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Please introduce dual spec ASAP


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I'd be happy even if your second spec was limited to PvP only.


I disagree, purely on the basis that there's almost no way to tell if a person has designed a spec specifically for PvP.


Let me give you an example: In the Jedi Guardian's Defense tree, the talent Profound Resolution decreases the cooldown of Resolute (the Jedi Knight's CC breaker) by 30 seconds. Now, to any seasoned MMO player, that would immediately seem like a "PvP talent", since most tactics in PvP revolve around preventing an opponent from fighting back. However, NPC enemies in SWTOR (especially Force-wielding ones) like to crowd-control players with a lot more frequency than I'd seen playing other games. So, while it may not be what the number-crunchers consider "optimal" for a tank or a damage dealer to take, it still has some merit for PvE.


While I can't name any off the top of my head, if there are any talents that drop the cooldown of interrupt abilities, the same can be said for those, since I've encountered countless NPC enemies with channeled damaging attacks that pop up with surprising frequency and used constantly, and you really do need that interrupt usable as much as possible.


So, with no way to really say "there's no doubt in my mind this is a PvP spec", I don't think it's feasible to say that one must always be used for PvP.

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Untrue. I hear plenty of people complain about how silly and casual it is in WoW. Personally, I refused to use it in WoW because I think it's stupid and caters to people who just want everything to be handed to them. And I have a priest! Yeah, I leveled as a healer. I didn't cry about how I needed a better spec.


actually, holy is a good leveling spec for priest now. It's not shadow, but its alright.

Edited by Basiliscus
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I disagree, purely on the basis that there's almost no way to tell if a person has designed a spec specifically for PvP.


Let me give you an example: In the Jedi Guardian's Defense tree, the talent Profound Resolution decreases the cooldown of Resolute (the Jedi Knight's CC breaker) by 30 seconds. Now, to any seasoned MMO player, that would immediately seem like a "PvP talent", since most tactics in PvP revolve around preventing an opponent from fighting back. However, NPC enemies in SWTOR (especially Force-wielding ones) like to crowd-control players with a lot more frequency than I'd seen playing other games. So, while it may not be what the number-crunchers consider "optimal" for a tank or a damage dealer to take, it still has some merit for PvE.


While I can't name any off the top of my head, if there are any talents that drop the cooldown of interrupt abilities, the same can be said for those, since I've encountered countless NPC enemies with channeled damaging attacks that pop up with surprising frequency and used constantly, and you really do need that interrupt usable as much as possible.


So, with no way to really say "there's no doubt in my mind this is a PvP spec", I don't think it's feasible to say that one must always be used for PvP.


What I meant is that i would be switched prior to going into a warzone then only activate once your on it. After you leave the WZ it would revert.


I don't get the argument against dual spec.


At all

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Dual spec is a good idea. Most people are going to level as dps and adding another spec while leveling would allow much more community involvement.


I don't want to see AC changing, but would like to see dual spec's added.

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No. This game does not need dual-speccing. It's bad enough the community is so anti-social as it is without giving some other reason to shun more gamers from groups due to their spec not being "needed."


Stick to WoW if you like it so much, OP.

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No. This game does not need dual-speccing. It's bad enough the community is so anti-social as it is without giving some other reason to shun more gamers from groups due to their spec not being "needed."


Stick to WoW if you like it so much, OP.


Healers and tanks more so, will ALWAYS be in need, dps will ALWAYS be the most common spec. This will not change with dual specs. The ratios may even out a little, but only a little.

Edited by Basiliscus
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actually, holy is a good leveling spec for priest now. It's not shadow, but its alright.

Did I saw I was a holy priest?


I was a disc priest. Back when leveling as a non-dps was completely annoying if you didn't group up with somebody.

Edited by pocketthesaurus
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Dual-spec pros:

-more dynamic game experience

-more healers for flashpoints/warzones

-more tanks for flashpoints/warzones

-takes longer for customers to become bored of the game and their class.


Dual-spec cons:




I for one, would like to see Dual Spec, but here are issues that I see coming up.


