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Everything posted by DaZeeZee

  1. they do in FFXIV which is all the better for it. ignore the idiots. People who suck will hate on anything good. as if SWTOR is any more engaging in its garbage class rotations and design LOL. its literally among the worst "trinity" mmo executions of all time built on an engine which was garbage when they chose it!
  2. No they didn't invent it but they are currently one of the only ones doing it correctly. Theres nothing dull about playing paladin either. you definitely didn't even bother leveling it. you have a half melee half ranged caster rotation and in actual content you need to adjust it all the time. your ignorance just shows you really didn't bother playing.
  3. Fun fact forced grouping is not social. no one wants to do things when they HAVE to or leave it. Social is stuff like Triple triad tournaments in FFXIV or guild events. If you want more social stuff then we need more and better fun stuff to do with our strongholds. Raids are obsolete. no one has time for scheduled raiding. although SWTOR raids are so easy compared to the main players in the genre, it may be an exception.
  4. Oh don't pretend many mmos don't botch at least one of the non dps roles into being boring and undesireable (Like ESO and tanks) it was like that in WoW at least for a time I know for a fact. FFXIV does it way better than any of them, so regardless of your poorly informed opinion its clear you never actually bothered learning the game. Also cough Sage cough. Bard and Dancer cough. A healer which heals in decent part through damage and 2 dps who are taken in raids for the group buffs over damage (Dragoon too really, and for a long time, ninja) I've played more mmos than I care to count and only one has managed the trinity in an acceptable way. this is why more games need to move away from it and TRY SOMETHING NOT TIRED AND DONE TO DEATH.
  5. in the opinion of nearly 35ish million people (the number of subscribers). That says something that the most successful new king of MMOs is doing that. And it's not even much of a departure from trinity roles, it's just not a moronic suicidal dev fart. Healers primary job is still keep people alive. Tanks primary job is still hold aggro and keep enemies focused on them. It's just not a boring one dimensional role which can't do anything else becuase they can and are expected to output at least 50% of dps damage. And they are designed with that in mind, which is why healers only have like 3 buttons for damage, and tank rotation is much simpler than the dps ones. You do not need to get rid of the trinity entirely to save mmos. but if you think tanks should only be meatshields and healers should "only heal" then if you're designing a game with that mentality you are dooming it becuase the only players will be dumber than a lobotomized chimpanzee after a while, best case scenario there will be a MASSIVE shortage of non dps roles.
  6. In a sense. but it's a much looser thing in the actual source material. much more so than the rigid roles SWTOR presents us. "Healers" do a lot of damage. Tanks do a lot of damage. Damage is everyones job, FFXIV gets this right, which is why its the one trinity game that isn't worse off for it. Not just that but utility. "DPS" should be able to do more than red numbers. News flash the MMO genre never was and still is not defined by the Unholy Trinity. People only started believing that nonsense with WoW. and look where that is now. True it wasn't the trinity that killed it. it's not a BAD system, not done well. but it usually isn't as its seen as a one dimensional thing that makes games boring and lame most of the time. Also just becuase one approach works does not mean to copy paste it nonstop thats stagnation and eventual genre death.
  7. I've been internally debating playing more and maybe getting the new high isle expansion as it adds a lot of new things and improvements including even a card game you can play vs NPCs and players. I'd be happy to give you some tips, it helps a lot if you have one character who can craft set gear or a friend who can make you some so you have reliable upgrades, gear is very important to the scaling while you level until you hit CP160 and gear scaling stops.
  8. Most people are here for other reeasons, like, Star Wars. Plenty of games where dedicated tanks and healers actually make sense unlike this one.
  9. Leveling fast is really hard to see as a negative given it is hard to make it one. But bad scaling making you weaker as you level up is even worse than ESO's broken scaling. one GOOD thing about ESO is how everything scales, but the system scaling you could use work still. However it's still nearly guaranteed that a CP160+ player who knows what they are doing will be stronger than a level 10 player who also knows.
  10. Not really minor. 99% is an exaggeration sure, but it was pretty broken.
  11. You fool! we don't cross the settings! a single defiant class could wipe out a small fleet of star destroyers without breaking a sweat! think of the poor imperial soldier babies!
