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    Your mom's atm.
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    Trolling forums.
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    Bean bag tester.
  1. Without minimum range and a nice auto-tracking weapon so we never miss a shot on all the ADD kiddies jumping circles all over us like it's suppose to make them harder to hit or something.
  2. Yeah, I don't plan on playing that long dude. You made a Star Wars MMO without drawing from the X-Wing and TIE Fighter games? You made a linear game, then called it an MMO You made a game where I can't use my control key for whatever I want (Vent... really?). We have a game where you make choices during dialog that really have no impact in the game at all and doesn't change the story or take you down different quest paths based on your choices. Even light and dark choices come down to just one choice. The choice to make light choices all game or dark choices all game. One choice. Your game looks pretty, has some cool stuff but since it's not *really* an MMO as it has no replay value. You earned $60 for the game, that's it. There's nothing in it worth a subscription, I expect to have it beat by the end of the month.
  3. It's disgusting, they have the rights to draw from one of the best space flight sims of all time and they pass on it to implement Star Fox instead. Do gamers actually make games anymore or all they all made by accountants now?
  4. This is exactly the kind of thinking that produces ****** games.
  5. I noticed this right off the bat. The system might as well not even exist seeing as how the only real choice you make is at the very beginning. "Will I pick the light or dark responses?" Then you stick with that the entire game. And don't get me started on the space combat.
  6. You have permission to create THE Star Wars MMO and this is what you come up with for space combat? Seriously? Something more along the lines of an updated X-Wing vs TIE Fighter would have been better than this, with joysticks being an option. The Space Combat in this game makes me think someone there played Earth and Beyond and actually liked it...
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