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Game is too difficult now.


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I like this idea a lot, so like as they make sure that the categories truly reflect the difficulties, not like KOTFE/ET story mode is atm! I'm more in the 1st category, btw. But, unlikely, unfortunately, some players who complain about a game being too easy, I don't want to exclude anyone. And this idea sounds like it would really include people, enable everyone to get the ease or challenge they're after.


I'm also delighted to come across someone who enjoys a challenge and doesn't get mad that others get and even enjoy things easier. In threads in various games regarding difficulty, people complaining about the ease of difficulty don't seem to realise or want to acknowledge is that there are as many experiences of difficulty as there are players, and so it ends up degenerating into the usual casual-bashing versus hardcore-bashing, though it's more often that the attacks are against the ease of gameplay, rather than the challenge. Often I've noticed the rather below-the-belt use of vocabulary employed, like "braindead faceroll" or even just "too easy", frankly designed to make the casual viewpoint indefensible by making such players seem like a bunch of lazy slobs protesting the viewpoints of the hard-working and virtuous.


What I find tough, someone else finds easy, neither player would have the right to say that each other's view is rubbish, or that one must totally dominate the other, because people play the game for different reasons, and so long as the reason isn't to cause anyone any harm, all the other different reasons can be valid. If people want to group, they will. No-one should be forced to, it can really make for unhappy gameplay. I never could understand why there are people who are against solo play, why they think that just because a game has MMO in the category, that there should be little or even no solo content. I mostly solo, and I prefer things easy, so I'd love to know the problems they have with me and my gameplay.


Sure, it will split up the playerbase, but then people who are already associated and looking to group can surely work out which difficulty mode they'd all use together. Especially since, presumably, doing things together would be the main deal here.


In any case, I wholeheartedly support such a scheme. :) No-one would have their gameplay threatened, so everyone would be able to get on and enjoy it.


TYVM ! That's kind of the idea ! Those that like large guilds (or small ones) .. those who prefer tougher standards in their FP's or want to run OP's that last a long time (and are really tough) … It's all there ! The same content ! The same mobs but with obvious different settings. Some Mobs, for example, might be the gold star in one level and the "Elite" high end one shot and your dead … in the Master group mode !


And yes … rewards accordingly !

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Go start a brand new toon.


The new content was a faceroll on already geared toons. Class stories etc now are a different story. When ypu do this don't start with a companion, wait till they give you one.


Ok, I found a level 1 character I made well some time back when new hair stiles set pack came out on one of my other accounts. I'm still in the mid stage of Tyton not using a comp as you asked, not using any stims or medpacks or XP boosts to gain levels quicker. So far not really finding it hard. The only time is when the enemy NPC is invisible but still attacking you. I get that so often which is why I started to use comps early on in the first place. Not this time as you particularly mentioned that. It won't make a difference but playing a Jedi Guardian if you needed to know.


Ok I have been playing for years and know how to use all abilities which brand new players won't but starter worlds are IMO not hard. Also for starter worlds not even finding it take any longer now with 6.0 than before 6.0 (have on other planets) Still only half way though Thyton and not done the heroic yet, but been levelling up my 70, to 75 so not had much time, just well very early start tomorrow.

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"Personally I have not found it difficult but have found it far more time consuming."


This pretty much sums it up.


The problem is that EAWare made this game way to easy over the years and that's what people got used to. So for them tune it up like this, I'm sure most didn't expect it, hence this thread. It wouldn't surprise me if in the very near future, they tune it down a bit. As mentioned above, it's not that it's hard, it's just too grindy now.



Maybe I need to elaborate on what I meant by more time consuming.


I personally don't mind what many of you consider grind simply because I am doing what I want and would be doing the same regardless of gaining gear.


