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Alderaan Round 2 Changes and Feedback


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I took another spin around Alderaan tonight and I thought I’d share some comments.


First off, of course mounts need to be usable universally throughout the stronghold. It’s far too big and sprawling for us to be forced on foot. You know that already I’m sure.


The grand hall really does feel lacking without at least an accessible balcony if not a second floor of rooms. I also agree that the some of the current side rooms off the hall could use some natural light.


The hallways on the main floor and mountain retreat have scattered small hooks. I’d prefer to see medium narrow hooks along the walls since they allow for more possible decorations like benches or other furniture as well conversion to double small hooks in the same location.


The Killik cave definitely could use a ceiling hook or two. There are many environmental ceiling decos that would fit perfectly in the cave.


I’d also like to see hooks added to some of the nooks in the main grounds outside the main building. The area just south of the entrance, up a slight hill that ends in a small clearing with two trees could use some hooks. Likewise the waterfall and the pond that are bracket both ends of the stream are also places where I’d want to place critters or people, either on the rocks in those area or in the water itself.


There are also some interactive features that I also hope are included. Practice Dummies should be a standard feature in all strongholds now (Indeed I’d even consider including them retroactively in at least guild ships). To me, the ideal location for a dummy would be somewhere outside with a nice view or perhaps on the roof of a building rather have it be hidden in a dark, side room.


Finally, including an orokeet perch or cliffside notch that is only accessible via the MGGS grapple gun seems like something that would be perfectly appropriate for Alderaan.


Overall, Alderaan will be by far the most picturesque stronghold yet with an excellent variety of locations to explore and decorate. So far, so good!

Edited by Galandro
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I love <3:



[*]the Killik hive. It's so pretty but we don't have killik personnel.


There is a artifact of sorts right at the entrance, in the Killik cave you can click on that gives you a choice of light, heavy or no killacks. If you chose light or heavy it puts killack workers in the cave. You will notice it when you hover over it with your mouse (provided you are not on edit for decorations) and it will light up. Should be right across from the eggs when you first walk into the cave.

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There are also some interactive features that I also hope are included. Practice Dummies should be a standard feature in all strongholds now (Indeed I’d even consider including them retroactively in at least guild ships). To me, the ideal location for a dummy would be somewhere outside with a nice view or perhaps on the roof of a building rather have it be hidden in a dark, side room.


Finally, including an orokeet perch or cliffside notch that is only accessible via the MGGS grapple gun seems like something that would be perfectly appropriate for Alderaan.


Overall, Alderaan will be by far the most picturesque stronghold yet with an excellent variety of locations to explore and decorate. So far, so good!


I would prefer that if they add practice dummies there is an option to have them or not. I am not really a fan of them so an option would be best.

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There is a artifact of sorts right at the entrance, in the Killik cave you can click on that gives you a choice of light, heavy or no killacks. If you chose light or heavy it puts killack workers in the cave. You will notice it when you hover over it with your mouse (provided you are not on edit for decorations) and it will light up. Should be right across from the eggs when you first walk into the cave.


YIP !! Look for an upside down funnel shaped rock formation … not really large .. but close to the entrance on your left (directly across from the first pile of eggs on your right.

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Finally got a chance to do a quick tour of the stronghold! I didn't get to decorate much due to time :(


Generally, the highlight for me is the exterior. The facade is amazing and the external space looks very promising - I pvp mostly so I will to decorate the external areas for dueling. Looking forward to that. What would be nice is if a training dummy could be added to the outside area (I'm bored that very small training room in Rishi!).


The biggest issue I have with the SH so far is that it does not feel sufficiently grand in some places. In particular, the throne room does not seem very impressive. There is an amazing view in the back drop but the window is small (even relative to the windows in the Guest Houses) so I feel like it's a wasted. The windows on the second floor of my Dromund Kaas SH are more impressive and certainly makes that room feel grander than this throne room. The ceiling in the throne room (and most other rooms) also feel quite low to me for a palace. If it is still possible to make structural changes, I would strongly suggest at least increasing the height of the ceilings in the throne room and making the windows significantly larger - the back drop will significantly enhance the grandeur of the room and bring the beauty of Alderaan into the room.


Other minor things I noted/would like to suggest:

- the wall immediately after you enter the main door to the palace should have hooks. Currently only the other side of the wall has hooks.

