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Conquest lost its shape and purpose


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I've been avoiding replying to this thread, for the obvious reason, but i'd like to comment on this post.

I don't think they'd jack up the points, as it will hurt the smaller guilds. But I do like the idea of a new tier, with a higher goal, and better rewards. A super tier, that has a high goal, it might pull the largest CQ guilds out of the smaller tiers, and leave them a little more open. A discussion of this is a far better way of using this thread ;)


Then we'll be right back to square one to some degree, or better put, the smaller guilds don't have the same opportunity to garner the rewards the larger guilds are receiving. There's been a number of people in the past, in smaller guilds that were discussing how they weren't able to gather the same rewards as the larger guilds, it wasn't always just the smaller guilds not being able to hit goal.


The entire system is nothing short of a joke now. If I were them, I would just leave it the way it is, at least this allows the smaller guilds to get the same rewards as the larger guilds and hit goal every week.


Edited by Pirana
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The entire system is nothing short of a joke now. If I were them, I would just leave it the way it is, at least this allows the smaller guilds to get the same rewards as the larger guilds and hit goal every week.



Its so strange; . 4-5 mins to target for your 1st char of the day. Maybe 20 mins or so/char from there on. If you do planetaries I mean. Takes 400% longer via any multiplayer content ofc. Clearly they've stoppped caring about conq targets and erased them as a meaningful pursuit for individual characters. So basically, there's a flood of coquest coming in now. So..why not let it rain in from doors and windows too. It truly don't matter anymore. If you can reach conq target via planetaries in 10-15 mins, you should for example be able to get a ton of conq from finishing last storyline mission of a planet. And from doing master mode KOTFE chapters. And from GSF, PvP and so on. Heck, let ppl get 50k/30 mins via railshooter. I mean, you can't make reaching conq target on an individual character any more trivial and irrelevant it already is. At least flood the place eqully so stuff less straightforward is in same ballpark with planetaries.

Edited by Stradlin
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Its so strange; . 4-5 mins to target for your 1st char of the day. Maybe 20 mins or so/char from there on. If you do planetaries I mean. Takes 400% longer via any multiplayer content ofc. Clearly they've stoppped caring about conq targets and erased them as a meaningful pursuit for individual characters. So basically, there's a flood of coquest coming in now. So..why not let it rain in from doors and windows too. It truly don't matter anymore. If you can reach conq target via planetaries in 10-15 mins, you should for example be able to get a ton of conq from finishing last storyline mission of a planet. And from doing master mode KOTFE chapters. And from GSF, PvP and so on. Heck, let ppl get 50k/30 mins via railshooter. I mean, you can't make it any more trivial and irrelevant it already is. At least flood the place eqully so stuff less straightforward is in same ballpark with planetaries.


You're really going to insist on the last word, aren't you? Next time, learn to simplify your argument. It got really muddled.



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As a regularly returning (solo) player and someone who is addicted to starting zones and making new characters (who then get deleted at some point in time) i'd like to put in my two cents.


I think the way this conquest thing now works is great fun. Although the way it gets temp. locked at 50k is not how i personally would do it. I'd reset at 50k and ramp up the second run to 70k (or so) and then reset and ramp up to 90k, or something like that, etc.. But that is just me.


Anyway... it makes me pay a subscription and buy coins and enjoy this game that much more.

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As a regularly returning (solo) player and someone who is addicted to starting zones and making new characters (who then get deleted at some point in time) i'd like to put in my two cents.


I think the way this conquest thing now works is great fun. Although the way it gets temp. locked at 50k is not how i personally would do it. I'd reset at 50k and ramp up the second run to 70k (or so) and then reset and ramp up to 90k, or something like that, etc.. But that is just me.


Anyway... it makes me pay a subscription and buy coins and enjoy this game that much more.


Small wonder you like it, if you enjoy doing starter zones repeatedly on multiple characters, game now rewards you very generously for it. Its just that your playstyle (Lots of planetary missions on lots of different characters) is the only one that got included to the new conquest. Anyone and everybody who likes earning huge piles of conq will now have to play more or less like you. Like doing nothing but planetaries? Hate doing nothing but planetaries?..It don't matter; if you want 400% more conq/week than anyone used to make, planetaries is what you will have to do. Every day. Every week.


