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Conquest lost its shape and purpose


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At this point in time, this thread has gone on way too long, the mods won't do anything about it, we as a community need to do something, and that is stop posting (my last post in this thread), everything we do he argues about, changes, so he can argue some more, Time to let this die. Do the sensible thing, and move on, let him have his thread, with no one responding, it'll fall in to oblivion. Edited by DarkestMicheal
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At this point in time, this thread has gone on way too long, the mods won't do anything about it, we as a community need to do something, and that is stop posting (my last post in this thread), everything we do he argues about, changes, so he can argue some more, Time to let this die. Do the sensible thing, and move on, let him have his thread, with no one responding, it'll fall in to oblivion.


well said … done here too !

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I've been of the considered opinion that they dropped the ball on Conquest from the very beginning. Controlling sectors should have been something a couple of guilds had to compete over, via PvP. I've seen something similar in a 20 year old Korean Grinder where we fought over dungeons every weekend, and whoever won got control, and could collect "taxes" on the dungeon, until they lost it. It would have made Conquest mean something, and added much needed relevance to PvP.


The problem with that is PvP has only ever been, and will only ever be relevant to a tiny minority of payers.


Even Bioware knows that.


I've played SWtOR since the day it launched, I've played less than 30 PvP matches in total. I did that on a couple of toons in KotFE/ET to unlock companions; had I been able to unlock them without the PvP I would have done. And since then I have not even bothered with anything else, story or otherwise, gated behind PvP.


I don't play MMORPGs to PvP, they are the very worst gaming platform imaginable for that.


If more Conquest was locked behind PvP all that would happen is a lot more people would do a lot less Conquest; and Conquest is the only content left for a a lot of players, so that would be disastrous for the game, and I think Bioware know that.


Personally I loved the Tripartite PvP in Silk Road Online, I was rubbish at it, and spent far too much time seeing the Trade Caravans I was running or Guarding getting swamped by ANBU who had a massive Thief Guild presence on nearly all servers; but it was fun - but only for a while.


All The Best

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The problem with that is PvP has only ever been, and will only ever be relevant to a tiny minority of payers.


Even Bioware knows that.


I've played SWtOR since the day it launched, I've played less than 30 PvP matches in total. I did that on a couple of toons in KotFE/ET to unlock companions; had I been able to unlock them without the PvP I would have done. And since then I have not even bothered with anything else, story or otherwise, gated behind PvP.


I don't play MMORPGs to PvP, they are the very worst gaming platform imaginable for that.


If more Conquest was locked behind PvP all that would happen is a lot more people would do a lot less Conquest; and Conquest is the only content left for a a lot of players, so that would be disastrous for the game, and I think Bioware know that.


Personally I loved the Tripartite PvP in Silk Road Online, I was rubbish at it, and spent far too much time seeing the Trade Caravans I was running or Guarding getting swamped by ANBU who had a massive Thief Guild presence on nearly all servers; but it was fun - but only for a while.


All The Best


I've played 0 matches. It means absolutely nothing to me, and carries no real relevance to the game either. This, however, would have been different from warzones, as it would have been a chance to, with a timer, make guilds actually earn the zones, and maybe tied something to ownership, like the tax idea from Rappelz, perhaps making a special currency that can only be used for guild amenities, ships, strong holds, etc. But instead...


I've suggested, or rather, lamented the lack of this multiple times over the years since Conquest was introduced, and I know it's not going to be a thing, but when someone says "But Conquest used to encourage x", and I know that it really didn't, I like to point out what it could have been.

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Firstly, DWHo,its nice tnat even though you find my post disagreeable you actually argue the points made instead of talking past them and focusing on the poster.


This being a false statement is prolly why nobody has claimed " everyone" does planetaries. When planetaries are 400% better conquest than -anything else-, then its a pretty safe bet to say a whole ton of people are doing them though. Entire top-10 board on every planet on every server has every guild up by 400% or thereabouts. Conq given by PvP and GSF have actually been nerfed, Flashpoints and Ops earn about the same they used to I guess. Menial garbage tasks are a big part of this for sure. However, thats "only" 30-50k conq or so/day/account. So..do you wonder where all the extrra conq is coming from? Howcome guilds have 4-5 times mor now? I'd love to hear your answer to this. Double xp?

Boldened bit here is very telling though. I have no idea why either. If they wanted to farm a ton of conq fast..yeah. Planetaries.


Because they are not doing KP anymore. They moved on to a different Op. Watch the chat. They even have special names for the runs if you look carefully and think on it.

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i bet it has been said thousands of times already, but i want to repeat it anyways: what the hell happened to pvp-conquest points? i can get only one time 5k per day and afterwards only medals and only about 10k fpr achiever? for all those years i played pvp for conquest. now you want to tell me that simply spending 20k credits for readjusting an amplifier ist worth about half an hour of warzones? killing lord sundar and snails for 5 minutes is worth about an hour of pvp? and not even once per conquest, but everyday, even more with the riduculous 10k for the first heroic and so on? i don't even know what i get the points for, but why did you have to NERF pvp-conquestpoints?


let me tell you: you completely ruined the grind. there is no purpose in conquest at all, because nobody is buying the mats anymore. you completely ruined the grind for gear, too, because it's been no problem to get all the sets in just like no time. have you lost your mind. mmorpgs are about the grind, and if it's meaningless, why bother? i see a huge lack in motivation for myself to log in right now, and that's a sad thing. you need to un-nerf the pvp-rewards, delete the simply gifted conquest points, and give us a reason to heavy-grind again or the game will die soon, i promise.

