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Hidden/Bonus/Extra Scenes In Class Stories


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Is that supposed to be an Insult?:rolleyes:


You're going to have to do better than that if you want to insult me... I've been called far worse.... :cool:


Can't speak for Ardrossan but don't you realize just how much you sound like a cranky old geezer, yelling at kids to get out of your heroic zone and reminiscing about going to Corellia up hill both ways?

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Can't speak for Ardrossan but don't you realize just how much you sound like a cranky old geezer, yelling at kids to get out of your heroic zone and reminiscing about going to Corellia up hill both ways?


You forgot barefoot, and in the snow ;)

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I've seen two other extra scenes during the class storylines. The Smuggler can find an additional scene during the Lightspring mission on Tatooine. There's an unmarked holo-recording sitting on top of Diago Hixan's possessions that you can activate to play a recording. It's basically just Diago ranting about how he's sure that Nok Drayen's plan to take over the underworld was for some ulterior motive, and how he's eventually going to find out what it was. I don't think the Smuggler ever finds out if that's true, but it ties in with one of the other class storylines. You'll know the one when you see it.


The Imperial Agent can also find an additional, unvoiced "scene" during the additional mission on Nar Shaddaa to capture Vyord Yanol. You are given the mission by Darth Zhorrid immediately after completing the Nar Shaddaa story missions. When you find Vyord Yanol, he's standing in front of a computer terminal. You can access that terminal to read two files in an unvoiced cutscene. The first ("Schematics") is the schematics for Darth Jadus' flagship, the Dominator. The second ("Research") just has a brief mention of a failed Imperial Intelligence project to grow some sort of device, which was abandoned as impractical sixteen months earlier.

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None of these where or are hidden... If you played the game, do all of the missions and explore every where you will find all of these. They have been there since the beginning, they are nothing new.


Back when you had to do ALL of the mission/quests on the planets before Quick Traveling everywhere and massive amounts of EXP were introduced, you would find these simply by playing the game.


Now it's all about SKIPPING everything just to get to the end.


In doing this the Skippers miss allot of content in the game. Then they Whine about NOT having enough content, even though it is there and has been there all along for them to play. All they have to do is PLAY the GAME and NOT SKIP EVERYTHING.


But it they did that then they would have to find something else to whine about.


Not sure what your intent is here. Fine, they may not be hidden like a datacron but hiding in plain sight is a thing. Bottom line, all the stuff mentioned is very miss-able even to people who explore. I missed plenty of these and now trying to gather as much of this as I can, thus the thread. Not sure what the intent of the writers/devs is by making these extra scenes but I assume it's for you to explore and talk about.

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Not sure what your intent is here. Fine, they may not be hidden like a datacron but hiding in plain sight is a thing. Bottom line, all the stuff mentioned is very miss-able even to people who explore. I missed plenty of these and now trying to gather as much of this as I can, thus the thread. Not sure what the intent of the writers/devs is by making these extra scenes but I assume it's for you to explore and talk about.


If you look at the forums long enough, you'll always see one person who has to say the opposite of everyone, has to put others down. Best thing you can do is ignore it, and just listen to the positive. Less stress, more positive vibes, the world feels nicer ;)

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If you look at the forums long enough, you'll always see one person who has to say the opposite of everyone, has to put others down. Best thing you can do is ignore it, and just listen to the positive. Less stress, more positive vibes, the world feels nicer ;)


Well thankfully people like you seem to outnumber people like him. Sometimes it does seem like that one guy can scream the loudest tho :p.

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Not sure what the intent of the writers/devs is by making these extra scenes but I assume it's for you to explore and talk about.


tbh, I kind of figured that they're errors on BW's part. Like, don't get me wrong, it's very cool to find these things but it just doesn't jive with BW's MO. It makes far more sense to me that writers added it and they just forgot to clue players into it or give an xp/credit reward.

