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Older planets/content that ACTUALLY needs improvement/fixes


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World Design

Going back to refresh older planets/pieces of content to make the gameplay feel better.


Anyone else worried Bioware will use extremly limited resources on making prettier cameras and redoing enounters from older content that no one asked for or that weren't that much in need of change in the first place?


Here's some content on older planets that ACTUALLY been in need of change/fixing/improvement for years:

- Solo Seeker Droid/Macrobinocular finale heroics. No point event going into details, players made enough requests and comprehensive explanation behind this thruought the years

- 2x or 3x faster Walker sections in KOTET. Current glacial speed makes this content awful instead of fun different gameplay experience

- Less auto-engaging stealth-immune skytroopers in KOTFE (chapter 10 biggest offender). Makes replaying some of the chapters a total turn off

- Heavily improved Seeker Droid digging range, precision and areas of functionality. No more buffs crafting/buying nonsense, one unified functional & precise Seeker Droid by default from start, digging should ideally be allowed almost anywhere in the game. Add different decorations/pets/cosmetics to each planet to dig up.

- Buff the Contraband Slot Machine and add it on Nar Shaddaa/Mek-Sha Current version is useless. Odds of winning Cartel Certificates should be similar to Nightlife event machines. When the event is off, Contraband machines should be available on Nar Shaddaa & Mek-Sha. It's ridiculous how some of the very few interactive objects in the game world are only available few weeks in a year. Makes the casino planets feel dead & fake outside event. Dated game design.

- Legacy GSF hangars. Everything is legacy in the game except GSF that ACTUALLY needs incentive to parcitipate on alts, not just decked hangars on mains

- Redo PVE on-rails space combat into PVE starfighter missions. Not enough space to list thousands of reasons this should happen and is years overdue

- Improve facial textures & hair detail of the vanilla Character Creator presets High time this has happened. Players look at their characters' faces constantly and after a decade, the facial textures & hair detail (especially plastic moustaches...) look the most dated from the entire vanilla game content, especially in comparsion to newer characters like Arcann, Senya, Tau or even Lana & Theron. IMPROVE the existing textures & hair, do NOT change them into something comepltely different making our characters unrecognizable though...

- Upgrade fleets (especially Republic) Similar to Player Character faces, fleets are among the most frequently viewed pieces of vanilla game's visual content. Don't wast time upgrading Tython textures - players spend little time there - they spend TONS of time on fleets though and it's time the main hubs were vastly improved. Especially the Republic fleet which doesn't even use any of the Republic colour schemes and always looked like a Hutt station instead. Add more story-progression-sensitive fleet announcements too.


Add yours.

Edited by Pietrastor
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- 2x or 3x faster Walker sections in KOTET. Current glacial speed makes this content awful instead of fun different gameplay experience

Faster movements speed would already be nice, but an option to just skip them entirely and kill the mobs on foot would be even better.

I really dislike all these walker parts, they're too slow, boring, not well balanced and overall not fun to play

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Faster movements speed would already be nice, but an option to just skip them entirely and kill the mobs on foot would be even better.

I really dislike all these walker parts, they're too slow, boring, not well balanced and overall not fun to play


^^^ This x 1,000,000+!

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I skip KotFE/ET on all new characters and part of it is the disappointing story but I would do them again if they took care of the endless swathes of skytroopers and indeed fixed the walker missions.


The main issue for me is that these chapters take too long and it's the artificial bloat that makes em that way. If they could cut the duration of most of them in half roughly they'd be a lot more attractive to play through.


As for the walker missions they essentially make me feel LESS powerful than on foot. So that's a design flaw right there.




Something else that could use some attention is the planet Makeb. Those missions also take too long and it's just dragged out for the sake of being dragged out. Part of it is mob spacing, the other part is the missions themselves.

Edited by Tsillah
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At this point I would already be happy if they did not make it worse by removing more vanilla content. There is not much I get upset about when it comes to SWTOR anymore, but removing the best past of the game piece by piece will actually make me rethink my sub.


EDIT: and yes I agree, it would be best if they would just remove the walker missions altogether

Edited by Gokkus
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Faster movements speed would already be nice, but an option to just skip them entirely and kill the mobs on foot would be even better.

I really dislike all these walker parts, they're too slow, boring, not well balanced and overall not fun to play


This x10946920598347 times.

Ugh. SWTOR walker fights are so slooooooow and tedious and weak.