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i bet it has been said thousands of times already, but i want to repeat it anyways: what the hell happened to pvp-conquest points? i can get only one time 5k per day and afterwards only medals and only about 10k fpr achiever? for all those years i played pvp for conquest. now you want to tell me that simply spending 20k credits for readjusting an amplifier ist worth about half an hour of warzones? killing lord sundar and snails for 5 minutes is worth about an hour of pvp? and not even once per conquest, but everyday, even more with the riduculous 10k for the first heroic and so on? i don't even know what i get the points for, but why did you have to NERF pvp-conquestpoints?


let me tell you: you completely ruined the grind. there is no purpose in conquest at all, because nobody is buying the mats anymore. you completely ruined the grind for gear, too, because it's been no problem to get all the sets in just like no time. have you lost your mind. mmorpgs are about the grind, and if it's meaningless, why bother? i see a huge lack in motivation for myself to log in right now, and that's a sad thing. you need to un-nerf the pvp-rewards, delete the simply gifted conquest points, and give us a reason to heavy-grind again or the game will die soon, i promise.


Yep, that's basically what they did. Even if we ignore garbage seller-tier of fleet janitor stuff, 10 mins doing planetary missions is more conquest than you make with 1 hour of pvp. I did nine matches of GSF. When we ignore time spend in queue pool, it took me 80-90 mins. Earned me around 60k conquest. That includes Socialite I and II dings..which all queue pool/lfg tool stuff shares, ofc. Spending 90 mins by doing planetary heroics brought me 224.000conquest or so. Entire digits are missing.


PvP, GSF and Flashpoints are roughly comparable in terms of conquest they bring you. Spend 30 mins in vet FP with a good grp and you walk out with 20k conquest or so. Assuming you used grp finder to make it truly random FP. All of these three activities are in same ballpark. And more or less equally miserable when compared to doing planetary heroics - whch by comparsion is straightforward content that doesn't need other people at all.

Edited by Stradlin
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I just wanted to let the devs know that I have had a blast with Conquest this week. I've even been running Pirate Incursion. Thank you for making that currency bound to legacy, by the way. Excellent move, otherwise I'd still be ignoring the event. 6.1.1 was a great update for Conquest.
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Amongst the list of things that you fail to understand, you fail to understand that,I already know how FPs and Operations function, and I know how XP/CP function killing mobs. I don't want you on my Friend's list, or I'd take you on a tour of my SHs, so you can see all the nifty trophies I have from when I was progression raiding here. "But players skip 'em all" is their loss, not a fault with the mechanics. You're not being ripped off, mate, well, at least not anywhere but the GTN.


Oh wow. Ok. Let's do a bit of a summary. I suggest FPs, like everything else, is terrible conquest when compared to doing planetary missions.-> You say it isn't so; my fallacy in this is due to mobs in FPs. They now give excellent Conquest. ->I point out 30 min random FP run via grp finder where we clear most things, do all missions and kill bonus boss is 20k conquest. -> You reply by pointing out you don't wanna be my friend and have lots of nice trophies. Nice.


Summary of stuff I have done and timed myself so far:


Do planetaries for 10 mins - 54.000 conquest.

Do daily menial tasks and one planetary mission in 4 mins - 50.000k conquest.

Do planetaries for 90 mins - 224.000 conquest.

Do a flashpoint. 30 mins. - B]20.000 conquest.[/b]

Do 9 matches of GSF in 80-90 mins - 60.000 conquest.


Each of these measured seperately on a" fresh" day with no daily objectives dinged. None include gifting, crafting etc unless otherwise stated. 90 mins is prolly something that provides a very good sample size here.



GSF, FPs and Warzones are approximnately in the same ballpark here. - They all give modest conquest when compared to planetaries.

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2) 50 K in 10 minutes - having run thousands of heroics


You pointing out a potential notable difference between classes was a valid point..It got me curious so I tried a different scenaro:

Madness Sorc, newly reached 75. 306 gear that includes whatever was in my bank. Which means there's some absorb and def gear on him, is all good. lvl 21 Khem Val tank by his side. NOT a fresh run: 10k daily heroic had already dinged. Pinnacle dinged days back. Also had Tatooine completed already that day. Toured other vanilla planets for 30 mins.. One mission each, then killed stuff til 1st slayer pops and moving on. By the looks of it, this turned out to be much faster than the 90 min test with Sin Tank..which surprised me actually. Granted, I didn't rly do stealth with Sin.


30 minutes. 93.000 conquest made. Any and all content that requires other people to happen utterly pales in comparsion. I encourage anyone reading this finding out how much conq you can get by doing pvp, GSF, FPs or Ops for 30 mins.Or in 90 mins. Or 180 mins. past that, we starting to get quite far past average playsession.

