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PTS Phase 3 - PvP Balance


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There has been a defensive cooldown "arms race" happening between mercs, snipers and marauders since the end of 4.x where other classes have been left in the dust in comparison. Dot classes like hatred, lethality, madness and pyro are suffering defensively as a result of passive healing / mitigation from doing dot damage not being scaled to account for burst increases in the burst dps classes as well as new defensive buffs given to the top three defensive classes (Merc, sniper, mara). Dot classes have to stay on target to ramp up damage to compete with burst - but they can't do it really unless you are an io merc or engineering sniper because on those other dot classes you melt under returned focus.


And it doesn't stop now. The strong classes get all the juicy stuff with 6.0 and they just leave the bad classes bad. It's really a shame. Seems like they don't have a balancing team at all.

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And it doesn't stop now. The strong classes get all the juicy stuff with 6.0 and they just leave the bad classes bad. It's really a shame. Seems like they don't have a balancing team at all.


That sucks I was hoping they would use this 6.0 to buff weaker classes. This is a good time to change up the meta of mara/merc/sniper DPS being kings of the WZs.


Merc healers need love, btw. Been 7 years now, and the merc healer has never once been considered a seriously competitive spec. How long does this spec have to be in the basement and utter garbage compared to the other two healers?

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  • Does a particular class or spec feel too strong? Too weak?
  • Do any of the new abilities feel particularly strong? Too weak?
  • Is there a set bonus that feels too strong? Too weak?
  • Is there a tactical that feels too strong? Too weak?
  • Is there a specific set bonus and tactical combination that is over powered?

Sadly i had no time to test multiple classes. I could only test PvP with my hatred sin.

New ability is just crap. Stop with conal shi*, your game engine cannot handle positioning properly.

Tried the Leeching strike tactical, i think it need some work. While it does trigger, I don't like depending on RNG. This spec already has RNG dependant procs and this just add another (other tacticals i think are worst). Even when it procs I also find it very unrealiable, like not working(may have been lag) and i constantly was with low force. What i would change is that when it procs, it needs to reduce its force cost significantly.

This spec still struggles with force regeneration.

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  • Does a particular class or spec feel too strong? Too weak?

Assassin defensives remain unchanged, stun DR or Phasewalk back would be a good step in the right direction, or just a rework on current defensives.


Operative while it's gained some very nice things, I still also think needs stun DR. Concealment is also looking a bit too strong.


Sorcerer healing didn't really gain anything good for their new ability, more synergy or just something better would be idea.


Sniper still feel like AoE extended knockback with root automatically applied is a bit too strong, without the root automatically applied is far more reasonable. Along with holoocate, it makes no sense for this class to have this much less use it while in diversion. I also hope that we could consider reworking diversion as a whole, note later on in the post about that.


Marauder's ruthless aggressor still seems a bit much, I feel like marauder should get something different, it has a lot of DR but no real healing option. As the game has gone on, a lot of classes have gained multiple healing options, marauder isn't one of them. Heal ward is laughable, however would be nice if it's healing was a bit more.


Juggernaut Pooled hatred and furious power working together seems a bit strong. Some really large hits are possible with these being used together. I don't think tank should get damage boost from the furious power as it's already got pooled hatred most of the 4v4 heal tanks I have played, immortal was pulling the largest hit every game. Also more to note on tank later on.


Powertech seems iffy. I do think kolto healing being scaled up just a little would make it pretty solid with all the new options.


Mercenary reflect healing still seems silly to have, really puts the juggernaut idea into mercenary. However with the new mass amount of strong aoe this may no longer be that strong.

  • Do any of the new abilities feel particularly strong? Too weak?


Furious power is super nice, it would be more nice to use it in 1's instead of all at once, potentially too strong in combination of pooled hatred, I think only a slight change if any would make this still really solid.


Holocate this ability is absurd, it can be used in diversion, need I say more?


Volt rush is weak for anything but lightning, even then it lacks synergy outside Elemental convection.


Severing slash has some synergy but not much, the ability alone is silly. It's weak and a conal, which is notorious for not landing in PvP.


Tactical overdrive is rather good, the reset on stim boost may be too strong but only if it was to gain stun DR.


Poweryield is good, but not incredible with a slightly better kolto I think it'd be quite solid defensively.


  • Is there a set bonus that feels too strong? Too weak?

Gathering storm 20% damage boost seems slightly strong, but it's also probably one of the best sets possible for sorc, it would be nice if it worked for healing also.


Force bound 4 set piece for warrior, far too strong. Another accuracy debuff in the game, an aoe of all things, basically a mini diversion at just as low of a cooldown is absurd. This just SHOULD NOT exist at all. Even more so if diversion was to get reworked.


Death knell set for assassin, this set is incredible for all 3 specs, a really good design imo. The only potential thing I think is the 30% damage boost is slightly strong, knocking it down by 5-15% would be more reasonable, but maybe increase uptime slightly.


Any sets I didn't list I feel are either unuseful or underpreforming, outside of mercenary as I chose not to test it.

Is there a tactical that feels too strong? Too weak?


Elemental convection, the ability to do 3 back to back aoe's with slows and desync on chain lightning. While I don't think the tactical is broken, I do think the interaction with chain lightning is, the ability to use it twice in quick succession makes it incredibly strong in not only kiting but control and damage.


Refraction point (aoe pen blast + followthrough) I feel this is too strong as the splash damage is FULL damage, I feel it should only be around 60% of the full damage or lower.


Cut to pieces the CDR for vengful slam is a bit absurd, in aoe groups you can use it every other GCD, in bigger groups you can just spam it for dots duration. This is an incredibly strong AoE, I do think this tactical needs either reworked or limited to its CDR reduction.