- the doors in the guest houses were not opening properly upon unlock.

- I tried placing companions below the waterfall and they were all in a "dead" state.

- please include more hooks in the Kilik cave (query: does the number of Kiliks affect the number of NPCs we can place in the SH?)

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Please fix it where we can mount everywhere. That’s a dealbreaker for a lot of people.

It really is a deal breaker. I would love to really explore the new stronghold with decorations and other points but not being able to mount up has put me off even looking any more.

Given the complete failure to address/change the lack of mounts inside between PTS 1 and PTS 2 (despite many players feeding back this was an issue), I'm suspicious that they have no intention of letting us mount up throughout the stronghold. I'm even more suspicious that they are going to implement not being able to mount "inside" as a "new feature" (that no-one wants) throughout ALL new and existing strongholds similar to the utter doodoofest that is vendor icons that can't be toggled off.



Edited by Sarova
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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


Thank you again for your continued feedback on PTS. A few notes:

  • It is planned that you will be able to mount everywhere in the Stronghold.
  • Apologies for the doors still being wonky, the patch we pulled for PTS just missed getting those fixes. Those will be fixed for live.

This is currently planned as the last patch for 6.1 PTS. I am continuing to pass on feedback to the team for the Stronghold, especially around hook placement. We will leave PTS up until later this week, keep the feedback coming!


Thanks all.



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Hey folks,


Thank you again for your continued feedback on PTS. A few notes:

  • It is planned that you will be able to mount everywhere in the Stronghold.
  • Apologies for the doors still being wonky, the patch we pulled for PTS just missed getting those fixes. Those will be fixed for live.

This is currently planned as the last patch for 6.1 PTS. I am continuing to pass on feedback to the team for the Stronghold, especially around hook placement. We will leave PTS up until later this week, keep the feedback coming!


Thanks all.




Is there any chance that we might get a sneak preview of the forthcoming "updates" before the release ?

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Hey folks,


Thank you again for your continued feedback on PTS. A few notes:

  • It is planned that you will be able to mount everywhere in the Stronghold.
  • Apologies for the doors still being wonky, the patch we pulled for PTS just missed getting those fixes. Those will be fixed for live.

This is currently planned as the last patch for 6.1 PTS. I am continuing to pass on feedback to the team for the Stronghold, especially around hook placement. We will leave PTS up until later this week, keep the feedback coming!


Thanks all.




So you'll leave the estate as it is and don't add anything more to it? That is... disappointing.

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Hey folks,


Thank you again for your continued feedback on PTS. A few notes:

  • It is planned that you will be able to mount everywhere in the Stronghold.
  • Apologies for the doors still being wonky, the patch we pulled for PTS just missed getting those fixes. Those will be fixed for live.

This is currently planned as the last patch for 6.1 PTS. I am continuing to pass on feedback to the team for the Stronghold, especially around hook placement. We will leave PTS up until later this week, keep the feedback coming!


Thanks all.





Price please? Eric, I think most of us would not mind waiting if that is the problem with adding some additional features to the stronghold. I know I have been waiting for years for one and would not mind waiting if you would make some changes people have suggested.

Edited by casirabit
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Price please? Eric, I think most of us would not mind waiting if that is the problem with adding some additional features to the stronghold. I know I have been waiting for years for one and would not mind waiting if there you would make some changes people have suggested.


Agreed... completely without any debate.


EDIT: I'd also like to add … I think a lot of folks could use some encouragement along the way on this one.

Edited by OlBuzzard
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WHAT? That's it? Are you serious? No round 3? You have got to be kidding me!! We need another thorough pass over on the stronghold. It is not ready for release. Besides the mounting concern, which is a great illeviation for many to know that we will be able to mount, what about the giant elephant in room? NO SECOND FLOOR!! I can deal with the Ruins no matter how stupid it looks. I'll just obscure it. I can deal with Killik cave because quite frankly I'd probably never even unlock it but to not make a second floor is unacceptable! Alderaan is the most requested stronghold throughout the years and this is the justice it gets? Shame, boo, hiss! You guys stink!


Delay the release. Give Alderaan the love it deserves.

Edited by TonyTricicolo
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Went back for another look, now that somebody explained how to "turn on" the Killiks.

They're pretty cool. I like both modes. But...


* I wish you could click on them to get them to make a sound or do an animation, or both. Just a tiny bit interactive?


