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Struggling to get new gear and unsure of what to do!


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Hey everyone.


I believe it's safe to say that I did a mistake by not preparing myself for the release of "Onslaught". I didn't expect there to be these many changes, and for the economy to inflate once again. I've been trying to gear up my main character (a Jedi Guardian) to i306 for these past few weeks... and have found myself struggling quite a lot with it.


I run a bunch of [Veteran] Flashpoints a day (up to five or more), a couple of warzones and some Heroics when able. At the moment I'm still i282 and not sure of what I'm doing wrong. It's gotten to my attention that people can get there within days, and there's other who can sort out their entire roster in a week. I have so many characters and still haven't been able to adjust my main...


What exactly am I doing wrong? And how can I get better credits? All the money I do running Flashpoints ends up being spent on repairs. I'm sinking down with all these SoW sets and tactical items; they're draining my dry and I have never been this lost in SWTOR.


Does anyone have any tips? Any feedback is most welcome; I'm just really tried of running the same-old flashpoints over and over again just to see little to no progress whatsoever.

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Do the onslaught story line. Afterwards you can do the onderon weekly quest (10 dailies) which rewards a lot of gear. If you can, also complete the conquest objective for additional gear. Completing random group FPs rewards better than running selected FPs. Finally, if you have multiple toons, actually only equip the highest iRating gear on one toon. Complete doing whatever (and get gear rewards), then put the top gear in your legacy bank and rotate toons who equip (and improve) that same gear set.
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I've been doing 2 or 3 FPs a day, plus the weekly on Onderon, plus some odds and ends like buying pieces with fragments. My main character is now all 306 except the earpiece (304), and I've gotten lots of 300+ mods, etc, to pass on to other alts.

I can't say I've been doing anything too special. I do find that sometimes the increase in gear level does seem to stall for a day or 2.

I don't bother with any swapping of Legacy armor stuff. I just dump all the useful mods (and bonus set gear) into Legacy storage and draw it out on other alts.


In any case, as was suggested above, don't worry about getting 306 level unless you actually do PvP or MM/NiM OPs. Just play the game and better gear will come.

Edited by JediQuaker
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Related to all of these recommendations, I would add the following. Try your best to avoid opening any boxes until you have your item level up. Spend your Tech Fragments to upgrade your lowest iLvl gear slot until they are all spent, then open boxes. Try to do the Onderon dailies/weekly, both Mek Sha heroics as often as possible, the GSF dailies and weekly if you like GSF (I do), the random daily MM flashpoint as often as possible, and whatever you need to do to meet conquest goals. That’s probably the biggest bang for the buck. Don’t worry, you’ll get there. And if you save up your renown crates until you hit about 302+, you’ll find an explosion of gear that will probably let you gear al your alts. It takes some time to rev up, but once you do, you can fuel all your other toons. Just make sure your iLvl is as high as possible when you kill a boss or open a box. Don’t be afraid to ask your group for a few moments to swap out pieces before the next boss... I never begrudge that of anyone when I’m in a pug.
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the only reason to rush and get the max gear is if you pvp or do NiM/MM stuff. Otherwise, don't worry too much about it, just play the game the way you like, enjoy, and get gear as you progress.

just play the game the way you like

get gear as you progress.


That was 2016's talking point for EA's top-down dictated "Galactic Command" rng monetization scheme


This is $current_year


This is $current_year where RNG has been expanded to RNG vendors, of which only appear on the weekend, using gear tokens (tech fragments) which are now rewarded even less, with more gear slots (tacticals, amplifiers) to grind for.

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That was 2016's talking point for EA's top-down dictated "Galactic Command" rng monetization scheme


This is $current_year


This is $current_year where RNG has been expanded to RNG vendors, of which only appear on the weekend, using gear tokens (tech fragments) which are now rewarded even less, with more gear slots (tacticals, amplifiers) to grind for.