  12. When the new expansion came out it was bascially 75% broken stuff. has all that been fixed yet? is it worth playing again?
  13. No you are not the only one this is probably honestly a majority opinion by now. Even the single best run, most popular mmo today, FFXIV, which took the number 1 spot from WoW quite a while ago, still uses this formula and the problems with it are clear to anyone who's played it. Sure compared to WoW raiding is way healthier but, its still something only a tiny minority OUT OF THE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO, ever get to succeed at due to nobody having time for scheduled group raids anymore. a raid static which is mature and chill enough to actually be any fun to raid with, is also going to inevitably fall apart because adults also have real life issues. FFXIV does holy trinity far better than any other game which strongly uses it, and thus its not a constant pain or negative for the game, but other games do NOT have to follow that tired pattern. For a case study of non trinity, FUN online games, look at Phantasy Star Online 2. Pre new genesis and after. New Genesis improves a lot, but suffers from lack of content issues (which in no way reflects on the games design philosophy in fact its an improvement over the old Pso2) Pso2 New Genesis even makes just grinding enemies for loot fun and engaging (through constant spawning of miniboss and boss enemies) and you can join up with people doing it without teaming up just by fighting with them in the open world (altho teaming up is done often cuz it helps people follow the train) MMOs need to stop trying to copy the ancient successes of world of warcraft and evolve, or die. simple as that. Fun fact before WoW MMOs were a lot less trinity. it's a symptom of the stagnation and death by greed of the gaming industry that no one will try anything else.
  14. Hoth snowblindness is so powerful it makes people in real life snowblind too!
  15. I'm pretty sure most classes simply can't hit hard enough, plus poor balance on defensive options across the classes. a Defense Guardian and Shield PT or Vanguard should always be harder to kill than a dps role class, assuming the player has a basic understanding of how to play it. So far the only dps class I've played in 7.0 that has the firepower to take out tanky characters are Sniper and maybe Dirty Fighting or marksmanship gunslinger, but especially with marksmanship, you're SO squishy if someone gets into melee range of you, you're finished.
  16. The insistence on skipping is why many people have quit bothering with group FP entirely. People trying to sneak past groups even without stealth when if they all would kill the enemies DIRECTLY IN THEIR PATH rather than trying to sneak around (with a wipe imminent if someone is seen) it would maybe take 5 seconds to clear em.
  17. So, you don't think an experienced combatant can develop their own fighting style or be self taught? that's literally no trainer. Makes perfect sense and no trainer is ALSO a huge QOL improvement on top of this.
  18. Well if certain fictional characters are to be believed (ALEX LOIS ARMSTRONG!) being naked makes people manlier!
  19. Someone has never listened to Feed the Machine. I'm not a big fan of most of their songs, but if you hate Feed the Machine you hate music.
  20. Wow... just wow.. AP PT has been broken in a way related to lode stacks for YEARS. like literally more than 3 years now. if its so impossible for them to fix this bug, then for the love of the delicious cookies of the dark side, REDESIGN THE SPEC ENTIRELY so it will use a different mechanic you CAN fix.
  21. Can't you just use the higher rank mods in a moddable lightsaber so you can have a good model for it?
  22. The game was long overdue for SOME pruning. too many buttons make bad gameplay. this isn't a controversial opinion it is established fact of game design. HOWEVER the way they did it was bad and wrong in so many ways. a lot of skills that gave the different class variants and classes their class fantasy are now missing. Class fantasy started to die when they made Sage and Sorc a "ranged only" playstyle and its only got worse from there. the number of abilities has very little to do with it, it's which ones they decide to have and the barebones to no choice we get in which we use.
  23. Yeah I've noticed some heroics which I should be able to, and have in the past, easily soloed on some characters with a companion, are basically impossible to do so now. I'm pretty sure this is due to broken scaling at work.
  24. I'm pretty sure its intentional as the hotbar changing when entering cover was never anything but an annoyance for me and most people I know, and we have always set it up to not need such an awkward feature. It would be better if it was an option you could toggle on or off though, as a tiny minority of people did like it.
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