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Space combat is stupid


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Did you ever wonder why so few or almost noone want's to play you space combat stuff? well answer is simple, it's just stupid and useless. Why you even put it into game? Was there any purpose for it? Commands are idiotic (who was that half-brainer who invented them??) and not modifiable, opponents are overpowered and you have no repaires, even if you got the highest gearing, the enemies are OP all the way. I know, i can see, that you don't care about the content anymore, but after all these years you weren't able to fix that, shame on you:rak_03:
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Did you ever wonder why so few or almost noone want's to play you space combat stuff? well answer is simple, it's just stupid and useless. Why you even put it into game? Was there any purpose for it? Commands are idiotic (who was that half-brainer who invented them??) and not modifiable, opponents are overpowered and you have no repaires, even if you got the highest gearing, the enemies are OP all the way. I know, i can see, that you don't care about the content anymore, but after all these years you weren't able to fix that, shame on you:rak_03:
Assuming you are referring to the personal 'on rails' starship missions, you're not entirely wrong, but they are quite do-able if you are willing to put the time in to learn them.


Since gearing is basically 'static' and the piloting is 'on rails', these missions are all about execution:

  • Learn when you'll have a few 'enemy free' moments to shift power to rebuilding your shields
  • Learn when you'll need your ECMs to survive.
  • Learn when you'll need your AoE to clear massed opponents/strip shields
  • Perhaps most importantly, learn how to pilot your ship with your WASD keys while aiming your weapons with your mouse: This can save you a lot of incoming damage by dodging attacks while dishing it out.

The grade 7 missions basically require all the Grade 7 gear plus perfect execution (I personally got the 'easiest one' completed without all the top gear, but it was very much a 'one mis-step = a ruined attempt' sort of thing and I burned out to the point I didn't work on the harder ones, but they are technically do-able).


This part of the game was abandoned after the first expansion and was eventually 'replaced' by Galactic Starfighter, but I don't believe that has been particularly successful either: It's fairly safe to say they are aware this part of the game 'sucks' but they are unlikely to invest any further resources at this point as that would be the textbook example of 'throwing good money after bad'.


If you are looking for the reputation, doing the Grade 6 minefield missions (Ascendant Pride for Imps, New Eclipse for Pubs) yields a green rep token each day: It's an extremely slow gain, but the missions are much easier than the Grade 7s. If you feel the need to do the Grade 7 missions, you'll need to work out exactly how to execute them correctly (Maybe check for guides on YouTube).: They really aren't worth the effort, but there really isn't any other way to gain rep reasonably quickly.

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I used to do the solo PVE ones all the time so they're very doable. As the poster above me said, it's all about learning the mission. The missions are the same every time. Ships/enemies appear at the same spot every time, the same number appear every time, the asteroids and other obstacles are in the same spots every time. Just need to learn the mission.


I've done all of the missions, even the highest level ones ones but you do need the upgraded gear for most of them, especially the torpedo upgrade as there are some objectives that require more than one torpedo to destroy.

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I like the solo space missions on rails. I’m a little disappointed they are nerfing the conquest points you get from doing one per day.

I wish they’d actually increased how many you needed to do and increased the amount a little. Then made it per character and not limited to per legacy.

I find them relaxing and also challenging at the top end. While it would have been good if they’d been free flight, I still like having them.

I would suggest the Op consider this was in the original release of the game 9 years ago. If he doesn’t like them, he has a very simple solution, don’t do them ;)

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Personally I was disappointed when I first played the rail space missions. I assumed they'd be like SWG, free form, etc.

But after trying it a few times, I did enjoy them. Although I've always had issues with the heroic ones. And when GSF was announced, I was hoping it would be free form too, but it was just PVP in a space box. I tried it quite a bit, but in the end it wasn't my bag :/ But that is a personal opinion. I wouldn't say space combat is stupid, or gsf is bad. After all people do enjoy it, so it's obviously a vital part of their game

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I usually play one or two missions with a new chartacter, then this part if game is forgotten.


This space flying reminds me of my first StarWars game the Rebel Assault published in 1993.

I would gladly see free light here but also know it's not going to happen...


with the limitations on the engine, they can't do free form. I'm not sure if it was a post, or podcast, but I think they've said that a few times. Or it's been quoted a few times.

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I do all the Tier One missions, plus the first Tier Two mission (the escort one), to get the Pilot Title. It's good, fast XP and the very first one at least gives you an XP token. I view it as sort of a mindless, welcome relief after having to use my brain after an evening of gaming or an annoying work call (sometimes I even play during work calls!). Every now and then you want to let off steam and just blow stuff up.