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Oh wow. Ok. Let's do a bit of a summary. I suggest FPs, like everything else, is terrible conquest when compared to doing planetary missions.-> You say it isn't so; my fallacy in this is due to mobs in FPs. They now give excellent Conquest. ->I point out 30 min random FP run via grp finder where we clear most things, do all missions and kill bonus boss is 20k conquest. -> You reply by pointing out you don't wanna be my friend and have lots of nice trophies. Nice.


Summary of stuff I have done and timed myself so far:


Do planetaries for 10 mins - 54.000 conquest.

Do daily menial tasks and one planetary mission in 4 mins - 50.000k conquest.

Do planetaries for 90 mins - 224.000 conquest.

Do a flashpoint. 30 mins. - B]20.000 conquest.[/b]

Do 9 matches of GSF in 80-90 mins - 60.000 conquest.


Each of these measured seperately on a" fresh" day with no daily objectives dinged. None include gifting, crafting etc unless otherwise stated. 90 mins is prolly something that provides a very good sample size here.



GSF, FPs and Warzones are approximnately in the same ballpark here. - They all give modest conquest when compared to planetaries.


Summary of stuff I have done in the last two hours:


It took me a total of 3 hours to make Conquest on my Agent. I did the first three PvE space missions, turned in the last quest before the Battle for Rishi FP, ran the FP, and then did all of Yavin 4 up to where you get to choose whether to do the Op, or the solo stuff. Turning in the last quest gave me Conquest.


My Shadow is still 15k short after running the Activity Finder's Tip of the Spear on Voss, and I logged out with three more quests to do in the Voss Bonus Missions. Note that this is part of Conquest this week. So far, your statements are not adding up. None of my toons, wait, that's not right, one of my toons did actually make Conquest in 10 minutes or so earlier this evening. Of course, I only needed 3K from the stuff I ran yesterday, so 1 Heroic actually did do the job.


Back when I was last playing, I could have about 8 toons done with Conquest by this time in the week. That's Sunday for me at this time. I currently have about 8 toons done. Despite the rage, the hyperbole, and the "but my PvP", I'm not any further along than I would normally be, since they changed the system to pay Conquest on all earned xp. It would seem that, if one is just playing normally, they're not going to notice all of this "you can do it all in 10 minutes". You can, of course, tell us anything. We're not looking over your shoulder as you play, so we either have to take you at your word, or, as I have done, go play and see what happens. As we can see, we're not getting the same results.


I got 10K CP for doing 3 three quests, plus what they paid and bonuses. This is consistent with how it would have worked before this update. Ranked PvP pays 7.5k for one win. That's overpaying, if we want to really break it down on what you're required to do, not to mention any CP picked up while you generate that win. If you choose to not diversify your portfolio of things to do to make Conquest goals, that's on you. No, they shouldn't be boosting FPs, Ops or PvP to 50k for one run, or anything even close. The only limits on what you can earn are placed by you, and they shouldn't have to develop the entirety of the game around what you decide is the only way you want to play.


I missed out on a lot of Conquest when it was new because I couldn't do the stuff I used to do, such as Ops and FPs any more due to it's adverse affects on my health. Yet, you won't find one thread posted by me looking for any changes to the system to accommodate me. What is it that makes you believe you're special enough to deserve changes to accommodate you? Why is it that you feel you shouldn't have to play other content, if you want to generate rewards? There's a list of things to do for Conquest for a reason. Take advantage of it, or don't, but it's not a game design flaw if you choose not to, it's a consequence of your own choices.

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Summary of stuff I have done in the last two hours:


It took me a total of 3 hours to make Conquest on my Agent. I did the first three PvE space missions, turned in the last quest before the Battle for Rishi FP, ran the FP, and then did all of Yavin 4 up to where you get to choose whether to do the Op, or the solo stuff. Turning in the last quest gave me Conquest.


This is a very good additional example, thanks for providing some further info and numbers.

You did PVE Space missions, flashpoint and an entire planet. ...Basically, you did tons of solo stuff that -didn't- entirely rely on touring planetaries..and it ended up taking you three hours to earn what one could do in fractions of that time via planetaries.


None of my toons, wait, that's not right, one of my toons did actually make Conquest in 10 minutes or so earlier this evening.


Numbers differ because what we set out to do differs. You can set out to earn a sick amount of conq fast for various reasons. You can also set out to play the game without giving a fig about conquest. Do the latter, and you find out how much conq you earn by doing what you like at the phase you like. Do the former, and you find out just how much conq you can bring home if you set out to earn it somewhat efficiently.



None of my toons, wait, that's not right, one of my toons did actually make Conquest in 10 minutes or so earlier this evening.

Look, it isn't some dark sith alchemy. That 10 min run of mine included lots of various mistakes. You can easily do it yourself faster than I managed if you try. Use activity finder's menu to port around, pick fast heroics. Do one and move on. (Which is what I did. I'm almost sure the optimal method would be to do one mission, 25 slayer ding and then move on. Also, you could pick heroics before hand from fleet instead. )


Back when I was last playing, I could have about 8 toons done with Conquest by this time in the week. That's Sunday for me at this time. I currently have about 8 toons done.