Every other playstyle gives, by comparsion, pretty pitiful conquest now.

Edited by Stradlin
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Small wonder you like it, if you enjoy doing starter zones repeatedly on multiple characters, game now rewards you very generously for it. Its just that your playstyle (Lots of planetary missions on lots of different characters) is the only one that got included to the new conquest. Anyone and everybody who likes earning huge piles of conq will now have to play more or less like you. Like doing nothing but planetaries? Hate doing nothing but planetaries?..It don't matter; if you want 400% more conq/week than anyone used to make, planetaries is what you will have to do. Every day. Every week.


Every other playstyle gives, by comparsion, pretty pitiful conquest now.


Just give it a rest already man. Anyone who enjoys the system as it is now isn't going to change their mind because you keep repeating yourself

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Just give it a rest already man. Anyone who enjoys the system as it is now isn't going to change their mind because you keep repeating yourself


Yup, but people keep replying to him, it would have died off pages ago if people had stopped replying here, and just kept posting the positive stuff on the other thread. /shrug I've put him on ignore, and all of the negative posts have vanished. What we have left is one or two people, who've acually put in some good reasons why the system needs tweaking, but over all actually like it. You should try it, makes the whole thread sound different...lol.



Remember the simpsons



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Every other playstyle gives, by comparsion, pretty pitiful conquest now.


BS. I finished Conquest this week doing PvP at almost the same rate as the planetaries the week before. I barely noticed a difference in effort and time. Your arguments have as many holes in them as a Swiss cheese does.

Edited by Ylliarus
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BS. I finished Conquest this week doing PvP at almost the same rate as the planetaries the week before. I barely noticed a difference in effort and time. Your arguments have as many holes in them as a Swiss cheese does.



Nah; it is you who needs to make arguments. Truth is so undeniable and painted in such bright colors that I can simply show and tell.See the video? I don't have to do anything except show the numbers involved and time consumed. Stuff I've timed and measured. That's my job done. Then you need to start arguing and denying or burying these numbers. Trutrh has a strange persistent quality to it though.


Average player can make 57k conq in 11 mins with ease. And this exclusively via planetaries. Of course, average player can reach 50k target much faster, if mixing gifting and other menial tasks to one single planetary mission. Some can do planetary tourism much better and faster than I show on that video, some do it a bit slower. .This insane rate is available exclusively via soloable planetary missions. All other playstyles simply got excluded from this new conquest. Every other playstyle needs 60-90 minutes to do what planetary tourist does in 8-15 mins.



Potential very easily attainable for average player matters a great deal. It is more relevant and important than some race to the bottom where half way mark has you RP- walking in circles around Voss for three hours before doing a mission and finishing line features auto running against the wall by GTN til serv shut down to prove how conquest is surely super balanced atm.

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Nah; it is you who needs to make arguments. Truth is so undeniable and painted in such bright colors that I can simply show and tell.See the video? I don't have to do anything except show the numbers involved and time consumed. Stuff I've timed and measured. That's my job done. Then you need to start arguing and denying or burying these numbers. Trutrh has a strange persistent quality to it though.


Average player can make 57k conq in 11 mins with ease. And this exclusively via planetaries. Of course, average player can reach 50k target much faster, if mixing gifting and other menial tasks to one single planetary mission. Some can do planetary tourism much better and faster than I show on that video, some do it a bit slower. .This insane rate is available exclusively via soloable planetary missions. All other playstyles simply got excluded from this new conquest. Every other playstyle needs 60-90 minutes to do what planetary tourist does in 8-15 mins.



Potential very easily attainable for average player matters a great deal. It is more relevant and important than some race to the bottom where half way mark has you RP- walking in circles around Voss for three hours before doing a mission and finishing line features auto running against the wall by GTN til serv shut down to prove how conquest is surely super balanced atm.


No, you're a joke. A complete and total joke. You haven't even responded to what I wrote about finishing Conquests doing PvP at almost the same time as I did when doing planetary missions. But of course you ignore that because then you'd have to admit something else can also be true, other than your own opinion. And I can already tell you'll ignore that again in this post and repeat yourself. Do you get some kick out of that? Reading your own writing? Because your behaviour is crossing into some disturbing territories, you know.


