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Commando PvP, does it get better at 50?


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I'm currently 31 and I've tried both Assault and Gunnery in PvP. Does it get better at 50?


Currently I get wrecked by almost anything melee, don't have to many issues with ranged besides getting chain cc to death. But once a melee is on my nuts I can't get them off. Cyro/Concussion doesn't seem to help. It allows me to get 1 maybe 2 cast off then they are back on me. Once melee is on me I can't do anything. If I try to cast grav, full auto or what ever my current spec main ability is I can never get them off. I always get knocked back, stunned, cc etc.


I have tried to kite melee around but with only 4 abilities use-able while moving, and none of them snare or do decent damage its very hard to actually pull off. Not to mention the countless gap closers on short cooldowns melee have.


I do pretty well if I can get onto high ground or if I'm back in the back and people ignore me. However that almost never happens.

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Sounds like you could use a bit more situational awareness. Your comments regarding high ground and staying at the back are good clues - thats where commandos really shine.


Nothing funnier than being on a catwalk in Huttball and knocking off melee's when they come at you!


Use terrain to your advantage. Stand with the acid pit in front of you in Huttball and melees have to run around it or take damage to close on you.


Dont forget talented stockstrike can knock back as well.


All that said, I appreciate there are times when you cant get melee off you...

Edited by Krimefighter
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Demo round does make a big difference as it's an extra hard hitting instant especially if you can load up for grav rounds first to get a bigger bang :) Cycle through the enemies and find a predamaged one so you can focus your fire with your teams and you will find them going down very quickly if ther is no pocket healer.


I have no problem getting my fair share of kills during PvP. Not always top on damage but I'm very objective focused and will hang around defending instead of rushing straight to the next fight often.

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how do you play assault specialist build?


i find hard to play without Steadied Aim from gunnery


obviously, when gunnery feated, i find very hard playing without plasma cell's snare effect of assault specialist


problem is, i'm level 28 atm and i still can't have both with a decent build

what are your suggestions?

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how do you play assault specialist build?


i find hard to play without Steadied Aim from gunnery


obviously, when gunnery feated, i find very hard playing without plasma cell's snare effect of assault specialist


problem is, i'm level 28 atm and i still can't have both with a decent build

what are your suggestions?


Generally as Assault, I try and dot as many targets as possible while bursting lower targets down. Obviously keep moving and kite melee. Works pretty well, its just assault lacks any real burst. Its hard to finish targets off a lot of times.


I honestly think I will have a better time once I get demo rounds. Or at least I hope.

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I'm currently 31 and I've tried both Assault and Gunnery in PvP. Does it get better at 50?


Currently I get wrecked by almost anything melee, don't have to many issues with ranged besides getting chain cc to death. But once a melee is on my nuts I can't get them off. Cyro/Concussion doesn't seem to help. It allows me to get 1 maybe 2 cast off then they are back on me. Once melee is on me I can't do anything. If I try to cast grav, full auto or what ever my current spec main ability is I can never get them off. I always get knocked back, stunned, cc etc.


Welcome to rock > scissors > paper.


As someone who plays a sorcerer, there are few classes that I loathe more than commandos. You people tear me apart quicker than a fat kid does a packet of chips. As you mentioned you have no problem dealing with ranged, so that leaves only melee to contend with, and thankfully they give you a hard time.


Someone has to. You can't beat everyone.

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Just did over 320k damage in a warzone. We absolutely demolish people if played right. Keep yourself on the sidelines and above your enemy and you will dominate them.


Did you just spam this dmg or did you actually do this in 1v1 ? And how are you doing in close combat situations or if someone starts to attack you by suprise.

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like other said stay at range, if they get close use concussion charge to send them flying. once you get to lv50 you'll go from being small lil threat to most wanted status in pvp cause of your dps. once mortar volley fixed you'll be very dangerous


remember grav round + demolition round + high impact bolt = crazy amount of damage.

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Just did over 320k damage in a warzone. We absolutely demolish people if played right. Keep yourself on the sidelines and above your enemy and you will dominate them.


it's less "if played right" and more if your opponents melee are a bunch of mouth breathing, dirt eating, poop eating morons. If they get some intelligent melee that go after you and lock you down then there is nothing you can do but use instant casts.

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Here's what I've learned from playing as a commando on PvP:


Strong survivability:

-Out of the fight in mid range, laying waste to any opponent that's distracted with someone else (use strong, more potent and time consuming abilities here);

-Sticking close to healers for longer duration;

-Using instant abilities on targets that are attacking you (offensive abilities for DMG, defensive for breathing room and/or chances of restoring lost health).


Weak survivability:

-Fighting right in the middle of battles where most melee combatants are;

-Using abilities that take time when under attack;

-Attacking stronger players (anyone that's 3 lvls and higher from your lvl).

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I dont have any problems .... with really any pvp


heres my pvp rotation ill make a more extencive one when im not on holidays but this will kinda help for the next week :p


Play your class more of a mage from WoW than a hunter imo...





apperently we cant post images eh either way :D

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I'm on the forums this morning because I have your exact same problem.

Level 30, and I just got crit for 5K in a warzone. And I am scared as hell to go back.

I dont have anything that hits nearly that hard. Not even close.


I see a lot of troopers get 300k+ in warzones. But there is something really, really, REAAALLLYYY wrong with that calculation because we dont have any hard hitting powers. I think it's including guard mitigation honestly.

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I know as a 32 medic it was rough not having all my talents. An good instacast heal would have saved me so many times.


My guildie was rolling commando assault and tearing it up.


I am still a bit disappointed by lack of utility.

At least we get a natures swiftness on a 3 minute CD at 50.
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I'm on the forums this morning because I have your exact same problem.

Level 30, and I just got crit for 5K in a warzone. And I am scared as hell to go back.

I dont have anything that hits nearly that hard. Not even close.


I see a lot of troopers get 300k+ in warzones. But there is something really, really, REAAALLLYYY wrong with that calculation because we dont have any hard hitting powers. I think it's including guard mitigation honestly.


Once you get most of your talents, it's not that hard to get 300k+ on a map like Voidstar, especially if you use Mortar Strike a lot.


My Grav rounds, Demo round, and HiB will all crit for 2-4k and I don't even have max level pvp gear yet with expertise on it. I imagine you will start seeing dmg numbers up to 400 or 500k from troopers when they get geared out.

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