Cons as I see them

Ninja's taking loot for offspec

Having to carry around another set of gear in your bag

People complaining and wanting "Outfitter" like abilities in the game

People complaining and wanting "Outfitter" 3rd party add-on for TOR

Healers complaining that all they do is heal, and they want to DPS

Tanks complaining that all they do is tank, and they want to DPS

DPS telling the tank to go DPS because they are a better tank

DPS telling heals to go DPS because they are a better healer

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No. This game does not need dual-speccing. It's bad enough the community is so anti-social as it is without giving some other reason to shun more gamers from groups due to their spec not being "needed."


Stick to WoW if you like it so much, OP.


People that have specced tank with threat generating talents NEED dual spec if they PvP. PvE builds are absolutely NO use in PvP.

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I for one, would like to see Dual Spec, but here are issues that I see coming up.


Cons as I see them

Ninja's taking loot for offspec

Having to carry around another set of gear in your bag

People complaining and wanting "Outfitter" like abilities in the game

People complaining and wanting "Outfitter" 3rd party add-on for TOR

Healers complaining that all they do is heal, and they want to DPS

Tanks complaining that all they do is tank, and they want to DPS

DPS telling the tank to go DPS because they are a better tank

DPS telling heals to go DPS because they are a better healer


people will roll for offspecs regardless, either for companions or for when they respec at the skill mentor guy.

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Having gone from level 10 to 43 (so far) as an Operative healer, I've found it I be fairly quick. I'm also nigh invincible thanks to being heals.


The question is, have you compared it to a full on dps spec Operative?


Without a comparison, thinking it's "quick" doesn't necessarily make it so.


I've tried a full dps spec commando vs full heal spec commando and I can tell you the difference in killing things are practically night and day. There are no problems killing things in heal spec, but over a period of time, I find myself quite a bit slower vs full dmg spec.


For solo, I'd rather be in DPS spec with healing companion, than Heal spec with dps companion.

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people will roll for offspecs regardless, either for companions or for when they respec at the skill mentor guy.


I hope they dont use that too much. 3rd respec cost me 1350. If my spec is wrong, I will deal til 50.

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I hope they dont use that too much. 3rd respec cost me 1350. If my spec is wrong, I will deal til 50.


people are already talking about respecs over 100k so yes, they are using it ALOT. It does decrease over time however, how much over how long is unknown.

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Dual Spec, as nice as it would be, benefits only a majority of the classes but not all. Let's look at Sith Warrior as an example. There's no healing, just different DPS trees. What, I can switch from Annihilation tree to Carnage or Rage? Big deal.


Dual spec only benefits those classes that can field multiple roles such as Mercenary which can DPS or heal.


Pick a role. Learn your role. Play your role.

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Even though I play with guildmates in instances, I see no use for SWTOR to having dualspec. One thing I hated in WoW is dualspec; everyone was needing on things they said they needed to their offspec and the person who actually needed it (and could use it) never got it.


Could you see it in SWTOR.


I need for my DPS/HEAL/TANK spec and also for all of my companions.

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Dual spec is just a quality of life item similiar to mounts. They already have credit and time sinks involved for acquiring mounts. I'd just say to give dual spec a lofty goal. Req. level 50 and 2,000,000 credits. The way its set up now if someone really wants to respec constantly its just going to be a time and money sink so make acquiring the feature exactly that.


I agree. There should be some sort of an "item" that stores your specialization. Perhaps each "specialization" token would cost 1 mil credits.


Just a thought.

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The question is, have you compared it to a full on dps spec Operative?


Without a comparison, thinking it's "quick" doesn't necessarily make it so.


No, I haven't (beta notwithstanding that I'll freely admit shouldn't count) . I'm considering speed only in terms of what I consider fun. So while I feel I solo awesomely as healer, it is indeed possible that I would solo even better as DPS.


Perhaps healing needs a DPS buff?

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I think adding duel spec would be wise for a number of reasons.


1. Once more players hit 50, duel spec will be a necessity. Having the freedom and versatility to cover multiple roles will save a ton of time and hassle. Having to pay a bunch of credits every time you want to respec is silly. I know people here hate WOW and everything it does but they made a good decision with duel specs. People used to have to respec each time they wanted to change roles and they hated it. WOW was smart to make this change. SWTOR needs it to.


