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Please fix the Unranked PVP garbage


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I mean it's almost humorous, how badly they collect feedback, input, or whatever it is they do to make design changes to the game.


I'd not be one bit surprised if they seen the influx of new players from Steam and took that as meaning the PVP changes have been a huge success, so much so that a large influx of new players have come to the game recently to PVP.


The large influx of new players isn't because of Steam, it's because of the addition of the quitter debuff! :D

Oh I agree with that but there is a whole lot of certainty going on here about topics that people simply can't back up.


I've commented on how BioWare translates or filters player requests and they seem to aim for a one-size-fits-all and turn it into a one-size-fits-no-one. Or the best of both worlds into the worst of both worlds. The Copero Flash Point is a prime example of them trying to fit Story, Dailies, Group Content and Challenging content into one. And now people tend to leave the group when they get this FP because we all know how it will go....

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But to be honest if you can, how would you know that the majority of players are not ok with these changes. It feels a bit like because there's a handful of people complaining about it on the forums that suddenly that represents a majority.


As a general rule when you're happy with something you don't often post that on the forums and when unhappy the chance is much higher that you post here.


So as much as I question BioWare's decision making, I'm not convinced these changes are not well-received by most people.


Oh, certainly. I'd be the last person to claim the forum is representative of the game pop. But feedback on the forum is so pointless and there's no other place designated for feedback [twitter? idk] that it's easy to get into this tunnel vision mentality that opinions on here are representative - because there's nothing to compare it to.


This raises another question: if our community managers weren't completely ignoring the forum, would that be better if they listened but did nothing with it?


Suppose Eric did weekly check-ins (and kept doing them), and people would pose questions and he wouldn't just cherrypick the "Great game! Perfect as it is!" answers but took a bunch like "moar class stories!" and "fix pvp deserter debuff" and "I'm being squelched for spamming my referral link, slap in the face!" and sent them up the line and the week after we got responses from devs, and the responses were all "sorry no money" and "we have a vision of pvp..." and "thanks for your feedback!" Would that be better or worse than what we have now?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Please return unranked PVP back to the old scoring system (where a loss counted as 1 and a win counted as 2). I absolutely hate the new system, the one where you have to win matches in order for your efforts to count. I can guarantee that until PVP is changed back, I won't be doing any PVP. The new system is such a waste of time.
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I agree. It sucks and BW made it worse than it was. I would like to say "let's hope they fix it" but hope and logic doesn't exist in BioWare's universe.


And yet, everyone is still here talking...


Unless you vote with your feet, all the chatter here is meaningless and EA knows it.


Also, please stop calling it Bioware, that company no longer exists.

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If you leave matches (reason doesn't really matter) then YOU are the problem.

Tbh, i think that leaver penalty is the best thing ever happened to unranked.


New system where losses don't count towards daily/weekly quests, however, is questionable at best.

For example, i have character with Valor about 22 and only 1 win.

Who even asked for this nonsense?

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If you leave matches (reason doesn't really matter) then YOU are the problem.

Tbh, i think that leaver penalty is the best thing ever happened to unranked.


New system where losses don't count towards daily/weekly quests, however, is questionable at best.

For example, i have character with Valor about 22 and only 1 win.

Who even asked for this nonsense?


Yeah... So now I have ruin hutball games by farming DPS and kills and resetting the ball each time someone passes it to me. I would leave the damn lagball game at the start, but I don't want 15 minute lock outs. It's a great idea , yes ?

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If you leave matches (reason doesn't really matter) then YOU are the problem.

Tbh, i think that leaver penalty is the best thing ever happened to unranked.


New system where losses don't count towards daily/weekly quests, however, is questionable at best.

For example, i have character with Valor about 22 and only 1 win.

Who even asked for this nonsense?


There are many legitimate reasons for leaving matches,. There is really only one illegitimate reason for leaving, because you are losing.

So as long as you aren’t someone who rage quits because they are losing, you shouldn’t be penalised for leaving.

All the lockout is doing is slowing down the queue pops or even killing it outside of primetime. This is especially true in lowbie and mid lvl pvp.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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"I don't like huttball so i will not even try to win" isn't legitimate reason to leave. :p

"I think there's premade of bad players in my team so ill leave" isn't either.

With leaver penalty in place, BW gives you all a chance. A chance to stop being doom of this game, a chance to stop ruining other people's experience, and try to actually play for once.

If everyone will actually try to win instead of leaving, writing nonsense in chat etc, it will be better for everyone.

Or you always can leave and get your well deserved penalty.

In the end, ppl who don't really want to win will just stop queuing. Aye maybe queues will be longer but the games will be better.

