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Game Update 6.3 Livestream Recap


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Hello everyone!


Earlier today we had a SWTOR team livestream. In it we talked about some of our recent updates as well as officially announced Game Update 6.3 - 'The Dark Descent'. After seeing how much the community enjoyed the pre-recorded interviews with our voice actors, we debuted two new ones featuring Moira Quirk and Gideon Emery. The recording is available to watch now on Twitch and I included timestamps for each segment. If you prefer YouTube, I will include the publishing schedule at the bottom of my post as well.


  • General introduction by Musco, Jackie, Chris, and Charles. (00:05:00)
  • Game Update 6.2 - 'Echoes of Vengeance' Recap
    • Conclusion of the Emperor Storyline
      • Charles may have spoiled plot points for 6.2 live on stream for anyone that wasn't up to date yet...

      [*] New Mandalorian story Flashpoint - The Spirit of Vengeance

      [*] Login Rewards

      [*] Emote Window

    [*]Game Update 6.2.1 Recap

    • Uprising Updates
    • Amplifier UI Changes
    • Ranked PvP Season 13 conclusion
    • Conquest changes


  • Game Update 6.3 - 'The Dark Descent' Announcement (00:11:18)
    • New Flashpoint: Secrets of the Enclave
    • New Story
    • Galactic Seasons
    • Ranked PvP - Season 14


  • Secrets of the Enclave
    • In this new Flashpoint, players will visit the ruins of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine in pursuit of Darth Malgus...
    • Available in the following difficulties:
      • Story
      • Veteran
      • Master Mode

      [*]Will come with new achievements and new rewards!

      [*]Enemy forces have taken control of the outskirts around the enclave. Enemies will change depending on your faction. (EX. Empire players will fight Republic forces and vice versa.)

      [*]After navigating some crystal caves, players will break in and explore the interior ruins of the enclave itself.

      • Several screenshots were shown off.

      [*]Empire players will be joined by Darth Krovos and Darth Rivix.

      [*]Republic players will be joined by Aryn Leneer and Arn Peralun.


  • Pre-recorded interview with Moira Quirk! (00:18:00)
    • Moira is the voice behind Aryn Leneer! Long time players may recognize her voice from a handful of other characters, most notably Elara Dorne.


  • While a giveaway was happening for chat, Jackie pulled some questions that were asked. (00:40:30)
  • "Characters we just saw... romance possibilities?"
    • This particular update is not high on the romance charts, but if we're speaking theoretically about all four characters...
      • Darth Krovos - We've never really gotten into what her situation really is. Maybe her and Admiral Zanken had a thing, maybe they're just really good friends, who knows. So I'm going to say maybe... but she's definitely someone that would kill you in your sleep, so be careful with that.
      • Darth Rivix - Definitely someone who would murder you in your sleep, but you'd have a great time. (Cue laughter from the team as that's alluding to a certain talking point in Gideon Emery's interview).
      • Arn Peralun - There's nothing particular in this update, but we'd be open to it in the future. It's something the writing team has heard the desire for.
      • Aryn Leneer - Aryn is married and has a kid, so whoa back off there. Respect their relationship.

    [*]"Where's Malgus?"

    • We certainly hinted at it, but Malgus is the whole reason players are going to Dantooine and the Jedi Enclave. He was spotted there and players are trying to track him down and see what he has been up to sine we last saw him. He doesn't seem to be following either Empress Acina or Emperor Vowrawn.


  • Galactic Seasons (00:44:00)
    • We're launching a whole new system called Galactic Seasons. Players can earn new and exciting rewards by completing Daily and Weekly Objectives.
    • The timestamp above links to Chris talking about the system, but an in-depth written article can be found here. There is also a separate forum thread that I spun up earlier today announce that.


  • Pre-recorded interview with Gideon Emery! (00:52:05)
    • Gideon is the voice behind Darth Rivix! At a certain point in the interview you'll see why Charles and the team started laughing at the idea of romancing Darth Rivix.


  • While another giveaway was happening for chat, Jackie pulled some more questions that were asked. (01:10:00)
  • "For Galactic Seasons, are the rewards Legacy or Character based?"
    • They are Legacy based and they will unlock in Collections! And just to follow up on that also, the points earned are also Legacy based.

