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So I just canceled my account, but


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I think its funny how people come on here and post after 2 weeks. Like they aren't going to play the rest of the 30 free days. You are really not going to play out your 30 days?? I think not.


This is my first MMO and from what i hear..the state of this game is normal. You expect it to have all the features that WOW had at the end. From what i hear is that Wow was just as Bad at the start. Give it time. I'm sure it will get there. You spent at least 60 bucks on this game. How bad is 15 bucks a month. I spend that in cheese burgers. If you get paid you only have to save 7.50 a pay to pay for your gaming...


Also off topic.. Did you guys notice how useless these forums are for learning how to play? Its all ranting about how they nerfed this or i don't like this. I hope that dies down so i can start to enjoy reading these forums.


Have a look at the class forums.. The assassins class forum at least conatined some useful information

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I didn't read the responses but I agree with your point OP. if you don't want to play now because of launch/new issues I totally get it.


I hate launches yet Im always here for them. But so far this one is amazing so I'll stay.


Hope to see you back soon for all of our sakes :)

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WoW perfect? Wait while I wipe the coffee of my monitor because you just made me laugh with a mouth full.


Honestly, be real, of course WoW is not perfect, but then again, it has had 7 years to get to where it is at. Now think about this. Bioware didn't have to experiment, or test any of the the features you see in WoW, Blizzard all ready did it for them. Bioware claimed that they were following the game design model and philosophy of BLizzard.


It seems they didn't learn a thing. No WoW is not perfect, but is a damn sight better than SWTOR is because at least it has at most something as simple as a guild bank!


And they did. 90% of what is in WoW is in here.


And if piddly things like guild banks are make or break items for you, good luck on your fun filled days sorting through your WoW guild bank!

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There is nothing wrong with how the OP decides to spend his hard earned cash. I for one love the game and will keep playing it and just get a big :D every time they fix the annoying bugs that it has. Different stokes for different folks.
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WoW perfect? Wait while I wipe the coffee of my monitor because you just made me laugh with a mouth full.


Honestly, be real, of course WoW is not perfect, but then again, it has had 7 years to get to where it is at. Now think about this. Bioware didn't have to experiment, or test any of the the features you see in WoW, Blizzard all ready did it for them. Bioware claimed that they were following the game design model and philosophy of BLizzard.


It seems they didn't learn a thing. No WoW is not perfect, but is a damn sight better than SWTOR is because at least it has at most something as simple as a guild bank!



But game design isn't as simple as: WoW has it, let's do the exact same thing. Plus, guild banks took something like 4 years to finally implement in WoW. Just saying...the game has officially been out for only 9 days.


Besides, the WoW formula is just incredibly stale. I simply cannot bring myself to log in and play. It was, and still is, a great game. But, it's no longer fun for me.


SWTOR though, is heaps of fun...even with the bugs and shortcomings.

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My Personal opinions and observations:


- No auto stack in inventory or storage

. Agreed with that, although I think it auto stacks in inventory, the non stacking in storage is a pain


- I can't romance Ashara since I made the mistake of rolling a female

. Well, seems like they left some things behind.


- Mail to alts bugged

. Never tested it. How bugged?


- Can't mail to other faction alts

. Well, that's logical I guess.


- GTN horrible interface

+ Disappears if open any other window

+ Bad filtering options

+ Can't search by name alone

+ Only 2 days listing time

. True that


- Abilities too expensive except for slicing "exploiters", especially if you craft

. Not sure what you're talking about, but then again, at only lvl 34 I found no trouble with that, and I'm not a slicer


- Cant change legacy name

. I think you're not supposed to, same way you can't change char name


- Not good enough LFG tool

. There's no LFG tool, just option to mark yourself as LFG on the /who


- Too many items can be bought for tokens, makes crafting almost useless

. Crafting will be useful at endgame for sure


- UI is lacking

. Agreed, specially in terms of "moving elements" and customization


- No relics for gray side, gray get left out

. I'm pretty sure I'm using two relics without light/dark restrains


- Can't change AC

. AC's are not Builds, AC's are classes. Obviously, you can't change class.

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Here is what I think of the OP and his QQ reasons why to quit. Overall, I think he is just trying to find reasons and that's why he is here on the forums, to justify them.


- No auto stack in inventory or storage

Come on dude, it's like the smallest possible bug you can think of. If this is the reason you quit ToR, then I'm sorry but you were looking for reasons.


- Mail to alts bugged

- Can't mail to other faction alts

I personally have not tried mailing alts so I can't say much on the matter but you definitely SHOULD NOT be able to mail the other faction. Disregarding the obvious lore reasons, it creates an economic imbalance in the game if you can funnel materials from 1 faction to the other. Of course, I'm talking about endgame stuff but sadly to prevent that they stop between faction mailing for everyone. That's how it is (or should be) in every game.


- GTN horrible interface

This one I agree with. Not that the interface is that horrible, once you get used to it, it's fine. It definitely needs a search function though. Add that and it's fine. Also, 2 days listing time is fine. Sorry that you want more but FFS stop ************ and deal with it. No amount of waiting will change the 2 days. That other game has been like that for 7 years.


