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Everything posted by rumpol

  1. On one of my characters when trying to use the Primeval Fatesealer relic I keep getting "Access Denied". I have tried unequipping/reequipping, swapping relic slots, logging back out and in and nothing clears this error. Anyone got any advice?
  2. How long are you sitting there staring at your inventory for it to cause medical issues? I mean crikey, most people open and close it again in a few minutes tops.
  3. Nice strawman. But you are right, no-one cares what a minority has to say.
  4. Games like this, including market leaders like WoW, know full well that most players come back for the new content, stick around for a month or so and move on. These types of games are designed around that.
  5. Yeah because people in chat and on the forums are representative of the player-base, right? They are simply a loud minority. I'm willing to bet the majority of the player-base simply deal with the changes. People like you remind me of the Daily Mail reading NIMBY type. "Waaaahhh change, change is bad".
  6. You didn't have to kill the other hunter, kill them or force them to concede. There is at least one occasion in which the PC can make the other hunter concede during the Great Hunt.
  7. Didn't say he couldn't kill him, just don't vaporise him, Vader wanted proof.
  8. Let's face it though, if you're playing a Twilek SIth Warrior, you're doing it wrong. The whole point of the warrior start is that he is brought in because he is meant to be "pure".
  9. You need to choose the "we don't have to fight" option for that to trigger. I absolutely swear I remember a scene with my BH where the big bad at the end of the campaign threw him in carbonite and Mako and Torian came to rescue him. I vividly remember the conversation with Mako and asking her questions about her and Torian. I hadn't played Knights at that point so wasn't getting it confused with that expac. I've never been able to get that to happen again.
  10. This is just terrible. These are items purchased with real money. They are not cheap. They are all still broken. Why hasn't there even been a dev response? If you are not going to fix them, then do the right thing and offer people their money (or coins) back. Intentionally selling items that you know don't work correctly, and I don't buy it that you didn't know, is literally a scam.
  11. Absolutely. Apart from the loving him. I would happily throw him out the airlock. He is of the impression that you should fight to your last breath even if that means your children and other family are tortured and murdered. He can say that because he didn't have children and as such, never had to watch them suffer.
  12. Zeniths actions are absolutely not justified. He, in fact, acts the same way as the Empire. He doesn't care about the reasons, if you dealt in any way with the Empire, you are a traitor and deserve to be killed.
  13. Ignore all the above. Absolutely all classes fit with the story if you pay attention to what is happening as you go along.
  14. That's why I like Human Inq's. My Human Sith Inqs have the slave brand so (in my head canon) they are reminding the rest of the Sith of his origins and now, he is part of the ruling elite. It is a check on their racial and class hubris.
  15. Ah come on. They were families who wanted to not see their kids die from starvation. Maintaining at least decent relations with the Empire was the only way the majority of families on Balmorra were going to survive. Zenith shouldn't be blaming them, he should be blaming the Republic.
  16. BW have stated that because a character has a "death choice" doesn't mean this will stop them implementing that character in the story.
  17. Perhaps if the Devs actually rook an interest in ranked it might happen. By interest I mean perma ban peeps who are wintrading, cheating and whatnot. Fact is, ranked is a niche activity in a niche game getting the bare amount of support.
  18. The games focus on solo content at launch (practically zero end game) is what actually killed this game. It is end game group runners that keep a game alive and healthy.
  19. This makes no sense. Firstly, you're happy to pay for a feature like this but now you don't want to pay for a similar feature (master's datacron). Do you actually think this would be as simple as flipping a toggle for BW to implement it? Thank gawd there is zero chance of this becoming reality, what a waste of resources it would be. I have to ask, why do you even want it? What are you going to do with your ship at level 1? Go and try to grind mobs on Makeb?
  20. Still broken. An update on an ETA for a fix would be nice.
  21. Ashara agrees that peace is a lie. She understands that the Republic needs to fear the Empire for there to be a true peace. IMO Ashara is more a "lawful Evil" type character. She is willing to do whatever is necessary to achieve her goals. She may not be happy with killing Reps, but she understands it is unavoidable. We do see Ashara using the dark side on at least two occasions. LS Jaesa is a bit harder to explain. I just put it down to her naivety. She trusts the warrior, somewhat blindingly. Although, for example, when you attack the Taris Rep spaceport she does say she isn't happy with attacking the Jedi.
  22. And that is it in a nutshell. OP doesn't like it. I do like it, I think it's one of the better stories. I could go into why I like it but it won't change the OPs mind and that's cool. We all like different things. I'm not keen on the warrior story, I find it generic and obvious.
  23. Light sided Sith in this game are literally that. They use the light side of the force. We are shown/told this ingame. The warrior quest on Tattoine at the hidden pool is a good example. We get told more powerful Sith will sense the light within us. Inq campaign, the Jedi on Alderaan will say he cannot sense the taint of the dark side. This has nothing to do with your ideals and everything to do with the way you are using the force. Light sided Sith are essentially Jedi with looser morals and better fashion sense. Some people seem to conflate ideals such as honour, pragmatism, compassion with the light. You can have all of these qualities and still be dark sided. Lana and Marr spring to mind. Although Lana does seem to get a bit white washed. Let's not forget she wanted to cut a Jedis head open and experiment on her brain. Marr's face is said to be so twisted by the dark side that a Moff went insane when he saw it.
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