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tbh, I kind of figured that they're errors on BW's part. Like, don't get me wrong, it's very cool to find these things but it just doesn't jive with BW's MO. It makes far more sense to me that writers added it and they just forgot to clue players into it or give an xp/credit reward.


It's also possible they were part of the story, but got 'cut' but never removed. Unless a dev is willing to pop in and tell us, we'll probably never know. Personally I prefer to think of them as easter eggs, there for the people who like to explore everywhere, like in the old games, where you had to click everything, or look everywhere to find the hidden rooms/treasue (thinking of eye of the beholder here)



Just to add, this is a very good thread, I've actually rated it, but the rating probably won't pop up till more people rate it, so feel free to add to it people. It's nice to show appreciation for positive threads :)

Edited by DarkTergon
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An amazing level of detail, and yet theron doesn't comment on IA double agents. Sigh.


Yes he does! You have to wait a long, long time to hear it as it's at the end of Hearts and Minds



Just to add, this is a very good thread, I've actually rated it, but the rating probably won't pop up till more people rate it, so feel free to add to it people. It's nice to show appreciation for positive threads :)

I rated it just now before I saw your post. Hopefully others will too.

Edited by Sarova
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Yes he does! You have to wait a long, long time to hear it as it's at the end of Hearts and Minds


That's great to know, thanks!


I rated it just now before I saw your post. Hopefully others will too.

How do I add a rating? There doesn't seem to be a button anywhere.

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I've seen two other extra scenes during the class storylines. The Smuggler can find an additional scene during the Lightspring mission on Tatooine. There's an unmarked holo-recording sitting on top of Diago Hixan's possessions that you can activate to play a recording. It's basically just Diago ranting about how he's sure that Nok Drayen's plan to take over the underworld was for some ulterior motive, and how he's eventually going to find out what it was. I don't think the Smuggler ever finds out if that's true, but it ties in with one of the other class storylines. You'll know the one when you see it.


The Imperial Agent can also find an additional, unvoiced "scene" during the additional mission on Nar Shaddaa to capture Vyord Yanol. You are given the mission by Darth Zhorrid immediately after completing the Nar Shaddaa story missions. When you find Vyord Yanol, he's standing in front of a computer terminal. You can access that terminal to read two files in an unvoiced cutscene. The first ("Schematics") is the schematics for Darth Jadus' flagship, the Dominator. The second ("Research") just has a brief mention of a failed Imperial Intelligence project to grow some sort of device, which was abandoned as impractical sixteen months earlier.


Good finds, I had forgotten them. And they tie so nicely into the wider picture of certain class story.

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  • 4 weeks later...
tbh, I kind of figured that they're errors on BW's part. Like, don't get me wrong, it's very cool to find these things but it just doesn't jive with BW's MO. It makes far more sense to me that writers added it and they just forgot to clue players into it or give an xp/credit reward.


I laughed so hard at this, it's absurd but has potential to be true, lol.


Another thing I wanted to add...


MAJOR SPOILER FOR IMPERIAL AGENT CHAPTER 1 (if you never did agent before I recommend not reading)


If you decide to side with Jadus, you get a extra quest at Hoth. It was given by a Chiss and I believe there is a quest indicator above his head but can't remember if the game directs you to him.


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Not hidden but for male BH's if you want to romance the lady on Alderaan, she will ask you to remove a tubby lord guy who is proposing marriage. After you have done so ignore the flirt option and when it comes up select the "cause a scene" option. Ignore Makos whining and go for a stroll with the lady. (the ladys putdown of Mako is hilarious). Later on, you'll get an option to promote one of the family to become the new head. Select the lady.


Again not hidden but for Sith warrior, If you leave Vette's slave collar on and choose to keep Jaesa as DS, Jaesa will shock Vette (if u let her) when she joins the ship.

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  • 1 month later...

Read through the thread and this wasn't mentioned, but playing a BH again recently I discovered a new extra scene...


