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PvP rewards now based on wins


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So yes BW can make PvP worse. The daily and weekly rewards are now based on wins only and numberwise it is worse.

IF you are lucky enough to win all of your PvP matches then the number of matches are the same as the old loss=1; win=2 (10 matches). At worse you will NEVER get the daily or weekly award.


So not only does BW not fix what is broken (Emperor Slots, no Swoop small yield), they actually take something working and spend their time making it worse. Great project management Bioware.

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yea, i dont get that change. i can do a lot of matches and maybe eek out one or two wins. I guess it is to combat those folks who dont participate and throw matches. now you are wasting your time if you lose....as you get nothing that progresses you. I use to be OK with loses as teams can be really stacked against you because, at least, i got 1 point towards the weekly. now...ouch.
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So yes BW can make PvP worse. The daily and weekly rewards are now based on wins only and numberwise it is worse.

IF you are lucky enough to win all of your PvP matches then the number of matches are the same as the old loss=1; win=2 (10 matches). At worse you will NEVER get the daily or weekly award.


So not only does BW not fix what is broken (Emperor Slots, no Swoop small yield), they actually take something working and spend their time making it worse. Great project management Bioware.


Really ? Now you actually have to try to contribute something for winning the game instead of running around like a clueless duck waiting to get carried . It's not bad.... it was like this in the past, so stop crying about it and get better .

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The majority of pvp players just jump in and tunnel and they will continue to do so. The win traders will still win trade. The premades will still farm the pugs. The only thing that will change is that now even fewer players will bother with pvp.


If someone wants to try and learn pvp, or just have fun doing their best even though they are not a skilled player, Bioware has set it up so they can spend their time losing match after match with nothing to show for their efforts. These changes to rewards shuts out newer and all but the most skillful players. Original Post says it all. Fail to fix what needs fixing and Make something worse that didn't need to be made worse. Shame on you yet again EA Bioware.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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It’s to make you try and play to win instead of farming numbers on the scoreboard. I actually think its long over due.


Here's the problem with that thinking, I play to win and because of idiots we lose. How many times have you been on a team where all we have to do is guard the objectives, the idiots run off to capture the third objective and you lose? Why should I not be rewarded for the effort I put in.


And now with the 15 minute lockout I get punished for not wanting to waste 8 minutes on Huttball for now no reward whatsoever.

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I would think, for ranked, win-based rewards would have been a welcome change, because then only serious contenders for ranked would play, reducing the complaints by ranked players that ranked is full of Luddites there just for the reward not for ranked play.


And, as mentioned in the notes, this change does not affect unranked, so casuals can continue to play PvP unranked as they also have.


Seems very win-win to me.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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So yes BW can make PvP worse. The daily and weekly rewards are now based on wins only and numberwise it is worse.

IF you are lucky enough to win all of your PvP matches then the number of matches are the same as the old loss=1; win=2 (10 matches). At worse you will NEVER get the daily or weekly award.


So not only does BW not fix what is broken (Emperor Slots, no Swoop small yield), they actually take something working and spend their time making it worse. Great project management Bioware.


This is how the daily used to be. This is a good change. Maybe now people will start caring instead of just shrugging it off because they will get credit for the daily regardless of win or loss. Besides, you only need 1 win for the daily, which is a joke. Should be 3 or 4 wins and 150 frags.

Edited by Raansu
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This is how the daily used to be. This is a good change. Maybe now people will start caring instead of just shrugging it off because they will get credit for the daily regardless of win or loss. Besides, you only need 1 win for the daily, which is a joke. Should be 3 or 4 wins and 150 frags.

Agreed, they should have never changed it. It's nice to have it back, even if it took me 4 games to get my first win haha :D

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So yes BW can make PvP worse. The daily and weekly rewards are now based on wins only and numberwise it is worse.

IF you are lucky enough to win all of your PvP matches then the number of matches are the same as the old loss=1; win=2 (10 matches). At worse you will NEVER get the daily or weekly award.


So not only does BW not fix what is broken (Emperor Slots, no Swoop small yield), they actually take something working and spend their time making it worse. Great project management Bioware.


Yeah that was a moronic move but I gotta ask does this affect unranked too? if it does its a completely unmitigated disaster for all PVP.

