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Hit 50 sitting in WoW


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Really, first of all, at last a person with decent tone here. But come on. You mean that you did not expect a combat log for instance? Really. Do you feel that is a luxury? How can you tune your game without one? By just feeling?


Target of target is that another luxury? Of course you can play the game without it. You can even play it with no items. The game could have had the same items just scale with level. But of course no one would do that.


What I mean is, that I understand that for everyone "must have" has a different meaning, but I feel in here while people know that some features are more than nice to have, they still decide to flame just because (for some reason) they desperately need this game to succeed and cannot put up with criticism.


I think Combat Log and Target of Target are nice little features, although a lot of MMOs release with these features I am not going to spaz out for not having them. Should they be in the game?


Combat log, I play healer/tank roles so yeah it kinda is about feel and knowing the instance in the first place. I think Target of Target should be in the game.


I just feel like these things aren't in the game, there are bugs (of course), and this is like every other MMO launch. Except that there has been no server crashes and that most people seem able to actually play the game.


I dunno, guess I've been through a lot of MMO launches now. Compared to games like Champions Online, DCUO, STO, for example this one has been pretty good. Some people are exaggerating with their stuff and calling for doooom! Sometimes they have a good post, one guy had a pretty good gripe then the last part of his post was about how the game would fail. Once he said that then most of the rest of his post will be ignored.

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thats like taking your time to make dinner, IN THE MICROWAVE


12 days to reach lv50 is excessive playing if you ask me but well, whatever floats your boat.


The game does have some bugs but its one of the smoothest launches I have ever seen and I have seen rather a few of them, swg, eve, planetside, wow, war, coh, and it can only get better and smoother.


Good luck doing whatever it is your going to do with your life now you have rushed your way through the game, Im going to take my time and get to 50 in the next month or two and then push my alts up as well and see what I like best.

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i am amazed you do not even know that you can just log out and back in to fix the guild chat bug.

Why on earth would you close your entire game for it.

Logging out to char select does not put you in a queue.


And there is plenty to do at 50, but maybe you just don't know what the idea is...

Edited by AcexRIP
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Sure there are bugs, but I have to encounter the first perfect software yet..Most bugs are easy to work around. Then there are wishes (nice to have), like combat logs, but they are not really needed to play the game.


I haven't encountered any major issues yet, even the ability delay does not disturb me really. I just adjust my playstyle a bit. It's not like I get killed every other mob by the ability delay. Surely that might become an issue in raids or pvp, but then I'll just fill out a bug report.

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OP: You took your time through the game and are now 50? HUH? I have been in since 2nd wave of Early Access and my highest level character is 36. Maybe you should go back and start over and pay attention to the storyline and enjoy the game instead of rushing through it at break neck speed. Or better yet go with your original plan, enjoy WoW, Force knows I don't anymore.
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I got to the word deserve and stopped reading.


This is a game. This is not a hard-knock life lesson or a job.


We deserve endgame content and I will never apologize for saying so.










And yes, I voted for Obama and will again.

Edited by AlpsStranger
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I can't wrap my head around how anyone can maintain a social life and job and be level 50 when the game hasn't even been out a month yet.


Leveling wasn't fast, you simply have nothing better to do with your time than sit at home and play the game. Most people have obligations to attend in real life and do actually take their time to savor the experience of progressing in a new MMO.


I suppose you may be a master troll, and I've bitten, but either way I have to agree with the people who say this is a personal problem and not a problem with the game.


I have no issues with my experience so far and I've rerolled characters a few times to try and pick the class and alignment that felt right for me. I'm loving what Bioware has created and after a hard day of work, the idea of getting to sit down and skype with friends as we move forward in the game is something to anticipate.


Maybe you should have paced yourself. Even a fine steak and glass of wine will make you sick if you consume them in a minute... now I'm hungry damnit.

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Well... I haven't found much to complain about so far. Does the game need combat logs they can be useful yes but mostly are abused so no I'm not missing the leet spam and the name calling in parties so far. The ability delay takes a bit of getting used to but as another poster said I too adjust my gameplay. It's refreshing to have to think again tbh.


I gave up posing on my mount in WOW a couple of years ago I suppose it still has attractions for some but no longer for me. Anyone who remembers that release will also know just how bad that game was for the first 6 months of it's life if you want to talk bugs! In comparison this is bug free.


My only hope is the devs realise that it's the minority that are whining and screaming doom! The majority are too busy having a ball in game.