For BH storyline on Balmorra, when you first meet the droid ODX-9, if you choose the option to "blast him" then complete the quest given to you by Pirrell, upon return talk to ODX-9 before talking to Pirrell. You get a amusing cut scene with the droid. Everyone should choose the blast option anyways but I can see how most will run past the droid.


Speaking of BH story on Balmorra, does anyone remember (MINOR spoiler)...



...sparing the slicer by choosing the "bribe me" option? If so, she offers you coordinates to a lockbox, but nothing comes of it. Was something removed or the game just never does anything about it?



Still looking for something for sith warrior too, every class has something hidden away, but this class doesn't appear to have any.

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Still looking for something for sith warrior too, every class has something hidden away, but this class doesn't appear to have any.


It's one of those that's not necessarily hidden, but during the Tatooine class missions, the Warrior gets to pull a "Luke on Dagobah" and confront a Force-Spectre at a hidden oasis...

The spectre's attitude changes depending on the Warrior's alignment. It will always be the opposite and try to threaten/persuade the Warrior to change from their current path, either turning to the Light for a Dark Warrior or telling a Light Warrior that they can only win with the Dark Side.



There's also an event on Republic Taris for Jedi Knights, when Watcher One gives you a mission to distract you while he interrogates Doctor Godera...

Light Knights will be sent to protect a settlement from a Sith attack, while Dark Knights will be given the opportunity to 'recover' artifacts of the Jedi Covenant for their own benefit.


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  • 10 months later...

Still looking for something for sith warrior too, every class has something hidden away, but this class doesn't appear to have any.


What's interesting about warriors imo is that they can recruit either version of Jaesa regardless of their alignment, i.e LS warriors can recruit DS Jaesas. I think originally you had to have a certain amount of alignment points, but they removed it. You have to pick the right dialogue though, because the default is DS warrior gets DS Jaesa and same same.


An interesting one for female knights is they can have a 'sisterly' relationship with ranno tao ven on Tython, as long as they've been nice to her all the way through. You have the option to do a ritual with her to become closer [no, not that kind :rolleyes: ] and this allows you to kill her when she betrays you later on. If you don't do this, or you're not female, the DS option is just to extort her.


Now, skip to Taris: if you took this option, killed Ranna but arrested Bengal, Watcher X will comment on Ranna's death as an example of how "imperial intelligence prides itself on knowing their enemy". The comp dialogue doesn't change.

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What's interesting about warriors imo is that they can recruit either version of Jaesa regardless of their alignment, i.e LS warriors can recruit DS Jaesas. I think originally you had to have a certain amount of alignment points, but they removed it. You have to pick the right dialogue though, because the default is DS warrior gets DS Jaesa and same same.


An interesting one for female knights is they can have a 'sisterly' relationship with ranno tao ven on Tython, as long as they've been nice to her all the way through. You have the option to do a ritual with her to become closer [no, not that kind :rolleyes: ] and this allows you to kill her when she betrays you later on. If you don't do this, or you're not female, the DS option is just to extort her.


Now, skip to Taris: if you took this option, killed Ranna but arrested Bengal, Watcher X will comment on Ranna's death as an example of how "imperial intelligence prides itself on knowing their enemy". The comp dialogue doesn't change.


Never know Ranna and Bengal options affect the Watcher 1 (X is from the Agent story) dialogue, love those long term effect choices hidden in the game.

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For Male Smugglers, if you romance Beryl Thorne before leaving Taris, it comes up in conversation when you meet her again on whatever planet that is (Quesh?). Not sure how it pans out if you turn her in, but I suspect she's not there, or she has the opposite response.
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For Male Smugglers, if you romance Beryl Thorne before leaving Taris, it comes up in conversation when you meet her again on whatever planet that is (Quesh?). Not sure how it pans out if you turn her in, but I suspect she's not there, or she has the opposite response.


She's there but not happy.


Right, so on Quesh the dialogue changes depending on your alignment. If you're DS and you take the LS option [help the captain for free], he acts surprised, same if you're LS who takes the DS option. If you're neutral and you take the neutral option, he comments that your reputation is all over the place.

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