* There REALLY need to be hooks outside the cave, in the grassy and dirt areas beyond the rocks, along the dirt path and around the big rock. It's downright barren out there. Also I want to use the front area to build a pod-racing course and I need hooks out there to make it large enough to be interesting.



I understand if you don't want to give us a third round of QA on the stronghold, but I strongly agree with everyone who is asking for you to wait and do a better stronghold... assuming you can't get all the fixes done in time.


PLEASE don't release another buggy stronghold that's only partially useful. The quality went down for Manaan and way down for Umbara... Rishi wasn't exactly stellar... this is an important opportunity to restore the confidence of the decorating community. Which means it's also a chance to entice us out of our hard-earned cash...

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WHAT? That's it? Are you serious? No round 3? You have got to be kidding me!! We need another thorough pass over on the stronghold. It is not ready for release. Besides the mounting concern, which is a great illeviation for many to know that we will be able to mount, what about the giant elephant in room? NO SECOND FLOOR!! I can deal with the Ruins no matter how stupid it looks. I'll just obscure it. I can deal with Killik cave because quite frankly I'd probably never even unlock it but to not make a second floor is unacceptable! Alderaan is the most requested stronghold throughout the years and this is the justice it gets? Shame, boo, hiss! You guys stink!


Delay the release. Give Alderaan the love it deserves.

calm down, you don't know if they aren't giving us a second floor. they might be developing it while they get the feedback, and leaving it a surprise till it releases. if they fix the problems that the first floor has, they can copy most of the code and use it for a second floor. everyone had to know they might not get to every suggestion. they would go to the most requested first. example add a second floor, then move on to next while fixing any bugs. don't count the devs out yet. more then likely we wont have a third round of testing even if they delayed the release, they'd look through it themselves.

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Hey folks,


Thank you again for your continued feedback on PTS. A few notes:

  • It is planned that you will be able to mount everywhere in the Stronghold.
  • Apologies for the doors still being wonky, the patch we pulled for PTS just missed getting those fixes. Those will be fixed for live.

This is currently planned as the last patch for 6.1 PTS. I am continuing to pass on feedback to the team for the Stronghold, especially around hook placement. We will leave PTS up until later this week, keep the feedback coming!


Thanks all.




Please delay the release of the SH and add the additional rooms as a guild we need more rooms please refer to my video in my posts.

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There is a artifact of sorts right at the entrance, in the Killik cave you can click on that gives you a choice of light, heavy or no killacks. If you chose light or heavy it puts killack workers in the cave. You will notice it when you hover over it with your mouse (provided you are not on edit for decorations) and it will light up. Should be right across from the eggs when you first walk into the cave.


Thank you much. If I have time I'll go back and look at that.

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Hey folks,


Thank you again for your continued feedback on PTS. A few notes:

  • It is planned that you will be able to mount everywhere in the Stronghold.
  • Apologies for the doors still being wonky, the patch we pulled for PTS just missed getting those fixes. Those will be fixed for live.

This is currently planned as the last patch for 6.1 PTS. I am continuing to pass on feedback to the team for the Stronghold, especially around hook placement. We will leave PTS up until later this week, keep the feedback coming!


Thanks all.





Any chance you might actually reply to people in the forums bug section and general section who have been asking for a response to bugs and other problem since the holidays.


Especially this thread “You” created and have not returned to : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9794040#post9794040

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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The rugs still are not displaying correctlyy in the lodge window rooms. I tested both rooms and the rugs still disappear into the floor when you place them. Please fix this! Those rooms are my favorite and I really would like to place rugs.


The hooks in the rooms off of the entrance hall really need to be looked at. It would be nice to be able to center decos in that room, but with the four large floor hooks it just ins't possible.


I really wish you'd either place a large hook, or two/three medium hooks on the dias for the Throne room. I'd like to be able to place two thrones side by side.


I kind of like the killik caves, but I do understand why some don't.


It would be great to have second floors, not sure that's something you'll do, but they would be nice.

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Here are my thoughts on round 2:


I too would like to see a second floor, or at the very least an accessible balcony overlooking the main hall, even if you can't add additional rooms.


The entrance wall needs a double large wall hook.


Please add more ceiling hooks EVERYWHERE. I agree with removal of pre-placed decorations including rugs and lights and replacement with hooks.


Some of the small green floor hooks on pedestals in the Western Lodging have pillars right on top of them.