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OP: You took your time through the game and are now 50? HUH? I have been in since 2nd wave of Early Access and my highest level character is 36. Maybe you should go back and start over and pay attention to the storyline and enjoy the game instead of rushing through it at break neck speed. Or better yet go with your original plan, enjoy WoW, Force knows I don't anymore.


if u pvp ur 50 in no time, leveled ONLY trough pvp almost Battlemaster now.... there are planets i totally left out, beside class quest i didnt touch anything there. theres not one planet after Korriban where i finished all quests. If youre not 50 by now then youre a casual gamer.

if you have the same amount of /played you will be 50 too. it's just impossible you cannot turn of exp gain from pvp so yeah u level ...

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There are plenty of casual gamers that are 50 already, the game is very fast to get max level.



People seem to be mixing up skipping content and having lots of free time over the Christmas period. They're not the same, and the 3-4 days played it takes to get to 50, after 2 weeks isn't a huge amount.

Edited by Soazak
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i paid for the collector's edition, the art book, and the strategy guide so i feel i deserve to make 1 thread about how i feel.


I hit 50, took my time doing it and now i am sitting at the end game. Alot of people are not 50 yet in my guild so experiencing raiding is going to have to wait about a month.


The dalies are okay but not enough to keep you busy.


I am not re rolling a new character.


Between all the bugs i have such as not being able to see guild or party chat without exiting the game and then going back into a que line of 200 just to fix the problem is not very awesome. Insta que warzone pops send you to the character selection screen 80% of the time.


Honestly the game is fun, but the end game is what i am about as i love to raid and get loot and have a 4 days a week schedule to dedicate to raiding.


I canceled my sub, and explained to them why, they don't seem to really be adressing some of these issues and the last patch did not address some game breaking issues such as the bounty hunter's class quest chain breaking and not being able to progress your story or get dalies in illum.


Ima sit back at 50, finish the rest of my 18 days on my free sub, go back to wow and wait for some bug fixes and content updates.


Thats all i have to say.


lmao goodbye?????

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Sure there are bugs, but I have to encounter the first perfect software yet..Most bugs are easy to work around. Then there are wishes (nice to have), like combat logs, but they are not really needed to play the game.


I haven't encountered any major issues yet, even the ability delay does not disturb me really. I just adjust my playstyle a bit. It's not like I get killed every other mob by the ability delay. Surely that might become an issue in raids or pvp, but then I'll just fill out a bug report.


Totally agree. :)

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I paid for the collector's edition, the art book, and the strategy guide so I feel I deserve to make 1 thread about how I feel.
No. No you don't. Go away.


I was chatting to a fellow guildee about this yesterday as he raced to the finish. The result of the conversation was 'go the forums and whine' when he hits 50.


Go you, have a cookie.

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Wow, I've been playing since wave two of EGA starting and my highest toon is level 40. And let me tell you, I've put A LOT of time into the game. I think the last time I checked it was somewhere around 4 days 8 hours. Do you realize that is like one third of the hours in a day since the 13th? Saying you took your time is a load of BS and you know it. It took me two days alone to level 35-40 playing 6+ hours a night, and I am only going to assume it'll take longer to get from 40-50. Seriously, you didn't take your time. Clearly you didn't do every quest available like I have, searched for any datacrons, done a few flashpoints, leveled up your crew skills, etc. Please by all means go back to WoW. It's one less whiner I have to worry about in General Chat.
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I paid for the ... strategy guide


haha, I always wondered what sort of person got sucked into that crap


Ima sit back at 50, finish the rest of my 18 days on my free sub, go back to wow and wait for some bug fixes and content updates.


Thats all I have to say.


you do that ,and please take everyone with you that want to turn this game into starwow

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I got 10 bucks saying OP is one of the posters on the WOW forums 2 days after the last patch claiming that Blizz didn't give them enough because they already finished the raid, and they were coming over to SWTOR.


Any takers? :D

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I paid for the collector's edition, the art book, and the strategy guide so I feel I deserve to make 1 thread about how I feel.


I hit 50, took my time doing it and now I am sitting at the end game. Alot of people are not 50 yet in my guild so experiencing raiding is going to have to wait about a month.


The dalies are okay but not enough to keep you busy.


I am not re rolling a new character.


Between all the bugs I have such as not being able to see guild or party chat without exiting the game and then going back into a que line of 200 just to fix the problem is not very awesome. Insta que warzone pops send you to the character selection screen 80% of the time.


Honestly the game is fun, but the end game is what I am about as I love to raid and get loot and have a 4 days a week schedule to dedicate to raiding.


I canceled my sub, and explained to them why, they don't seem to really be adressing some of these issues and the last patch did not address some game breaking issues such as the bounty hunter's class quest chain breaking and not being able to progress your story or get dalies in Illum.


Ima sit back at 50, finish the rest of my 18 days on my free sub, go back to wow and wait for some bug fixes and content updates.


Thats all I have to say.


Game's been out for two weeks, and if you're bored....Get a job

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