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Anyone else getting squelched (muted) a lot


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So I've been getting squelched a LOT lately. I don't mean that it happens once every couple weeks. I mean that it happens up to 2-3 times a week and on more than one server, AND more than one account!


I've noticed that after I cycle through a planetary crawl of posts, when I get back to fleet I can't speak (it doesn't always say I'm squelched.) At least I could alternate accounts... until both got squelched in one night (my alternate almost immediately). I think there may be a bug going around...


Gonna post this in bug reports

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There could be a few reasons for it.

As trixxie asked, were you putting out guild invites too quickly, too close to each other.

Or advertising you ref link? Possibly again, too close to each other (or even once, some people report it when they see it once)

Did you start a toxic topic, or even get dragged in to one?

Or did you post something innocent in between toxic posts, and you get hit by mistake

Or possibly a bug.


No one here can answer any of that, as we can't see. You can message CS, tell them what's happening, give them all the relevant details, they might (should) be able to see why you were squelched, and let you know why.

If after you put your ticket in, and they don't (won't) tell you, then try support@swtor.com

Hopefully someone can let you know what is happening

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Do you have a cat or something that might be jumping on your keyboard in your absence and sending long sequences of meaningless characters into chat?


If your cat is sending long sequences of meaningful characters into chat you've got bigger problems.


Naughty Kitty!

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Do you have a cat or something that might be jumping on your keyboard in your absence and sending long sequences of meaningless characters into chat?


If your cat is sending long sequences of meaningful characters into chat you've got bigger problems.


I've seen this happen a few times in game...lol

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You must be spamming or there’s something with your behaviour. In 8 years of playing this game it has not happened to me a single time.


As others pointed out, don’t be obnoxious and don’t spam your ref link. The latter is annoying and to me you fall in a category similar to the credit spammers and I will immediately report it as spam if I see it. We can’t have people using the chat to spam their ref link. Now, imagine if it becomes a trend...


Also, if you see people telling you to stop doing something in chat, listen to them as it probably means that you are about to get reported if you don’t change your behaviour.


I think it takes 10 persons to report you each time. If it happens to you 2-3 times a week, it is not a mistake of someone reporting the “innocent” poster.

Edited by Eriamea
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Y We can’t have people using the chat to spam their ref link. Now, imagine if it becomes a trend...



Can't tell if this is sarcasm, but if not, then it's already too late, it's become a major trend... sometimes there are even more ref spammers than gold spammers...lol

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i have seen quite a few discussions from people who got squelched recently on discords, and it seems that the system works perfectly fine and there are good reasons for them getting squelched.


Well, was on the starter worlds for a few hours, alt hopping, and on all of them, there were no spammers, apart from guild adverts, and even those were reasonably far apart. So the new system seems to be working for the moment.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I got muted after whispering someone who had apparently ignored me (I didn't know at that time - IIRC I send one message and then went to do something else). I whispered from another character that I happened to play - I didn't understand the situation and then tried on another character again... and finally decided to give up and simply ignore him too.


About a few minutes later - which I didn't even notice at first because why would I expect this? - my chat wasn't landing anywhere, I thought that was delay or lag, until I tried to whisper someone which told me my message was not send.


There is zero notification about this - and it's super weird and unfair. I see soo many spammers and even bots sending me 20 mails, yet I get a mute after such SHORT adventure, AND only with ONE person? There wasn't any flaming involved other than expressing ones opinion about chat.


Are you sure you were muted, and not effected by the chat bug? did you try messaging in guild? I thought someone mentioned here that you actually get a message saying you were muted, so if you got no message, it might be the bug.

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Two weeks ago I experienced the bug in chat where I could not send anything to guild, but could send everywhere else and see everything including guild. Even had the officers promote/demote my rank to no avail but it "fixed" by itself after a couple hours. This was during primetime and other people were randomly reporting people listed as offline but were talking in guild chat and other channels just fine.


If you're squelched it will say you are squelched, other issues/bugs appear to be temporary database problems and affect very specific channels.

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<edit I think posting here doesn't get me any talk I would like to have,

like answering questions about stuff that I gave all details about in 3 paragraphs already......, removed >


edit: I got unmuted now: Explanation:

Apparently I got 24h mute for whispering someone that gnored me bypassing it... and then getting spam reported, or similar (it was immediate mute - so an automated one).

Edited by HottesIce
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Don't tell me of a bug, this happened only after I whispered someone obviously ignoring me and reporting me.

Usually I only chat in the guild and never had anything, of course. So when I go out there and whisper people that report me for what ever reason...

there is a clear "your messages are being ignored" to anyone I write = mute.


If they were ignoring (meaning feature ignore) you, how did they even know you whispered them?



Edited by Jdast
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<edit I think posting here doesn't get me any talk I would like to have, removed >


People have answered, we're not responsible if you want to stick your head in the sand and pretend no one helped. As the other poster explained, it tells you when you are muted, so chances are you got hit by the bug.

One person cannot mute you

Edited by DarkTergon
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These squelch complaint posts are so frustrating. I've yet to see anyone just admit what they were saying/doing at the time they were "mysteriously" squelched, instead acting like it just happened out of nowhere or giving very vague replies or just never posting again.
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These squelch complaint posts are so frustrating. I've yet to see anyone just admit what they were saying/doing at the time they were "mysteriously" squelched, instead acting like it just happened out of nowhere or giving very vague replies or just never posting again.


Even if they did, it will just lead to accusations of leaving something out or being untruthful. I 100% believe there are people who abuse this just like there are claims of people who abuse vote kick in PvP.


I will tell anyone who felt like they have been unfairly squelched, REPORT IT. Eric already stated abuse of this system will NOT be tolerated. The system is not here to silence people who someone else arbitrarily finds annoying, the ignore function is set up for that.


With that said, I have a suspicion that there might be a bug in the new system as well. Anyways, just REPORT IT.

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These squelch complaint posts are so frustrating. I've yet to see anyone just admit what they were saying/doing at the time they were "mysteriously" squelched, instead acting like it just happened out of nowhere or giving very vague replies or just never posting again.


Well, I've been squelched myself recently (though I've made no complaint thread, so far it only happened to me once, and overall chat seems to have gotten a bit more pleasant..) and I'd certainly not done anything to warrant it. After several hours of only talking in guild chat I said one single word in general chat. Someone asked where the heroic terminal was. Someone else said "supplies or combat training". I said "combat". That was the last thing I could say for 24 hours.


I suspect it might have had more to do with the name of the character I was on drawing attention, otherwise I have no clue. That was literally the only thing I'd said outside of guild or group chat the entire day.

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