So by time consuming I guess its really down to conquest points. I know the conquest reward points has gone up in-line with the new total needed, but as each quest just takes longer it just feels that what would have just been maybe a hour possible 1.5 hours (yes yes some weeks much less) now seems to take all night to reach the 50k. Even though I am doing the same quests as before. So yes time consuming. I just don't want to spend all my time just doing conquests. Before I'd do a conquest or two then continue levelling a character, not intending for the character been level to get the conquest total. So not the grind just game time, which may seem the same but...not really.

A lot of mine are maxed level (well were max until the new level cap) on my main account but well have loads of others across many account to level.

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Since Onslaught I've only leveled low toons on starter worlds and I don't think I've gotten off of them yet so haven't even done the heroics on them but so far seems the same and the Rakgul event which wasn't easy. Maybe the difficulty is on higher level planets?


I'm not sure if this is related or not but the Rakgul event heroic area is not easy or even on par with the other heroic areas I've played before. Not to mention that if you go in the normal area at a low level like 24 you might run into mobs level 75 which one shot you. Instead of the zone scaling it has some crazy sh!# like allowing players level 24 - 75 and so the mobs scale is also 24 - 75. Zone needs a scaling implemented imo. Not fun not knowing max levels mobs are running around till your dead.

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I support this topic.Proble is some people like companions op and others are not.

So give player a choice.Simple.


They are still OP though. :confused: I haven't really sensed a difference in the game's difficulty at all. Feels the same as it has for a long time now.

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I am gonna be completely honest. I tried low level heroics, i did leveling stuff, i did end game stuff. I noticed no difference at all.


Though apparently people are expecting the game to be easier than in 5.0 for some reason. Forgetting that this is a new expansion and we are in the first tier of gear contrary to being in the last tier of the previous expansion, and not having geared up yet.

Edited by Nemmar
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So far I’ve only run into one problem in difficulty and I’m assuming it’s either a bug or these mobs haven’t been tuned properly (a bit like the walkers)


Ok, first I’m not one of these people who thinks the game is too hard or who doesn’t like a challenge.


Playing Korriban Incursion on veteran mode is fine until you get to the bunch of trash mobs after the first boss.

It’s the ones just after the elevator where the explosive crates are.

My wife and I have tried it 6 times to make sure we weren’t missing some mechanic.


The situation is when you attack them, their combined damage is more than your two lvl 50 comps can heal through and that is using your DCDs, Med packs and unity.

We’ve tried blow the boxes up, not blowing the boxes up, cc’ing some of them. But each time we die. It seems impossible to get past this set of mobs without dying once (or twice if you don’t kill enough the first time).

If you’ve killed 1-2 the first time, they melt the second time like they used to before 6.0.


Now I don’t know if this is a bug or not because we don’t seem to have a problem anywhere else in the flash point (on two Assassins). We can take down all the bosses just fine (same mechanics, just longer to kill). But this one stupid group of trash mobs kill you in 5-15 secs. It’s nearly an instant kill.


Also, this wasn’t happening on the pts. My wife and I did this flash point many times on the pts to test (it’s one of our favourites).

So is this intended or a bug. If it’s intended, then it’s way over tuned with this group. If it’s a bug, it needs fixing.

Either way, can we please get a Bioware response so we know what is happening.

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I think I figured this out (it happened to me regularly since update and a few times before).


At first, I thought it was my comp (the Iokath monitor) not stealthing properly.


Now, what I think it is it the utility that increases your movement speed when you activate force speed. The description also says that it SLOWS NEARBY ENEMIES by 75% when you use force speed. So... what I think is happening is...


Us stealthers often use force speed to zip through tight packs of enemies quickly. I think the game is applying the slow effect to the mobs (even though they're not aggroed) which makes them pursue you, and puts you in combat, even though you're still in stealth. This is similar to what happens with healers who are healing teammates too close to adds. Ironically, you can't use your vanish ability to drop combat because you're STILL IN STEALTH. Lol.


It's possible mobs also have increased detection now, but I've noticed this problem even with minor adds in FPs, so I think it's related to this utility. Basically, give it a try without using force speed.