2. It will increase the game's longevity. Some people argue that having duel spec will decrease the game's overall longevity because people will not have to reroll in order to perform a different function. The assumed thought process is, if we force people to reroll in order to perform a different role, they will stick with the game longer. This argument is bad for a couple or reasons. First, Bioware actually wants people to reroll different casses. Their vision is to create a story based game that has a different narrative experience for each class. If people are forced to reroll a second character of the same class, they will be experiencing the same story and ultimately miss out on the content Bioware intended them to experience. Secondly, players will get bored much faster. Suppose I play a Commando dps but my guild needs me to heal alot too. Respeccing costs too much and is too much of a hasstle. Having a duel spec alleviates this issue. Imagine I was planning on rolling an IA for a different experience but instead I had to roll another Commando just so I can heal consistently. Do you know how boring it would be to experience the same quests and story all over again?


Forcing players to do this would actually kill the longevity of the game becasue they would be tired of seeing the same content. Duel spec would keep players able to do what they went with their main at end game and give them the freedom to level a new alt and experience a somewhat fresh leveling process.


So implementing Duel Spec would go a long way for BW when it comes to retaining subs and keeping people playing.

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Dual Spec, as nice as it would be, benefits only a majority of the classes but not all. Let's look at Sith Warrior as an example. There's no healing, just different DPS trees. What, I can switch from Annihilation tree to Carnage or Rage? Big deal.


Dual spec only benefits those classes that can field multiple roles such as Mercenary which can DPS or heal.


Pick a role. Learn your role. Play your role.


Somehow Mages, Warlocks, Hunters, and Rogues still liked it.

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The question is, have you compared it to a full on dps spec Operative?


Without a comparison, thinking it's "quick" doesn't necessarily make it so.


I've tried a full dps spec commando vs full heal spec commando and I can tell you the difference in killing things are practically night and day. There are no problems killing things in heal spec, but over a period of time, I find myself quite a bit slower vs full dmg spec.


For solo, I'd rather be in DPS spec with healing companion, than Heal spec with dps companion.


Well healers/tanks have abit faster getting groups /Heroics so its evens out


And aslong as healers and Tanks have solobilty dual specc aint needed

Edited by Varghjerta
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offspecc roll = greed. not need.

if someone claims otherwise, he's just being a greedy douchebag


this can actually currently happen in swtor too: need for companion! need for offspecc (coz you know, you CAN respecc currently)


so, if you hated that in wow, you'll hate it here too and having or not, a dual specc system, won't make a difference.


I use the same gear for my Medic spec that I do for my Concealment spec. So what are you talking about. Maybe I like Alacrity a bit more for Medic but that's about it.

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Dual Spec, as nice as it would be, benefits only a majority of the classes but not all. Let's look at Sith Warrior as an example. There's no healing, just different DPS trees. What, I can switch from Annihilation tree to Carnage or Rage? Big deal.


Dual spec only benefits those classes that can field multiple roles such as Mercenary which can DPS or heal.


Pick a role. Learn your role. Play your role.


This is not how MMO's work. As soon as the ability to respec was added to the MMO dogma, choices didn't need to be permanent anymore.


And, Let's look at Sith warrior as an example. There's no healing, but there is tanking and DPS'ing. What, I can switch from Immortal to Veng/Rage? Yes, big deal.


The fact of the matter is respec's are already in the game. Dual spec is convenient and saves money for the player. There is no downside to it whatsoever. Any downside you or others perceive is manufactured by some inane need to "do it old school" or "have choices matter!".


I find it more likely that more people will leave because dual spec wasn't put in, as opposed to leaving because it was. WoW and Rift certainly didn't die because of dual spec being added.

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Dual Spec, as nice as it would be, benefits only a majority of the classes but not all. Let's look at Sith Warrior as an example. There's no healing, just different DPS trees. What, I can switch from Annihilation tree to Carnage or Rage? Big deal.


Dual spec only benefits those classes that can field multiple roles such as Mercenary which can DPS or heal.


Pick a role. Learn your role. Play your role.


Maybe you want to PVP and a pure sustained DPS PVE spec isn't very good for PVP. Pretty sure most people who are PVP will want a mix of survival and burst damage talents. Where in endgame PVE, you'd want something that works better on bosses that take 5mins to kill.


The only thing stopping people from switching roles is the time it takes to redo bars/hotkeys and the talent respec fee.

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