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This is how the daily used to be. This is a good change. Maybe now people will start caring instead of just shrugging it off because they will get credit for the daily regardless of win or loss. Besides, you only need 1 win for the daily, which is a joke. Should be 3 or 4 wins and 150 frags.


What will happen if this affects unranked is that people will simply stop queuing. Ranked I dont know but probably similar maybe not quite as bad.


If you can't see how bad this change is, you really need to learn game design 101. and I am glad you are on no dev teams for online games.


Rewarding participation is required for all content pvp or otherwise. Wins should of course reward a lot more but when you get NOTHING for losing you stop bothering. basic human nature and game design.


you may not like it but this is how it works.

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This is how the daily used to be. This is a good change. Maybe now people will start caring instead of just shrugging it off because they will get credit for the daily regardless of win or loss. Besides, you only need 1 win for the daily, which is a joke. Should be 3 or 4 wins and 150 frags.


In an ideal world maybe, but here, it's going to make the enviroment a lot more toxic, like ranked. How much fighting, arguing, crap talking, etc are we going to see, when people are not winning, and they start blaming everyone else. It happens now, what's it going to be like with this change. Also, what about premades? when premades are running the game, winning everything, will you still think it's ok, when you can't win against them, and are getting no reward.

Edited by DarkAnnmarie
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I was going to say that I can't believe they'd be dumb enough to do this again...but then I remembered there might not be anyone on the decision-making team that remembers how awful it was back when, in regular pvp, wins were required to get the rewards.


This creates extreme toxicity, which drives out the remaining non-toxic players, which makes things even more toxic.


Terrible decision. Hopefully they will reverse it immediately.

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you may not like it but this is how it works.


Clearly not cuz I've been reading that doom and gloom crap since 2011 and here we are with pvp still popping constantly at all hours. People don't care as much as you think they do.

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Clearly not cuz I've been reading that doom and etc


You must not have been playing until recently, as up till, possibly just before the outbreak there was a lot of giving out that the queues weren't popping. Not saying it was doom & gloom, but there was a serious lack of PvP on most servers, especially off peak.

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This is how the daily used to be. This is a good change.


Agreed, they should have never changed it. It's nice to have it back, even if it took me 4 games to get my first win haha :D


You guys seem to forget that there was a very good reason for the change: not enough people queueing. Especially on imbalanced servers, PvP was a nightmare. I remember very well how on TP you could wait for over half an hour, sometimes even more, for one warzone, because reps didn't want to queue anymore due to massive imp domination.


BW introduced two ways to fix it: change the missions to not require wins and faction-free warzones. Now, if I see it correctly, you need a win again and the faction-free warzones pop less. I'm not seeing what they think this will accomplish.


I hope for you guys still PvPing, that this won't have a negative impact. But don't come back here to complain that the queues are slow. :rolleyes: I for one won't enter any warzone anymore, since the chance is too high that I don't get anything out of it, just because I play rep side on an imp dominated server.


I was going to say that I can't believe they'd be dumb enough to do this again...but then I remembered there might not be anyone on the decision-making team that remembers how awful it was back when, in regular pvp, wins were required to get the rewards.


This creates extreme toxicity, which drives out the remaining non-toxic players, which makes things even more toxic.


But they have their metrics. Aren't they at least looking at that? Is there no documentation? "Why did we change the dailies and weeklies back then, could anyone check?" - "Ah, it's because the queues were too slow." - "Why was that so?" - "Faction imbalance and toxicity made it almost impossible for many players to ever get their dailies and weeklies done, so they stopped queueing." - "Well, that's not what we want. Could we find any other way how to make players try to go for the win more, something like extra incentives that rewards good playing without punishing players that have bad luck to be on the losing side?"


Clearly not cuz I've been reading that doom and gloom crap since 2011 and here we are with pvp still popping constantly at all hours. People don't care as much as you think they do.


You can't be serious! We have 5 servers left! Worldwide. That's it. The doom and gloom obviously happened if you compare those 5 servers to the number of servers in 2011. And you know very well that queues did NOT pop as often before the server merge. Don't bring the "here we still are" argument. It's more like a "Last Players Standing" situation. 5 servers. DM used to be 3 servers before. And we have the same amount of players we had on one of those 3 in the past. The population of two complete servers lost since the merge. And that's just one example.


This new PvP change will not have the positive effect some people (BW?) think it will have.

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