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Any news on companions return.

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I was just looking at some old patch notes, and see that since 4.0 we're only a few months away from it being 5 actual years since some of the companions were lost.


I was wondering if we'd ever have the remainder return. - Or a statement saying that there are no plans/ that they are still in the pipeline/ to give it up already....


Since characters were suspended in carbonite for ~5 years, it's a bit rich to make us literally wait that long IRL. IMHO.


TBH I'm not that bothered, and I know that there is a terminal on Odessen. - But some former players were asking during a video chat the other day, It got me wondering....


Anyone got any thoughts or is it a lost cause?


Is anyone holding out just kidding themselves?

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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Yes Tano Vik's voice actor did pass away so Tano will not be coming back.


This is only half right. Vik's original VA (Who voiced him in the base game) passed away in 2012, and he was replaced for the post base game content (RotHC, GSF, and KotFE). But, that shouldn't prevent him from returning for at least a short Alliance Alert.


As for missing companions, the ones that are still missing, along with Vik are Zenith, and

Khem Zash


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This is only half right. Vik's original VA (Who voiced him in the base game) passed away in 2012, and he was replaced for the post base game content (RotHC, GSF, and KotFE). But, that shouldn't prevent him from returning for at least a short Alliance Alert.


As for missing companions, the ones that are still missing, along with Vik are Zenith, and

Khem Zash




Vik isn't actually missing, he did pop up. But



Thought that was explained in nathema, she somehow split, and got a new body


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Thought that was explained in nathema, she somehow split, and got a new body


If you chose Khem over Zash in the base game she comes back on Nathema and he rejoins an Inquisitor on Ossus; if you chose Zash over Khem, he comes back as part of the Conspiracy but she hasn't been seen again yet - I think is what he's referring to.

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I was wondering if we'd ever have the remainder return. - Or a statement saying that there are no plans/ that they are still in the pipeline/ to give it up already....


Aside from others already giving you the correct response(s), I'm curious:


Who did you think was still missing?


I doubt you started this topic just for Zenith? :confused:

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I want Zenith back. He was fun to have as companion on darkside shadow. I loved that he wasn't afraid to talk back to her on Voss. And since Scourge and Kham Val are now romancable Zenith should be too,


And I think there should be a scene with Zenith meeting Theron and accusing Theron of mocking him by using his voice.

I've been told this wouldn't work in French or German since they are different voice actors,

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Just to be a little of a Devil's advocate here, but is there a lore reason why Zenith would return, particularly after so much time?


Tai Corden doesn't even mention to the Consular during KOTFE 15 anything about Zenith, whom he hand-picked to serve Balmorra as a liaison to the Rift Alliance.


Note, there are several returned companions for whom this line of questioning applies.

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Based on his characterisation - ruthless, staunch anti-Imperial, survivor of the Agent taking down Grey Star's resistance cell - I honestly have trouble seeing him return, even for the Consular, since the Alliance is made up a good portion of Imperials and Sith, the very people Zenith hates (and he probably wouldn't be too pleased to be on the same side as Kalliyo, the Agent's companion when they broke the Grey Star cell, either), and there's a chance that the Consular will turn out to be a pro-Imperial Saboteur with JUS and Onslaught so they might not even want Zenith back knowing he'd be against them...


And we're not talking Jurgan or Talos 'I'll stay with the Alliance, I remain loyal to my faction' or Beywan Aygo's 'I can't fight the Republic or the Alliance, so I'm retiring' for Imp characters, we're talking the possibility that Zenith would take aggressive action - I mean, this is the guy who saw nothing wrong with hooking cyborg parts into a mentally broken man so that they would appear to be 'legitimately' transferring power to a new government...

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When KOTFE first came out there was an achievement to get Zenith back. I think it was originaly going to be Zenith leading an attack on Zakuul not Havoc Squad's new commander..


You're over thinking it.. No companions notice saboteur is working against their side. I'm sabotaging water pumps in front of Tau and she's oblivious or sabotaging sensors on Imperial saboteur and Maj. Anri doesn't notice.