In Jedi Fallen Order, the brief walker fight is super fun and made you feel pretty invincible.

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This x10946920598347 times.

Ugh. SWTOR walker fights are so slooooooow and tedious and weak.

In Jedi Fallen Order, the brief walker fight is super fun and made you feel pretty invincible.


This indeed - I'm a bad *** with a fleet at my command but I have to use a friggin walker at attack ground forces? Nuke them from space!

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This indeed - I'm a bad *** with a fleet at my command but I have to use a friggin walker at attack ground forces? Nuke them from space!


lol, that would end the chapter before it even starts, and we'd have people complaining that we've no content...lol

Edited by DarkTergon
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This x10946920598347 times.

Ugh. SWTOR walker fights are so slooooooow and tedious and weak.

In Jedi Fallen Order, the brief walker fight is super fun and made you feel pretty invincible.


:D_eek:We interrupt your regular gameplay to bring you... WALKER MISSIONS! They're slow, they're garbage, they break, they fall! Walkers! Do you love walkers? Don't answer, we know you don't.


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Everything the OP wrote +


1. I want Travi Pott back. It was one of the biggest tragedies in Swtor's history to take her out. She deserves better. I miss her "pssst" every time I visit Savrip Island.


2. Tora romance! For real. It's about time. If you can romance grumpy Khem, you are ready for Tora, too. I'd pay CC for that on top of my subscription. Tora! Tora! Tora! :p

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Everything the OP wrote +


1. I want Travi Pott back. It was one of the biggest tragedies in Swtor's history to take her out. She deserves better. I miss her "pssst" every time I visit Savrip Island.


2. Tora romance! For real. It's about time. If you can romance grumpy Khem, you are ready for Tora, too. I'd pay CC for that on top of my subscription. Tora! Tora! Tora! :p


She'd only want you for your stuff ;)

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This x10946920598347 times.

Ugh. SWTOR walker fights are so slooooooow and tedious and weak.

In Jedi Fallen Order, the brief walker fight is super fun and made you feel pretty invincible.

This this this! Unless its a driving simulator, then vehicle sections in every game should be fun, fast and easy. Just a cool "break" from regular gameplay, something players look forward to, not the opposite
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I'm one of the few people who like the walker section but I would definitely agree that making it faster would be good, the other suggestions are also good. I'd also add to make the end of the dread seed and shroud quests to be able to be done solo, it is something the developers said they would be considering doing but that was years ago so I would like to see done since they seem to wish to re-do quests that haven't aged as well.
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Anyone else worried Bioware will use extremly limited resources on making prettier cameras and redoing enounters from older content that no one asked for or that weren't that much in need of change in the first place?


Here's some content on older planets that ACTUALLY been in need of change/fixing/improvement for years:

- Solo Seeker Droid/Macrobinocular finale heroics. No point event going into details, players made enough requests and comprehensive explanation behind this thruought the years

- 2x or 3x faster Walker sections in KOTET. Current glacial speed makes this content awful instead of fun different gameplay experience

- Less auto-engaging stealth-immune skytroopers in KOTFE (chapter 10 biggest offender). Makes replaying some of the chapters a total turn off

- Heavily improved Seeker Droid digging range, precision and areas of functionality. No more buffs crafting/buying nonsense, one unified functional & precise Seeker Droid by default from start, digging should ideally be allowed almost anywhere in the game. Add different decorations/pets/cosmetics to each planet to dig up.

- Buff the Contraband Slot Machine and add it on Nar Shaddaa/Mek-Sha Current version is useless. Odds of winning Cartel Certificates should be similar to Nightlife event machines. When the event is off, Contraband machines should be available on Nar Shaddaa & Mek-Sha. It's ridiculous how some of the very few interactive objects in the game world are only available few weeks in a year. Makes the casino planets feel dead & fake outside event. Dated game design.

- Legacy GSF hangars. Everything is legacy in the game except GSF that ACTUALLY needs incentive to parcitipate on alts, not just decked hangars on mains

- Redo PVE on-rails space combat into PVE starfighter missions. Not enough space to list thousands of reasons this should happen and is years overdue


Add yours.


I just ran an assassin through kotfe/et, it wasn't quite as bad as I remember. Add shade stalkers to the list of stealth immune which drive me nuts.


I actually liked the Walkers in End Times, but nowhere else. I've gotten used to the sequence in Wrath and Ruin and there's shortcuts to make it more bearable, but one of the worst is in Ascension, that walker fight drags on waaaay too long.