As you keep saying, you just returned. Explore this new conq system a bit further. You can skip planetaries and bring a char to target in 4 mins via menial tasks every day. ( Use char that can gain in professions. Give gifts to your companion until it levels up. (2 objectives ding.) Do crafting that increases skill til 5 crafting missions are complete. Click an amplifier. Sell literal garbage. Go to your Sh and spam 5 deco. Go do a fast heroic mission. That's one char/day with absolute ease.

Of course, if you set out to ignore conq completely you earn less.


All top-10 guilds on all servers make around 400% more Conq than they used to. It is pretty safe to say lots of folks bring in quite a bit more than they did. Both conq threads are filled with people cheering they can bring 30 chars/week to target now. Few weeks back, I brought a character from character creation screen to Conq target in 31 minutes. (you can't earn any conq before lvl 10 at all. ) Dude, it is pretty safe to say conq comes much faster than it used to. Pay no attention to it and it doesn't come quite as fast as when you do pay attention. Not that different from credits, huh? Sell stuff in GTN, sell things to vendors and try to " make money" and you will make some money. Pay 0 attention and never sell anything and you make some money, only much less money.



if one is just playing normally, they're not going to notice all of this "you can do it all in 10 minutes". You can, of course, tell us anything. We're not looking over your shoulder as you play, so we either have to take you at your word, or, as I have done, go play and see what happens. As we can see, we're not getting the same results.


Again dude, not some dark secret sith alchemy. Extremely easy to do the same things I did. I'll post you that video tho, np. I've been meaning to.

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This is a very good additional example, thanks for providing some further info and numbers.

You did PVE Space missions, flashpoint and an entire planet. ...Basically, you did tons of solo stuff that -didn't- entirely rely on touring planetaries..and it ended up taking you three hours to earn what one could do in fractions of that time via planetaries.




Numbers differ because what we set out to do differs. You can set out to earn a sick amount of conq fast for various reasons. You can also set out to play the game without giving a fig about conquest. Do the latter, and you find out how much conq you earn by doing what you like at the phase you like. Do the former, and you find out just how much conq you can bring home if you set out to earn it somewhat efficiently.



Look, it isn't some dark sith alchemy. That 10 min run of mine included lots of various mistakes. You can easily do it yourself faster than I managed if you try. Use activity finder's menu to port around, pick fast heroics. Do one and move on. (Which is what I did. I'm almost sure the optimal method would be to do one mission, 25 slayer ding and then move on. Also, you could pick heroics before hand from fleet instead. )



As you keep saying, you just returned. Explore this new conq system a bit further. You can skip planetaries and bring a char to target in 4 mins via menial tasks every day. ( Use char that can gain in professions. Give gifts to your companion until it levels up. (2 objectives ding.) Do crafting that increases skill til 5 crafting missions are complete. Click an amplifier. Sell literal garbage. Go to your Sh and spam 5 deco. Go do a fast heroic mission. That's one char/day with absolute ease.

Of course, if you set out to ignore conq completely you earn less.


All top-10 guilds on all servers make around 400% more Conq than they used to. It is pretty safe to say lots of folks bring in quite a bit more than they did. Both conq threads are filled with people cheering they can bring 30 chars/week to target now. Few weeks back, I brought a character from character creation screen to Conq target in 31 minutes. (you can't earn any conq before lvl 10 at all. ) Dude, it is pretty safe to say conq comes much faster than it used to. Pay no attention to it and it doesn't come quite as fast as when you do pay attention. Not that different from credits, huh? Sell stuff in GTN, sell things to vendors and try to " make money" and you will make some money. Pay 0 attention and never sell anything and you make some money, only much less money.





Again dude, not some dark secret sith alchemy. Extremely easy to do the same things I did. I'll post you that video tho, np. I've been meaning to.


Don't bother. In all your snipping, I'll just note that you chose to snip out where I was doing stuff besides heroics on Voss, where I did the Bonus mission, and still didn't make Conquest in 10 minutes. You see, the thing that I'm noticing is this: Can someone do it? Maybe? Is everyone going to be doing it? No. If this isn't something everyone can do every day just playing the game, it's a non-issue, because contrary to what you want to believe, a lot of people feel the same way about Conquest as I do: It's a nice bonus, but it has no intrinsic value, other than some crafting mats I may not have to buy.


It would seem there's no window on whether or not you can do it. You're here telling us you did, after all, so it doesn't require changing, even though they could revert it, I wouldn't care, as I said, I'm in the same position this week I would be in under the last system, so other than some additional credits, and some extra mats, since both were increased, it's not changing my gaming at all. I'm still farming Fleet Comms, mainly to entertain my cat, she loves the space battles, and I'm still randomly picking stuff from the list to do. For a couple of weeks the last time I was here, I didn't do anything but Story FPs, at another time, I haunted the Daily areas. Now? The same stuff, including just playing whatever part of the story a particular alt is on, if any, or just running heroics for crates. I have something like 20 toons that have never, and will never start KotFE/TET.

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^ Video done.


This time, it took 10:55 and made 57.000 Conquest. I dunno when exactly I dinged 50k, char was way over the cap before I began. Pinnacle didn't ding.

