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Everything posted by TheDramaKing

  1. I don't know if you're serious or just trying to waste my time, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. The difference between a normal crit and an autocrit is pretty damn big on a skill like Maul that benefits from multiple passives and buffs. Since you like Maths, here is the formula: Normal Critical Hit = Normal Hit x (1 + Critical Multiplier x 1) Autocrit = Critical Hit = Normal Hit x (1 + Critical Multiplier x [1,Critical Chance]) Meaning that, for example, with a Maul that normally hits for 20k, a crit multiplier of 72% and a crit chance of 47% you will have Maul Normal Critical = 20000 x (1 + 0.72 x 1) = 34400 Maul Autocrit = Critical Hit = 20000 x (1 + 0.72 x 1.47) = 41168 And I'm being generous with 20k because with an higher base damage the difference would be even bigger, not even factoring Duplicity, Maul crit multiplier boost from passive, etc. That's why you see ~70k autocrit Maul but just ~45k at best without autocrit. Now you can go back LMAOing wherever you came from, possibly a little bit more knowledgeable.
  2. Both your statements are wrong, unfortunately. Obviously PvP-wise it was a huge nerf: the burst is gone. I don't know how can't you notice that TWO autocrits are missing... On the PvE side, the overall dmg is practically the same, no 6% increase whatsoever (as demonstrated by reliable parsers). It is simply more linear and doesn't present the peeks we used to have during the 3 autocrits. Also, I don't want to sound like an ******e but I'd like to point out a problem that afflicts this forum: it really reminds me of "X-factor selections". More specifically the initial phase where everyone shows up thinking he/she can sing like a superstar. People should have more selfawareness, be more aware of their effective skills and knowledge. If you weren't even "expecting a difference" in pvp after reading the changes on the patchnote I don't know what makes you think to be entitled to comment on something you clearly don't grasp. Don't feel offended here, I'm just being realistic. I took you as example just because it just happened... again... It is fairly easy to explain why reducing the burst and buffing the sustained damage on a class that in PvP can't stay in fight for long does make a huge difference: how does a Sin survive in a difficult fight? Does it pop a strong DCD and keeps fighting, like a Merc or other classes? No, it vanishes. So how is it gonna benefit from more sustained over burst? It doesn't, correct. It is also kinda sad that this change happened. Not because it's a nerf (as sins we are used to it), but because it shows that someone has no clue what to do with this class. Improving its burst in 6.0 was, at this point I'm not even sure it was intended, the right solution to fix its problems. Just the Maul spam was DISGUSTING. A more elegant burst combo would have been awesome and perfectly represented its concept: a glass cannon with a strong and solid burst, when available.
  3. Where is your gold sin, Stain? Or despite all your claims is it still too hard to get one w/o wintrading?
  4. Hi, I really like those (very expensive/time consuming) items and I have 2 suggestions for them: - Street Cred atm is limited to ONE per account, where the character completing it will get said item through mail. Many people don't know that and they risk to get it on a char they won't use that often! SUGGESTION: can you make it so that Streed Cred is obtainable thought clicking on it via legacy window (just like other items are, Kai Zykken speeder comes to mind) https://gyazo.com/58512b5d34f8faa0c2a7b5b9f20ec02f - After completing the Golden Dream you get the Yarvok's Gratitute, an item that makes look golden for a limited amount of time. SUGGESTION: since Street Cred makes your eyes glowing red as per "Glowing Eyes - Red" item effect, wouldn't be fitting for Yarvok's Gratitude to make them glow yellow as per "Glowing Eyes - Gold" item? Cheers
  5. Unchanged? They just nerfed FS from 60% absorb dmg to 25% DR for dps spec
  6. Hi, here is my personal recipe for pancakes: - 1 cup all-purpose flour - 2 tablespoons white sugar - 2 teaspoons baking power - 1 teaspoon salt - 1 egg, beated - 1 cup milk - 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  7. Well, congratulations on nerfing Sin dps spec defenses once again. Force Speed DR lowered from 60% to 25%, another glorious display of game understanding.
  8. Btw in case some of the devs is reading this, you screwed up something on Discharge for Deception: when you have 3 stacks and the skill icon gets its glowing effect, if you use it it will take 1 second for the glowing to be removed. This delay is very annoying because normally if the glow stays it means that Discharge missed, therefore making it misleading.
  9. Musco asked us to try and give opinions about Assassin Tacticals and Set Bonuses, you can read about 6 pages of why they are trash. So what is that you don't understand?
  10. You have to play around their rolls and Evasion and use your cc accordingly. But yes, assuming that both players have the same skill and gear, a Concealment will always win vs a Deception in the current patch (and the ones before, for that matter).
