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Broken annimation with female characters


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I'm not a computer expert in the slightest so forgive me if I'm being retarded here, but what does the graphics card have to do with anything?


Well, actually I'm a computer technician and I can assure you that the graphics card can't do that kind of thing. :rolleyes:

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What are the chances someone here has found a good way to avoid this while still enjoying the game as a female character? Sometimes different graphics configurations can mitigate animation bugs, (V-sync, shadows being turned off, etc). It's odd it would pop up now when BioWare hasn't added any new female animations to my knowledge. This engine is a mess however so it's hard to say what could've gone so wrong.


Either way I fear it will be a long time before BioWare actually manages to fix this considering how extremely poor the entire QA and bug fixing process has been with SWTOR (seemingly takes them multiple patches to even fix one small texture bug if they do at all), but I'm not ready to throw in the towel on this game yet, as prudent as that might be at this point.


Also is it only that one female Smuggler cutscene the deformation happens in outside of interacting with objects? Or is it almost every cutscene?

Edited by LordNocturnis
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What are the chances someone here has found a good way to avoid this while still enjoying the game as a female character? Sometimes different graphics configurations can mitigate animation bugs, (V-sync, shadows being turned off, etc). It's odd it would pop up now when BioWare hasn't added any new female animations to my knowledge. This engine is a mess however so it's hard to say what could've gone so wrong.


Either way I fear it will be a long time before BioWare actually manages to fix this considering how extremely poor the entire QA and bug fixing process has been with SWTOR (seemingly takes them multiple patches to even fix one small texture bug if they do at all), but I'm not ready to throw in the towel on this game yet, as prudent as that might be at this point.


Also is it only that one female Smuggler cutscene the deformation happens in outside of interacting with objects? Or is it almost every cutscene?


The error has only happened to me in that specific cutscene, but as you may understand I haven't tested all the cutscenes of the game with female characters.

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I want it fixed as I don't like it.


It did provide a moment or two of chuckles, but yes, I would like it fixed too :)



*if they want to leave it in, they could have it as a new spieces, The 'Thing' , Groot, or T-1000 variant of humans :D:D:D

Edited by DarkTergon
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Just tried to complete the ossus datacron. As soon as the cutscene happens i am loosing important seconds to be able to start running with this stupid bug, I did completed it on my other accounts, but this one is stuck and will not be able to do it until this move is gone.


i tried spacebar but then the convo act as i missed something, and nothing happens, until i interact again and let the convo go on wit that stupid move.



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I intended never to post on this forum again because the people here are awful, but this bug is gamebreaking for me. I want to record my playthrough of all the class stories and this is preventing me from making any progress because it occurs in cutscenes. I guess I could play only male characters, but as a woman irl I want to be able to play female characters. I'm worried this will become like the bug which makes armor on companions appear to be from the wrong faction, or the bug which makes unify colors not work on companions, or the bug which causes assassins to suddenly be holding their dualsaber without drawing it in a cutscene, or the bug which causes the resort swimwear cartel armor to distort the body of female bt1 characters... and never get fixed even years after it's been reported.


I don't actually want to quit the game, but the many unfixed bugs are getting discouraging. If they don't at least fix the heads falling off by the time my sub runs out in a month, I see no reason to renew it.

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Hey guys, I've found out a hilarious/horrifying broken animation with seems to affect only female characters. As far as I know this terrifying animation only happens when the smuggler grips Corso Riggs from the floor in one of the first cutscenes and when female characters interacts with some of the lore objects.


I've tried to restart the game, but nothing changed. Also, I've tried to create different female characters with different bodies, but the bug affects all of them. And as I said, it doesn't happen with male characters.


Here is a video with the bug happening in game:


wow, reminds me of The Terminator, in Terminator 2 the one that was a fluid bot! O4r, like The Thing, with Kurt Russell / John Carpenter's movie... Hmm that's very creepy lol.

Edited by Lhancelot
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I intended never to post on this forum again because the people here are awful, but this bug is gamebreaking for me. I want to record my playthrough of all the class stories and this is preventing me from making any progress because it occurs in cutscenes. I guess I could play only male characters, but as a woman irl I want to be able to play female characters. I'm worried this will become like the bug which makes armor on companions appear to be from the wrong faction, or the bug which makes unify colors not work on companions, or the bug which causes assassins to suddenly be holding their dualsaber without drawing it in a cutscene, or the bug which causes the resort swimwear cartel armor to distort the body of female bt1 characters... and never get fixed even years after it's been reported.


