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Please get rid of level scaling.


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1 thing most of you prob dont realise is thanks to lvl sync and scaling biofail doesnt have to put any effort what so ever to create new content its just the same shatty old content from years ago repeated over and over again


and it will continue being '' relevant'' cause of defenders of this shat system.

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1 thing most of you prob dont realise is thanks to lvl sync and scaling biofail doesnt have to put any effort what so ever to create new content its just the same shatty old content from years ago repeated over and over again


and it will continue being '' relevant'' cause of defenders of this shat system.


And what you probably don't realize is that getting rid of level scaling would also mean older content and planets become completely irrevelant except for leveling within the determined level range. We've had that before and planets were complete wastelands, I much prefer it the way it is now even with the downsides it has when it comes to challenges. This is also one of the main reasons why I don't really get back into GW2, because once you are out of the loop or even decide to create a new character from scratch you are pretty much lost and the public quests in the areas that are not part of the endgame anymore become pretty worthless.


Both systems have their pros and cons and level scaling does a much better job for a game that is only moderately populated and that takes a lot of time and effort to create story content for.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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And what you probably don't realize is that getting rid of level scaling would also mean older content and planets become completely irrevelant except for leveling within the determined level range. We've had that before and planets were complete wastelands, I much prefer it the way it is now even with the downsides it has when it comes to challenges. This is also one of the main reasons why I don't really get back into GW2, because once you are out of the loop or even decide to create a new character from scratch you are pretty much lost and the public quests in the areas that are not part of the endgame anymore become pretty worthless.


Both systems have their pros and cons and level scaling does a much better job for a game that is only moderately populated and that takes a lot of time and effort to create story content for.


as it should, old content should become irrelevant at some point, otherwise the game will stagnate at that point

and no not just story all areas should get more content. multiple pvp maps, multiple daily areas, multiple ops and flashpoints and a meaningfull story and dont give me the resources are limited BS, EA has earned more then 1 billion dollars from lootboxes off their sports gamesin a single YEAR so the money is there.

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as it should, old content should become irrelevant at some point, otherwise the game will stagnate at that point

and no not just story all areas should get more content. multiple pvp maps, multiple daily areas, multiple ops and flashpoints and a meaningfull story and dont give me the resources are limited BS, EA has earned more then 1 billion dollars from lootboxes off their sports gamesin a single YEAR so the money is there.


I mean the issue here is that obviously BW is incapable of releasing new content at an reasonable rate, for whatever reason. Incompetence, low staffing on swtor, lack of funds from EA, whatever.


Again, my personal protest on level scaling is the current downscaled "endgame" situation.

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I mean the issue here is that obviously BW is incapable of releasing new content at an reasonable rate, for whatever reason. Incompetence, low staffing on swtor, lack of funds from EA, whatever.


Again, my personal protest on level scaling is the current downscaled "endgame" situation.


its all 3, its sheer incompetence, low staffing due to EA pulling people away to sports games and the lack of funds

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  • 3 months later...

i think that the level scaling is kind helpful kind of not helpful.


I wish the would make it so that us players have the option to turn the level scaling on and off when ever we want. Like an ability with no penalties. I would give it a 1 minute cool down. I would make it so we can turn it on when we want to level and off when when don't. There are other mmos who don't have the level scaling and they have plenty of content.


And some of the bosses are way way to hard and need to be fixed.

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And some of the bosses are way way to hard and need to be fixed.

My guild sleeps through story mode ops. Wednesday is our noobie night, where people can try out ops for the first time, spread their wings with a different class, whatever.


Week last, we all went to fleet, donned the level 10 starting gear off the vendor, kept our left sides at 306, had an average gear rating of 130 to 140, then walked into story mode EV, and cleared it. We wore our 306 for Garge, our level 10 gear to kill Soa.


We've done all-sorcerer runs. Runs with no tanks, just DPS, no heals. 4-manned story mode ops.