00:00-1:33 Showing my conquest objectives, conq made so far and missions I pick.

1:33 Loading screen to Alderaan pops up. its on!

12:28 All over. Showing conq earned , objectives completed and gear worn.


There is almost nothing " everyone is going to do" in a huge MMO. However, doing this stuff extremely fast is not some obscure glitchy obscure thing: Conq window gives you a literal daily things-to-do list to follow. Activity finder and mission terminal give you teleports. You can teleport from one task to another. It is nothing special. it is nothing difficult. I do not know how to play this class well.

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Something that occurred to me while I was busy on Voss a few minutes ago, not making my Conquest Target in 10 minutes despite only needing 15k, why is it that you felt the need to isolate where I did point out I did make it in less than ten minutes twice, but removed the context of "but I only needed 3k" both times you snipped it out of context?




That is, at best, disingenuous. I didn't catch it initially because I don't feel the need to deliberately misrepresent what people say, but I guess I should have expected it? Is it because you believe nobody will read my post, but your narrative needs all the help it can get?

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^ Video done.


This time, it took 10:55 and made 57.000 Conquest. I dunno when exactly I dinged 50k, char was way over the cap before I began. Pinnacle didn't ding.

00:00-1:33 Showing my conquest objectives, conq made so far and missions I pick.

1:33 Loading screen to Alderaan pops up. its on!

12:28 All over. Showing conq earned , objectives completed and gear worn.


There is almost nothing " everyone is going to do" in a huge MMO. However, doing this stuff extremely fast is not some obscure glitchy obscure thing: Conq window gives you a literal daily things-to-do list to follow. Activity finder and mission terminal give you teleports. You can teleport from one task to another. It is nothing special. it is nothing difficult. I do not know how to play this class well.


I'm glad you posted this.

I was looking at your numbers breakdowns and going to ask you to prove your math.

I was thinking we did heroics the same way...we don't


You're doing speed runs and skipping stuff for points in the time allotted to fit your thesis.

If you're doing it once per day, you're doing way too much work.


You can spend the same 10-11 minutes and get 50k+ by doing these items.

Space PVE mission (on rails, timer of around 3.5 minutes) - since you're imp side - Jabrim Escape is the fastest / easiest

Give low level companion gift

place a SH decoration 5 times

ReRoll an amplifier

Send companions on 5 low level missions (TH / UT / diplo / invest)

raise crew skill level in TH / UT / diplo / invest - really only useful on toons with low level crew skills otherwise it takes longer than the 10 minute window we're talking about


That's what I did my video on. It's uploading now

Quality isn't good. My first time really recording with OBS, not sure I like it. I have to play with some settings

The resolution is ultra wide screen and it just looks choppy.

But it gets the point across.


Since I have many alts I like to do during the day, when I get to the heroics and slayer objectives...here's what I do.

Balmorra (resistance sympathizers). It isn't fast, but you can get the bonus mission, the heroic mission, and both slayer missions in just that one heroic. Same with the "Jailbreak" mission on corellia, with the 60+ toons in the courtyard. There's a third I did yesterday that's escaping me.


The point is, you can do 1-2 heroics on two different planets and do the slayer missions and get enough points to reach the 50k mark. It takes more than 10 minutes, but it's still pretty fast.

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I'm glad you posted this.

I was looking at your numbers breakdowns and going to ask you to prove your math.

I was thinking we did heroics the same way...we don't


You're doing speed runs and skipping stuff for points in the time allotted to fit your thesis.

If you're doing it once per day, you're doing way too much work.


You can spend the same 10-11 minutes and get 50k+ by doing these items.

Space PVE mission (on rails, timer of around 3.5 minutes) - since you're imp side - Jabrim Escape is the fastest / easiest

Give low level companion gift

place a SH decoration 5 times

ReRoll an amplifier

Send companions on 5 low level missions (TH / UT / diplo / invest)

raise crew skill level in TH / UT / diplo / invest - really only useful on toons with low level crew skills otherwise it takes longer than the 10 minute window we're talking about


That's what I did my video on. It's uploading now

Quality isn't good. My first time really recording with OBS, not sure I like it. I have to play with some settings

The resolution is ultra wide screen and it just looks choppy.

But it gets the point across.


Since I have many alts I like to do during the day, when I get to the heroics and slayer objectives...here's what I do.

Balmorra (resistance sympathizers). It isn't fast, but you can get the bonus mission, the heroic mission, and both slayer missions in just that one heroic. Same with the "Jailbreak" mission on corellia, with the 60+ toons in the courtyard. There's a third I did yesterday that's escaping me.


The point is, you can do 1-2 heroics on two different planets and do the slayer missions and get enough points to reach the 50k mark. It takes more than 10 minutes, but it's still pretty fast.


Yeah, way you suggest is def faster. Doing most of the menial tasks and throwing one heroic in to the mix is prolly fastest way to target. Didnt think about railshoorer fitting to the mix. Im glad that dog has its day at last.