I don't actually want to quit the game, but the many unfixed bugs are getting discouraging. If they don't at least fix the heads falling off by the time my sub runs out in a month, I see no reason to renew it.

Mirrors my feelings exactly, but this bug is pretty major and affects at least 3.5/4ths of gameplay as female characters, not to mention all of the big SWTOR YouTube channels which primarily use female characters, so BioWare can't just ignore it forever (unless they really are so far gone now).

Edited by LordNocturnis
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I want it fixed as I don't like it.

I did not really understand this issue until just now when I clicked a bonus mission item on Voss. That broken animation is very, very disturbing. My character's head folded slowly sideways into her body then came back out again :eek: Someone send an exorcist because I don't want this horror!!

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Any news about this bug, devs? I find it highly disturbing too. It's indeed immersion breaking.


Well at least half the characters in the game are female. if they dont fix it soon, they will lose at least 40% of their players.

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I wonder if this game has any QA testers these days. The fact that this hasn’t been fixed right away (let alone not caught before release) clearly shows that because it’s not a game breaking bug, it’s not important. In a game where immersion is critical, this is just so unacceptable.


What’s the deal “bioware”? Is your Jira backlog too full or not enough dev’s on the payroll? Maybe take a break from cartel market items and focus on gameplay.

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Yeah anyone who thinks this bug should not be on the top 5 list of bugs to fix first becuase its "Not affecting gameplay" should probably not be playing this game to begin with, and would be happier playing fortnite lol.
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Please, never fix this!


Thanks, watch you be the only person the dev listens to with them thinking you represent the entire community about this bug. It could be true considering how long they are taking.


Please hurry and fix this, alot of ppl do NOT like it and want it fixed immediately. As mentioned most of us have stopped playing our characters until it's fixed. It breaks immersion, ruins any recordings people may be doing, and it's just plain horrific to look at. This needs to be top priority along with people who are having login issues. Can we have an update on this now, it has been a while.

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Yeah, the broken animation is super creepy and I'd really like to not have to watch my character invert herself every time I scan something or click on something. I don't do horror and watching my toon morph into some thing is not fun. I'd really like to see this fixed...I know that it didn't used happen before one of the updates we had recently.
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Yeah, the broken animation is super creepy and I'd really like to not have to watch my character invert herself every time I scan something or click on something. I don't do horror and watching my toon morph into some thing is not fun. I'd really like to see this fixed...I know that it didn't used happen before one of the updates we had recently.


It was caused by the new social UI patch. You would think this would make it easy to track down what is causing it, but I am not going to assume. I just want to say this is the most talked about thread in bug reports, get this fixed quick please, people want to continue their character's story.

Edited by SwtorThrill
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I see no information about fixing this. Thought I would check as I am refusing to play until this is fixed. I have put up with a lot of stuff from them since launch but this is one thing I will not do. It may be silly to some of you but that is the way I feel. Lucky for me I started my class again this semester so instead of trying to figure a time I can play I just not work it into my schedule until they can fix this. Edited by casirabit
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I see no information about fixing this. Thought I would check as I am refusing to play until this is fixed. I have put up with a lot of stuff from them sine launch but this is one thing I will not do. It may be silly to some of you but that is the way I feel. Lucky for me I started my class again this semester so instead of trying to figure a time I can play I just not work it into my schedule until they can fix this.


I'm in the same exact situation as you. This is a big deal to me and I want this fixed, I do not think it's silly to not want your character to turn into a thing of nightmares. Do you see their faces when this bug occurs? Disgusting!

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I have this bug too. This bug happens constantly when you read lore objects and a bunch of other random things that prompts the same emote. Its funny and goofy the first two times after the tenth time it is just horrible. Also, after trying a lot of the emotes they randomly wont trigger or sometimes infinietly repeat. My lady Jedi has been congratulating t7 for a good solid 5 minutes now.


So in short, it seems that the whole emote system seems to have gone rogue.

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