Please specify which bosses you believe are hard.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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There are other mmos who don't have the level scaling and they have plenty of content.

you know what the problems there are in some off then.

world bosses are always been killed by the same type off players so that others have no chance to kill then since there are not strong for it and not will since there not have the best gear what others have to do it solo.

and the same with the content the stronger you are how boring it gets when you play the old content.

do you think its a challence then at some point if all the heroic's are to easy and same go's for a lot off events like the BBA to make it more boring.


and for the people that wane see planet sync needs to be gone i can tell you this all its never gone happing since the resist against planet sync system has all been since the start from it and so far there never gone remove or chance it so the point is more useless if you still think that there gone chance it.

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Basically, the world is full of donkeys....and that's the polite way of putting it. Before level sync, WB groups would get ninja'd, because someone would come along and solo it, just to troll, etc. Or high level players would sit in newbie areas, and sneeze, and wiped the whole area out. People complain they are easy to kill now, can you imagine, an non level sync, 75 walking around korriban, the mere presence of them would kill all the enemies in range.... ok, slight exaggeration, but not too much. That is why level sync is good for the game


What would be a better idea, is to have all instanced content scalable, like kotet, solo, vet, mm. That would only effect you, and it would help the hard core players too. Not sure how much work it would take, but it's something a lot of people have put forward as ideas, over the years.

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Basically, the world is full of donkeys....and that's the polite way of putting it. Before level sync, WB groups would get ninja'd, because someone would come along and solo it, just to troll, etc. Or high level players would sit in newbie areas, and sneeze, and wiped the whole area out. People complain they are easy to kill now, can you imagine, an non level sync, 75 walking around korriban, the mere presence of them would kill all the enemies in range.... ok, slight exaggeration, but not too much. That is why level sync is good for the game


What would be a better idea, is to have all instanced content scalable, like kotet, solo, vet, mm. That would only effect you, and it would help the hard core players too. Not sure how much work it would take, but it's something a lot of people have put forward as ideas, over the years.


Other MMOs have implemented damage scaling to a specific class (World Boss) That way damage is always scaled so level 1 or 75 does the same damage without having to sync the whole map. So there are ways to prevent World Boss Soloing.

Edited by DragonSire
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Other MMOs have implemented damage scaling to a specific class (World Boss) That way damage is always scaled so level 1 or 75 does the same damage without having to sync the whole map. So there are ways to prevent World Boss Soloing.


As I don't really play other MMO's, I'm not sure I get what you are saying. Are you saying, a level 10 & 75 can walk in to an area, and fight the same wb, do the same damage, and take the same damage? Are they scaled equally, so they have the same hit points, etc?

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I heard stories of the old time when high level players can kill every npc in the enemy base and they do it for fun and to see low level/new level players shocked and lost.


I also don't want to do Heroics on DK with my new toon and some lv75 player just wipe everything on the map in 10 sec because it's "fun" to troll newbies.


Level sync is the better option without a more complicated balance system like the thing they did for the Rakghoul event where the trash/bosses are level sync to the player that probably needs a lot of coding.

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I'm just going to say it level scaling doesn't belong in a MMO EVER.


Part of the whole RPG thing is that we level up and get stronger and one of the best things about that is that you can go back and deal with those mobs that gave you issue while leveling and take them out easy showing you how much stronger you have become, Sure they made leveling this game a cake walk and nothing is really a threat until you hit end game but still it's a part of RPG's.


If they had issues with people doing world bosses and all that their is a easy salution up the spawn rate and but a lock on loot so you can only loot them once a day boom issue with the world bosses are fixed, For raids honestly i don't see the issue it was old content people have been doing that in MMO's since the dawn of time never been a issue till people made it a issue again shouldn't of been touched if it's a content drought and they had to do it so we had content well guess what thats not our issue is it, It's Biowares they are the ones that went you know what lets focus 2 years on just solo content surely that won't backfire on us no wait come back we will bring out more group content plz.


Fact is they only made this stupid scaling system was because of those years of just solo content and they still wanted to try and keep the end game players in the game that raided and all that and guess what it backfired hard alot of them just left are some back maybe but alot of them are still gone and arn't coming back this game has become a shell of it's former self everyone knows but we stick around either for friends or star wars.

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I'm just going to say it level scaling doesn't belong in a MMO EVER.


Part of the whole RPG thing is that we level up and get stronger and one of the best things about that is that you can go back and deal with those mobs that gave you issue while leveling and take them out easy showing you how much stronger you have become, Sure they made leveling this game a cake walk and nothing is really a threat until you hit end game but still it's a part of RPG's.


