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Maintenance: February 16, 2021


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Round 2 - Geesh I am so over winter........Someone photoshopped the Night King on horseback near my house and put out on social media.....Sadly, he fits right in.


It was supposed to have stopped snowing here this roughly about 8:00 AM... it's still coming down! Fortunately it's really fine and a dry powder. I'll try to get out and shovel it off the drive and sidewalk later this afternoon.


And yes ... I'm ready to spend some time at the "office".

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Just for a little perspective, the current weather forecast for Pluto is between -223 and -233 Celsius (-369 to -387 Fahrenheit). :D

Pluto is, on average, 263.2 light minutes from Earth. So, if the servers were there, Trixxie's latency would only be slightly worse than normal at 15792000 msec. Its worth noting that mercury is not superconducting at those temperatures, but perhaps other materials are, so really the servers themselves ought to be faster.

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It's not only the temperature, it's the snow. They don't have plows or salt. lol


That was the joke around here that we have Covid-19 curfew so no one should be outside and the Snow plowers also respect this curfew :D


There are many jokes about them, since they are always late, but people love driving in big snow, its fun!

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That's just it !!


The lingering snow, frigid cold and wind chilled temperatures is just so rare in that part of the country. They do get some snow ( in January .. maybe). But that is usually gone by the next day. What they have now IIRC ... they see maybe once in 10 - 12 years ??? MAYBE ???


As long as they "hunker down" and just stay warm they'll be fine !! The power outages is what is really complicating matters.


I am originally from Texas and they are not used to this type of weather. It rarely gets this cold there. When I lived there I can recall twice when we got snow, once when I was in 2nd grade and we got a little snow, not even enough to do snow angels or to build a snowman. The last time was about 10 years later and even then it didn't last the entire day and that was on Christmas.


Their weather is more hot than ever cold. This is unusual for them and no they don't have snow plows because as stated it would rarely be used and would need to be replaced due to how long it they get snow and/or ice. It is just not something normal for Texas unlike some states such as Illinois. Even my state (SC) doesn't get a lot of snow but we get it more regularly that we do have snow plows and salt to spread like they are doing today.

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Oh come on it shows -4 degrees! Its -20 here for the past 2 weeks and no one complains! We even go swimming outside.


Speaking as a native Texas, yes you may be used to it but Texas isn't. Now hurricanes yea, heat yea (it is very hot and humid there in the summer) but cold not normal. The lowest they ever get is in the 40's but by the afternoon they are back up in the 70's or 80's so what is normal for cold states is not normal for Texas.


I still have friends there and even their electricity is not used to this as it comes on and off. Just something very rare for Texas to go through this.

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One thing i would like to add is that the Austin area got a lot of ice. I'm seeing accounts of 1/4 to 3/4 of an inch. That brings down power lines. I also read yesterday afternoon that there were still 180k in the Austin area that were without power.

I'm sure Austin Energy primary focus right now is to get power to Bioware Studios so they can drop a patch...:rolleyes:

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Speaking as a native Texas, yes you may be used to it but Texas isn't. Now hurricanes yea, heat yea (it is very hot and humid there in the summer) but cold not normal. The lowest they ever get is in the 40's but by the afternoon they are back up in the 70's or 80's so what is normal for cold states is not normal for Texas.


I still have friends there and even their electricity is not used to this as it comes on and off. Just something very rare for Texas to go through this.


I wonder if those people who are saying that it is not that cold, that they get colder temps, etc., if they regularly go without power, without heat, without running water, without cell service, with roads that are covered in snow and ice because there are no snow plows to plow and de-ice, and pipes that are bursting because they are not insulated (never were because these temps are abnormal). Is that their normal? If not then they are just spouting BS with their "well, it gets colder here" nonsense.


I live in Colorado. It started snowing late yesterday and continued through the night. We received about 6 inchs overall (15.25 cm). By 05:00 this morning the main roads were all plowed and de-iced. The schools, at least those that are offering in-person services, did not close. The power did not even flicker. Why, because Colorado is prepared to handle that sort of weather because we get it every year. Snow storms can hit us anytime from late September to late May. Then in late summer, usually in August, we get hail storms where golf ball size hail is not unheard of. Our infrastructure is designed to handle that. Texas is not.

