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Everything posted by Feskmacka

  1. Any news on this feature/issue/whatever yet?
  2. Agreed on the fade to black part, and I just don't get why they would black out the entire UI as well. It just feels like sloppy transitioning. Especially in some cutscenes, when the entire screen fades to black for several seconds to indicate passage of time, even though said time is just 5 seconds. Or, the fade is used to make up for lack of animations. And why do the camera angles always have to be so damn static? How come they never move? And what's up with the unvaried music and... But I digress. I don't like how it also fades the UI, forcing you to wait with whatever you're trying to do. Often, it's not even there to hide the fact that the map's loading, since it's already loaded. It's just there to annoy you.
  3. Pretty sure he was sarcastic. Anyway, I agree on some way to make procs more distinguishable. I hate having to constantly concentrate on the microscopic icons above my character's healthbar, rather than the actual game.
  4. Actually, everyone was compensated with a free day of game time, so...
  5. I... I just agree. I don't know what else to add. I guess that TOR to me feels like, among other things, a watered down KotOR 3 to make it viable as an MMO. Hell, often times it doesn't even feel like the latter - At least not like a good one. And so, in my opinion the game lacks both as an MMO, as an RPG and even as an interactive movie. Where are all the intruiging stories within stories? Character attachment? Emotions? Interesting cinematography?
  6. Get a friend to kill the elite.
  7. Agreed. There's a thing called "moderation" - Just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should. In fact, you should have done something else with that money you just wasted on all those redundant recording sessions and voice acting talent/disasters. I don't know what, but it's something to think about in the future. In my opinion.
  8. The Dark Council sure trashed the 12-member limit, didn't they?
  9. Wait, those are actually real? I thought it was a joke .____.
  10. No, there's just something about the game that rubs me the wrong way. Might look back later, though.
  11. I do agree that it was a stupid thing to use as the central marketing-point alongside "story". I've thought so since 2008 (Still stuck with it though ) But now that I play the game I just realize that it's too much of it. Way too much, in such a way that I feel that quality was sacrificed for quantity. Couldn't lone feth or kill missions just have been textboxes, rather than lengthy and sometimes slightly less than average dialogues? Imagine the combined time and resources that could have been spent on other things.
  12. But just look at that hair, skin and... metal? No resemblance whatsoever? Em I really the only one?
  13. I've got no problem with the stylized character models (more than their lack of variation), but em I the only one who thinks that everything, from metal to ice to cloth and even animal fur, looks like it's made out of the same material that the gimp from Pulp Fiction wore? Tell me I'm not alone in this And I've checked with screenshots and videos, I'm looking at what you're looking at.
  14. That's a naughty term for ****** Edit: Wow, everything's filtered, ins't it?
  15. I haven't got anything too figured out, but I'll just write down what I think without having to do said thinking too much: *Replace poorly executed cutscenes with textboxes () (Eg, dailies with an NPC speaking huttese) *Kill the Hutball commentator. *Implement more varied music (Is it so hard to throw in some more William's work or, my favourite, more of the original KotOR soundtrack for more ambience), and make it play more often. *Visual customization needs to be improved, imo. Now that more and more people reach 50, I've begun to see lots and lots of clones running around. Why no custom gear for endgame? Whatever happened to colour matching? Why is there such a lack of variation in gear models? Also, where's the hood down/up option? And how come some masks can't be worn together with a hood? Etc etc etc... *Graphics-wise, em I the only one who thinks that practically everything looks like it's made out of plastic or rubber? My robe doesn't feel like something the Emperor (Palpie) would have worn, but rather like it belongs in the cellar-scene of Pulp Fiction.
  16. I have to somewhat agree on this point: To me, it feels as if the whole voice acting-thing got out of hand, and I often times get the feeling that BW figured that quantity < quality on this point. How many lackluster cutscenes aren't there accompanying missions, with the camera cross-cutting back and forth between emotionless facial expressions and varying VO talent, even though said mission is just a short fetch quest? Would a box of text have been so bad? Hell, sometimes it's just the recycled huttese (Or odd snorts) with the PC only responding with a set of "standard" responses. How many of you can truly say that you find those engaging? And what's with your companion constantly shouting things? Oh, and "THAT'S ONE DUMB FROGDOG". Just makes me think how those resources could have been spent on something else...
  17. It boggles the mind how this isn't as obvious as it should be to some people.
  18. Exactly. It's such a minor and annoying flaw, what was the cause to remove it? Revan looked wrong. WRONG.
  19. A thought struck me, is there any Malgus-respirator-like social gear? I always liked the look of those, but SI seem to have trouble finding anything that doesn't belong in a pride festival.
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