When you pick a side the companions from other side may send you a letter telling you they wont fight their side. That's it.


Zenith isn't going to notice Jedi Consular is secretly working for the Empire. Your contact doesn't even comment on it.

Shouldn't the droid and its master be suspicious of a Jedi working against the Republic? Or the Republic spies suspicious of Sith siding with Republic.

Edited by RameiArashi
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I'd be a sucker for the return of



Khem Zash



As it would be a delight to have her back again. I loved her as a villain character and I felt that she was plotting something against us while she had



"Permanently" taken over Khem with our help



But aside from that, Zenith is the only companion still missing, yes. Tanno Vik makes an appearance but doesn't return as a companion specifically, so that's a bit of an edge case as was said earlier.


All other companions have returned already.

Edited by Ylliarus
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is dead. If you trapped her she escapes, possess a woman and dies during Nathma Conspiracy. If you trapped Kham he escapes reclaims his body and dies druring the Nathama Conpsiracy. And since has has his body back Zash must be dead.

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And I think there should be a scene with Zenith meeting Theron and accusing Theron of mocking him by using his voice.

I've been told this wouldn't work in French or German since they are different voice actors,

It wouldn't be the first voice problem in the French and German versions. I don't know about in German, but in French, when the Trooper first meets Elara Dorne as an NPC contact on Taris, Aric Jorgan comments on her accent in the English version, and in the French version he does the same. In English, it's OK because of the "Pub = Yank, Imp = Brit" thing, but in French, you get "Pub = French, Imp = French", which makes that line complete nonsense.


And in the French version, Liam Dentiri (he of the training droids on Tython) and Gizmel Gam have the same voice actor. It makes the conversations with Liam feel somewhat ... surreal.

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And in the French version, Liam Dentiri (he of the training droids on Tython) and Gizmel Gam have the same voice actor. It makes the conversations with Liam feel somewhat ... surreal.


Not to mention that Elara's English VA is the same one who does an Imperial officer on DK (can't remember her name, sends you on a mission to Grathan's Estate looking for her missing troopers, they call her "Duchess") as well as an NPC Heroic Mission Giver on Tatooine in Mos Ila (the woman who wants you to get Jawa Power Cores).


I'm always half expecting someone to comment about how all Imperials sound alike or something like that.


Holiday isn't a companion per say, but she's also still missing. I certainly counted her among the Consular's shipmates.


Hear, hear. Personally, I always liked Holiday's outgoing, optimistic and helpful personality as a break from the more serious or overbearing ones of the other companions. We'll just have to hold out hope that she eventually gets to come back as a full-fledged companion in her own right rather than just 'Theran's cheerleader'...

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Just to be a little of a Devil's advocate here, but is there a lore reason why Zenith would return, particularly after so much time?


Tai Corden doesn't even mention to the Consular during KOTFE 15 anything about Zenith, whom he hand-picked to serve Balmorra as a liaison to the Rift Alliance.


Note, there are several returned companions for whom this line of questioning applies.


Maybe we've already got Zenith back. One of the first things Zenith told us was that it was a codename, after all.


Remember Watcher One on Taris, with his Rodian disguise?


Wouldn't be the last time Theron would not take his friends into his confidence on his cover identities...

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Maybe we've already got Zenith back. One of the first things Zenith told us was that it was a codename, after all.


Remember Watcher One on Taris, with his Rodian disguise?


Wouldn't be the last time Theron would not take his friends into his confidence on his cover identities...


I'd almost be willing to go for it, the whole 'secretly turn traitor, start a war on Iokath, get a galactic leader killed, discover a superweapon that tries to kill your friends' plan for beating the Conspiracy does seem like the same kind of over-elaborate and borderline psychopathic idea Zenith would come up with...


Does the Consular ever see Zenith and Theron in the same room at the same time at any point during the Rishi/Yavin/Ziost arc? If not, you may have something there...

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