However, I set out to find just how good and fast planetaries are. Garbage selling is great, but you can " only" do it once a day for a single 35k-45k haul or so. Planetaries? It takes like few hours of this stuff til you reach the point where it becomes slow or tricky to keep clearing stuff. Thats hundreds of thousands points of conq ! Every day. For puposes of this conversation, I'm fully ok with the notion that this is just awesome! Just like having a birthday every day is surely awesome. However, all other content should not be excluded from this new, sick conquest. Currently it is.

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So you pick 6 of the fastest heroics to complete on different planets to prove your point. You have your companion set to DPS while specced as a tank and using heroic moment to heal you as you roll through the heroics all while continuing to refuse to acknowledge the fact that people play the game differently than you for different reasons like sticking to a single planet to complete all the missions and bonuses and act surprised when people have a different opinion than you and won't bend to your demands that the game be changed to suit your play style. Oh and you refuse to accept that people who send their companions out to sell off trash they receive from completing those same missions which you declined to pick up to clear their own inventory space which i might add was a task people did long before it was added to conquest as a reward and send their other companions out on crew skill missions while doing said heroic missions which again was a thing long before it was added to conquest as a reward and continue to act surprised at the rate that people earn conquest points could possibly be tied to the double xp event that is currently running at the same time that the change to conquest was implemented. Does that sound about right?
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So you pick 6 of the fastest heroics to complete on different planets to prove your point. You have your companion set to DPS while specced as a tank and using heroic moment to heal you as you roll through the heroics..


Were the things listed here supposed to sound somehow..tricky? Unusual? Obscure? Yes, I use various abilities my character has. I also use a companion! Purely for the purposes of this vid, I was even kind enough not to use Shae so you'd not point fingers at her imba dps. SWTOR kindly provides you with a very literal things-to-do list for conquest. You can literally go right through it and it ticks boxes for you as you progress. Couple of different functions in game give you an opportunity to port from one mission to another. Its not exactly making my way through the jungle. Tis a clear path with roadsigns and all. I've done this with 3 different chars now. (surprisingly, Madness sorc with starter level 306 stuff and lvl 21 companion seemed to be outrunning Sin featured on this video, when it comes to 60-90 min sessions. ofc, I cant actually play Sin so that might be a factor.)


It isn't really restricted to " fastest missions" either. I'm just making a point here and showing what a ridiculous amouint you can make in 10 mins with an ease. In longerterm,(play 30 mins. or 60) better/more effiicient way would be to stick to 1 planet til 25 kills dings, then move. Or maybe even stick til 50, I dunno.


all while continuing to refuse to acknowledge the fact that people play the game differently than you for different reasons like sticking to a single planet to complete all the missions and bonuses and

Yeah, people do different things in an MMo. You could list Rping in fleet, chatting with friends or auto running against the wall by GTN. These things giving bad conquest isn't what we are talking about here. When talking about ways to earn conqest at a good rate, it is not extremely important that you make 0 by chatting with a friend or 1k during your meditative slow rp walk jounrey throuh every signle Voss mission or whatver. Considering how such a huge amount of people are making 400% conquest and all, I guess you can prolly recognize that "going out there to earn a sick amount of conq pretty fast in order to help myself and/or my guild" is a pretty valid and a popular playstyle too,no?`


Currently, this playstyle is exclusively reserved for a straightforward roll through planetsary missions. As featured on the video. As was pointed out by Darev a few posts back, even THIS is not the fastest way to earn conq now. Far from it. Do menial bits (gifts, deco etc) and throw in one planetary mission. Done. 4-5 mins. However,method featured on the video is far less disposable. You can keep at this for 3 hours or so a day.. and make something like 300-500k conq while at it. Then repeat it again tomorrow!


If you want sick conquest, this is the only way to do it now. All other playstyles are simply excluded from this improved conquest. . (besides menial gift/deco/craft stuff) Warzones, GSF, Flashpoints all utterly pale in comparsion. Haven't actually tested ops yet.


act surprised when people have a different opinion than you and won't bend to your demands that the game be changed to suit your play style.

Does it have to be so self centered? Half of the people here are all "my playstyle vs your playstyle!" Can you not look at all at the game and game mechanics as a whole? Wouldn't it be nice if activity that has such huge communial undertones could be earned equally efficiently by multiple different playstyles?( note: anything that comes with..say, 30%-40% difference in points made or less is "equal "in my books. Currently, difference is like 300%-400%)


at the rate that people earn conquest points could possibly be tied to the double xp event that is currently running at the same time that the change to conquest was implemented.


Dude..Double xp is not some dark sith alchemy. You can easily test it this stuff out. Like so:

Logged in. Teleported to rock and a hard place. Finished it. 90 secs from my life. Its handy for testing stuff: We know Game gave me 10.000 from daily heroic, 5000 from belasivs mission and 650 for finishing the heroic. That's 15650 conq from listed rewards alone, before xp and double xp roll in. When you complete the heroic, you finish 3 missions all at once: Conq objective x 2 and the actual Heroic mission. Gotta be tons of juicy double xp right? Nah. At max level, you'll get 16.7k conq in total. That's mission rewards, normal xp and double xp combined. You consider difference between 15.6k and 16.7k all that massive? Ofc, thats xp and double xp included. So double xp gave you glorious 500-600 extra conq from all that.

"But the mobs!! Mobs surely give great conq!"