That may well be. I have, or have used, that Utility. I think you're right, it could be a factor. I remember a few times I was stealthed, but suddenly in combat while still stealthed. Some mobs -- not even an entire group of them -- aggros me even though I was well past them. Mobs getting affected by that Force Speed Utility fits those cases perfectly. I'll make sure to be aware of when I use Force Speed, because yes, "Us stealthers often use force speed to zip through tight packs of enemies quickly," heh.

Edited by Nmyownworld
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Depends on how good you are as a player.

For good cooks, every meal is made easily.

For bad cooks, even making a pizza is difficult.

That's a good point.


Personally I'm not that good of a cook. I do have some experience, thanks to frequenting PvP, but other than that, I'm ok as a player.

Edited by ZeroTypeR
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If some people are saying it's too hard, and other are saying its too easy, then I'd argue they got the difficulty just right. :D


I'd argue those people never learned to keybind....I guess the game would seem hard when you can't move your character efficiently while trying to click on your abilities.

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Lv 66/iLevel 222 Gunslinger. Defense screen/hunker down active. One shotted and two shotted TWICE in first 10 seconds of the Revan weekly on Yavin 4.


Go ahead and tell me how this **** isn't broken.


Why the hell did I return/resub to this trash?

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Just went thru the whole release on my SW tank and my comp was only level 18. Gear was part 232 and part still 228. Too hard? really? Solo player (my friends left due to Revan story) and been here since BETA and the game has only gotten easier and easier to play. Even ran the final FP with comp level 10 and didn't die once. The most difficulty I had was her disappearing underground and needing to passive her and eyesight the mobs to be able to hit them. Maybe rethink your playing style. I found the story pretty interesting and just difficult enough to enjoy it. But don't get me started on the messed up crafting. That went to poo when "adaptable gear" and not having to gear your comp went away. (imo)
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Just went thru the whole release on my SW tank and my comp was only level 18. Gear was part 232 and part still 228. Too hard? really? Solo player (my friends left due to Revan story) and been here since BETA and the game has only gotten easier and easier to play. Even ran the final FP with comp level 10 and didn't die once. The most difficulty I had was her disappearing underground and needing to passive her and eyesight the mobs to be able to hit them. Maybe rethink your playing style. I found the story pretty interesting and just difficult enough to enjoy it. But don't get me started on the messed up crafting. That went to poo when "adaptable gear" and not having to gear your comp went away. (imo)

Just for clarification: People on this thread are talking about old content, not new story. New story is fine, it is balanced and not hard to do on story mode. Problem is the old content that has got in some parts very hard because of scaling is not done properly in all parts.

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Game difficulty is just right for me. Haven't tried the older content at level 75, but the new content is just right.


So what you're saying that because the new content is ok for you, nobody else matters?


Some of us play a combination of old and new characters, and while 6.0 may be "ok" at max level, much of the game is broken for leveling characters. Can you explain why a fight that I routinely breeze through on other characters 1 shot "insta-kills" me? Do you really find that acceptable?

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I think I figured this out (it happened to me regularly since update and a few times before).


At first, I thought it was my comp (the Iokath monitor) not stealthing properly.


Now, what I think it is it the utility that increases your movement speed when you activate force speed. The description also says that it SLOWS NEARBY ENEMIES by 75% when you use force speed. So... what I think is happening is...


Us stealthers often use force speed to zip through tight packs of enemies quickly. I think the game is applying the slow effect to the mobs (even though they're not aggroed) which makes them pursue you, and puts you in combat, even though you're still in stealth. This is similar to what happens with healers who are healing teammates too close to adds. Ironically, you can't use your vanish ability to drop combat because you're STILL IN STEALTH. Lol.


It's possible mobs also have increased detection now, but I've noticed this problem even with minor adds in FPs, so I think it's related to this utility. Basically, give it a try without using force speed.


