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MODDABLE "orange" quality gear ONLY for levels 1-49, very disapointed :-(


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When you join a military orginization....don't you have to wear the uniform provided?


I could see this not being applicable to the classes like Bounty Hunter and such which are the lone wolf archtype.


I am not a Star Wars fan myself but everything I have seen tells me that Jedis of any kind typically wear very similiar clothing.


I am into doll toons myself but it seems that having everyone on the front lines wearing unique clothes doesn't fit with the lore of the game.


Now that I think of it, everyone wears either robes, combat armour, a uniform, or trench coat and hat.


I don't remember the Star Wars universe being filled with unique special snowflakes.


To sum up, only the non-coms should the ability to make a choise to what gear you can look like. But if you pick a class that belongs to an orginization..then you have to accept what the uniform looks like.

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If BW insists on keep this failure of a system of theirs I propose the following changes:


1. Reverse engineering an item as a crafter has a chance to return the moddable version

schematic for that item.


2. Implement a social set which has a piece for every slot which is basically invisible/ alpha 0. E.g. = Slave girl set + invisible belt/ bracers?


3. Make all end game sets Bind on Aquire/pickup including the mods within them.


4a. Make the mods in the above mentioned sets interchangeable so that they CAN be used in other moddable sets but only by that player (BoA/P).




4b. If not 4a, then lock ALL the mods in end game gear and allow mods of equal quality to be looted or crafted. Or even purchased i.e. using pvp commendations.


You may say, this almost makes end game gear obsolete if mods of equal quality can be looted/crafted etc.

Thats not the case considering to aquire the gear your talking either hardcore raiding, or equivelant hardcore pvp. Which rewards you with the gear pre-slotted.


Getting the mods and your own orange quality gear would probably still be more difficult which it in all honesty shouldn't be.


The simplest solution would be to make an appareance tab where you an put whatever gear in you want for looks, while wearing actual gear for the stats. Problem solved.

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In my opinion BioWare could/should have gone the route of not having any green-blue-purple gear/weapons at all.


If every item had been fully moddable Orange from the start, everyone could mix and match to their heart's content from beginning to end and nobody would be forced to look like a clone at endgame. Nor would there be a need for an appearance tab either. Everyone could look the way they want to look and retain that appearance throughout the game.


Synthweavers, Armormechs and Armstechs would then have a gigantic array of sets and weapons they could craft and everyone could find a set (or separate pieces from different sets) and weapons they would love. Thousands of armor pieces and a ton of weapon designs, and none would go to waste as everyone could keep using/upgrading/changing them for themselves and their companions according to their personal preference.


Then the green-blue-purple would only apply to the mods as these basically dictate the effectiveness of the item; allowing Cybertechs, Artificers, Armstechs to work their magic.


Heck, then you could even have Legendary mods dropping in Operations that would give bonuses when applied. And no doubt something similar could be done for PvP mods. So instead of the ages-old 'gear progression', you would have 'mod progression' (although gear and weapons could still drop in FPs&OPs; adding to the diversity even more).


At least that's my take on the matter. Now they hashed 2 different systems together when they should have opted for an either-or approach. The current setup just causes confusion and dissension among the playerbase.


My vote would have gone to all items being fully customizable with the mods dictating the effectiveness regarding the quality-level of the mods.



I'll add my vote for this, too. This way, they could keep the whole mod system, yet have all the benefits of an appearance tab, and still have the progression mechanics.


Especially if some fancy looking items couldn't be duplicated, but could be modded. It would be like double the carrot-on-a-stick thing.

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When you join a military orginization....don't you have to wear the uniform provided?


I could see this not being applicable to the classes like Bounty Hunter and such which are the lone wolf archtype.


I am not a Star Wars fan myself but everything I have seen tells me that Jedis of any kind typically wear very similiar clothing.


I am into doll toons myself but it seems that having everyone on the front lines wearing unique clothes doesn't fit with the lore of the game.


Now that I think of it, everyone wears either robes, combat armour, a uniform, or trench coat and hat.


I don't remember the Star Wars universe being filled with unique special snowflakes.