To imitate you, I will repeat myself: this week I decided to do PvP only to see how fast I'd finish Conquests while only doing matches. A few 4v4 matches popped, so those were short and sweet, but there were also a few Huttball matches which took a bit of time. I didn't precisely time it because why would I (I'm not the one who developed some sort of weird obsession about being the Conquest Police...) yet I recall how fast I finished Conquest doing primarily heroics and dailies the week before. The time it took me to reach my personal Conquest goal this week was roughly the same as the time I spent reaching it last week by doing planetary dailies. I felt or experienced no difference in time or effort. This means that both are completely viable methods to complete Conquests with little to no difference between them.


I dare you to make something of that. I challenge you to just for once, just for one time, consider another possibility to be true than your own biased and flawed opinion. Are you capable of that? Are you capable of considering anything other than what you think?

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Since Crafting Week, and KotET/KotFE have been a thing, Conquest has always included them in either the rotation, or just outright, with crafting in one form or another always being in the list of things one could do. Since neither of these are group content, the entire premise of the thread is a fallacy. The "shape and purpose" has never been to encourage group play, or PvP. Since this is the case, it hasn't lost anything. One cannot lose something it never had.


This leads me to the conclusion that it's a lot more to do with the GTN than actual Conquest. Considering the hyperbole, and misrepresentations we've been fed, and considering how many times the OP has had to be edited, it's clear to me that there is an ulterior motive to this. Given that I don't know for sure what it is, but that the premise of the thread is a fallacy, I'm left with the GTN. So now people can get their crafting mats for free, or minimal, in some very specific cases, effort, and it's burning holes in the OP's profit margin.


After all, it can't be that the OP is locked out of making Conquest goals every week, since they've demonstrated repeatedly that that's not the case. The only other alternative, given the fact that Conquest's focus was never about what the OP claims, is that other people can make their goals. The only reason this would be bad is because people will be getting their mats from Conquest, instead of the GTN. Presto, I have just used the OP's logic to prove that the OP is only here trying desperately to keep this thread alive because they're losing money to Conquest.

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I challenge you to just for once, ..../snip


This is the reason a lot of people have put him on ignore, he won't listen to anyone else, it's why this thread has gone on for so long, it should have been locked by a mod, nothing is going to be resolved, as they keep changing their mind, picking out little bits of arguments, and mixting it up with other stuff, it doesn't matter how much logic or common sense you use. All that happens it you are getting frustrated to the point when you say or do something that gets you in to trouble, and he just laughs at it. The best thing anyone can do for themself and this thread is put him on ignore, and look at it then, you will see a different thread, where there are some sensible comments about the new CQ system, and what needs to be tweaked, but everyone, bar one person is happy with it. And would be happier with the tweaks, but are also worried, that if BW/EA try to tweak it, they'll do what they did the last time, and completely mess it up, and kill CQ again.




https://giphy.com/gifs/season-7-the-...e2el4q8BEyYdq0 <-------- Remember the simpsons...

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To imitate you,


Please do. Or if you actually tried that,try doing better work at it. Check the source material you are imitating bit more closelty: See how I measure and time stuff and provide actual evidence on video for you to watch. I show how easily one can earn 57k in 11 mins. You tell how you "needed about as much time" as you spend last week. You explain how you " felt no signiuficant difference" See the difference between our methods? Well, number of notable differences in fact. I've already covered GSF by myself.(video of that too) There, I needed over 90 minutes to do what I can easily do via planetaries in 10. Instead of being all upset and calling me names, one handy way to put foot in my mouth is showing how you manage that " almost as fast" via pvp. Make a video like I did? If I have video that shows actual counq earned and actual time passed, you " feeling" no significant difference to what you did "las week" is bit..yeah. Go on..do what you claim: imitate. Show and tell like I did. That way, you reach the cosy position I am in: you'd not even have to argue. I can show and tell. It is for you be argue, bury evidence and be upset. Its much cosier on this side of the fence. So show and tell, let evidence speak instead of your feelings. :)


Just fror the sake of context, here are the videos and/or various other methods used for measuring stuff tha got mentioned in this post:

- Conq target via GSF. Bit over 90 mins.

- 57k conquest in 11 mins exclusively via panetaries:

- Ylliarus Didn't time it because why would they. However, they "felt or experienced no difference" between this and last week but isn't gonna bother measuring the difference felt or experienced.

