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If you could bring one thing to SWTOR from Star Wars Galaxies what would it be?


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I never played Star Wars Galaxies! I have heard about it, and things it had that they skipped out on having with SWTOR like Wookiees as a playable race I believe I heard that...


My question is what would you bring here if you could bring anything from that game to this one?

Edited by Lhancelot
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I'm going to try to list things considering the whole game, from launch to sunset, but not necessarily in priority order. Its important to note that more of the game's life existed AFTER the ill-fated NGE than before.


1) Jump To Lightspeed ... although I love GSF, and I also believe GSF is a more balanced form of space pvp than JtL was, there was rich PvE and mixed pve/pvp content (and joystick support) which made for a more immersive experience. There were also more ships and more customizations to choose from.

2) Hundreds of free, fully animated emotes. Did I mention that emotes were FREE?

3) Player-owned property, and decorating that didn't depend on hooks, but instead was fully design-able.

4) Harvesting, with machines, on planets, instead of crew skills

5) Dynamic spawning, instead of fixed locations

6) A fully player-driven economy

7) Jump To Lightspeed

8) Creature Handler/Beast Master

9) Multi-passenger mounts

10) Fishing

11) An active open world pvp system. Yes, there were instanced zones, called Battlefields, that were added a couple of years after the NGE and work like SWTOR's warzones, but the open world pvp was always there and always active, whether it was hundreds of players invading player city/bases in the early days, or open world regions like Restuss and the static bases. I remember putting in many marathon sessions during a weekend trying to get the Rebel Alliance to the final stage of base holding for the first time in the server's history ... TUX knows that weekend, the first time a faction on Flurry got any base to the "Banner" stage. There is absolutely nothing in this game that would ever convince me to play for 24 hours straight, or 72 hours with minimal sleep breaks in-between.

12) Did I mention Jump to Lightspeed?

13) Content-creation tools like storyteller and Chronicle Master for player created events and missions.


It would be so hard to choose only 1 thing, and if i absolutely had to, it wouldn't actually be Jump to Lightspeed. I think the one thing that set SWG apart from SWTOR was its sandbox nature, and as part of that, the crafting system/player driven economy/player cities/open world pvp/player created events/missions were all offshoots of that philosophy. Even the whole notion of free emotes makes sense with that philosophy, given that it was largely expected that players would RP content a lot at the launch's loosely defined version of an "endgame." It still bugs me that emotes must be bought in this game. So, if there was one thing I would bring from SWG to SWTOR, it would be content creation tools.

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Nothing. Cause all galaxies did was create misguided expectations of the old republic. Totally different kinds of mmo and it would be best to not try to turn swtor into something it's not, as galactic starfighter well shows us. Edited by Nemmar
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SWG did indeed have Wookies, along with Human, Twi'lek, Zabrak, Trandoshan, Rodian, Mon Calamari, Bothan, Sullustan and Ithorian, that were all choices from the character creation screen. For a game that was as dated as SWG was, their character creation wasn't bad at all.


One thing I would bring to SWTOR are the instant abilities. All abilities in SWG were instant, other than the Officer's Orbital Strike, which if you stacked that right SEA's, (skill enhancing attachments) could do massive damage. And if I remember right, that ability had a four second channel.

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One thing I would bring to SWTOR are the instant abilities. All abilities in SWG were instant,


You're talking about the 'NGE' (aka New Game "Enhancements", ironically name) era of SWG , which is widely regarded as the absolute worst hyperfast ridiculous Benny-Hill style combat-system that beautiful game ever had (and unfortunately ended with) .


The system most reminicent of SWTOR was their 'CU' (again, ironically titled Combat "Upgrade") era style.


But anyways, back on-topic....what this game truly needs more of is probably never gonna happen since some of us have been practically begging BioWare since 2011 about it: Draw from SWG's Crafting more in-depth, so that SWTOR's crafting can be not only more complex & interactive (like KOTOR's lightsaber crafting was, for example) but also would inspire a more player-driven economy. (instead of our current loot-driven "economy" dominated by multi-billionaires and Cartel Market profitiers)


I also think SWTOR, as great & fun as it's 'theme park' type content is, would be so much better served by incorporating more 'sandbox' type elements....so that the game would feel more vast & expansive.


You know, sorta like a Galaxy. :cool:



p.s. I also think, despite the obvious obstacle of 'instancing' , SWTOR's Bounty Week Event could be absolutely AMAZING if it allowed for PLAYER bounties (they would be opt-in only, to avoid the whole "griefing" potential ...and could also count for 'Ranked' points, since barely anyone does Ranked anymore due to the win-trading and toxic vibe)

Edited by Nee-Elder
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Given how far down the drain this game is circling right now the only things it makes sense to bring over from SWG is server shut-downs.


It's clear the current Development Staff either can't or won't do what is necessary to start fixing this game.


All The Best

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You're talking about the 'NGE' (aka New Game "Enhancements", ironically name) era of SWG , which is widely regarded as the absolute worst hyperfast ridiculous Benny-Hill style combat-system that beautiful game ever had (and unfortunately ended with).