Tech fragments are acquired much faster than Unassembled Components. It would be extremely difficult for a casual player to earn 1800 Unassembled Components in a week but it’s very easy to earn that many tech fragments playing very casually. There are problems with 6.0 but tech fragments aren’t one of them.


The weekend-only RNG vendor is mostly just a discount vendor, though I admit he appears to be the sole source of the high end schematics, so you got me there.

Edited by phalczen
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Off the top of my head, this is all I can think of to help.


1) make sure you pick up the weeklys (in combat section of fleet) for flashpoints (5 vets runs) and the pvp weekly. You get tech frags and boxes for those that will help a little.


2) use tech frags to update gear that isn't dropping for you. The drops will be held back if you have 1-3 pieces of gear lower than all your other gear. So, use the random gear vendor in the supply section to upgrade your lowest pieces of gear. Do worry about saving tech frags for set pieces until you reach all 306 gear.


3) if you have a stealth character, use that to make stealth runs of fast fps (i.e. Red Reaper or Hammer Station). If you don't, then try to run these easier fp's anyway as fast as possible (only the bosses count toward gear, tech frags, or weeklies).


4) break down any gear that isn't an improvement....don't vendor it. Also, never disintegrate gear from renown crates. Renown levels are meaningless (you get the same gear for renown 1 as renown 999). So claim ALL gear and if you can't use it, DC it for tech frags. You want tech frags to upgrade gear that isn't dropping to keep your gear level equal as you rise up. Otherwise, as I said, a few lower pieces could hurt the drops you get.


That is all I got. Frankly I was able to use a stealth character with about 278 irated gear, to all 306 gear in about 2 days of running Red Reaper stealth runs. I simply got another lvl75 stealth partner and ran in and killed the 3 bosses in about 15 minutes. Then did it again, and again for about 2-3 hours in a row each night. Then I did the same things once I had all 306 gear, to get 306 gear for all 8 of my characters. Because once you are all 306, about a 20-30% of the gear that drops will be 306 too. And my bag is full of gear every 2-3 runs (about 30-45 minutes). So about 20-30% of my bag was 306 gear I could throw in my legacy vault for other characters. All other gear is broken down (at 306) for tech frags.


Obviously, the runs will take longer doing non-stealth runs because you have to kill all the trash in the way to the boss. But otherwise, everything else is the same. It's not hard, just need to do it right and it will go pretty quickly (maybe a week). And, I wouldn't delay because it is only going to get harder to find partners to farm fp's with as everyone gets geared, and you want to start having 306 gear drop for EVERYTHING you do (as it will once you get, and use, a set of 306 gear).

Edited by aristein
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Hey everyone.


I believe it's safe to say that I did a mistake by not preparing myself for the release of "Onslaught". I didn't expect there to be these many changes, and for the economy to inflate once again. I've been trying to gear up my main character (a Jedi Guardian) to i306 for these past few weeks... and have found myself struggling quite a lot with it.


I run a bunch of [Veteran] Flashpoints a day (up to five or more), a couple of warzones and some Heroics when able. At the moment I'm still i282 and not sure of what I'm doing wrong. It's gotten to my attention that people can get there within days, and there's other who can sort out their entire roster in a week. I have so many characters and still haven't been able to adjust my main...


What exactly am I doing wrong? And how can I get better credits? All the money I do running Flashpoints ends up being spent on repairs. I'm sinking down with all these SoW sets and tactical items; they're draining my dry and I have never been this lost in SWTOR.


Does anyone have any tips? Any feedback is most welcome; I'm just really tried of running the same-old flashpoints over and over again just to see little to no progress whatsoever.


Other people have mentioned using tech fragments at the fleet vendor (the one in the middle of the room) to pick up your lowest rated items. That is the single most important step to increasing your level quickly.


Next, try to get into an active guild. This is the second most important thing you can do. First, it makes it easier to get groups for master mode flashpoints, which will usually give you gear drops that are higher, sometimes quite a bit higher.