Edited by Stradlin
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Has anyone else noticed that planetary missions are giving fewer points this week than last week? It's almost like each week has different priorities and each week will have a different path to fastest-way-to-50k. Weird how that works out.
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Has anyone else noticed that planetary missions are giving fewer points this week than last week? It's almost like each week has different priorities and each week will have a different path to fastest-way-to-50k. Weird how that works out.


What? The conquest objectiuve list is right there. You can -see- what each week has or doesn 't have. Every single day and every single week, meat and fat of the new conq system remains exactly the same: You have over dozen missions on dozen different planets to complete. You have Slayer I and II on each planet to complete. These combined are at least 40 or so daily repeatable conq. objectives. Every day. Every week. Sometimes, you have huge additional weekly ding there, like in pinnacles of power. Regardless, heart of the matter never changes: Wanna make 400% more conq than anyone used to? Do planetaries. That's the current conq theme week 52 weeks a year.


Each week having a different valid path was arguably true, sometimes, in old conq system. It was pretty cool. In new system, every day and every week is a planetary mission week. Different weekly " themes" are utterly irrelevant in terms of what gives good/fast conq and what doesn't. Oh Its operation week? Do planetaries. Gree week`? Thats cute. Do planetaries. Pinnacle of power? What even is that, don't matter, do planetaries.

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Has anyone else noticed that planetary missions are giving fewer points this week than last week? It's almost like each week has different priorities and each week will have a different path to fastest-way-to-50k. Weird how that works out.


If your getting less this week, check to see if your guild lost the +20% conquest perk you may have had last week. That is the only difference in points. Last week my guild had it, but it dropped off this week, so we only have the +10% conquest perk now.

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Please do. Or if you actually tried that,try doing better work at it. Check the source material you are imitating bit more closelty: See how I measure and time stuff and provide actual evidence on video for you to watch. I show how easily one can earn 57k in 11 mins. You tell how you "needed about as much time" as you spend last week. You explain how you " felt no signiuficant difference" See the difference between our methods? Well, number of notable differences in fact. I've already covered GSF by myself.(video of that too) There, I needed over 90 minutes to do what I can easily do via planetaries in 10. Instead of being all upset and calling me names, one handy way to put foot in my mouth is showing how you manage that " almost as fast" via pvp. Make a video like I did? If I have video that shows actual counq earned and actual time passed, you " feeling" no significant difference to what you did "las week" is bit..yeah. Go on..do what you claim: imitate. Show and tell like I did. That way, you reach the cosy position I am in: you'd not even have to argue. I can show and tell. It is for you be argue, bury evidence and be upset. Its much cosier on this side of the fence. So show and tell, let evidence speak instead of your feelings. :)


Just fror the sake of context, here are the videos and/or various other methods used for measuring stuff that have been mentioned in this post:

- Conq target via GSF. Bit over 90 mins.

- 57k conquest in 11 mins exclusively via panetaries:

- Ylliarus Didn't time it because why would they. However, they "felt or experienced no difference" between this and last week but isn't gonna bother measuring the difference felt or experienced.


You're the one who needs to prove something. You're the one making the claims. I find your videos and proof highly lacking, as you have forced the proof you made to fit your narrative. Your videos are not objective facts, you have made them completely subjective. You accuse me of not showing but telling, but in your videos you show nothing of significance either. Why? Because you have cropped your "proof" to fit your narrative exactly, you play in a way that proves your point. You don't play in a normal way, you don't play like an average player would play. No, you specifically play the content in a way that aligns with your argument. That's not objective proof, not objective proof at all.


I am not obligated to spend time on making a video because you want me to. If you don't want to believe me or my experience, then fine. It still doesn't change how I view or experience things. Besides, no one here believes your "proof". No one here views your "proof" as anything useful. You did notice that in the responses here, didn't you? People have told you your "proof" is BS, and yet you present it as fact. Delusions of grandeur or just trolling, I wonder?

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Putting my proof in "scary quotes" doesn't diminish it in any way. Those videos show exactly how ridiculously easy and fast it is to reach conq target via plantaries when compared to any other content. That is indeed the exact narrative and famework present. it is exactly what I set out to show.


You did notice that in the responses here, didn't you? People have told you your "proof" is BS, and yet you present it as fact.

