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10 Good
  1. NEVERMIND. I just understood the problem, weird since I didn't have that problem in anyway.
  2. Use hammershots as much as you can (doesn't do alot of damage but helps keep you on the move and stack up ammo) and use your strongest abilities according to your situation. DON'T constantly use heavy abilities, start conserving ammo when you reach the 50-60% (6-8, or something) mark and you should be fine. I can't tell you anymore because it also depends on what spec you're rolling with. Edit: Almost forgot: Recharge your ammo BEFORE you run out of it. Helps keep up the speed for ammo regen and usage of stronger abilities.
  3. Want to use a carbine, be mobile and use more grenades? Go Vanguard, Assault Spec tree. Not the strongest DPS variant but gets the job done. Also, BH is a mirror class to the Trooper (as some already mentioned), it's smoother and more fluent on it's attacks but Trooper balanced that out with the ammo vs steam thing. Mainly because steam on BH builds up VERY fast and doesn't stabilize as fast as the amount of ammo you can still have on the gun. Although that SERIOUSLY depends on how people manage their character.
  4. I went a bit bravado with that guy, but if you go with M1-4x and with "No retreat" on and with the use of your personal health packs while constantly moving away from him (since he's melee)... you could easily beat him while remaining 1 lvl bellow him. (can't guaranty M1-4X will live during the fight but he'll give you enough breathing room.) Victory on first try.
  5. Here's what I've learned from playing as a commando on PvP: Strong survivability: -Out of the fight in mid range, laying waste to any opponent that's distracted with someone else (use strong, more potent and time consuming abilities here); -Sticking close to healers for longer duration; -Using instant abilities on targets that are attacking you (offensive abilities for DMG, defensive for breathing room and/or chances of restoring lost health). Weak survivability: -Fighting right in the middle of battles where most melee combatants are; -Using abilities that take time when under attack; -Attacking stronger players (anyone that's 3 lvls and higher from your lvl).
  6. Well this is one of the reasons why I'm not using M1-4X as much anymore. I know he will harpoon them and bring them up close and no matter what I do the harpoon ability will reset so I decided to switch for another companion to complement this.
  7. Pretty much straight forward... how do you gain extra creds in the game??? I basically forged armor and selled the lowest grade parts to stores, while the highest and most usefull ones I put it up for auction. Plus I scavanged anything and everything and selled what I wouldn't need, even if it ends up being a rare item or even a med-pack that I wouldn't need. How about you? Do you have any other way of gaining extra creds?
  8. In the beta I used Scavaging as my main source of raw materials, Armormech to increase my endurance and other traits and Diplomacy (light side only) for gifts for my companions so I could gain more approval. But after careful consideration I've decided maybe Armstech, instead of Armormech, would be better for my Commando, not sure though. And I might ditch Diplomacy when I have aquired enough approval from my companions and switch it for Slicing.
  9. Republic squadron: ù.ú) - Where's that specialist?! We need surpressing fire NOW! (explosion) 0.0) - What the...??? (man running on the battlefield links up with the squadron) o.o) - Commando unit 23-Delta here to assist, SIR! 0.0) - Trooper... where's your armor? o.o) - we're called "commandos" for a reason sir. ._.) - ...
  10. Ready an eager. Time to set the table boys and girls... and give those Sith a "warm welcome".
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