  11. I fear it's not lazyness but lack of understanding of how the current meta is and therefore could evolve.
  12. Terrible set bonuses, the new skill Severing Slash is completely useless (no, 25% dmg increase is not the point), tacticals even worse. After maining sin for years I thought I was upset with your nonsensical damage nerfs and random GCD on Phantom Stride, but honestly you beat yourself this time, showing how few you care and, even worse, know about this class. In case you are wondering: sin is lacking a solid DCD, a bit of reliable damage increase and be less % dependent. It's a class that relies on strategically controlling the enemies with CCs and dispatch them with high burst damage. PS. Take away Severing Slash and give us a DCD (Assassin will be the only class that can not reliably avoid to get globalled in 1 GCD if he doesn't have breaker, since Sniper's "upgrade"). Small example of why I strongly believe we're not on the same page: In the last patches you lowered our Discharge dmg, making Maul our new biggest hitter (a position-depending skill that doesn't even reach the dmg of the other classes autocrit if you get a slight desync). Now, with the old set gone in 6.0, you took away the autocrit and the 15s CD reduction on Recklessness. Paired with Phantom Stride GCD, if you ever played Deception for more than 10 levels on Korriban, you would have immediately understand that all these changes mean the death of a quick burst. I want to ask you this: how do you want us to play Deception (if you want it AT ALL, at this point)? As a squishy, random surge-dependent damage dealer that lost its burst in favor of some 800 DMG OVER 6 SECONDS DOT ON BALL LIGHTNING? What is there to be "tested"? I honestly don't know. I would like just one dev to answer me. One. One that can explain to me the vision he had in his dreams that told him that stuff like "Killing a target affected by Whirlwind before its CD ends resets the CD of Whirlwind" was a cool idea. I'm trying to run this scenario in my head over and over where I Whirlwind a guy NOT to take him out of the fight while I deal with someone else, BUT to frigging kill him and I always end up laughing. The only situation when you use Whirlwind aggressively is in 1v1, but then why would you care about having it reset if you already defeated your opponent?! Stuff like this, and I could make many more examples, simply make me sad. I can understand if you aren't able to play at high levels, but I can't forgive your lack of knowledge and understanding of this game. YOUR game. Do I sound like an a*****e? I'm sorry, I really am. But I am paying for this. I love the game and I would like to see the same kind of interest in the people who work on the classes. I'm not talking about other aspects of the game like story, lore, maps, ops mechanics, etc that I really (especially lately) appreciate. This side of the game has being going south for far too long not lose it when you see something like this. Thank you for reading.
  13. Just to understand, at BioWare people are allowed to drink at work? Who is responsible for this stuff? Does he even play swtor?
  14. This. Also, Force Speed is a DCD and a gap closer only if you don't need it as defense.
  15. I'll be blunt, just because I know of what I'm talking about and I don't want this class to be played just because of its cool concept but also for its viability in what will be the next meta. If for casual players these *things* may not seem a big problem or some may even look "interesting to try", for me they were not. Most of Deception TI and bonuses are straight awful and make no sense whatsoever. They have no synergy, no creativity and some must be just plain troll (PS from Stealth gives the next ability an autocrit??). You took away the Set cd reduction on Recklessness which is a huge penalty in terms of damage. Hatred buffs are bad and mostly a copy/paste of Madness. Hell, you didn't even have the decency to remember that Hatred spreads with Lacerate instead of Deathfield. And btw who cares of spreading Force Slow in the first place?! Darkness is gonna get good buffs, like every other tank AGAIN will do, since you apparenly want us to spend a whole day in pvp to kill a tank+healer. TTK is gonna be longer than relationships I had. You have given us a new skill that is totally worthless in pve and arguably so in pvp. Do you want us to compare this stuff with what Concealment is gonna receive? Because we have seen it already. My feedback is that you should hire someone competent that understands how Assassin/Shadow works in ranked and nim ops, seriously. For some reason you're creating a huge gap between this dps class and the rest and it would be great if some of you up there could realize this. Meanwhile we have Juggs spamming Vengeful Slams, Lightning parsing crazy numbers, Maras globalling people with absurd bursts and Operatives with Phase Walks, buffed rolls and double stuns. I'm not even gonna talk about Sniper, but that's another mess right there. Just get someone good at playing your own game and ask him what's the place of sins in all this, aside hiding out of the fight with his double cloak. Thank you very much.
  16. Hey! Congratulation on finding the time to fix the small stats increase given by Assassin's and Shadow's Double Bladed Lightsabers... BUT NOT ON FIXING OUR SCREWED UP PHANTOM STRIDE THAT STILL IS ON A GLOBAL COOLDOWN FOR NO REASON AND CAN'T TELEPORT YOU PROPERLY! That was a priority right there! Fantastic! Not Commandos that can net you through Shroud or Roll, not Holobugverse and Random Stride, nononono! The buggy little double saber! A game changer, thank you! Now this sin can finally sleep well at night.
  17. Jugg Immortal is literally gonna be immortal and Venge is gonna spam Vengeful Slam like there is no tomorrow.
  18. Bioware staff has no clue what the meta in their own game, both nim and ranked, work. That is for sure.
  19. Can someone please explain me what kind of game are people at Bioware playing? Because apparently Marauders damage was so low that they are getting huge damage boosts, but Assassins just some insignificant stuff. Hello?? Is someone still sane here?? 4 charges of +25% dmg on top of all the rest? I can't wait have my sin getting outperformed in damage, mobility and survivability by a marauder/jugg that now will probably come close to global me in a single burst rotation. Just spectacular, really!