Yes, I'm referring to the NGE.


I wouldn't have played SWG prior to that because there wasn't much to do, other than level what, thirty something professions that were present at the time, farm the Warren, farm the DWB, farm the Geo Cave, spend countless hours and weeks just to unlock the Jedi class. I've tried some of the emulator's that are there that are pre-cu and they were beyond boring. I started playing SWG in January of '07, so I wasn't around to witness first hand what Smedley and the crew did to the game, but I've read countless articles on how things went down. The overall change was a good one, but it's the abruptness of the change with no warning that pissed people off, which if I were a fan of the original release, I would have been upset as well.


My understanding from what I've read is that the subscriptions prior to the NGE were dipping so fast, they had no choice but to make a change or the game would have been shutdown. Oddly enough, this game and SWG have a number of similarities, it's uncanny. Either way you slice it though, SWG would have been shutdown in 2011 regardless of which version may have still been around, due to this game.


You need to look no further than SWG Legends to see just how popular the final product of that that game really is. It's full final release of the game, with volunteer developers creating new content, with the most recent being The Jedi Themepark. That community is thriving with usually more than a thousand people online, on a daily basis.

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I never played SWG, so there's nothing I want to bring to SWTOR from it.


The same goes for the inevitable "what would you bring from KOTOR and KOTOR 2", which should pop up any minute now. 😉


Before I played SWTOR, I played Guild Wars, WoW, and GW2, mostly. In the early days, SWTOR was very much like a re-skinned WoW. (I also play(ed) some FPSs.)

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You need to look no further than SWG Legends to see just how popular the final product of that that game really is. It's full final release of the game, with volunteer developers creating new content, with the most recent being The Jedi Themepark. That community is thriving with usually more than a thousand people online, on a daily basis.


Where is this game, what title? It is called "SWG Legends?" Is this a EMU server?


I found the most fun on a EMU server for EQ1 it's locked at the second earliest update to keep a "vanilla" feel to the game, called Project 1999 or p99. After a few years I got bored there, though. But I found the most fun on that game since probably WAR and the original EQ1 and some times on EQ2.

Edited by Lhancelot
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Yes, I'm referring to the NGE.


I wouldn't have played SWG prior to that because there wasn't much to do, other than level what, thirty something professions that were present at the time, farm the Warren, farm the DWB, farm the Geo Cave, spend countless hours and weeks just to unlock the Jedi class.


The point i was making, was about strictly the COMBAT style. And the fact is that the CU combat of SWG was not only more similar to SWTOR's combat style than the NGE system was, but also superior (to the NGE) ....imho.


Regardless, SWG was a 'sandbox' type game and therefore should never even be compared to SWTOR in the first place. Most players who never had the good fortune (and bliss) to play SWG from the beginning will never fully comprehend just how special & unique of a "game" it was.


I'm not critizing you btw, i'm just saying you weren't there so you just simply don't know. Back then, our imagination powered that game, endlessly. And just like reading a book is inherently more deeply absorbed than watching the film version (aka someone else's interpretation) , so was playing/living SWG back then.


SWG vs. SWTOR = Apples to Oranges.


No one ever wins that debate. (except maybe trolls :eek: )



. Either way you slice it though, SWG would have been shutdown in 2011 regardless of which version may have still been around, due to this game.




Probably wasn't enough room for both umm fruits in the SW barrel.



I've tried some of the emulator's that are there that are pre-cu and they were beyond boring


You need to look no further than SWG Legends to see just how popular the final product of that that game really is. It's full final release of the game, with volunteer developers creating new content,. That community is thriving with usually more than a thousand people online, on a daily basis.


I have to be careful here cuz technically i don't think BioWare likes (or allows) us to discuss the 'emulators' too much on these forums much but..... I'll just say this and then bow out of this potentially risky thread:


Before things went bad, i was on-Staff (doing QA and basic bug-fixing) for 5 years at the original 'SWGEmu Project' (the 1 that every other emulator got their code from and then branched off on their own, mostly without ever acknowledging where/how they learned so much) and we used to AVERAGE around 2500 separate logins per day. And if those originators had gotten JTL up before the 'Legends' crew supposedly did, well, let's just say things might be very different within the perception.


Regardless... Yes, there's no doubt SWG had, has, & always shall have a tremendous almost cult-like following (of which i am still a proud umm follower ;) ) and those guys/gals over at 'Legends' are certainly doing some amazing work. (from what i hear & read)


But the NGE hyperfast clicky combat system, with its' truly awful metallic ui, is still garbage. In my opinion.


Where SOE made a fatal mistake is: They didn't learn from the 1st "betrayal" of abruptly switching from PRE-cu combat style to the CU combat style. And instead of just simply adding more theme-park content, they doubled-down and executed an even worse betrayal with NGE trash combat (gave barely 2 weeks warning to an already fragile playerbase, all because of a clueless weasel from LucasArts whose name i won't bother to mention but it rhymes with 'Droolio Borez' ) .


