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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Bioware will say its combat is different to wow and this is just part of the games mechanics.


I this happens, SWTOR will not only be the game that had the fastest player influx, but also the fastest game to losemost of those players. Even now most of my guildmates just logs in to do some stuff, hoping the lag is gone, and when thye realize even solo play is fcked now, they ust go offline.

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I really noticed this when trying to interrupt an enemy player's cast bar from trying to prevent a heal, he was about 1/4 through the heal, I hit interrupt and the heal goes off with my interrupt kicking in shortly after.


It looks like Bioware has seen this thread and will be addressing it soon.


Also Happy New year everyone!

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I really noticed this when trying to interrupt an enemy player's cast bar from trying to prevent a heal, he was about 1/4 through the heal, I hit interrupt and the heal goes off with my interrupt kicking in shortly after.


It looks like Bioware has seen this thread and will be addressing it soon.


Also Happy New year everyone!


Yeah, interrupts are almost useless.

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You know what's scary is that video particularly:



Gives a patch number - and I know that problem has been reported for a loooooong time even since BETA - and nothing's been done about it.


Player: Humdeehum castin a spell do do do dada daaaa! Oops, gotta move a step out of that fire.


UI: Dude, stop moving.


Player: There, all safe now! Humdeehumdumm castin a spe... Hey, where's my castbar?? Oh, there it is! Dang more fire! Gotta move again. Better stop casting this spell and move! Ahh, all safe! Hmm hmmh hmmmm castin.. Again with the castbar?!


UI: I'll ask again, please don't move.


Player: But there was Fire on the ground!


UI: Don't care.


Player: But I have to move and you need to show me the cast bar so that I can play more effectively!


UI: Sorry, mate. Union rules. We go on Strike if you don't stand still.


Player: H'okay, sheesh! Now, then. Back to casting! Hummm dee hmmmmm lala lalala Miiii mi mi doodooodo daaa. Crap! Fire Again! Well I have to move or I'll di....



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I just rolled a Sith Sorcerer and can really see the delay when going from a cast, to a channel, to an instant. Hell, even spamming my casted heals gives me an "interrupted" warning if I'm clicking too fast. This needs to be fixed asap or people are going to leave. Plain and simple.
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Has camera delay been addressed in this thread as well? I often times notice that my camera "drags" when I turn. It seems to have the exact same effect as ability delay; i.e. it makes the game clunky.


I think that is a graphics issue. As in, turn it down(make sure shadows are off). I had that issue, but, turning my graphics down fixed it. This has happened to me in other games and turning settings down always helped(yes, my pc is not new). Also, adjusting to a lower resolution helped me the most. =)

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Yeah, interrupts are almost useless.




Interrupts are fine in solo play. BUT! The more people you have in action the worse it becomes.

Interrupts already feel unresponsive in 4 player flashpoints. I want to interrupt the damn heal of that stupid little healer in Boarding party flashpoint. And I want to do it just before the cast time ends, so that this stupid pile of pixels wastes more time. Heal goes off... FAIL.

But I should say that in flashpoints this delay feels more or less acceptible.


The real problem is warzones - 16 players. And HERE the response time is just as high as Imperial Fleet from Korriban's surface!

In warzones this delay is completely unacceptible. I can interrupt a heal at half cast bar (my reaction time) but the heal goes off anyway! My interrupt goes on cooldown wasted.

Edited by Leaxter
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Player: Humdeehum castin a spell do do do dada daaaa! Oops, gotta move a step out of that fire.


UI: Dude, stop moving.


Player: There, all safe now! Humdeehumdumm castin a spe... Hey, where's my castbar?? Oh, there it is! Dang more fire! Gotta move again. Better stop casting this spell and move! Ahh, all safe! Hmm hmmh hmmmm castin.. Again with the castbar?!


UI: I'll ask again, please don't move.


Player: But there was Fire on the ground!


UI: Don't care.


Player: But I have to move and you need to show me the cast bar so that I can play more effectively!


UI: Sorry, mate. Union rules. We go on Strike if you don't stand still.


Player: H'okay, sheesh! Now, then. Back to casting! Hummm dee hmmmmm lala lalala Miiii mi mi doodooodo daaa. Crap! Fire Again! Well I have to move or I'll di....




I lol'd.

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I dont know a whole lot about programming but i have a decent understanding.

(Old C++)


My understanding of how to fix this issue is this:

Step 1: Trash Hero Engine.

Step 2: Start over with a new engine that utilizes multi core, 64 bit, physx, and SLI/Crossfire.

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I dont know a whole lot about programming but i have a decent understanding.

(Old C++)


My understanding of how to fix this issue is this:

Step 1: Trash Hero Engine.

Step 2: Start over with a new engine that utilizes multi core, 64 bit, physx, and SLI/Crossfire.



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What issues do you have the most issues with on your sith? My assassin is usually actually pretty good. There are moments of clunkyness, (transitioning rapidly from thrash to shock back to thrash is where I have the most delay, sometimes discharge too), but it usually plays quite well.


Pretty much the post below. Anything cast has to be completely left alone; you can't follow up a channeled cast, or even quickly start a channeled cast without some sort of kick to the balls from the game.


I just rolled a Sith Sorcerer and can really see the delay when going from a cast, to a channel, to an instant. Hell, even spamming my casted heals gives me an "interrupted" warning if I'm clicking too fast. This needs to be fixed asap or people are going to leave. Plain and simple.


Player: Humdeehum castin a spell do do do dada daaaa! Oops, gotta move a step out of that fire.


UI: Dude, stop moving.


Player: There, all safe now! Humdeehumdumm castin a spe... Hey, where's my castbar?? Oh, there it is! Dang more fire! Gotta move again. Better stop casting this spell and move! Ahh, all safe! Hmm hmmh hmmmm castin.. Again with the castbar?!


UI: I'll ask again, please don't move.


Player: But there was Fire on the ground!


UI: Don't care.


Player: But I have to move and you need to show me the cast bar so that I can play more effectively!


UI: Sorry, mate. Union rules. We go on Strike if you don't stand still.


Player: H'okay, sheesh! Now, then. Back to casting! Hummm dee hmmmmm lala lalala Miiii mi mi doodooodo daaa. Crap! Fire Again! Well I have to move or I'll di....





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Skill delay is what hurts my enjoyment of SWTOR the most. If I'm off alone I get minimal delay that's still a bit annoying but not game breaking in the least. If I'm near even one other person I get such horrid delays that I might as well be away from the keyboard. With melee characters I will start an attack and watch my character start and stop animations several times before the damage is actually inflicted. Edited by NovaProspektor
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I really noticed this when trying to interrupt an enemy player's cast bar from trying to prevent a heal, he was about 1/4 through the heal, I hit interrupt and the heal goes off with my interrupt kicking in shortly after.


It looks like Bioware has seen this thread and will be addressing it soon.


Also Happy New year everyone!


I know this is a real problem..BUT...I think some of you have other stuff going on effecting you as well...


The reason I say this is because the other night we did boarding party and the last boss fight me and the tank took turns interrupting the medics heals and did not miss a single one and it was interrupted before it even hit the middle of the cast


Please dont take this as me saying "Its all in your head" or some !@#$ like that cause I know this is a real problem...BUT, something else has to be effecting you in addition

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