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MODDABLE "orange" quality gear ONLY for levels 1-49, very disapointed :-(


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If this is true then it definitely needs addressing. In a game focused so much on the RPG side of MMORPG, removing the option to customise how your gear looks is very bad. I was so happy when I encountered the moddable gear system and now I just feel very disappointed.


I (like many others) prefer a game that people can exploit over a game where every nice thing is taken out because of the elusive 'balance' that never actually happens anyway.


If you don't want people to farm easy bosses to upgrade all their gear then just make the mods specific to each of the gear pieces (chest, legs etc) or make stronger bosses drop better mods.


I suppose we will quickly see what direction the game is going to take - the way this sort of issues are going to be dealt with is going to define the scale of success and long term viability of this game.

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What I don't and didn't understand is, why they didn't just make the drops all mods and make them BoP and ONLY useable where you got them from, so a boot mod can only go into a boot.


If they still want to show off the end game armour look, just make them raid orange drops.


Bioware, your game is beautiful but your armour designs look awful, I mean WOW they are awful. I can't get over the crap I have to wear in PVP, it's horrific. It's like you've never watched a Star Wars film before.


Honestly, I get where you were coming from with the mod system and while I think that a appearance tab is the cheap way out, if you weren't going to do the mod system properly (frankly it's pointless at end game and yet another time sink when the whole point of a appearance system is so that you can look cool while you time sink) then why bother at all? You should have just gone with the appearance tab, reinventing the wheel hasn't worked for you.




datamined. have seen the lvl 58 mods in game. but you havent so they dont exist. rage on. rage on.


Those are from beta. *slow clap*


There are no PVP mod drops or places to buy them and the end game PVE mods do not give you the set bonus when you slot them.


You're talking rubbish, but as usual, please feel to keep posting, you're on a roll.

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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Right, I'll try and make an informative posts here, to get people on the same page.


The bosses from the "end-game raids" drop moddable armor, with their mods locked into place. As in, you can not remove them and put them in an armor piece you prefer, basicly defeating the purpose of the moddable gear in the first place.


The reasoning behind this seems to be that, otherwise one could just farm the first boss in an operation, who perhaps dropped boots. Do that a couple of times, remove the mods from the boots, and put it into your chestpiece. Voila! You know have a powerfull chestpiece without reaching the boss who drops the chestpiece.


I can see how that would be a "problem", but I think this solution is very hamhanded. The Mods and Enhancements does not give a diffrence depening on the armor it's put into, it's only the Armoring part that does that. Wouldn't it be simpler to then have the Boots dropped from the raid have Armoring mods that can only be put into other boots? Then we could have the boots we want, and the system with moddable gear would have a purpose again.


The same holds true for the PvP gear, which apperently also have locked mods. Why? Is it again, people bought PvP boots cheap, took out the mods, and put them into chestarmours, gaining a larger benefit that way? Once again, look the armoring mod to the type of gear (Boots, Chest, Head etc) rather then locking them into the piece they are aquired with.



That's my couple of cents, I'm off to get some coffee.

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The solution is simply to offer mods on vendors of equivalent level but make them more expensive per unit cost. If people have a look they wanna stick with they generally don't mind a tiny amount of extra effort to do so. Edited by Bakarn
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In my opinion the game should only have orange armor with sockets. Let us wear what looks good while getting the stats we've earned.


I think the slottable armor idea was a great one, now let's jump full on board with it instead of being halfway in between two different ways of doing it.

Edited by Shillen
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I love my shadow, but I just got a sweet jacket on my scoundrel.


And it kind of makes the difference in maining. Looking cool!


I know what you mean, I HATE it when my character looks bad, I rapidly find myself not enjoying the MMO when it happens.


I love the mod system but I feel that they either should have gone all in, (green, blue and orange items with only purple mods dropping at high levels which are BOP and only useable in an item type, i.e. boots in boots etc. In fact I think that system would have been perfect) or have just gone with a appearance tab.

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Ok, I'm a bit confused. So please, clear up this for me:


I WILL be using an orange set for my Inquisitor (Supreme Inquisitor's) at level 50. I don't care if there are better purple sets out there with better stats, I just don't. I wanna stick with a set of gear that looks as I want my char to look. So here is my simple question:


What is the level of the HIGHEST mods I'll be able to mod into my orange set? And what is the level of the HIGHEST unexctratable mods on purple gear right now?


I really wanna know the difference between purple gear and best-possible-orange-gear.


Thanks in advance for the info :)

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I remember a heated debate over this in the one of the beta forums.


I think that the decision came down to this: Raiders were adamant that a mere mod for an orange piece of gear is nothing more than 1/3 of an item AND it provided no outward display to show that they are progressing on the content.


I intend to use Orange gear for as long as I can to maintain the look that I want. I think this is an example of why Orange gear IS NOT as good as an appearance tab as the game sits now IMHO.

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they figure 90% of players wont see a raid so it wont make a difference


we can fix it later


bw motto


above poster, orange gear is intended as a wardrobe tab. it isnt; they had to nerf it late in beta because their gear system didnt work.