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I might get in to trouble for this, but here it goes*. We get the same trolls , in different threads that don't care what is happening in the world, because in their little bubble, they are fine. The did the same for other threads , the shooter issue, the covid issue, etc. Instead of being supportive for people in trouble, they demand things, and act like spoilt children.


*Personally I don't think I should, but the way things have been lately, I take a chance just saying hello .... lmao :D

Edited by DarkTergon
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I wonder if those people who are saying that it is not that cold, that they get colder temps, etc., if they regularly go without power, without heat, without running water, without cell service, with roads that are covered in snow and ice because there are no snow plows to plow and de-ice, and pipes that are bursting because they are not insulated (never were because these temps are abnormal). Is that their normal? If not then they are just spouting BS with their "well, it gets colder here" nonsense.


I live in Colorado. It started snowing late yesterday and continued through the night. We received about 6 inchs overall (15.25 cm). By 05:00 this morning the main roads were all plowed and de-iced. The schools, at least those that are offering in-person services, did not close. The power did not even flicker. Why, because Colorado is prepared to handle that sort of weather because we get it every year. Snow storms can hit us anytime from late September to late May. Then in late summer, usually in August, we get hail storms where golf ball size hail is not unheard of. Our infrastructure is designed to handle that. Texas is not.


YUP !!

A part of that infrastructure also includes the type of components used in substations that supply electrical energy. The exceptionally cold weather when prolonged over a period of several days really wreaks havoc on that kind of exposure to the elements. For that matter even vehicles that would normally get by in a "mild winter" could have problems freezing up !!


Funny foot note: I live the middle of the US... When I got up this AM I checked on my cell phone and the temperature HERE was 20 degrees colder than it was in NY City, NY !! :eek:


Soo yeah !! It's been a bit crazy with the winter weather the last week or so !

Edited by OlBuzzard
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I might get in to trouble for this, but here it goes*. We get the same trolls , in different threads that don't care what is happening in the world, because in their little bubble, they are fine. The did the same for other threads , the shooter issue, the covid issue, etc. Instead of being supportive for people in trouble, they demand things, and act like spoilt children.


*Personally I don't think I should, but the way thinks have been lately, I take a chance just saying hello .... lmao :D


Everyone has problems, but someones problems are just way simpler than other peoples, you cannot blame them for that.

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So you are saying you can't blame people who are demanding updates when the population of Texas has a crisis on their hands????

Yes, you can blame these people, they are being trolls, ignorant, and a lot more then I can't say here.

It's not about whether one person's problems are more than another's, it's about how Texas is in crisis at the moment, and the offices aren't opened, or fully staffed, it's about how people's lives are in danger in this area. Yet you get <redacted> people who demand updates, and complain because X didn't happen on time, because that's all that matters in their little world. Real Lives Matter....so people need to take their head out of the darkness and realise the world doesn't revolve around them

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So you are saying you can't blame people who are demanding updates when the population of Texas has a crisis on their hands????

Yes, you can blame these people, they are being trolls, ignorant, and a lot more then I can't say here.

It's not about whether one person's problems are more than another's, it's about how Texas is in crisis at the moment, and the offices aren't opened, or fully staffed, it's about how people's lives are in danger in this area. Yet you get <redacted> people who demand updates, and complain because X didn't happen on time, because that's all that matters in their little world. Real Lives Matter....so people need to take their head out of the darkness and realise the world doesn't revolve around them


For real, the first complaint I saw after they told us that the weather would be delaying the update was some oblivious guy with broken English who quoted it and asked them "why isn't the update including fixes we've been ask about for since last expansion? please replay?" It was as if they didn't even read the dev notice they were quoting.


Normally I'd agree with wanting more back-end fixes but I just want people like this to shut up right now, be grateful the servers are still running through this weather (which is affecting a LOT more than Austin, Texas)

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Any update on how things are going there, conditions getting any better? Weather improving?