Did Vet Boarding Party few days back. Did all the missions and bonus boss. (ie, killed loads of mobs. ) Walked out with 20k conq earned. Took 30 mins. Again, you can test this stuff.



Killing a single gold star mob is 88 conq at max level. I guess that's 44 conq from double xp/mob? 44 extra conq from a mob is approx as huge a deal as it sounds like.


See how long it takes you to earn 50k conq via ANY ACTIVITY that doesn't involve planetary missions or fleet garbage selling.

Edited by Stradlin
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Were the things listed here supposed to sound somehow..tricky? Unusual? Obscure? Yes, I use various abilities my character has. I also use a companion! Purely for the purposes of this vid, I was even kind enough not to use Shae so you'd not point fingers at her imba dps. SWTOR kindly provides you with a very literal things-to-do list for conquest. You can literally go right through it and it ticks boxes for you as you progress. Couple of different functions in game give you an opportunity to port from one mission to another. Its not exactly making my way through the jungle. Tis a clear path with roadsigns and all. I've done this with 3 different chars now. (surprisingly, Madness sorc with starter level 306 stuff and lvl 21 companion seemed to be outrunning Sin featured on this video, when it comes to 60-90 min sessions. ofc, I cant actually play Sin so that might be a factor.)


It isn't really restricted to " fastest missions" either. I'm just making a point here and showing what a ridiculous amouint you can make in 10 mins with an ease. In longerterm,(play 30 mins. or 60) better/more effiicient way would be to stick to 1 planet til 25 kills dings, then move. Or maybe even stick til 50, I dunno.



Yeah, people do different things in an MMo. You could list Rping in fleet, chatting with friends or auto running against the wall by GTN. These things giving bad conquest isn't what we are talking about here. When talking about ways to earn conqest at a good rate, it is not extremely important that you make 0 by chatting with a friend or 1k during your meditative slow rp walk jounrey throuh every signle Voss mission or whatver. Considering how such a huge amount of people are making 400% conquest and all, I guess you can prolly recognize that "going out there to earn a sick amount of conq pretty fast in order to help myself and/or my guild" is a pretty valid and a popular playstyle too,no?`


Currently, this playstyle is exclusively reserved for a straightforward roll through planetsary missions. As featured on the video. As was pointed out by Darev a few posts back, even THIS is not the fastest way to earn conq now. Far from it. Do menial bits (gifts, deco etc) and throw in one planetary mission. Done. 4-5 mins. However,method featured on the video is far less disposable. You can keep at this for 3 hours or so a day.. and make something like 300-500k conq while at it. Then repeat it again tomorrow!


If you want sick conquest, this is the only way to do it now. All other playstyles are simply excluded from this improved conquest. . (besides menial gift/deco/craft stuff) Warzones, GSF, Flashpoints all utterly pale in comparsion. Haven't actually tested ops yet.



Does it have to be so self centered? Half of the people here are all "my playstyle vs your playstyle!" Can you not look at all at the game and game mechanics as a whole? Wouldn't it be nice if activity that has such huge communial undertones could be earned equally efficiently by multiple different playstyles?( note: anything that comes with..say, 30%-40% difference in points made or less is "equal "in my books. Currently, difference is like 300%-400%)




Dude..Double xp is not some dark sith alchemy. You can easily test it this stuff out. Like so:

Logged in. Teleported to rock and a hard place. Finished it. 90 secs from my life. Its handy for testing stuff: We know Game gave me 10.000 from daily heroic, 5000 from belasivs mission and 650 for finishing the heroic. That's 15650 conq from listed rewards alone, before xp and double xp roll in. When you complete the heroic, you finish 3 missions all at once: Conq objective x 2 and the actual Heroic mission. Gotta be tons of juicy double xp right? Nah. At max level, you'll get 16.7k conq in total. That's mission rewards, normal xp and double xp combined. You consider difference between 15.6k and 16.7k all that massive? Ofc, thats xp and double xp included. So double xp gave you glorious 500-600 extra conq from all that.

"But the mobs!! Mobs surely give great conq!"

Did Vet Boarding Party few days back. Did all the missions and bonus boss. (ie, killed loads of mobs. ) Walked out with 20k conq earned. Took 30 mins. Again, you can test this stuff.



Killing a single gold star mob is 88 conq at max level. I guess that's 44 conq from double xp/mob? 44 extra conq from a mob is approx as huge a deal as it sounds like.


See how long it takes you to earn 50k conq via ANY ACTIVITY that doesn't involve planetary missions or fleet garbage selling.