Edited by Letsplayrift
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Am I reading this right??!?!?!


I have been collecting all sorts of orange gear since I started this game. I am now level 28 and have collected more than 100k and spent it all on various orange gear, saving all pieces I could find up for later, when I hit 50. I was planning to combine my ultimate set by then, I already know a bit what I wanna look like.


So if I understand correctly, at level 50 my orange gear will ALWAYS be worse than raidgear that ISN'T moddable? So, in other words, if I want the best stats, all my orange gear I spend so much on is quite WORTHLESS right?!?!?!


Man that's a MAJOR letdown. Especially since the developers prized their mod system, it was their idea of an appearance tab. Clearly, it's a messed up system and orange gear becomes completely useless this way.


Looks are IMPORTANT to me. Actually, I find it one of the most important things in a game like this. I don't wanna look like everybody else!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

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So as some who made level 50 might know the raid gear has its Armor mod slots LOCKED down so you cannot take its mods out and slot it into your favorite orange quality cool looking armor.


Yes some equal quality "loose" armor mods was said by developers to be made avialable in raids , but we have not seen a single one yet at least.


What is worse for PVP gear there is no equvalent to this, or in other words no PVP armor mod vendor so your stuck with your champions etc gear exactly how it looks, as the juicy stats are on the armor mods which cannot be removed (and lets be honest the level 50 epic PVP gear has had so much negative feedback for its crappy looks)


In other words you will end up looking EXACTLY like all other players of the same class, the question then begs WHY then Bioware implemented the Orange moddable gear in the first place, if its practically not usable at endgame ?


Yes, some Bioware developer said they "had" to do this because otherwise some raiders would just farm the first couple bosses and remove the mods and by this make complete upgraded armor sets without having to kill the more difficult end- bosses.


I cant believe they just made this "cheap" bandaid solution, instead of, for example made the armor mods dependent on the piece it was removed from, ie chest piece armor mod only usable in chest piece orange armor etc.


Before anyone says why even care for looks or "only stats count" well in that case why even make the game graphically apeasing ? or even just make it text based like RPGs from the 80s :-)


Bandaid solutions like this from the game developers really make me worry for its future, and lets be CLEAR, i waited 5 years for this game and could be called a "fan" and do NOT want this game to fail, which is WHY stuff like this (and as you all know the "list" with urgent things for them to fix is getting longer every day already...) is really making me sad.




Be "disappointed" all you want, but Bioware came straight out and SAID this prior to the game's launch. They mentioned that this was a big thing with their modding system because people where basically taking 2-3 pieces of gear in raid just to de-mod the gear and place those in other items, essentially ruining the point of the gear that dropped itself, ruining the artists' work, as well as making an issue with groups of people needing on gear they didn't need just for the mods.

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They've turned an enjoyable part of modern MMOs, appearance settings, into a frustrating system that ultimately is useless at end game for PVE and PVP sets.


Which is extremely odd, given that the suggestion made here is so sensible.


Just make raid-quality mods BoP and slot-specific. So you can yank the boot mods from a piece of raid gear, but then it only goes into boots.


Is there some flaw to this system that I am missing? On the face of it, it appears a simple and elegant solution.

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So as some who made level 50 might know the raid gear has its Armor mod slots LOCKED down so you cannot take its mods out and slot it into your favorite orange quality cool looking armor.


Yes some equal quality "loose" armor mods was said by developers to be made avialable in raids , but we have not seen a single one yet at least.


What is worse for PVP gear there is no equvalent to this, or in other words no PVP armor mod vendor so your stuck with your champions etc gear exactly how it looks, as the juicy stats are on the armor mods which cannot be removed (and lets be honest the level 50 epic PVP gear has had so much negative feedback for its crappy looks)


In other words you will end up looking EXACTLY like all other players of the same class, the question then begs WHY then Bioware implemented the Orange moddable gear in the first place, if its practically not usable at endgame ?


Yes, some Bioware developer said they "had" to do this because otherwise some raiders would just farm the first couple bosses and remove the mods and by this make complete upgraded armor sets without having to kill the more difficult end- bosses.


I cant believe they just made this "cheap" bandaid solution, instead of, for example made the armor mods dependent on the piece it was removed from, ie chest piece armor mod only usable in chest piece orange armor etc.


Before anyone says why even care for looks or "only stats count" well in that case why even make the game graphically apeasing ? or even just make it text based like RPGs from the 80s :-)


Bandaid solutions like this from the game developers really make me worry for its future, and lets be CLEAR, i waited 5 years for this game and could be called a "fan" and do NOT want this game to fail, which is WHY stuff like this (and as you all know the "list" with urgent things for them to fix is getting longer every day already...) is really making me sad.


Pull the Mods out of the purple PvP gear -they only have 2 but ill be doing it once i hit 50 and find out how to get the gear comms.

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So as some who made level 50 might know the raid gear has its Armor mod slots LOCKED down so you cannot take its mods out and slot it into your favorite orange quality cool looking armor.