If they had issues with people doing world bosses and all that their is a easy salution up the spawn rate and but a lock on loot so you can only loot them once a day boom issue with the world bosses are fixed, For raids honestly i don't see the issue it was old content people have been doing that in MMO's since the dawn of time never been a issue till people made it a issue again shouldn't of been touched if it's a content drought and they had to do it so we had content well guess what thats not our issue is it, It's Biowares they are the ones that went you know what lets focus 2 years on just solo content surely that won't backfire on us no wait come back we will bring out more group content plz.


Fact is they only made this stupid scaling system was because of those years of just solo content and they still wanted to try and keep the end game players in the game that raided and all that and guess what it backfired hard alot of them just left are some back maybe but alot of them are still gone and arn't coming back this game has become a shell of it's former self everyone knows but we stick around either for friends or star wars.


no... that's the old meta. The new meta is, as you level, you gain more skills and higher level gear and then go back and kill those baddies with better gear and more skills. Level scaling is good for the game. It makes EVERY content relevant to all players. This means high level characters can team with low level friends and play through. This is not Diable II/III. Face rolling baddies is not good for the game.

Edited by chosonman
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Every single major MMORPG I have played has level scaling, synching, or some combination of the two for a very simple reason: Developers can't make content fast enough before players get tired of doing the same thing on the same planet, zone, region, etc.


WoW does it. FF XIV does it (not as much as others). ESO does it. All three of those games also outproduce (vastly so) SWTOR in terms of new content.


Those arguing against some form of level scaling or synching are essentially arguing that for the past 15 months players would have (outside of the one-time story-based content) been stuck with / confined to:


1) Two Planets - Onderon and Mek-Sha;


2) Two Flashpoints - Objective Meridian and Spirit of Vengeance; and


3) One Operation - Dxun


Please note, I am not suggesting that SWTOR (or other games for that matter) get the exact numbers right with respect to scaling or synching, but the overall concept is vital to keeping games fresh. While I can only speak for myself, if limited to the aforementioned content beginning October 2019, I would have played it a couple times and immediately unsubscribed.



Edited by Jdast
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I'm just going to say it level scaling doesn't belong in a MMO EVER.


Part of the whole RPG thing is that we level up and get stronger and one of the best things about that is that you can go back and deal with those mobs that gave you issue while leveling and take them out easy showing you how much stronger you have become, Sure they made leveling this game a cake walk and nothing is really a threat until you hit end game but still it's a part of RPG's.


If they had issues with people doing world bosses and all that their is a easy salution up the spawn rate and but a lock on loot so you can only loot them once a day boom issue with the world bosses are fixed, For raids honestly i don't see the issue it was old content people have been doing that in MMO's since the dawn of time never been a issue till people made it a issue again shouldn't of been touched if it's a content drought and they had to do it so we had content well guess what thats not our issue is it, It's Biowares they are the ones that went you know what lets focus 2 years on just solo content surely that won't backfire on us no wait come back we will bring out more group content plz.


Fact is they only made this stupid scaling system was because of those years of just solo content and they still wanted to try and keep the end game players in the game that raided and all that and guess what it backfired hard alot of them just left are some back maybe but alot of them are still gone and arn't coming back this game has become a shell of it's former self everyone knows but we stick around either for friends or star wars.


In what Era of gaming are you stuck? Level scaling is absolutely must in MMOs, even Single player titles have it. This game would be absolute broken mess without it and would have next to no existing progression

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I heard stories of the old time when high level players can kill every npc in the enemy base and they do it for fun and to see low level/new level players shocked and lost.


I also don't want to do Heroics on DK with my new toon and some lv75 player just wipe everything on the map in 10 sec because it's "fun" to troll newbies.


Level sync is the better option without a more complicated balance system like the thing they did for the Rakghoul event where the trash/bosses are level sync to the player that probably needs a lot of coding.


That's basically my contention, and I've stated it many times. I resented as a lowbie the high-levels coming into a lowby zone and absconding with every mob I needed to kill, then I'm standing there wondering how long it'll be before the jerk stops killing respawns and leaves.

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