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I'm not a pvp'r, at least not these days, I think if they are keeping the lock out timer, then they need to implement a GF style of PVP queue where people can tick the ones they want. It should stop a lot of the quitters, or those people who use that as an excuse. As for the people who are just **** and quit because they aren't winning, deserve a lockout timer, and worse ;)

But people will have to bear in mind that if this happens, it 'might' effect queue times


As for the other issue (or one of them) they need to fix the scoring back to 2 (or maybe 3, as trixxie asked) per win, and 1 for a loss. At least that way, even if the team loses, they are still one point closer to getting the weekly, that also might help with people quitting because they are losing.

Edited by DarkTergon
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"I don't like huttball so i will not even try to win" isn't legitimate reason to leave. :p

"I think there's premade of bad players in my team so ill leave" isn't either.

With leaver penalty in place, BW gives you all a chance. A chance to stop being doom of this game, a chance to stop ruining other people's experience, and try to actually play for once.

If everyone will actually try to win instead of leaving, writing nonsense in chat etc, it will be better for everyone.

Or you always can leave and get your well deserved penalty.

In the end, ppl who don't really want to win will just stop queuing. Aye maybe queues will be longer but the games will be better.


And the game will die faster. But that’s ok if you wait 30 mins for a pop?

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  • 6 months later...

just got back to the game and noticed these changes after trying to enter a pvp unranked to start getting the feels of it again (was a pretty decent PvPer ages ago), lost the match due to complete unbalance on the team composition (and my own incompetence, just returning), and saw that I got no count, went to read it "MUST WINZ!" abandoned the quests and PvP altogether.


The learning curve on PvP is harsh, each patch it was already a bit laborious, now that I was away for years, it'd take long time effort to get it again, one must carefully change spec masteries, and even gear, sometimes even the active quickbars must be built differently (for better shortcuts and what-not), it's A LOT OF EFFORT, meanwhile it's trial and error on everything else, I have absolutely zero reasons to go through all that effort completely unrewarded. Completing the Weekly for me is like impossible unless I get carried by pre-made teams. Pointless waste of time in my gaze, I play games to kill time and have fun, not to get punished by biased systems that favor veterans who never quit playing.

Edited by xdjinn
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just got back to the game and noticed these changes after trying to enter a pvp unranked to start getting the feels of it again (was a pretty decent PvPer ages ago), lost the match due to complete unbalance on the team composition (and my own incompetence, just returning), and saw that I got no count, went to read it "MUST WINZ!" abandoned the quests and PvP altogether.


The learning curve on PvP is harsh, each patch it was already a bit laborious, now that I was away for years, it'd take long time effort to get it again, one must carefully change spec masteries, and even gear, sometimes even the active quickbars must be built differently (for better shortcuts and what-not), it's A LOT OF EFFORT, meanwhile it's trial and error on everything else, I have absolutely zero reasons to go through all that effort completely unrewarded. Completing the Weekly for me is like impossible unless I get carried by pre-made teams. Pointless waste of time in my gaze, I play games to kill time and have fun, not to get punished by biased systems that favor veterans who never quit playing.


Yep. Worse yet, you can only really learn PvP by doing PvP and there are no newbie brackets to cut your teeth unless you do lowbies. Even then, it's very unfair there because you either enter with the abilities you have. So, higher levels are REALLY going to have an advantage against you...never mind class imbalance.


They always chime in "participation trophies", but here's the rub...you can always scale down your runs in PvE to where it's trivial. In PvP, you cannot scale down your competition. Sometimes you run head long into premade after premade of numbers farming lunacy.

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I play games to kill time and have fun, not to get punished by biased systems that favor veterans who never quit playing.

I'm actually with you on the point of your post. One credit for a loss and two credits for a win was harmful to no one. I laughed out loud when I read about the new rules for the quest. it's quite stupid. the players ignoring objectives aren't going to start playing the objectives now b/c of the daily/weekly quests. they're there to look at their pretty numbers.


But I have to say, that material quoted above....do you realize how entitled and whiny that sounds? You're accusing the game design of being bias by favoring players who play more frequently, thus are better than you, because it rewards them for defeating you in a format in which players such as them and...like...you...play against each other. That's how games work. You don't get mythic gear for doing storymode content. You don't get the trophy when you lose the match. I mean...you are asking for a participation trophy, and I'm fine with that. But being butthurt because better players are better than you? ffs, man!

Edited by foxmob
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just got back to the game and noticed these changes after trying to enter a pvp unranked to start getting the feels of it again (was a pretty decent PvPer ages ago), lost the match due to complete unbalance on the team composition (and my own incompetence, just returning), and saw that I got no count, went to read it "MUST WINZ!" abandoned the quests and PvP altogether.