    [*]"Nico Okar and Paxton Rall, when?"

    • Interesting. Interesting. I will say the vendor will have some interesting things on rotation, so be sure to check out the vendor and maybe we'll surprise you.

    [*]"When it comes to Seasons will I have to be subscribed for the full five months or can I subscribe at the end and claim them all?"

    • That's a great question! To clarify, there also isn't a buy in price for the system, it's free. Subscribers do get an additional reward track though. So what happens is your progress will continue whether you're subscribed or not. If you're not subscribed, it will continue at a slightly slower rate. However you will not be earning those Subscriber rewards. If you do subscribe at a later point, you can retroactively claim all the rewards you would have earned as a Subscriber. For example, if you subscribed and were at level 30 for the Season, you could then immediately claim all the Subscriber track rewards from 1 - 30.

    [*]"Double XP, when?"

    • Soon! Probably shortly after Game Update 6.3 we would anticipate. The team was just discussing this a few days ago.


  • Game Update 6.3 - 'The Dark Descent' will be making its way to PTS soon. PTS will also be available on Steam! The team is targeting next week, but it's subject to change. We did not announce a release date for Game Update 6.3. We'll announce a release date after everyone has had a few weeks of hands-on experience with the PTS.


Other video links:


  • Like the last livestream, the whole VOD has been uploaded to YouTube if you prefer that as a viewing platform. -

  • A standalone cut of the Moira Quirk interview will be uploaded to YouTube at 12:00pm CDT, Friday March 19th. -

  • A standalone cut of the Gideon Emery interview will be uploaded to YouTube at 12:00pm CDT, Saturday March 20th. - LINK WILL BE POSTED HERE


Edited by DanielSteed
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Aryn Leneer - Aryn is married and has a kid, so whoa back off there. Respect their relationship.


So, Aryn and Zeerid finally got together, huh? Good for them! I suppose this is a Charles question, so I'll ask it here instead of on Twitter, but does this mean that Aryn and Z-Man had kid together, or did you mean Z-Man's daughter; Arra?

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I'm listening to the whole thing now ...


Hmmm ! Hey ! If for some reason you happened to create a new class that fits this :




I know who would do a super job for the female companion OR the female version of the Empire version of this character !! (Moira is an excellent VA !!! )

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nice to know that we don't have to wait too much to know what's happen with Malgus.

nice too to back on the Jedi Enclave Dantooine... it remember KOTOR 1 and Dantooine chapter... may be will see some KOTOR 1 easter eggs ...

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I wish much heed wasn't given to those weirdos in chat who want everything to be romanceable, including a rock. Is this an RPG or a [REDACTED]?




When can we romance our starships? I would very much like to romance my Flashfire.


1. There's no need to attack people, just because they have different taste than you. As long as it's consensual :cool:

2. I can think of a few people who wouldn't mind romancing the rock..... :D

3. Technically it's a MMORPG, which means, if we were to stick with that, all other aspects of the game would have

to be removed.... so, lets just say it's a game, and let people play it as they choose, or as must as they can in the

present environment



P.S. If you want to 'Romance' your ship, go ahead, just be careful you have flame proof protection :p:o

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I wish much heed wasn't given to those weirdos in chat who want everything to be romanceable, including a rock. Is this an RPG or a [REDACTED]?


When can we romance our starships? I would very much like to romance my Flashfire.


My reaction as well. Especially when there is no meaningful payoff. Even your spouse doesn’t say anything original to you, ever. Click on her and she’s like “Don’t you have work to do?” Bad enough Kira’s like that, do I want to marry Skadge for him to say the same thing?!


But, to each their own. So, I don’t say anything on those threads.

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  • "Characters we just saw... romance possibilities?"[/List]
    • This particular update is not high on the romance charts, but if we're speaking theoretically about all four characters...
    • Darth Rivix - Definitely someone who would murder you in your sleep, but you'd have a great time. (Cue laughter from the team as that's alluding to a certain talking point in Gideon Emery's interview).

After the

flirt situation with Darth Rivix previously

I was really hoping he'd be the male force user romance we've been asking for Empire side (Arcann just isn't right imo). Darth Rivix would be a great romanceable companion for my Siths and I have at two characters who've foresaken all the others for this (yes I'm mad - have you seen my signature?).