Yes some equal quality "loose" armor mods was said by developers to be made avialable in raids , but we have not seen a single one yet at least.


What is worse for PVP gear there is no equvalent to this, or in other words no PVP armor mod vendor so your stuck with your champions etc gear exactly how it looks, as the juicy stats are on the armor mods which cannot be removed (and lets be honest the level 50 epic PVP gear has had so much negative feedback for its crappy looks)


In other words you will end up looking EXACTLY like all other players of the same class, the question then begs WHY then Bioware implemented the Orange moddable gear in the first place, if its practically not usable at endgame ?


Yes, some Bioware developer said they "had" to do this because otherwise some raiders would just farm the first couple bosses and remove the mods and by this make complete upgraded armor sets without having to kill the more difficult end- bosses.


I cant believe they just made this "cheap" bandaid solution, instead of, for example made the armor mods dependent on the piece it was removed from, ie chest piece armor mod only usable in chest piece orange armor etc.


Before anyone says why even care for looks or "only stats count" well in that case why even make the game graphically apeasing ? or even just make it text based like RPGs from the 80s :-)


Bandaid solutions like this from the game developers really make me worry for its future, and lets be CLEAR, i waited 5 years for this game and could be called a "fan" and do NOT want this game to fail, which is WHY stuff like this (and as you all know the "list" with urgent things for them to fix is getting longer every day already...) is really making me sad.


I do agree with you and until now I didn't realize that the raid and pvp gear could not had the mods removed. That is depressing.

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Which is extremely odd, given that the suggestion made here is so sensible.


Just make raid-quality mods BoP and slot-specific. So you can yank the boot mods from a piece of raid gear, but then it only goes into boots.


Is there some flaw to this system that I am missing? On the face of it, it appears a simple and elegant solution.


That's pretty much how I see it as well, the only problem with it that I see is that it might have taken time to make the changes. Ultimately though whatever the problem, it leaves us with a system that I find mostly frustrating.


For example, I have a green pair of armoured legs that look awesome, I've never seen anyone else with them and I have no idea where to even start looking for the orange version (if there even is one, Bioware claim that every green item has an orange item though). The green version is already way below my stats on other items so if I want better stats I can't ware them.


An appearance tab would instantly fix that but that's not the direction the game is going and that's fine BUT it would be nice to at least have some way of turning that item into a orange item, reverse engineering or something. Having SOME control over the process would be nice, I don't just want any orange item, the whole point is to have the orange item that I want.


Bioware have said that orange items of the green items can be made by crafters but at this stage it's hard to see that, and that's a frustration right now.

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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Hahahahaaha ;-)


Sorry i was disapointed of this games shortcummings and really needed a good laugh, mind you not lauging AT you but by what you said, seen in the light that 90 % of both endgame PVE and PVP gear looks absolutely HORRIBLE, (most level 40 gear looks leagues ABOVE better)


I mean really seriously, my 10 year old daughter draws much better looking armor and clothes in art class, she even designed a 250 armor set piece for a youth D&D book in a talent competition. If a 10 year old can do this, i am sure a 150 million USD budget game should be able to do at least on par :-)


I understand the issue and hope that it is looked into, but do not for a minute think that what you consider to be horrible is considered to be horrible by everyone.


Just putting that out there, chief.

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Pull the Mods out of the purple PvP gear -they only have 2 but ill be doing it once i hit 50 and find out how to get the gear comms.


Dude...their locked. As in permanently. A weapon crafting station doesnt help. They are the armor. You cant use them in anything else. They dont come out. They are soldered in. You arent getting those mods out with a crowbar, jackhammer, or other similar type device.


Read. Its not like it hasnt been said enough.

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orange gear is still a great idea, i am enjoying it more than an appearance tab for sure.


I do see the problem here though and agree that their current fix is not going to fly.


in my opinion they could make the raid mods removeable then


rename them for each gear slot and make them BOP and/or unique.

Ie "Tier x Boot Armoring Reflex mod"

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I'm still flabbergasted after reading this topic :(


My fav game of the moment just got so much less fun.


It seems I really DID understand correctly, I've reread this topic and yeah, I feel kinda sad.


Case_Wight's suggestion seems like the proper solution to me!

Edited by CarpenterJack
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So....why doesn't BW then make the end game boss drops Orange and/or have removable mods? Problem solved.


By end game boss's I mean the last boss of each Flashpoint, or like others have suggested make mods BoE to said specific gear and make them by slot.

Edited by Nidien
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I'm not sure this thread is based on accurate information.


Two nights ago, I decided to use up the Warzone commendations I had accumulated while leveling and ended up with an epic PvP body piece. Once I noticed that the two mods on it didn't carry the Expertise PvP stat and were superior to the mods I currently had in my orange PvE robe, I yanked them out and transferred them to my robe without any problems. Each one cost about 26k credits to pull out.


I currently don't have any of the Tionese PvE set pieces, so I have no clue if those mods are locked. But the two mods in the Champion Force-Mystic's Robe are definitely NOT locked.

Edited by Foxchain
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