If you like running OPs, it's a good way to get tech fragments, but not set pieces. The gear drops are OK, but not awesome. Running MM hammer station is honestly better for time invested for acquiring gear. However, if hammer makes you want to claw your own eyes out by now (I sympathize), a SM operation can be a nice break from the monotony and gives you a nice sum of tech frags to spend at the vendor.

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Another very important thing to keep track of now is your Dark/Light tokens. They actually have a use now. They added a Weekly gear crate to the Dark/Light Token vendors on Fleet, purchasable for 100 faction tokens. So if you're not interested in purchasing a 300th pet or saber or something, save them up.


Before anyone asks--you get DS/LS tokens every time you level up Renown when your side is winning the war, and/or if you kill DvL bosses.

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Another very important thing to keep track of now is your Dark/Light tokens. They actually have a use now. They added a Weekly gear crate to the Dark/Light Token vendors on Fleet, purchasable for 100 faction tokens. So if you're not interested in purchasing a 300th pet or saber or something, save them up.


Before anyone asks--you get DS/LS tokens every time you level up Renown when your side is winning the war, and/or if you kill DvL bosses.


.??... what’s in the crates though and do they give give at your actual iRating if you are 306?

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.??... what’s in the crates though and do they give give at your actual iRating if you are 306?

They're kinda like the conquest crates - got a few useful tacticals and set pieces out of them. Rating most likey ranges from 302 to 306, but I didn't pay a lot of attention to that, tbh. ^^

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I'm at a loss. I didn't really do much, just focusing on the conquests and leveling my characters. Since all the gear is for legacy I use the non-set items first to wear them with every character (only buying sets and waiting to hit 306 to put mods, etc. in them). The only thing I'm upgrading with mods, etc. are my weapons. I gain a few points every week and yesterday I did one SM OP and one MM FL and went from 295 to 301. I nearly got all my Sets together, only missing two parts for Merc/Commando and the ***/Shadow Set. Farming gear is rather easy.
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also one treasure hunting mission (crewskill) gives you boxes with gearpieces, its only 27x itemrating, but you can dissamble it for techfrags


most tacticals will come automatically when you do mm fp, so spend techfrags for setpieces first


for combat only the amplifiers on armor/hilt/barrel matters (with exception of one set that has combatamplifiers on the hulls - but only up to blue quality)


trixxies gearingguide (linked in post 2) is really useful AND in the first post of it is also a link to a google doc with all the mod/enhancement/armor etc. versions

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Trixxie put this together awhile back. It's the gist of what you need to do. Once you read it, you'll understand how people are gearing so fast. Give it a read, and you'll be surprised at how quick you can get your gear rating to 306.



I too recommend you read this thread - I believe Trixxie updated it after the changes in 6.0.1. I too was struggling until I read that thread (I'm a solo player but will group via the finder for flashpoints and pvp). I'm now around 296-306 in various slots and that's just will casual play. Forget completely about stats or you will get nowhere. Once you hit 306, think about stats then if you need to. Solo players don't - I've noticed that amplifiers are making the difference for me.

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On the plus side, once you get one toon to 306, you can get the rest to 306 in a matter of hours.


Most gear will drop at equal or better gear level to what you're currently wearing, so if you have all 306 gear, you will get mostly 306 gear drops. They are legacy wide, so toss them in your legacy storage and grab a low geared 75 and slap them on.


Rinse and repeat for all your other toons. No need to gear each one from scratch.

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make sure you're using your tech pieces at the vendor on the fleet to get gear, too. the unidentified gear vendor 100% of the time gives upgrades. I believe most are at 375 tech pieces, with mods, armorings, enhancements, barrels, and hilts at 175


Upgrade is NOT guaranteed, though the majority of the time it will be. I got a modded belt rated 287 (288 armor + 286 mod) while my iLevel was 291 (the belt I was trying to upgrade was 290 non modded).

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