game play. Believe it or not after you've seen an ability used 20X or so you no longer care so much about it you would rather have the effect of it then see it.

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