- Abilities too expensive except for slicing "exploiters", especially if you craft

Haven't gotten slicing and yet I paid for my 90% and 100% speeder no problem and all my abilities and all my ship upgrades. I think the problem is in you buddy.


- Cant change legacy name

No reason to. Make a choice and stick with it. You are once again fishing for reasons to justify the fact that you can't make a commitment to the game.


- Not good enough LFG tool

It can be improved, I admit. They could make it into the WoW LFG tool but for now, it really isn't that bad.


- Too many items can be bought for tokens, makes crafting almost useless

Crafting is useless at low levels. Of course you never bothered to get to high levels so you don't know. The token system is awesome. It rewards you even when you don't want certain quest rewards.


- UI is lacking

UI is surprisingly good. Features all that is needed to function properly and doesn't overwhelm you in the beginning. Of course in its current state it will never compare to the addon scene in WoW but they are going to introduce addon support in the near future.


- No relics for gray side, gray get left out

I guess that's pretty much the only point I agree with you on.


- Can't change AC

I am truly sorry. I tried to be civil for the other stupid QQ reasons you gave. For this one though I cannot. You must be the dumbest person I know if you don't understand why ACs cannot change. These are different classes. Don't think "Oh, I'm a consular class". You are not. You are on the consular story, and your class is either a shadow or a sage. Can a priest in WoW change to a rogue? Even if they introduce Dual Specs in the future(to which I'm impartial although slightly favor it), they will not allow you to change ACs.

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I am actually starting to enjoy these kinds of posts. It reflects the basic psychology of a person that is a gamer. Sometimes it makes me just shake my head and other times /forcechoke would work on the forums.


I see all these wonderful posts about people quitting cause it does not have this or it does not have that.


Personally I think that is a wrong mentality and people are just looking for reasons to dislike the game that is only 10 days old.


10 days.


Im going to do the reverse and look for what the game does have.


1) Vocal Player Base.

2) Great Graphics

3) 16 Excellent Stories

4) Well Built Classes

5) 0 learning curve

6) Heroic Battles

7) You can level as a healer

8) Voice Acting

9) Star Wars


Those are just 9 and that right there will keep me around for a while.


If you dont like voice acting. You have never played a Bioware game before.


People love their comparisons to wow but lets compare this to KOTR instead


Which was a most awesome game. Same with it's sequel.


If you look for things you dont like. You will always find something and that just creates stress and dissatisfaction.

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The only gripe I've had is the UI so far. And the fact that I can't move anything or make some things smaller. I also feel the need for 4 stacked action bars. I hate that when I try to compare quest rewards that are mods. Every time I ctrl right click my equipped item my reward box goes away. Also, I can't compare companion items just by hovering.




I think I'll live.


All you sad sacks were either spoiled as children or haven't experience life yet.

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Can i haz what little stuffz you haz?.


In other news, today the OP quit a game over small tweaks, due to these small things this little boy and/or girl rained tears down onto the galaxy for all to taste and enjoy.


We salute you Mr. and/or Mrs. I quit games over meanlingless things Man and/or Women.


...now about those stuffz.

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Actully there are several games that let you do this Final Fantasy XI for example and it worked very well.


I know a lot of players hate this but the ablity to change jobs or class in my opinion make for a more enjoyable game. Granted this makes for players haveing to know a hell of a lot about the game but it elminates the LFG down time when you can fill any role needed in a party, and allows you to switch up classes if you get buned out in one with out have to role a whole new toon which I hate doing.


Though it would not work in this game because of the way they setup the sarting story lines for each class.


lastly any one that thinks playing ten levels of a class is enough to get the feel for it is nuts. I am sorry but when one whole aspect specificly specing you ablities tree does not start until after you hit ten you have not even begone to get the feel for the game.

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LOL Well... Let me tell you a little story about a company called SOE and the SWG product and the intro of the NGE...


You said SOE <spit>. Now I hope you was out your mouth with soap.:rolleyes:


On another note. Yes some of the things mentioned are annoying. (the not giving to alt faction alts seems fair though) I curse the Galactic Market interface (for example) everytime I use it. But it ends up eventually getting what I want.


No MMO has ever come out 100% no bugs.


I think atm I would rather be in world playing with the 90% solution than waiting 6 more months for the 98%.


Who knows, when my 3 month sub runs out if many things have not been addressed maybe I'll take a holiday. I loved playing MxO, and no one can say it was free of bugs, but SOE <spit> shut it down - they actually could have spent some money on it rather than siphon everyone off to their failed "The Agency" project.


Nevertheless Bioware isnt SOE (Can you say "CR1 or NGE"?) so surely the game can only get better unlike whatever SOE <spit> touches.

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Then common sense should of been applied prior to purchasing the game.

No MMO has ever been, or ever will be, prefect at launch.


Truthfully, no game ever is.


Thus, the need for patching.