I like the Noble Throne Facade decoration. Great idea. It will be useful in other rooms as well.


I agree that the throne room dais should have two medium hooks and/or a large hook.


Please add hooks in all outdoor areas, especially in and near water (for my pets) and outside the Killik cave, There are lots of outdoor areas with no hooks. Also please add additional hooks inside the cave, including the back part.


The Drawing Room, Guest Chamber, Study, and the room in the Northern Lodgings that connects to the Western Lodgings all have the same frustrating hook layout. The layout does not allow us to center a large decoration in the room. Please allow us to do this. This is a problem throughout other strongholds as well. Centering and symmetry should be possible in all rooms.


Another problem across all strongholds is our inability to place large decorations against walls. There are large decorations that work in the middle of a room; but there are many that do not. Some have a flat back that would ideally go against a wall but the placement of large floor hooks is usually too far away from walls for it to be possible and most of these decorations can't be moved to the edge of the hook anyway, which also makes it impossible for us to place these decorations back to back. There have been plenty of requests to increase the x,y axis range, which could solve this problem if increased enough.


There are several decorations that cannot be picked up once put down because they cover the entire hook, such as Irrigated Garden, which I cannot pick up from a centerpiece hook in my Rishi stronghold. At this point the only way to get them up is to pick up and redo the entire room/area.


I'm probably the only one who doesn't care that much about being able to mount all over the SH but I'm glad that's being addressed because it seems like a big issue for many players.


please address the other bugs pointed out in this thread, such as disappearing hooks, etc.


Also, please address the existing bugs such as decorations with the same name overwriting each other. This has been a problem for a while now and needs to be fixed so we can use all decorations.


I love the stronghold and can't wait till it goes live but please make sure it's done and not buggy before release.

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Hey. :). Had some thoughts. The rishi stronghold had the pvp areas and the training dummy on the ship. It would be cool to have AT LEAST the dummy on the Alderaan stronghold. :)!!!! It makes sense to have a castle training room. This would help guilds so much!!!!!!! Please please :). Pvp area would be like golden too!



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good that you will let us mount everywhere in the SH - thanks for that


my biggest gripe is still the 3 windowless rooms - if they go live like this I won't even unlock them (if they were unlockable that is - don't remember ^^) - especially the wall where the window should be looks exactly like an existing window was bricked up :(


and just a tip: if you secretly plan on adding a 2nd floor please let those rooms have windows ;)


one can hope

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It is planned that you will be able to mount everywhere in the Stronghold.

This is great news! Thanks for sharing this information.

This is currently planned as the last patch for 6.1 PTS.

I would not mind one more test of the Alderaan Stronghold before it is released. Still, I'm glad that the Stronghold was up for public testing. I'm going to spend more time testing out the Stronghold before the PTS is taken down. Right now, two hopeful wishes I have for the Stronghold:


- Access to a second floor, preferably the mezzanine of the Stained Glass room.


- I agree that at least the two guest rooms each need a window to seem less like pretty cells. I would not be mad about a window in the study (the third room off of the Stained Glass room), too.


Peripherally related to the Alderaan SH: releasing some Alderaan-centric personnel decorations. While decorating the Alderaan SH I realized that the majority of my personnel decorations were either military types, or scruffy-looking Nerf herder types. And, if you do release new Alderaan-centric personnel decorations, please provide a greater variety of skin colors. The skin color slider goes to 36. A greater variety of skin color on human personnel decos would be lovely.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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And, if you do release new Alderaan-centric personnel decorations, please provide a greater variety of skin colors. The skin color slider goes to 36. A greater variety of skin color on human personnel decos would be lovely.

Yeah... SWTOR really could use some diversity in the human Personnel decorations.



So here's an idea --

* Turn the Throne Room in a Library (or whatever, if you insist on having room names, personally I hate them).

* Add another floor via the elevator with a really big Throne Room with a high ceiling and a wall-window view of the awesome landscape you built.

Edited by Xina_LA
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Hey folks,


Thank you again for your continued feedback on PTS. A few notes:

  • It is planned that you will be able to mount everywhere in the Stronghold.

Thanks all.



Praise the Lord (P'tach)!!

Thanks very much for confirming this. I will remove my hat of suspicion :p I am now encouraged to spend more stupid amounts of money on decorations ready for 6.1.

Edited by Sarova
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