The learning curve on PvP is harsh, each patch it was already a bit laborious, now that I was away for years, it'd take long time effort to get it again, one must carefully change spec masteries, and even gear, sometimes even the active quickbars must be built differently (for better shortcuts and what-not), it's A LOT OF EFFORT, meanwhile it's trial and error on everything else, I have absolutely zero reasons to go through all that effort completely unrewarded. Completing the Weekly for me is like impossible unless I get carried by pre-made teams. Pointless waste of time in my gaze, I play games to kill time and have fun, not to get punished by biased systems that favor veterans who never quit playing.


How good do you think these rewards are?

I can tell you, they're not incredible and if gaining these rewards is the only reason you're doing WZ's then you're setting yourself up for disappointment. If you're looking for tech frags to get geared then you're better off running FP's.

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But to be honest if you can, how would you know that the majority of players are not ok with these changes. It feels a bit like because there's a handful of people complaining about it on the forums that suddenly that represents a majority.


So as much as I question BioWare's decision making, I'm not convinced these changes are not well-received by most people.


Step one - aggregate ALL of the threads about the new PvP. What would that be? Over 100 pages maybe?

Step two - calculate the ratio of unique posters for and unique posters against

At least that's a start.

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I agree. It sucks and BW made it worse than it was. I would like to say "let's hope they fix it" but hope and logic doesn't exist in BioWare's universe.


Approaching 7+ months since these changes were made. Reg Pvp is in a worse state than before the changes and BioWare still refuse to engage with the reg player base on the forums.


This is never going to be fixed or addressed because regs, especially lowbies, don’t matter to BioWare. The only thing Chris cares about fixing is Ranked. That’s the only feed back he collects or discusses with the discord pvp communities.


What’s sad is Chris recently let slip how ranked is a minute percentage of the over all pvp community, less than 1%. But they get all the attention and development time it seems. For sure they get to communicate with Chris and he gets to pick their brains. Sadly, every other pvper gets nothing.


We’ve not had one yellow post since these changes to address player concerns of feed back on the changes.


JackieKO, any chance you can organise some dev involvement here because it’s all falling on deaf ears, so we feel like the devs only care about the ranked community and not the rest of the reg pvp community.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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JackieKO, any chance you can organise some dev involvement here because it’s all falling on deaf ears, so we feel like the devs only care about the ranked community and not the rest of the reg pvp community.


I second this sentiment, and would like to extend the argument made here to casual PvE endgame vs NIMers in dxun.

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If you buy enough of their loot boxes they might listen to you!


i mean if you were to add up all the money i've spent on stuff - sub for over 9 years/cartel coins/friends' subs when they hit a rough spot - it would be quite a number.

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Pvp Warzones have not been balance for 8 years now made worst by those that content with cheating their way through it with their guild pissing off hell of alot of games its why many of us stop playing, hardly get on any more as the games gone down hill with constant dailies and useless gear rewards,


Made worst by those who turning blind eye to people raising issue, balance of the game was lost when they gave shooting characters to much damage and defense which is really gets exploited in warzones and flashpoints to the point it make the game totally boring now.:(.

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Pvp Warzones have not been balance for 8 years now made worst by those that content with cheating their way through it with their guild pissing off hell of alot of games its why many of us stop playing, hardly get on any more as the games gone down hill with constant dailies and useless gear rewards,


Made worst by those who turning blind eye to people raising issue, balance of the game was lost when they gave shooting characters [ranged?] to much damage and defense which is really gets exploited in warzones and flashpoints to the point it make the game totally boring now.:(.

I suspect english isn't your native language, so some of this might just be a translation issue, but I think you need to clarify what you mean by the statement in bold yelloow: what do you mean by guilds cheating their way through warzones?

  • my first thought is you mean by grouping up, which is very much not cheating
  • my next thought is you mean collaborating to manipulate the rated pvp arenas, which definitely is cheating, but that has nothing to do with warzones
  • my third thought is perhaps you mean guilds are purposely grouping teams together to throw matches in reg warzones, which baffles me because there's no advantage to them, but I suppose if the goal is to troll everyone else in the match, that would certainly do it
  • along with the previous thought, I know some players like to drag-out hutball matches by preventing the ball from being scored or reset, but that only applies to one active map. still, is that what you're talking about?

iunno. are any of these what you're referring to? is it something else? your statement is incredibly general, and I'm curious if it's something I'd consider an actual issue or not.

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I had a whole team that gave up in Hypergate and let the other team farm them. Then when I actually got the enemy node to even the score, my team purposely let the other team cap ours so we would lose. Apparently the premades on my team had made a deal with the other team to let them win so they could get their WZ win achievement for the weekly and Conquest.


This is so pathetic that guilds are now making premades to win trade just to get weeklies done. It also means that any pug player can fall victim to this setup. You also can’t leave because you get a 15 minute penalty. What a complete waste of time. It’s no wonder reg pvp is failing worse than it was before and why people are complaining more than usual about premades.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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