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Everything posted by justever

  1. I totally agree with OP. It’s very clear that this game is too much for the current dev team to handle. The title of this thread is “Priorities” and I think it’s clear, pumping out cartel market items is the real priority. When someone takes advantage of a cartel market box, you better believe the game will be down and getting patched right away. Sure, that’s important, I don’t deny that at all. I think the point is here you guys have the ability to fix things right away but choose to ignore things that are important to us, the community. I’m sorry, but I’m just so tired of hearing you guys are “tracking the bug” and then don’t follow up or don’t fix it. If you are just trying to ride this wave until you’re shut down or it’s not profitable, then fine. Otherwise, it’s time to get it together. All the best.
  2. I wonder if this game has any QA testers these days. The fact that this hasn’t been fixed right away (let alone not caught before release) clearly shows that because it’s not a game breaking bug, it’s not important. In a game where immersion is critical, this is just so unacceptable. What’s the deal “bioware”? Is your Jira backlog too full or not enough dev’s on the payroll? Maybe take a break from cartel market items and focus on gameplay.
  3. Yeah, I get the sense of that it probably makes them a lot of money from the fact that some people will buy 4 black/black dyes on one character... then do that 8 times. I think the untapped market is higher though. Like I said, I'd never purchase it full price, but if it was character unlock, I'd go get a bunch. So, I guess the end result of that is, they'd have to figure out which way they'd make more from... current user base purchases or untapped market purchases. As a subscriber, I just feel like we should be able to have a bit more options when it comes to dye all around.
  4. Hi devs, It would be cool if the dyes could be unlocked per character (obviously i'd love for account, but as a compromise) because some of them are so expensive, that I would never buy them. If you made them unlockable for at the very least, per character, I'd actually buy them. I'm sure you guys have better tracking of who buys dyes, but for someone like me (and friends that play), we would actually buy them if we could unlock them. The scenario is, if i buy black/black for 1500 cartel coins, and only use it on 1 piece of item for 1 character... that doesn't feel very good. But if I could at least unlock it for that character, and dye any piece that character owns, I'd go buy it right now. I'd also buy it for multiple characters.. so in my eyes, that's at a minimum of $60 I'd spend on dye... which I wouldn't do now during its current restrictions. Maybe (probably) this has been brought up before, but with that being said, I could easily drop some serious cash on dye. Take care!
  5. Hey, I know there have been threads about this... the most recent I saw was yesterday, but i'm still gonna post because its actually a big deal. Force Charge timer is broken, it takes longer for it to become available than the cooldown even says... and when you have a talent to reduce the cooldown, that just makes no sense. Can you guys please take just a little time to address this issue. Thanks
  6. Hi all, I've been playing this game on and off for a while, but i just recently came back from being gone a few months and I've been noticing some severe ability delay. I will hit a button and the delay can be around a half a second or a little more. Some abilities even stutter before they start. Most don't complete until the global cooldown has finished. Anyone else have or heard of this issue? My ping is about 70-80ms. Thanks!
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