The servers, and forums are still up, so it looks like the hamster is being fed, which is always good news :)


I can't speak for the Bioware staff, but I can speak as someone who lives in Austin. Conditions are...improving. Still have some issues to resolve. So rapid fire of the current situation:

  • Power is mostly fixed. No more intentional blackouts, those were ended on Thursday. Some people are still without power due to damaged lines, but there should be less of those as time passes

  • Snow is still on the ground, but the snow on the roads (at least near me) seems to be mostly gone as of yesterday making roads drivable without going 20 mph. We are above freezing and have no more hard freezes forecast, so this should not be an issue anywhere for much longer assuming it is still an issue anywhere

  • Water is the current major issue as the majority of the city is without water and even if you have water you are under a boil notice (and probably have low water pressure). Basically a lot of water pipes exploded and a lot of water was wasted as a result. This is being resolved, but the time table is unclear. A person from Austin Water said in a press conference yesterday that most people should have water back in 48 hours. Austin Water twitter account said there should be improvement in that same time period. Technically both can be true, but the difference in language makes me worried.

  • Second majorish issue is food supply as a lot of grocery stores lost power and therefore perishables at the same time that most of the city lost power and therefore perishables. Should resolve in under a week as people and stores stock up, but it is annoying for the moment (spent half an hour in line before a store opened today just to learn as they were opening that they didn't get any milk like they were expecting which was what I was there for)

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Any update on how things are going there, conditions getting any better? Weather improving?

The servers, and forums are still up, so it looks like the hamster is being fed, which is always good news :)


Virginia was not hit nearly as hard as Texas, which is good for the game (both NA servers are in an EA server farm in VA). Fortunately Texas is forecast to see a warming trend starting tomorrow. Hopefully they will be able to thaw out, assess the damage, and get back to a relative state of normal soon.

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I can't speak for the Bioware staff, but I can speak as someone who lives in Austin. Conditions are...improving. Still have some issues to resolve. So rapid fire of the current situation:

  • Power is mostly fixed. No more intentional blackouts, those were ended on Thursday. Some people are still without power due to damaged lines, but there should be less of those as time passes

  • Snow is still on the ground, but the snow on the roads (at least near me) seems to be mostly gone as of yesterday making roads drivable without going 20 mph. We are above freezing and have no more hard freezes forecast, so this should not be an issue anywhere for much longer assuming it is still an issue anywhere

  • Water is the current major issue as the majority of the city is without water and even if you have water you are under a boil notice (and probably have low water pressure). Basically a lot of water pipes exploded and a lot of water was wasted as a result. This is being resolved, but the time table is unclear. A person from Austin Water said in a press conference yesterday that most people should have water back in 48 hours. Austin Water twitter account said there should be improvement in that same time period. Technically both can be true, but the difference in language makes me worried.

  • Second majorish issue is food supply as a lot of grocery stores lost power and therefore perishables at the same time that most of the city lost power and therefore perishables. Should resolve in under a week as people and stores stock up, but it is annoying for the moment (spent half an hour in line before a store opened today just to learn as they were opening that they didn't get any milk like they were expecting which was what I was there for)


TYVM for update!


I know that Convoy of Hope left from Springfield, Mo. a couple of days ago to deliver water and some other basic necessities!


Hang in there !


Prayers for you, the "family" of BW Austin .. and others in Texas affected by this very unusually tragic impact from the exceptionally severe weather.

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Launcher still shows Maintenance scheduled for Feb 16-th, but it's Feb 20 already, when the EU server will be taken offline to deploy the update?


Since you may have missed or just glanced over it in this update on this forum about that:


Hi folks,


Due to the on-going severe weather situation in Austin, TX (where our studio is located), we are going to be delaying today's scheduled maintenance. It is still our goal to get out Game Update 6.2.1 as soon as possible. We will pass on updates when we have more information.


This does affect some other things as well:

Possible issues when reaching Support


Thank you for your understanding!

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So update from my corner of Austin, water is now flowing to where I live, which is at the extreme edge of Austin Water's utility range. So I am assuming it is reaching the whole city now other than places with major leaks nearby. Only city wide issue left, which I am aware of, is the precautionary boil notice, and that should hopefully be gone in a couple of days. Experiences of individuals will of course vary.
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