You do realize that PVP and GSF are a side bonus to what the game is actually about right? You know the game is based around following the story of a character inside the star wars universe? But I will admit you do a great job at cutting people's words and twisting them to fit your own argument. And as multiple people including myself have stated multiple times in both threads regarding conquest what I or anyone else does to obtain their conquest has no effect on you same as what you do to obtain your points has no effect on me. I only have one character on one server in the entire game and we probably aren't even on the same server and even if we so happen to be on the same one we probably have never seen each other in the game. So once again you fail to explain why it bothers you so much that people get their points vs how you get yours because they don't have any effect on each other

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Dude..Double xp is not some dark sith alchemy. You can easily test it this stuff out. Like so:

Logged in. Teleported to rock and a hard place. Finished it. 90 secs from my life. Its handy for testing stuff: We know Game gave me 10.000 from daily heroic, 5000 from belasivs mission and 650 for finishing the heroic. That's 15650 conq from listed rewards alone, before xp and double xp roll in. When you complete the heroic, you finish 3 missions all at once: Conq objective x 2 and the actual Heroic mission. Gotta be tons of juicy double xp right? Nah. At max level, you'll get 16.7k conq in total. That's mission rewards, normal xp and double xp combined. You consider difference between 15.6k and 16.7k all that massive? Ofc, thats xp and double xp included. So double xp gave you glorious 500-600 extra conq from all that.

"But the mobs!! Mobs surely give great conq!"

Did Vet Boarding Party few days back. Did all the missions and bonus boss. (ie, killed loads of mobs. ) Walked out with 20k conq earned. Took 30 mins. Again, you can test this stuff.


Actually Double XP/Renown DOES make a difference. The conquest objective also grants XP/renown. When you ding you get gain renown rank... a couple of times I managed to pop this 3 times with 1 turn in. The weekly of any heroic set will probably pop this twice right now if you max buffs with it.


I also increases the speed at which you gain levels. Under 71 you get every 5 levels... At the early levels this goes especially fast. When I look at your adding, you're not counting your renown rank up. That's a decent chunk of CQ if you pop it enough times. Shoot just doing DK heroic set with side quests I had like 8 new Renown boxes...


Trust me, Double XP is making a difference in the numbers.



I'll also just hit on the point of diminishing returns..... It does exist whether you believe it or not. That 10k heroic is gone after the first character you do it on until tomorrow. So is that first mission per planet. So is that slayer deed. So is the selling trash. Etc, etc, etc... The only PvP quest that stops is the weekly, but it's once per day now so you could get it on other characters (used to be once per CQ). Repeating a PvP/GSF match is forever. Eventually Group activities will outpace all the solo stuff you complain about....


EDIT: And just to point out, all heroic quests and slayer deeds are NOT created equal... Some will be faster and some will be slower. A better argument here if you want that part of the argument to be take seriously is to play as an AVERAGE player with AVERAGE skill doing EVERY heroic and slayer deed and dividing that time by the total quests, slayers, etc done. Personally I don't really have the stomach to do all of that, but I'll bet the time to complete across EVERY class and EVERY objective starts to average out. Some classes have always had it better than others. Shoot I'll bet if I put my mind to it I could do it FASTER on my shadow main then you could on Jugg, But I also have a sage I totally SUCK at that will take me forever with that same set.

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Trust me, Double XP) is making a difference in the numbers.



Sure. And you can count those numbers. Renown ding is 1500 conq. (prolly a bit over 1600 since you get xp from objective complete) Getting 100 levels of renown is 160k conquest. I guess 80k of that comes from double xp.

Wanna test how much Conq you get from the massive body of content you tackle to earn 100 levels in renown? That 80k looking pretty modest.


I'll also just hit on the point of diminishing returns..... It does exist whether you believe it or not


It totally exists. Just that planetary tourist needs to tour a long while til hitting it properly. I've done this run through planets faceroll for 90 mins. Then I ran out of time. I still had -all- 50x slayers left. Still had most old daily areas left. Still had Makeb and all post-Makeb content besides Ossus left. I made 220.000 conq in that 90 mins.


You can just keep at it for 2.5-4 hours or something, I don't even know. Every day. . I think 3 hours gonna total..I don't even know, 350k? More? Every day. Ops, Fps, GSF, PvP are not in the same ballpark. You need like 15+ hours of pvp to get to 300k conq I bet. PvP and and GSF run out of any and all non repeatables in 90 mins or so. By then, they've done weekly..and Socialite II(which ofc is shared by ALL grp content) After that, conq you bring in is steady, slow infinitely repeatable. So steady that you'd need like 15+ hours to catch up with what planetary tourist did in 2-3 hours.


AVERAGE player with AVERAGE skill doing EVERY heroic and slayer deed and dividing that time by the total quests, slayers, etc done. Personally I don't really have the stomach to do all of that.

Well..yeah, exactly. Sounds WAY too hardcore for my tastes. And for that average player. Conq menu gives you a literal things- to- do- list. Following it for optimal conq sounds like a pretty common playstyle to me. Game has done a great deal to ensure it is extremely easy and straightforward.Focusing exclusively on fast and easy ones sounds pretty casual friendly to me. Also gives best rewards.

Edited by Stradlin
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You're whole argument is based on what you get doing PvP & Gsf, as that is your preferred playstyle. So lets use your logic. My playstyle is just class stories, I love doing them, but if i was to rely on just class stories, who do you think would hit conquest first? Who would have to spend more time running things, just to get it. Does that mean, my points for story should be raised?


This week there is nothing for the class stories.......

sure we get the planet mission, one for each planet, how many pvp matches could you have played then?

There's the level up, which you also have for pvp

the killings, but assuming I kill enough, but that's not really class stuff, just extra stuff, and if I stealth, i miss most mobs.

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