  20. Hi Mr Musco, I played this class quite a lot, both in ranked and nim ops. So let's start, shall we? You're adding this ability, which is ok, but then you ask people playing Hatred if they wanna buy a tactical item that makes Death Field spread Force Slow (also 50% slow)... Why? Honestly useless, both in pvp and pve. So... This may be "ok" in pve with an opener like PS > Discharge > Recklessness > Discharge > *fill the 2 recklessness charges however you want*. We essentially gain 1 more autocrit on Discharge, but we lose our old set bonus autocrit on Maul. Maul being our strongest ability damage-wise since the patch where you nerfed Discharge. So this one would be yet another nerf for sins. But here comes the worst part... for pvp is terrible. 90% of any sin in stealth (doesn't matter which spec) will open with Spike. Now why on Earth would I give up my autocrit on Maul (that I can decide when to use) for one Phantom Stride > Spike combo if Spike's autocrit that does a way lower damage than Maul's? I mean, the alternative would be to Phantom Stride to an enemy and reveal myself without stunning him by using... what? Discharge and having no control over him? Deception is all about cc and controlling the opponent, this set bonus doesn't reward a good strategy. Let's move on. I don't know if you are aware of it, but Deflection is a pretty terrible DCD compared to *put literally whatever DCD you want from any spec*, it's not an Enrage Defense, a Reflecting Shield, an Undying, a Force Barrier or whatever. When do you use DCDs? When you are in trouble, simply put. 1 second more for each target that we turned around to face and use our cone ability on, instead of using an Overload to push them back or simply running away, try to los them, w/e, is not gonna save us in any way. Again, would never give up a Maul autocrit for this. Since we touched the topic: please, PLEASE, make Deflection an actually reliable and solid DCD that makes people stop focusing you, like ALL other classes have (except for PT, because apparently you hate Sins and PTs). For dps specs (since only Darkness can Spike w/o being in stealth) it means that I stun one target for 2 seconds making this small DR effectively worth 4 seconds only... Unless I go Rambo and Spike one guy in the middle of a bunch of enemies to benefit from it, of course. If I'm under Shroud I'm already protected vs Tech and Force abilities, why would I want to lower someone's accuracy while still extending my Shroud? Is this some specific Set Bonus vs those pesky sniper Marksmanship? Joking aside, good to help the team, possibly, but SUPER situational. I expect a set bonus to work in EVERY situation and this is not the case. LET'S GO, BABY! Situational in both in pvp and pve. Potentially very strong for a tank in ranked. As a dps you're giving up one of the few DCDs you have to hopefully save someone else. Meh for Hatred and Darkness, I guess. Deception definitely doesn't need more Force regen, come on. So now I have to find two dummies that guard the same node while staying next to each other... Hatred and Darkness won't pick this, but for a Deception it means 1 Discharge more, which is ok. Ah yes... Our beloved Random Stride that takes us to other planets without the need of a starship and that you had the majestic idea of making clunky as **** with that absurd cooldown. God I love this awfully designed skill <3 Especially when I play other games where a similar one smoothly teleports you behind the enemy without any delay, as we always asked. Sorry, I'm still salty for that "fix" (haha funny) that butchered Phantom Stride. Pretty good. Ugh. Dark Ward's CD is already super short... For ranked it potentially means a +20% DR if catch all 4 (Wither has 8.7s CD with high alacrity), which is not devastating, I guess... Although if we add this DR to the Steely Spike one...... In some pve context can be pretty cool (wiiiii Corruptor Zero) I can see people picking this for some AoE-intense boss because bored of spamming Lacerate. But then again, why not going directly for Hatred in such fights? We are still talking about our one-and-only Tactical Item, right? So what's the deal with this? Is it gonna burn the target's eyes from their sockets or why would I pick a DoT over the other TIs? S-s-s-s-sempai Musco... An ACTUALLY good ability? F-f-f-f-f-for us Deception?? What if I don't crit? Will I still keep the stack when after a Leeching Strike CD? Also Leeching Strike consumes 25 Force out of 100 that we have and Hatred's regen is terrible right now. Ehm, Hatred spreads with Lacerate, Sorcerer Madness with Death Field. You were a bit lazy here, eh? Again, Hatred treated as a melee Madness and not an assassin. Also, why would I use an extra GCD to cast Force Slow (50% slow) and then spread it when you just gave us a new cone ability called Severing Slash that applies the same 50% slow? Because this Tactical Item was designed for Madness, right. The only good part is a 10% damage increase of Death Field. Slight increase of dps. That's not what Hatred lacks of, but ok. Again, you designed this for Madness who's Force Lightning ticks way more frequently and it's not so Force consuming, then you just change that class filler for Hatred's. No, it's not working and please stop stomping on the concept of "assassin" that Hatred should belong to. Or just rename it "Melee Madness" and be done with it, that works too. Sorry for being blunt, but sometimes I have this strange feeling that someone up there has no clue about the current state of classes balance, meta, endgame and so on. Peace
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