Truth isn't always popular, comfortable or widely accepted. Often, it is much harder to show than in this case. I mean, it is right there. I can point at that video and go "see, look." You can either look away, be upset or somehow prove any/all other playstyles can somehow reach phase even approaching 57k conq in 11 mins.

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Putting my proof in "scary quotes" doesn't diminish it in any way. Those videos show exactly how ridiculously easy and fast it is to reach conq target via plantaries when compared to any other content. That is indeed the exact narrative and famework present. it is exactly what I set out to show.


Truth isn't always popular, comfortable or widely accepted. Often, it is much harder to show than in this case. I mean, it is right there. I can point at that video and go "see, look." You can either look away, be upset or somehow prove any/all other playstyles can somehow reach phase even approaching 57k conq in 11 mins.


Nope. You failed to show objective proof. Poster after poster told you how flawed and biased your "proof" is. You continuously fail to convince anyone you're right.


I have watched your video and I agree with all the others that it's flawed, heavily biased and entirely subjective. It's your truth, not the truth. And it will never be the truth.


That's the last thing I have to say to you. You have proved nothing. You will prove nothing. You are completely and utterly wrong.

Edited by Ylliarus
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Nope. You failed to show objective proof. Poster after poster told you how flawed and biased your "proof" is. You continuously fail to convince anyone you're right.


I have watched your video and I agree with all the others that it's flawed, heavily biased and entirely subjective. It's your truth, not the truth. And it will never be the truth.


It's ironic, because he said he was going to post a video, and I said "Don't bother", and he interpreted that as "provide a video". We're not experiencing a disconnect to reality here, but someone is.

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It's ironic, because he said he was going to post a video, and I said "Don't bother", and he interpreted that as "provide a video". We're not experiencing a disconnect to reality here, but someone is.


I think it's a combination of disconnection with reality and delusions of grandeur. Because otherwise I can't explain why OP does what he does, even with everyone telling him he is wrong.

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It's ironic, because he said he was going to post a video, and I said "Don't bother", and he interpreted that as "provide a video". We're not experiencing a disconnect to reality here, but someone is.


Yeah I seem to recall it was you who actually asked for proof.I was going to do a video anyway. You stopped talking about videos as soon as they began appearing. : D But its quite alright: of course, Its one thing to type out " you can easily make 50k in 10 mins" and entirely another matter to show it. I'll show 90 min run next. Then PvP/Fps and Ops. Pvp/FPs/Ops vids are all gonna have that 11 min planetary run as a stamp sized electric buynny to underline how sick and imbalanced the current conq system is.

Edited by Stradlin
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If your getting less this week, check to see if your guild lost the +20% conquest perk you may have had last week. That is the only difference in points. Last week my guild had it, but it dropped off this week, so we only have the +10% conquest perk now.


I have not purchased any perks since coming back a few weeks ago. That is not it. Look at the actual points that are being awarded for doing a planetary mission. During Pirate Incursion, IIRC, they were giving 10k points with 150% guild bonus. This is also the week that the OP made their video showing they could get 50k+ Conquest points in a little over 10 mins. This week they are giving 5k. During Pirate Incursion there was a large lump sum (30k+) of Conquest points available for doing 10 heroics. That wasn't there last week. This week it's for gaining renown ranks. The point is that there are different priorities each week.

Edited by ceryxp
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Yeah I seem to recall it was you who actually asked for proof.I was going to do a video anyway. You stopped talking about videos as soon as they began appearing. : D But its quite alright: of course, Its one thing to type out " you can easily make 50k in 10 mins" and entirely another matter to show it. I'll show 90 min run next. Then PvP/Fps and Ops. Pvp/FPs/Ops vids are all gonna have that 11 min planetary run as a stamp sized electric buynny to underline how sick and imbalanced the current conq system is.


See this post, where there were no videos in the thread until after it was made. Good try? The problem being, of course, that unless a post is removed via edit, or moderation, they can always be referenced later, which is handy for situations like right now.

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I think it is time we report this thread to the moderation team. The OP has repeatedly completely changed the original post, he continuously repeats his own arguments while completely ignoring what other people say and continuously argues for arguments sake while providing false information and biased proof. It's high time for this thread to be moderated and locked. Edited by Ylliarus
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