To sum up, only the non-coms should the ability to make a choise to what gear you can look like. But if you pick a class that belongs to an orginization..then you have to accept what the uniform looks like.


Quite s specious argument there.


How do smugglers fit into this? Is there some sort of union outfit they should be wearing?

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When you join a military orginization....don't you have to wear the uniform provided?


I could see this not being applicable to the classes like Bounty Hunter and such which are the lone wolf archtype.


I am not a Star Wars fan myself but everything I have seen tells me that Jedis of any kind typically wear very similiar clothing.


I am into doll toons myself but it seems that having everyone on the front lines wearing unique clothes doesn't fit with the lore of the game.


Now that I think of it, everyone wears either robes, combat armour, a uniform, or trench coat and hat.


I don't remember the Star Wars universe being filled with unique special snowflakes.


To sum up, only the non-coms should the ability to make a choise to what gear you can look like. But if you pick a class that belongs to an orginization..then you have to accept what the uniform looks like.


This is a game. Because it is a game it should be fun.


My guild and I would LOVE to have a specific look, but that is impossible considering that all the end game gear has no option for customization.

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They could have dealt with this by having the high end encounters drop the mods, not the armor.


That way we could wear any style of armor we wanted to and they could gate the mods by encounter any way they wanted to.



Don't know if this is already done, but they would have to soul bind the mods as well.


Don't think they do because someone was pointing out that mod crafting as a profession is doomed because they don't soul bind, so there is no mechanic to remove these items from the game. So the price for mods in trade will be little under the cost to remove them from armor.


I was thinking something along those same lines, with a deviation. Instead of either armor or mods, end-game bosses only drop schematics for armor and mods. The catch, to keep people from just farming, and leaving, without completing the instance, would make one key element for crafting these items, only available when the instance is completed.

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I remember at one of the big gaming conventions, i forget which one...They were actually talking about having a cosmetic system more like Aion where you take your gear with all your stats and restructure it into the gear you like cosmetically. So you could get a really sweet chest piece drop with really bad stats, take it to the vendor and make your current armor look like it for a cost.


I wonder whatever happend to that because they were DEFINITELY talking about it.


See the way it is now...Whats the point in even having social gear vendors? All that gear will be useless at 50. The specifically said they will have ways to customize character appearance so I hope it does eventually get implemented somehow. which im sure it will. For all we know it's ready to go and they are just ironing out the bugs. It could be out next patch for all we know.

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I think alot of this comes down to how developed the crafting communities are so far. There have been relatively small number of fully levelled crafter, only two weeks for schematics to drop and get in their hands and for level 50 play and high end crafting to get the best mods into the game.


Alot of this is just theory until we can compare the optimal orange gear against the best locked gear or what people are actually ending up with and see what the real statistical difference will be. I am sure there will be some difference but, that it will be comparatively small and only matter to optimizers who have to have the best possible to consider their gear viable or wearable. There may even be some level of edge to be had in the orange gear since it could be perfectly dialed-in that counterbalances overall lower stats.

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I just wanna add my voice that I support mod-able end-game gear. Customizable characters are one of the thing's that make MMO's and RPG's cool. If its in and I haven't seen it yet I will keep my mouth shut. Edited by HighDru
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An appearance tab shouldn't cut it here.... the armors need to be customizable stat wise too... my needs may be different because of how I speced.


The mod system is a good start for an armor modification system, but we really need an appearance tab or something as functional.

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They could have dealt with this by having the high end encounters drop the mods, not the armor.


That way we could wear any style of armor we wanted to and they could gate the mods by encounter any way they wanted to.



Don't know if this is already done, but they would have to soul bind the mods as well.


Don't think they do because someone was pointing out that mod crafting as a profession is doomed because they don't soul bind, so there is no mechanic to remove these items from the game. So the price for mods in trade will be little under the cost to remove them from armor.


that's not a solution because for example if there are 5 named mobs in zone you only have to farm the first mob to get mods to put in every slot and fill up your complete set without having to progress .. the way they did it is if you want a complete set you have to successfully clear the entire zone

as far as crafted mods .. just like the gear are probably made to bind on pickup rather than equip, but until someone actually gets in there and starts clearing raid zones .. it's all pretty much here say, as even items and encounters tested in beta are not permanent and can change at any time.


