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Everything posted by Siouve

  1. Same situation here holly hell fix pls.
  2. The weekly is bugged you doesnt get reward sometimes. I did a total of 8 pvp weekly byt this time and ended up with a bunch of Thyrsian chest missing on 3 character. 2 on my pt 3 on my other pt and 1 on my sorc. The 55 thyrsian production thing are also missing sometimes. Any fix are coming?
  3. I don't really see the point of Instant Whirlwind as a talent. Ranged shouldnt have insta 8 sec cc in any world. Just make it baseline as a cast. For extrication it should be baseline aswell (it s not that gamebreaking). If i had to choose between both these skill I would remove Whirlwind from sorc since you are trying to merge cc/mez for all classes.
  4. Nothing new, 4v4 solo q is a mess since season 1. It always been about wintrading, dodging, farming rating on dead server and qsyncing. Team Ranked... Every season on every server pretty much one dominant team farming one or two other who accept to queue. You guys kill pvp by yourself with the remove of 8v8 rbg (for litteraly no reason) after everyone transfer to Tomb of freedon Naad (1700cc per alt transfer btw ) and you left us with this s**tfest. It's been years since people ask for 2v2 team arena q , with this small population it's time to make the move...Easy group, more people in q, fast pop
  5. Yo established foothold set and exploited weakness as tactical
  6. That s actually a great idea since cd reset doesnt reset roll anymore sniper are underperforming in pvp. Holocate is totally crap (doesnt even put you in cover when doing it) something like 15 or 20% healing would fix the issue.
  7. 3v3 no tank no class stacking would be fine
  8. Remove tank from arena and make it 3v3 I would say. But there is so much things to fix before...
  9. This game used to be so good...This is a shame they will turn it into a giant moneygrab exploiting people love for this game.
  10. Bioware please don't this amplifier thing is a complete nonsense for both pve and pvp.
  11. Siouve

    3v3 Arena

    Yes and two tanks how many people want to play tank in arena when in the other side there is ton of people who want to heal and dps. It’s super difficult to find a decent tank nowadays and there is no way for them to practice. And not much people wants to tryhard tanking in arena. PT tank cleave always been insane since lvl 50 (aoe dps spec pt+ion cylinder). Nowadays all 3 tank spec have insane pressure and are way more resistant. Not to mention It will be even worse with lvl 75 buff. You cannot say that since nobody is regulary queuing. Since lvl 65 this is the same shcema again and again one dominant team per server and sometimes people trying to queue into another new formed team getting destroyed by this team and cannot practice at all. The only period people start queuing regulary was for catching matfarmers. People need to tag naturally and practice not wishing on going into less experienced player.
  12. C'est normal il faut recréer des persos pour le moment ça prend environ 10 minutes pour refaire les binds et équiper le nouveau stuff.
  13. Vraiment bien la vidéo gameplay et editing. Ordan de DN? Qui avait organisé le tournoi 3v3?
  14. Siouve

    3v3 Arena

    First of all and just for clarify, I don’t have any pretention of knowing what’s is the best for swtor pvp community since I can’t see the future. This post is based of my time played in ranked 8v8, 4v4 and reg pvp since release. So I think 3v3 should be added in place of the actual 4v4 group ranked system since it’s kinda dead. It’s just being worst and worst, year after year with tank mechanic and the insane cleave potential. This format is not appropriate anymore due to the current game state and the profusion of defensive Cds. *We can still keep the two format alive and see how it’s going 3v3 benefit: Easy group making Fast queue Class/comp disparity No guard based More mechanic than 4v4 Real second breath for pvp Bring back some player and keep them I hope we can discuss all these points. U can type /signed if you think adding this classic 3v3 format can be great for Swtor, but most importantly suggest about format and rules so we can create something realistic and doable .
  15. Siouve

    3v3 Arena

    Arena Rules 3v3 No tank Disabled guard 5min arena acid or Dampening 4v4 Arena map Tag Rules Group queue only 1 healer 2 damage dealer Q slot No class stacking (even if different spec) Rewards ... Not going into more details to keep this post readable since I surely forgot/mistaking thing and will update it with your suggestions. PS: This post does not concern 4v4 Solo Q in any point.
  16. U mean viru sniper and it's usefullness in the entire pvp
  17. Got some really really nice games against imp and rep side on saturday afternoon. Look like some good ppl still playing but very casually. Feelgoodman
  18. They finally bring some brainy class changes...
  19. If ur guys aiming for more ppl for quing with poke me @Noscopelel/Noscopelol empire/rep . I m so tired playing solo feelbadman
  20. Siouve


    Tu vies en Amérique du Nord?
  21. Merci pour ton signalement. J'espère que les autorités compétentes vont faire le nécessaire.
  22. Siouve

    [TRE] /cjoin Fr

    J'ai l'impression qu'il y a beaucoup de fr sur TRE l'utilisation du canal de discussion permettrait de nous recenser.
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