I know many that have adopted the 'I will check the game out in 6 months' mentality.


I have co-workers who want to play SWTOR. But experiences have taught them to wait.

And they have no patience for anything, I know, I work with them. :eek:


Blasphemy! How dare you cancel your subscription, OP. Who are you to think you can pay for whatever gaming experience you prefer with your own money? Can you believe this guy? He actually doesnt want to pay for the game as it is now, what a traitor! Traitor! Traitor!

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I agree with this. OP has some fine points/criticisms. But, I firmly believe almost everything on that list will get addressed in time.


None of those things are game-breaking to me though, and I'm having too much fun to quit. This is a great game overall.


I dont get this mentality? Why would the game company just magically decide its a good idea to release content or even do fixes if players are already paying for the game as it is?


Bioware is a business, not a bunch of Star Wars fans that just wants to make a great Star Wars game. They will squeeze out every penny they can from the game. If people put up with your slappy joes or hamburgers, you're not gonna start making filet mignon just to be mr nice guy.


The fixes arent gonna happen because fanboys keep putting up with and paying for an unfinished product. They will happen because of people like OP.

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Many of your items I will agree with... But I would refer you to your sig and the genius Bill Cosby..


We should never be allowed to change our AC.. That is our class.. If they made us choose our class before level 1.. We wouldn't be having this conversation.. The simple fact that we got a preview and 10 levels to think about it, people seem to think we should be able to change it..


Again, much of the other stuff I agree with.. :)


Problem is that you aren't given enough info when choosing your advanced class. Around level 20 or so you get the feeling what your chosen AC feels like. In my case I found out that vanguard is a melee class and I wanted to play ranged. Now I have to play exactly the same story line, quests etc just to roll commando. That feels ike a taunting task what a computer game shouldn't be.


Advanced Class change will be implemented in the future I'm sure.

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- No auto stack in inventory or storage

- I can't romance Ashara since I made the mistake of rolling a female

- Mail to alts bugged

- Can't mail to other faction alts

- GTN horrible interface

+ Disappears if open any other window

+ Bad filtering options

+ Can't search by name alone

+ Only 2 days listing time


- Abilities too expensive except for slicing "exploiters", especially if you craft slicing was nerfed big time and i dont think there to expensive personally i mean moneys not hard by any means to come by pvping alone atm gives my level 36 character almost 4000 credits a game each quest i get around 1000-4000 depending on rewards the garbage vendor trash sells for 25-300 credits a piece atm im usually toting 40k credits just to blow and thats with sending my companions on missions that cost 700-2000 credits per atm + training every level which is costing me 8000-14,000 per ability.


- Cant change legacy name it also states this before you make it, you should have put thought into it instead of just typing in skid mark (example).


- Not good enough LFG tool working as intended atm

- Too many items can be bought for tokens, makes crafting almost useless not sure about that.. you cant buy all the mods with tokens some but not all and i have yet to find a crystal token vendor as well im fairly certain crafting gets better gear then tokens i could be wrong but high end recipes are pretty nasty (in a good way)



- UI is lacking I think it could be improved a but with alowing us to move the bars around but other wise its very similar to how many many other mmos work.


- No relics for gray side, gray get left out i think this is a duh personally you cant just sit on the fence and hope to get something done.


- Can't change AC - It says you cant from the get go when you first go make the choice and i dont see the big deal you can make another SI for example and roll it to sorc instead of assasin its a different class imo which if there was no AC you would have chosen one or the other any ways.



*Common question 3*

"It's only been a few days geez dood"

Yes, and I'm not satisfied, hence my leave of absence


see you in 6 months:p

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Problem is that you aren't given enough info when choosing your advanced class. Around level 20 or so you get the feeling what your chosen AC feels like. In my case I found out that vanguard is a melee class and I wanted to play ranged. Now I have to play exactly the same story line, quests etc just to roll commando. That feels ike a taunting task what a computer game shouldn't be.


Advanced Class change will be implemented in the future I'm sure.


I'm sorry YOU fill that way level 10 is by no mean a hassle to get too atm plus if you were not sure baised on the descriptions and tool tip information that pops up when you go to choose your AC then you could have easily hit Alt + tab and ran your web browser to search for some further information...


Personally i knew i wanted to be a SI-A before game even came out i had been doing my own research. probably going to play every thing eventually. i would have kept your first AC just in case that way down the road you can just come back to it since there different class's of which with out an AC you would have chosen one or the other if not played both any who..

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There's one common thing I see in all of these threads:


The first response is almost always responded to by the OP.


Now, if you're just kind of, "leaving feedback for the devs" like you claimed, why the hell would you be refreshing the page every five seconds and responding so hastily to the first dude that acknowledges your post?


Because you want attention. This is absolutely just another QQ thread. You're not leaving casually because hey, it didn't just didn't work out. You're obviously annoyed and you want some validation for your anger or you'd like to encourage others to follow you because you think that'll motivate Bioware to work faster.


And chances are, you didn't even cancel.


Man I hate these threads.

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