Agree with everything else. It'd be nice if the space missions got some love, and might encourage people to try GSF.

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I was worried when I read about this and I still am. I don't want them to change older content in any way other than bugfixes. Fixing issues like companion outfits displaying as the wrong faction, and some cutscenes where weapons, especially dualsabers, are invisible or cutting through the character's body &c. would actually improve quality of life in older content.


What would be even better would be if they returned the ending cutscenes for heroics (while still keeping the option for autocomplete), which I have never had a chance to see because they were removed before I started playing the game. But what if they decide to remove more stuff instead? That's one of my biggest fears.


The other is that they'll redo the cutscenes to have more moving camera shots or something else which is totally unnecessary but changes the whole experience. I want to continue playing the older content as it is now. I wasn't here when most of this stuff was released, but I want to experience it in its original state as much as possible. If they go around replacing everything with some new "improved" version, then I will stop playing.


Edit: I missed the comment about the PVE space missions. Do not mess with these!!! I love them as they are! The only thing they should be doing is adding more even harder ones!

Edited by Ruvalie
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You can't remove them......are you trying to fall of the planet :)


There are specific areas where the exhaustion zones are clumsily placed. Like on Balmorra, the bugtown zone, if you go south onto the water you hit an exhaustion zone. It's unnecessary and if they removed it, you wouldn't fall off the map since the whole area is closed in by rock walls.


Other spots include Tatooine and Hoth, where if they just moved them back more, it would help make us feel less constricted.

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There are specific areas where the exhaustion zones are clumsily placed. Like on Balmorra, the bugtown zone, if you go south onto the water you hit an exhaustion zone. It's unnecessary and if they removed it, you wouldn't fall off the map since the whole area is closed in by rock walls.


Other spots include Tatooine and Hoth, where if they just moved them back more, it would help make us feel less constricted.


It might be there because there could be gaps where people have gotten stuck, etc. *The fall of the earth thing is just poking fun at the flat earthers.* There are parts of alderaan when in the 'mountain' areas, you can move a couple of inches, and the map dissapears, or you can see the inside out. I've never fallen through, just hit the invisible wall. This would probbly happen in areas where the exchustion is removed. The planets are big enough, why would you feel constricted.

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I was just doing some class stuff, and something I'd like to see more of popped in to my head. During several missions you fight some, beat them, but in the cut scene you kill them.


Agent killing Red blade



I'd like to see more of that, especially when the person is egging you on, or just being a ****



Thinking of the warrior, after you kill gratton or his son, you face Dri'Kill Ba'al, he's someone I'd like to have a scene where I can knock him on ***, laugh at him, or have some witty comeback before driving my lightsaber through him.

Only minor little things, but sort of finishes that little bit of a quest nicely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Adding more points to the OP:


- Improve facial textures & hair detail of the vanilla Character Creator presets High time this has happened. Players look at their characters' faces constantly and after a decade, the facial textures & hair detail (especially plastic moustaches...) look the most dated from the entire vanilla game content, especially in comparsion to newer characters like Arcann, Senya, Tau or even Lana & Theron. IMPROVE the existing textures & hair, do NOT change them into something comepltely different making our characters unrecognizable though...

- Upgrade fleets (especially Republic) Similar to Player Character faces, fleets are among the most frequently viewed pieces of vanilla game's visual content. Don't wast time upgrading Tython textures - players spend little time there - they spend TONS of time on fleets though and it's time the main hubs were vastly improved. Especially the Republic fleet which doesn't even use any of the Republic colour schemes and always looked like a Hutt station instead. Add more story-progression-sensitive fleet announcements too.

Edited by Pietrastor
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I actually like the FEET walker scenarios but faster walking speed would be great! If the walker ui was the same for Iokath I would actually do it there but I hate it, I dread having to do those walkers everytime I bring a new toon through Iokath.
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You know, I was thinking but it used to be a Sunday morning type of thing when the seeker/macrobinocular quest chains came out....until they slapped those heroic 4s at the end of them. I'd really just like to treat them like FPs and make a solo mode out of them. It honestly would make me do those quest chains on all my characters cause I did enjoy them up to that point.
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Anyone else worried Bioware will use extremly limited resources on making prettier cameras and redoing enounters from older content that no one asked for or that weren't that much in need of change in the first place?


No because I am actually sane and believe that they can work on multiple things at once.

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