That’s exactly what’s happening to you. We discovered this issue 3 years ago in pvp when that utility was added.

So when ever you use force speed with that utility, it will slow, hence attack anyone or mob you pass within its range.

Nobody uses it in pvp for that specific reason.It’s a pretty crappy utility. Just pick another if you like to speed around.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I'd argue those people never learned to keybind....I guess the game would seem hard when you can't move your character efficiently while trying to click on your abilities.


My wife is 100% clicker and I’m a 30% clicker. We’ve absolutely zero problem moving efficiently and clicking.

You don’t need to keybind to be competent or good. You just need some coordination. Remember, just because someone can play with keybinds, doesn’t make them good. There are plenty of bad players who keybind ;)

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Just for clarification: People on this thread are talking about old content, not new story. New story is fine, it is balanced and not hard to do on story mode. Problem is the old content that has got in some parts very hard because of scaling is not done properly in all parts.


I would even go as far as saying some of the new content is easier than Kotfe was at release.

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That may well be. I have, or have used, that Utility. I think you're right, it could be a factor. I remember a few times I was stealthed, but suddenly in combat while still stealthed. Some mobs -- not even an entire group of them -- aggros me even though I was well past them. Mobs getting affected by that Force Speed Utility fits those cases perfectly. I'll make sure to be aware of when I use Force Speed, because yes, "Us stealthers often use force speed to zip through tight packs of enemies quickly," heh.


Sorry, I'm going to use this post to agree with both you and sharkfishman. That's exactly what it is. Has to be. I used Force Speed in Shadow Town on Nar Shaddaa and somehow got a huge mass of the yellow inmates aggroing on me. Fun stuff :p


I'm pretty sure when I had all of the Aurora Cannon mobs come down on my head, it was because of Force Speed and that utility. Which pretty much makes Force Speed useless in standard PvE settings when you're just trying to get where you want to go *sigh* I wish the attack aspects of that passive could be turned off somehow, because the stealth speed boost you get from it makes sneaking tolerable.


Anyway, you can still stealth Long Shots if you don't touch Force Speed. Did it twice :D I tried to to the yolo thing with the grenade, but the boss launched me into the death pool underneath the device. Twice. After that, I was done. Actually fighting the end boss is way too annoying to bother with-- did it on my gunslinger right before the big update and the insane number of self-heals he has made it too long and too miserable to ever do again :p

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All the hardcore MMO players here are still stuck in 2004 when MMOs were king.


Thats not the case anymore. No one cares about MMOs nowadays.


Infact, all multi-player games have burnt out their playerbase.


Take a look at how big a failure The Division 2 and Ghost Recon: Breakpoint have been. Ubisoft actually had to delay all their upcoming games to 2021-2022 because how badly both games have been received.


On another point. This game isnt growing.


So, forcing players to group in a stagnant MMO that has no future is stupid when the majority of the people are only here for the single player aspect of the game.


Also, increasing the difficulty increases the frustration. Increase the frustration for the solo players. They leave.


Once they're gone. The game goes into maintenance mode and then eventually gets shutdown. Because lets face it... There's not enough hardcore MMO players to keep this game alive.

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All the hardcore MMO players here are still stuck in 2004 when MMOs were king.


Thats not the case anymore. No one cares about MMOs nowadays.


Infact, all multi-player games have burnt out their playerbase.


Take a look at how big a failure The Division 2 and Ghost Recon: Breakpoint have been. Ubisoft actually had to delay all their upcoming games to 2021-2022 because how badly both games have been received.


On another point. This game isnt growing.


So, forcing players to group in a stagnant MMO that has no future is stupid when the majority of the people are only here for the single player aspect of the game.


Also, increasing the difficulty increases the frustration. Increase the frustration for the solo players. They leave.


Once they're gone. The game goes into maintenance mode and then eventually gets shutdown. Because lets face it... There's not enough hardcore MMO players to keep this game alive.


Hyperbole much :rolleyes:

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