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Challenge: Name just one thing [just one] that you'd like to see changed in the game


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Reason: it has suddenly become strangely apparent to me that my longtime main JK and Kira are almost identical (pure coincidence) and it bugs me, but I still have some doubts as to whether I like customization 1 enough to stick with it. Almost reminds me too much of Jaesa, that one.

That made me think of when Yerka Kolar (fairly nasty Darth Noxette who doesn't give a flyng [REDACTED] about what anyone thinks a Sith should look like) went through KotFE Chapter X with Kaliyo. Two skinny Rattataki women on a girls' night out, running around Zakuul blowing [REDACTED] up.


It was, in more ways than one, a blast.

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To be perfectly honest I really don't know that I can cut it down to one ... Just not possible. So much is needed now.


I do see at least three (perhaps 4) that are ALL of EQUAL importance.


However, in the spirit of the thread...


More regular advancement of the story / content


( Note: Must have depth ... and much longer than what have seen in JUS and Onslaught ... AND BUG FREE !! )

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Make all instances for story scale to character level.

A better way to handle all the emotes.

More missions centered on all the companions so that we can get to know them and interact with them more. I'd prefer they be more than stronghold decorations.

More story interactions with companions who were able to be killed off.


All excellent ones as well imo. Not too big to be excused as too much work and already in line with other things they've previously touched on or done (Scaling, UI changes and story).

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If it were just one thing that i think could have the deepest impact, use the deadspace 2 mechanic for kofte where another player can be the companion within the story, as in the dont get to chose convs but they control the companion so hk55 type of effect for skills. Kofte always rubbed me the wrong way as in it detaches you from the mmo aspect of the game.
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Restore old classes. I miss the customization, the ability to make your character the way you want, the channeled moves, the fact that mercs had a flamethrower and that powertechs had death from above.

There's many other things I'd like to see but that's the first thing that comes to mind.

Edited by IramUnleashed
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Instead of (youre companion) have it (youre wife/husband) under the name when you marry and some sort of perk for achieving it such as bonus proficiency when said companion is being used.


I can understand not making side stories/voice overs for every companion but this option would at least settle the current (going on a decade long) useless marriage option a bit with few resources put into it.

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Instead of (youre companion) have it (youre wife/husband) under the name when you marry and some sort of perk for achieving it such as bonus proficiency when said companion is being used.

That could cause some ... stress ... in group content. Imagine that someone ragequits a flashpoint group, and the remaining participants start arguing about who has an actually married companion for the bonus and why do you two useless scrubs not do that and ... and ... and ...


It also punishes players whose idea is that their character never marries at all.


Bad idea.

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Well going by posts so far it's just a good thing players don't get a say and hope that continues. Apart from bug fixes which we all would benefit from, there was one in this list I agree with as it does not really affect other players and that is...


Allowing people to choose the default choices (including romance) if they skip the disaster expansions.



This, the cost of these tokens are enough that the player should have the choice. There could still be the default option that is there now, but an advanced choice set would be nice to include Alignment for both sides, crew skills choice, romance choice, and just a few extra that does affect story such as save Vette or Torion. I am sure there are a few others but over all this would not affect any other player.

I will never think it's OK for some player to get beneficial treatment. If BW do it off their own bat as that's different as it's down to BW and not from players.


Sure I'd be very happy to see the back of PvP, & group play but many would not be I am sure. Same applies to so many things. Which is why such game choices should not be down it us.


However this is a very good thread xordevoreaux and an excellent read.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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So. For all the different things we want to see changed, here it is: the mountaintop.


Pick ONE thing, and one thing only, that you want changed.


Don't list out all your secondary desires. The challenge is to stick to just ONE change, and make it specific.


Make it good.

Um, no thanks, I have better things to do. 😏

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