No mention in the recap of the new Fleet based Strongholds - any more info on these anywhere? I'm one of many who asked for a new medium-sized apartment style stronghold so really looking forward to them.

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  • Gideon is the voice behind Darth Rivix! At a certain point in the interview you'll see why Charles and the team started laughing at the idea of romancing Darth Rivix.


Truth be told Rivixx is a Sexy David Bowie Vampire, or S.D.B.V. but I don't want a Romance where my PC has to worry about waking up. It really kills the mood.

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My reaction as well. Especially when there is no meaningful payoff. Even your spouse doesn’t say anything original to you, ever. Click on her and she’s like “Don’t you have work to do?” Bad enough Kira’s like that, do I want to marry Skadge for him to say the same thing?!


But, to each their own. So, I don’t say anything on those threads.


Unfortunate .. but true !


Stop and think about it ! Companions are dead (as a general rule) ! Barbie Dolls at best ! New companions are pretty much either simply provided in story (ie: Tau and Rass Ordo ) or even as one of the new upcoming rewards is another companion with "some special abilities" (IIRC). (No interactions included).


Lana: "not right now" ( I have a headache) :D


Lana:" I'm not one for idle chatter" (or anything else apparently) :eek: (that does wonders for a relationship) ! :D


Edit: (please note) the comment regarding the up coming reward being a companion is not meant to be hostile. The reward itself is a great idea. Many will really enjoy that reward. The focus of the comment is that there is a clear cut movement toward companions that do not interact at all. (More like the WoW version of a companion).

Edited by OlBuzzard
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So another version of login rewards ? we will still get the current login rewards yes ? Will it be mandetory to join in on the seasons, or can those be ignored ? {I personally do not see myself using the seasons side of things, dfaily login though makes sense, perhaps if we change what the daily logins are could be nice ?}
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So another version of login rewards ? we will still get the current login rewards yes ? Will it be mandetory to join in on the seasons, or can those be ignored ? {I personally do not see myself using the seasons side of things, dfaily login though makes sense, perhaps if we change what the daily logins are could be nice ?}


It is an extension of the login rewards. You'll still be getting the current rewards, they will be two tabs in the same window. I don't think you can "opt out of it." I suppose you could not collect the rewards, but you would still be earning them since you get experience on the tracks for just logging in. I assume that like the daily rewards calendar change, you would get everything you earned in a mail if you left them unclaimed when a season changed.

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Nice stream as always enjoyed it very much. Thanks to all who took the time to do, live or as a pre-record.


One question that I may have just missed if asked or you know got up to make a drink or something..

You have the voice actor back who did Lara Dorn doing a new roll, did she happen to record new Lara Dorn dialog as well or just the new character? Even if any Lara Dorn talks would be in a later update.


I know no date has been given, which I understand this is BW normal polliacy, and that P.T.S will be up soon. However can you at least say if the new game update is within the next 3 months or is it in the second half of the year?


Look forward to the next one.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Nice stream as always enjoyed it very much. Thanks to all who took the time to do, live or as a pre-record.


One question that I may have just missed if asked or you know got up to make a drink or something..

You have the voice actor back who did Lara Dorn doing a new roll, did she happen to record new Lara Dorn dialog as well or just the new character? Even if any Lara Dorn talks would be in a later update.


I know no date has been given, which I understand this is BW normal polliacy, and that P.T.S will be up soon. However can you at least say if the new game update is within the next 3 months or is it in the second half of the year?


Look forward to the next one.


My Trooper is wondering if he's still married to be honest. So is my Warrior... My Fem Agent would like to kiss her husband again... Come on Devs, would it kill you to give us love letters?;)

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Nothing about 10th anniversary? 7.0 or smth? If not then shame and disappointment.


Last years we had only one story update PER YEAR. This year 6.3 and i guess soon on the middle of year. Then what .. on 10th anniversary this year nothing more?


~ Tsukito, Alliance Commander

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I don't believe it will actually be mandatory. But if they create whole new achievements tied to these seasons, that is as good (or bad) as making them mandatory for at least those players who like to stay on top of their achievements.


Ah ok, yeah making achievs to go with these might be a bad idea, I'm stuggling really to get 100% on every planet without a huge world boss as it is

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