With that said, I do agree that the difficulty ramps up disproportionately. For the higher level missions, even though you can memorize the maps and have outfitted to level 7 ship gear, you have to be spot-on the entire mission. One wrong step and you're toast. I sort of view those missions as an intricate ballroom dance - every step is critical. There is very little margin for error, which I don't necessarily mind.


As a bit of an aside, if you are really into space flight missions, I do encourage you to try out Star Wars Squadrons. I was surprised how much I liked it. It's a mild diversion for me since I'm not that into the genre, but I was pleasantly surprised how well the controls work on the PC (haven't tried VR). Don't expect a decent story, but to their credit, they didn't design or market it as such. The solo campaign is 10 hours or so.



Edited by Jdast
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I like the solo space missions on rails. I’m a little disappointed they are nerfing the conquest points you get from doing one per day.

I wish they’d actually increased how many you needed to do and increased the amount a little. Then made it per character and not limited to per legacy.

I find them relaxing and also challenging at the top end. While it would have been good if they’d been free flight, I still like having them.

I would suggest the Op consider this was in the original release of the game 9 years ago. If he doesn’t like them, he has a very simple solution, don’t do them ;)


UGH !!


I HATE the "rail system" for solo players... That's why I finally quite SEVERAL years ago. (And pretty much see little reason to go back).

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UGH !!


I HATE the "rail system" for solo players... That's why I finally quite SEVERAL years ago. (And pretty much see little reason to go back).


I play them when I’m waiting for pvp to pop because at the time of day it can be await. If we could queue multiple types of content at once it wouldn’t be so bad. But because it’s either reg pvp or ranked or gsf or flash points I have to choose and then wait and starting anything else interrupts.

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I play them when I’m waiting for pvp to pop because at the time of day it can be await. If we could queue multiple types of content at once it wouldn’t be so bad. But because it’s either reg pvp or ranked or gsf or flash points I have to choose and then wait and starting anything else interrupts.


Oh ... I understand completely.


... mumbles to self ... I still hate the rail styled solo space missions

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... mumbles to self ... I still hate the rail styled solo space missions


And I agree, it would have been better if they’d originally been free flight from the start. But as with most things in this game, weird design choices or engine limitations have given us what we got.


Have you tried the new Star Wars Squadrons game? IMO, that’s what GSF and space missions should have been

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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And I agree, it would have been better if they’d originally been free flight from the start. But as with most things in this game, weird design choices or engine limitations have given us what we got.


Have you tried the new Star Wars Squadrons game? IMO, that’s what GSF and space missions should have been


free flight would have been so much better, but with the engine limitations, it was never meant to be. Haven't tried the new game, will wait till it's on sale...lol. Only ever really buy games full price when I know I'll play them a lot...lol.

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free flight would have been so much better, but with the engine limitations, it was never meant to be. Haven't tried the new game, will wait till it's on sale...lol. Only ever really buy games full price when I know I'll play them a lot...lol.


There’s a joystick bug at the moment. So probably wait till that’s fixed. It’s the only reason I’m still playing here at the moment.

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I play them when I’m waiting for pvp to pop because at the time of day it can be await. If we could queue multiple types of content at once it wouldn’t be so bad. But because it’s either reg pvp or ranked or gsf or flash points I have to choose and then wait and starting anything else interrupts.


You do know, that you can q for regBGs, FPs and GSF at the same time , right? (also you can q for GSF and FPs, when you re q-ing for RankedBGs)

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And I agree, it would have been better if they’d originally been free flight from the start. But as with most things in this game, weird design choices or engine limitations have given us what we got.


Have you tried the new Star Wars Squadrons game? IMO, that’s what GSF and space missions should have been


No I haven't ... actually.


However, I have read the reviews on it. And yes I do agree with your statement !

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There’s a joystick bug at the moment. So probably wait till that’s fixed. It’s the only reason I’m still playing here at the moment.

I suppose I should probably report a bug against Squadrons *and* against the Steam client, in that neither of them is really aware that my Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas X is a flight stick with throttle, and that makes it ... hard to configure.

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Actually you can’t queue for more than one at a time.


you used to be able to que for fp's and pvp (not sure about gsf) It's been a while since I pvp'd but I remember doing it, and getting two pops at the same time, and trying to decide which to pick...lol

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Actually you can’t queue for more than one at a time.


then we re not playing ther same game... you can q for an FP, non rankedBGs and GSF at the same time... you can q GSF, FPs and ranked BGs at the same time (if you q ranked you gotta q GSF through your hangar button)

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