In other words: SWG Pre-cu combat (or even CU combat) + NGE content = best game ever


And now i'll go back to playing SWTOR, 9 years & counting. :D

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You guys Do know u can play Both now don't u?. I you have the SWG discs, then you just have the download the Star Wars Galaxies Emulator. Or, SWG Emu. Like Raph Koster, 1 of the Godfathers of the MMO genre, he said there won't probably be anything like SWG pre-NGE because there was so many classes to try to keep fixed. Though by todays standards all of the dozens of classes they did a better job of the what most other Big named companies are doing with other games. Nge really killed that great game, sure the devs couldn't trusted, but......hell. Edited by MandFlurry
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The point i was making, was about strictly the COMBAT style. And the fact is that the CU combat of SWG was not only more similar to SWTOR's combat style than the NGE system was, but also superior (to the NGE) ....imho.


Regardless, SWG was a 'sandbox' type game and therefore should never even be compared to SWTOR in the first place. Most players who never had the good fortune (and bliss) to play SWG from the beginning will never fully comprehend just how special & unique of a "game" it was.


I'm not critizing you btw, i'm just saying you weren't there so you just simply don't know. Back then, our imagination powered that game, endlessly. And just like reading a book is inherently more deeply absorbed than watching the film version (aka someone else's interpretation) , so was playing/living SWG back then.


SWG vs. SWTOR = Apples to Oranges.


No one ever wins that debate. (except maybe trolls :eek: )







Probably wasn't enough room for both umm fruits in the SW barrel.





I have to be careful here cuz technically i don't think BioWare likes (or allows) us to discuss the 'emulators' too much on these forums much but..... I'll just say this and then bow out of this potentially risky thread:


Before things went bad, i was on-Staff (doing QA and basic bug-fixing) for 5 years at the original 'SWGEmu Project' (the 1 that every other emulator got their code from and then branched off on their own, mostly without ever acknowledging where/how they learned so much) and we used to AVERAGE around 2500 separate logins per day. And if those originators had gotten JTL up before the 'Legends' crew supposedly did, well, let's just say things might be very different within the perception.


Regardless... Yes, there's no doubt SWG had, has, & always shall have a tremendous almost cult-like following (of which i am still a proud umm follower ;) ) and those guys/gals over at 'Legends' are certainly doing some amazing work. (from what i hear & read)


But the NGE hyperfast clicky combat system, with its' truly awful metallic ui, is still garbage. In my opinion.


Where SOE made a fatal mistake is: They didn't learn from the 1st "betrayal" of abruptly switching from PRE-cu combat style to the CU combat style. And instead of just simply adding more theme-park content, they doubled-down and executed an even worse betrayal with NGE trash combat (gave barely 2 weeks warning to an already fragile playerbase, all because of a clueless weasel from LucasArts whose name i won't bother to mention but it rhymes with 'Droolio Borez' ) .


In other words: SWG Pre-cu combat (or even CU combat) + NGE content = best game ever


And now i'll go back to playing SWTOR, 9 years & counting. :D


That game... SWG, was the most social game i've ever been in, because everyone usually hung out at the Cantina's or had to go into player cities to buy supplies for our Doctors Dancers, Teras Kasi's Commando's etc. we had to see an Image designer to changer our appearance our our Attributes. Remember that? We had to talk with Real people to get thing done. Not a Bot.


Yeah, SOE was the worst, when it came to it's custromers. and Big bad liars. When they NGE came they said it was only for new people, not for the rest us us. and Bang NGE crapped the SWG game into oblivion. It was fatal.

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I think if people can play both these games, then their just getting a gift of Star Wars goodness, the Pre-nge SWG was awesome, and honestly our class storylines are a great thing to have. Both worlds just makes a Sat Wars fand go crazy reliving such awesomness.:)
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I never played Star Wars Galaxies! I have heard about it, and things it had that they skipped out on having with SWTOR like Wookiees as a playable race I believe I heard that...


My question is what would you bring here if you could bring anything from that game to this one?

Only one thing?


1) housing - it was an entire mini game within the game

2) exploration - i spent many days just exploring the open worlds

3) space - JtL was an entire game in itself. You could literally never touch the ground game and just play the space game... This should actually be #1

4) multiplayer transportation - it's stupid that this game doesn't have that

5) Bounties - one of the greatest parts of SWG


SWG was a fantastic game at times, but it's also the beneficiary of SWTOR fatigue. SWTOR has a million more things to do than SWG ever did...SWG is just remembered fondly for the few things it did exceptionally well...SWTOR is still a better game imo.

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Only one thing?


1) housing - it was an entire mini game within the game

2) exploration - i spent many days just exploring the open worlds

3) space - JtL was an entire game in itself. You could literally never touch the ground game and just play the space game... This should actually be #1

4) multiplayer transportation - it's stupid that this game doesn't have that

5) Bounties - one of the greatest parts of SWG


SWG was a fantastic game at times, but it's also the beneficiary of SWTOR fatigue. SWTOR has a million more things to do than SWG ever did...SWG is just remembered fondly for the few things it did exceptionally well...SWTOR is still a better game imo.


O.G. Tux in the house heheh.:)

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