Another to note is the ED CDR tactical, I don't see it on the PTS but it was on there previously, I feel it should be limited to 10 seconds, so it's not absurd for immortal tank.


Any I did not list I feel are okay, or under preforming. I will note the classes I feel their tacticals are all too weak. (Note this is not including mercenary)

Fury, Corruption, Deception - Too weak, lacking tacticals let alone useful ones.

Lightning, Lethality, Madness, Hatred, Vengeance, Annihilation, Pyrotech, Advanced Prototype - The best tactical for each of these specs outshine the others too hard.


I feel there will definitely be new tacticals coming in the future but the ones we're starting for the first three I mention are just too little. The rest just need changes to be more optimal.




  • Is there a tactical that feels too strong? Too weak?

Elemental convection, the ability to do 3 back to back aoe's with slows and desync on chain lightning. While I don't think the tactical is broken, I do think the interaction with chain lightning is, the ability to use it twice in quick succession makes it incredibly strong in not only kiting but control and damage.


Refraction point (aoe pen blast + followthrough) I feel this is too strong as the splash damage is FULL damage, I feel it should only be around 60% of the full damage or lower.


Cut to pieces the CDR for vengful slam is a bit absurd, in aoe groups you can use it every other GCD, in bigger groups you can just spam it for dots duration. This is an incredibly strong AoE, I do think this tactical needs either reworked or limited to its CDR reduction.


Another to note is the ED CDR tactical, I don't see it on the PTS but it was on there previously, I feel it should be limited to 10 seconds, so it's not absurd for immortal tank.


Any I did not list I feel are okay, or under preforming. I will note the classes I feel their tacticals are all too weak. (Note this is not including mercenary)

Fury, Corruption, Deception - Too weak, lacking tacticals let alone useful ones.

Lightning, Lethality, Madness, Hatred, Vengeance, Annihilation, Pyrotech, Advanced Prototype - The best tactical for each of these specs outshine the others too hard.


I feel there will definitely be new tacticals coming in the future but the ones we're starting for the first three I mention are just too little. The rest just need changes to be more optimal.



  • Is there a specific set bonus and tactical combination that is over powered?


PT probably has the best synergy of setbonuses and tacticals, at least DPS PT. However I don't feel that they're overpowered, at least from what i've seen as games have been mostly limited to 4v4s. However I do not feel any synergy between sets and tacticals are too overpowered at least yet.


I hope some of this is at least useful, or promotes more people to post stuff.

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Assassin defensives remain unchanged, stun DR or Phasewalk back would be a good step in the right direction, or just a rework on current defensives.


Not sure if you're going by the current nerf or not, but assassin defenses have been changed. The 60% damage absorbtion with force speed is now only 25% for dps specs, and zero for tanks.


Apparently bioware thought sin dps weren't squishy enough. Lousy burst damage, lousy survivability, and a nerf that hits hard for both pvp and pve. Guess that's what 'balance' means. A class you won't be happy with in pvp or pve.

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  • Does a particular class or spec feel too strong? Too weak?


Depends who you're asking.


  • Do any of the new abilities feel particularly strong? Too weak?


The Assassin new ability is utterly useless I would have prefer a movement based ability like Mad Dash.

The Sorcerer new ability is half a glass, depending on what spec, tactical and set bonus you use.

The Warrior new ability should be singular charge when on use not an entire stack.


  • Is there a set bonus that feels too strong? Too weak?


The Juggernaut and Marauder set bonuses are awful in comparison to other classes and even to our own in current state.


  • Is there a tactical that feels too strong? Too weak?


I didn't look into this since I felt Tacticals were suppose to be OP, I felt there was a lack of choice when It came to Engineering but overall not entirely disappointed.

Edited by DarthSealth
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Deception dps is too high on 6.0. clearly this spec required a bit defense buff but not dps. I see sins outdps'ing maras in 3x yet if sin has no guard or no healer it dies pretty quick. Why did you buffed sin's dps in 2x but left defenses unchanged?This is not what this spec required....


also guard must be removed from dps specs. these cross-guarding from juggs with greet teeth is clearly ridiculous and makes teams with 2 guard dps and healer easily outplay team with no double guard...

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Deception dps is too high on 6.0. clearly this spec required a bit defense buff but not dps. I see sins outdps'ing maras in 3x yet if sin has no guard or no healer it dies pretty quick. Why did you buffed sin's dps in 2x but left defenses unchanged?This is not what this spec required....


also guard must be removed from dps specs. these cross-guarding from juggs with greet teeth is clearly ridiculous and makes teams with 2 guard dps and healer easily outplay team with no double guard...


id rather have more dps instead of better dcds...the game doesnt need more dcds, this is smth that should be applied to more classes, also maras can rival deceptions dps but ok

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Does a particular class or spec feel too strong? Too weak?


Hatred still feels weak and squishy. DMG from dots feel like it's still in 258/70 lvl range.

Force managment/regen is still very bad and new "tier" of alacrity just makes it worse.


Nerf to Phanstasm from 60% absorb dmg to 25% DR is a huge nerf.


Fixed utility points doesnt help this, I literally can pick the utilities I want on live server, but on PTS I'm forced to pick 3 from every tier and that changes my playstyle totally.


Do any of the new abilities feel particularly strong? Too weak?


Severing slash is literally useless.


Is there a set bonus that feels too strong? Too weak?


Is there a set bonus for Darkness and Immortal? Because I haven't seen one at all.


Is there a tactical that feels too strong? Too weak?


I have a better question, what happened to Grit Teeth tactical? There was in Phase One, but after that, I can't find it anywhere.


Is there a specific set bonus and tactical combination that is over powered?


Not that I've seen.

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