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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Character responsiveness has always been sloppy in this game. Believe it or not what we have now is actually huge step forward from about 5-6 weeks before release.


On top of the issues of the bad responsiveness which really needs to be addressed, theres some other horrible issues with abilities showing cast bars when they're not actually casting and cast time abilities getting locked out from some bug until you use an instant cast ability (Game thinks you're moving or something).


All this needs to be fixed and polished ASAP, A lesson that Bioware really needs to learn from their whole development process of this game is GAMEPLAY FIRST.


Believe me, nobody is gonna care about the thousands of hours of recorded dialogue that 95% of the userbase is probably already skipping. Make the game play well.

Edited by Lightmgl
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I re-subbed to WoW for my first time in more than 6 months. All I have to say is good grief, SWTOR has lots of issues, particularly with its combat. I toggled between both about 6 times last night to really compare the look and feel of them. Needless to say, SWTOR gives very little feedback, is extremely clunky, and has jarring issues when an ability doesn't activate (GCD goes through, animation occurs, but the ability doesn't actually happen). I guess I'll come back to this game IF they ever fix this.


I suspect a great many others will do the same if this isn't addressed very quickly indeed. The difference really is staggering, and its very annoying because there's nothing left for me to do in WOW. I badly wanted this game to work.


I'm at the point where I don't even care anymore what is causing the 'clunkiness'. Its a variety of things but I don't really feel the urge to try and identify the problem for anyone. It just isn't very good. Its not noticeable when questing as questing is easy but in PVP or even slightly challenging PVE it makes the whole process a farce.


I'll play until I can take it no more, as I did in all the other recent MMOs, and then go off and do something else. I've never made it past 30 days in any of them and its been the same problem every time.

Edited by Larlar
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I almost broke up with my boyfriend because we got in a huge argument over him not healing me. He kept insisting that his heals weren't working and I finally realized why.


I hope you can help me mend this relationship and find a fix asap. This is more important than any new content in the next update. Quite critical. May the force be with you, Bioware.



No...just, no.


There may be more underlying problems between you two which not even Bioware can fix

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This, is about the only issue I have with TOR atm, and it's not really a gamebreaker for me

as I am sure in time, (hopefully not too long, or Soon ) it will be fixed.

Out of the majority of complaints on this forum this is about the only legit one.

Rest is just a bunch of fluff that script kiddies and macroers can't be Leet without.

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Pay attention to the gcd, i am not wasting time beetween any.


So whats broken ? frag grenade that takes time to land? is that what this 3part thread is about??

(it was level 3 btw , damn you)


You just confirmed everything in this thread, it behaves exactly like in the other video. If you fail to see it, it must be you, you're slow or you don't have enough FPS. Just stop.

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ITT: People that need to go back to WoW and stop playing games at launch. Obviously you were not prepared. Not for a game at launch, not for the focus on elements other than combat and not for anything but WoW. You were not prepared.


.... because we must just accept that games at launch are just not ready for launch. What are you saying? Well whatever you are trying to say I think you are in the wrong thread.

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I love this game, i really do. I like the PvP even though many others do not. I like the questing and the crafting. But the delay is just brutal. I play a trooper and my instant casts are anything but. Its not game breaking, for myself anyways, but it is pretty bad and I understand why it would turn people away.
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You just confirmed everything in this thread, it behaves exactly like in the other video. If you fail to see it, it must be you, you're slow or you don't have enough FPS. Just stop.


I confirmed everything in this thread ! Really!

Thats impressive.



Seriously tho, whats the problem in the video i posted? Every freakin 1.5 sec i cast an attack.



This video show a real problem ( cant cast spell), mine dont.


Please tell me whats wrong in my video.

Edited by boobaffet
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They need to either make animations dictate the time between your attacks, like GW2 is doing, or just the global cooldown, like WoW. Not both.


Animation does not dictate the time beetween your attack, at most it might change when your attack land.


You are still able to cast an ability every gcd no matter how long your animation are.

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Lol, so today in Hut Ball (that's the only pvp game i do lately as empire) there was an enemy in front of me, ta some distance. Graple is available, i use it ... nothing happens. I press the icon, nothing happens, i press again ... the guy scores. ***??



Plus, graple is bugged into oblivion, 50% of the time i use it in pvp i fails. It fires, it shows the enemy that is grapled, does the animation ... but that's all, the enemy doesn't come to my position.

Edited by LaurV
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I confirmed everything in this thread ! Really!

Thats impressive.



Seriously tho, whats the problem in the video i posted? Every freakin 1.5 sec i cast an attack.



This video show a real problem ( cant cast spell), mine dont.


Please tell me whats wrong in my video.


Nothing wrong with it, you just recreated what i made, delay between when the cast of charged burst ends and when the frag does dmg, watch your gcd, the frag should trigger the absolute instant you are done casting, not .5 sec or more later. If you are fine with that, thats fine, this thread is about the people who find stuff like this a major problem.


I also want to note the frag does do dmg the instant is triggered and not when it actually hits, which is a good thing but that isn't the problem, for me at least.


Edit: after watching this slowly, i have to admit this is pretty damn close.

Edited by samdbtto
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Since you know so much about this problem, would you please point me out the problem in the video i posted ?


Mind you, I'm not really experiencing the delay problem, but what I think most are referring to is that once your cast bar was up, it took another .5 or so to actually stand and carry out the attack...You firing off abilities as your GCD is up shows that not everyone has a problem with animations interfering with the GCD...I dont have a problem there myself...


What I have been experiencing more now (cause I'm really paying attention) is hitting a button and nothing happening...thats ultra annoying


EDIT: In my opinion, your toon should have been already standing by the end of the cast bar so he fires off instantly as the timer expires...

Edited by fallenvirtues
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Since you know so much about this problem, would you please point me out the problem in the video i posted ?


Instant cast is not an instant cast. There is a noticeable delay between gcd and the actual damage done because of the animation.

But as I am saying to you this is just one of many problems and yes maybe it looks nice but is not effective in pvp (read: the bomb is still in the air and you are already dead :rolleyes:).

Edited by AlexRose
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Nothing wrong with it, you just recreated what i made, delay between when the cast of charged burst ends and when the frag does dmg, watch your gcd, the frag should trigger the absolute instant you are done casting, not .5 sec or more later. If you are fine with that, thats fine, this thread is about the people who find stuff like this a major problem.


I also want to note the frag does do dmg the instant is triggered and not when it actually hits, which is a good thing but that isn't the problem, for me at least.


Edit: after watching this slowly, i have to admit this is pretty damn close.


I agree there seems to be a delay with my video, but lets look at your video as an example.



Tell me there is a .5sec or more delay beetween the time where your cast bar turn white ( thats when you casted ability fire) and when you activate the grenade.


I even dare you to pause that video when the cast bar turn white, and then try to play and pause before the frag grenade activate. Its pretty much instant.

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Instant cast is not an instant cast. There is a noticeable delay between gcd and the actual damage done because of the animation.


I dont find a problem with that...Instant in this case means no cast time..Not instant damage


The damage occured when the blaster bolt hit the target..I firmly believe this is how it should be...There just shouldnt be a delay from when the cast time is up and when it actually starts firing

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I dont find a problem with that...Instant in this case means no cast time..Not instant damage


The damage occured when the blaster bolt hit the target..I firmly believe this is how it should be...There just shouldnt be a delay from when the cast time is up and when it actually starts firing



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