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Everything posted by Jabatheruss

  1. At least now we know that fixes take a backseat to content. I guess that is great news for some, but I was really hoping to actually be able to pvp. Not how I would ever launch a game. I hope it was worth it to get those Christmas numbers up.
  2. Great idea for a game, but worst programming and service ever.
  3. This is the best MMO ever, if it has been finished and optimized. As is, it is a gloried RPG.
  4. Ya, like that is ever going to happen. By the time they do get their heads out of their asses they will have lost everyone but the fanboys.
  5. Ya, you are. Do they have objective people on your world, or are they all fanboys? Fire Ohlen and give everyone their money back. Problem solved.
  6. Ambiguous statements mean nothing. I, like many others, will not accept this general statement. The bugs that have hundreds of pages of dxdiags need to be addressed! You can't just sweep a large chunk under the rug and justify that move by saying it is all their crappy PCs. You are talking about exploits and balancing when a ton of your players can't even function in warzones. Fix that before moving on to balancing and exploits!
  7. and our jobs! Hard to really feel bad for someone that is actively taking jobs away from Americans. Ya, I think people have a right to CS that speaks their language. We should not have to put up with bad service just so they can save money! Star Wars - made in America, serviced in Asia!
  8. If you think that they will do anything for people not raising ruckus you are crazy. If nobody said anything they would just go about like nothing is wrong. They already said that it was just low-end PCs with issues. If they have the balls to say that you think they don't have the balls to just sweep things under the rug? Hell, they even based their number of people having issues off of the number of posts in support forums.
  9. It is home to trolls. They realized that all posters in customer service are already upset, so lets go poke them some more. Pathetic.
  10. So they direct people that are having issues to a thread that says the opposite!? Bravo! Kudos on the failed attempt to detour your customer complaints. So this is the thread where all of the people that run the game fine bash all those with FPS issues and call them inept and their rig a pos?
  11. Yes, you can heal and do well as a commando. However, if you were a sage/sorc you would be doing much better. The lack of utility is my biggest gripe. That and how freaking weak hammer shot heal is. It is almost not even worth using it because all it does is put a huge bull's eye on you. It leaves much to be desired. The main upside I see is that I rarely ran out of ammo unless I am trying to put out some damage. You stay above 50% ammo and you regen a good bit of the cost during the cast. Then again, I have no idea how resources are for other healers. I would love hammer shot heal made more appealing and useful. Perhaps hide the beam to enemies, but visible so that your team sees it. I love the graphic of a beam healing and really want it to be more. Not crazy about Kolto being an aoe targeted heal. I see it's value, but I would rather have it work like a grenade. Better yet, both. Not like there are a lot of choices for heals. Oh ya, an interrupt would be great. That or a ranged snare, or better, both.
  12. I know as a 32 medic it was rough not having all my talents. An good instacast heal would have saved me so many times. My guildie was rolling commando assault and tearing it up. I am still a bit disappointed by lack of utility.
  13. There is the lack of crucial abilities that will always make higher levels better. Healer, tank, and melee all depend on abilities gained at higher levels. Level 50 needs to be separate no matter what. I do not want non-50s on my teams when I am at cap. Definitely should not be forced to wait for rateds until we have level 50 only warzones. Levels are there for a reason.
  14. This was the main reason I just canceled my sub. I will gladly hand them my money when they acknowledge these major issues that have a dramatic impact on enjoyment. Awesome game, but needs some real fixes before I can make it a fixture. All I know to do is cancel sub and post here why.
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