People don't realize how difficult these games are to create and try to balance .. sure you can make a lot of points about balancing, but that is only from one perspective (yours) when there are dozens maybe hundreds of perspectives to take into consideration.

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Just wanted to say that I totally agree with OP. I remember Devs saying that if you wanted to raid as a Tusken Raider, you could if you work for it.


IMHO it's very very stupid to be fully customizable from 1-49, but at 50, time to suit up your uniform

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that's not a solution because for example if there are 5 named mobs in zone you only have to farm the first mob to get mods to put in every slot and fill up your complete set without having to progress .. the way they did it is if you want a complete set you have to successfully clear the entire zone

as far as crafted mods .. just like the gear are probably made to bind on pickup rather than equip, but until someone actually gets in there and starts clearing raid zones .. it's all pretty much here say, as even items and encounters tested in beta are not permanent and can change at any time.


People don't realize how difficult these games are to create and try to balance .. sure you can make a lot of points about balancing, but that is only from one perspective (yours) when there are dozens maybe hundreds of perspectives to take into consideration.


Unless the mods were only for specific types of gear (I think this was the original design). First boss only drops boot mods, the second, only drops hand mods, etc.


One other thing I would like to note. The reason why I never purchase any armor is because I am not paying crafters for blue or purple procced gear when I know it's going to look like utter crap when I put it on or out level it in 5 levels.


I would much rather keep moding my sub par gear with mods I get off PvP commendation gear.


Because we don't have an appearance tab you crafters are suffering because a lot of people like me refuse to keep buying temporary gear that looks like crap.

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Just wanted to say that I totally agree with OP. I remember Devs saying that if you wanted to raid as a Tusken Raider, you could if you work for it.


IMHO it's very very stupid to be fully customizable from 1-49, but at 50, time to suit up your uniform


ALL of this could have been avoided by adopting a simple APPEARANCE TAB, like that of LOTRO.


Instead, there's this very restrictive, more complicated than needs to be and far less useful ORANGE MOD system.



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So I was talking with someone who was raiding The Eternity Vault. A rank 25 epic mod dropped from a boss.


So keeping up the orange gear with PVE end-game loot seems to be viable at the moment.


Not the schematic. One mod, and it isn't an Armoring, Hilt, or Barrel.


Orange gear is not viable until a source of Armoring, Hilt, and Barrels becomes widely available. And the schematics aren't.

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I personally think every item in game should be Reverse Engineer-able to a pattern which has the possibility of Criting Exceptional quality. I think all armor/weapons should be "golds" eg modifiable. The color of the item should denote only the rarity of the pattern's drop (not the stats), and everything lootable at end game raids have a different appearance version that is craftable only obtained through the same raids. The materials for this should only be able to be acquired through the raids progression just as anything else.


I can only hope that the end result of what ever path they take is allowing me to use exactly the appearance I want at end game for both pvp and pve at full effectiveness. Anything else will lead to a lack of interest for myself at least on participating in end game activities as I have flexed my epeen enough in other games when I was a kid and care more about personal touch and style than bragging rights.


What I hate more than anything is the set bonuses if they are not linked to the mods themselves as it appears. If the set bonuses are only on "purple" or better gear {armor/weapons} then this entire system is horrible. Set bonuses being on the armor itself will ensure that everyone looks identical at end game or be subpar by choice.

Edited by Aethyrprime
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the mod gear IS appearance gear sheesh you don't need an appearance tab you already have it


I can't believe anyone is still trying to sell this BS.


No, it isn't. There are all different major reasons the system doesn't work out that way. They could fix those reasons, instead of ditching it entirely, but until they do, how can you even say something like that? Have you even tried to craft a set of orange gear, starting with just some greens you like the look of?


It's a HUGE pain in the ***, IF you're lucky enough to even be able to reverse engineer those pieces. That rare item you like the look of? Good luck; there's about a 90% chance you'll just destroy it, when you try.. but most items can't even be reverse engineered, so all that bad luck, tedium, and wasted credits doesn't even enter into it at all.

Edited by Vihazur
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