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You Can't Change Your Advanced Class!?!?!


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...like- "To be come a sorcerer, head to the shrine of bullpiss on planet whatchamapiss, and get the ancient piss tablet of the sith. Use the tablet at the alter of urine to channel the wisdom of the ancestral sith sorcerers. "



or something like that^ with an epic cutscene


I am still laughing! I think I will come back to this thread everyday just to read this post!

Edited by wrotruck
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The problem is you have no idea how the advanced class is going to turn out.

You mean that "Inspect" to the left of "Select"? Hmm..odd that I've found it on every class I've rolled.


I got level 18 on my Agent, as Sniper, and then I realized I don't really like sniper all that much. I don't want to have to get all the way back to level 18 as operative. Sniper doesn't do the damage output I expected, and has pathetic range compared to what it should have(I think sniper should have 200 yard range, not the same as smuggler)


So basically, you want to roll a "OMGHEROCLASSSMASHURFACE!!11" Class? Hmm.. Try rolling a panda and playing pokemon. Decisions hold weight in this game. BUT, I hear Hello Kitty Island Adventure is amazing!

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It's actually much more different for the Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight than for the other base classes, as their two AC's use different armor.


Guardian wears heavy armor. Sentinel wears medium.....so, if AC switching were allowed, and a guardian switched to a sentinel, he couldn't wear any of his old armor.


Compared to Smuggler (whose sentinels are a quite bad mix of ranged/melee) Warriors or Knights have lots of advantages, at least they havent to use a melee attack to activate their ranged specials. So the need to re-gear would be a reasonable price for the adv class respec, wouldnt it?




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  • 2 weeks later...
You NEVER EVER IN ANY MMO can change from Mage to Rogue.


Not exactly... FFXI you could change classes all day. Could be playing the same character as a White mage one min, change class and gear and then be playing a Dark Knight... Just saying, watch the absolutes there. ;) I too wish you could change classes in more MMOs including this one. But it seems like most developers don't like that idea for whatever reason. I loved only having to have 1 character in FFXI, instead of a million alts... Oh well... Still love SWTOR!

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I come back in after an alt-tab to check build for Mercs at level 10, I come back in and pow, I'm a powertech. Lovely. And the advice of the sage devs at SWTOR.... just replay 1-10 and don't screw up. Theres 13 people in the Imperial Fleet right now, might as well make it 12. Great game screwed by stupid devs. Have placed no points, trained no abilities, and this is somehow etched in stone. GG.
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I come back in after an alt-tab to check build for Mercs at level 10, I come back in and pow, I'm a powertech. Lovely. And the advice of the sage devs at SWTOR.... just replay 1-10 and don't screw up. Theres 13 people in the Imperial Fleet right now, might as well make it 12. Great game screwed by stupid devs. Have placed no points, trained no abilities, and this is somehow etched in stone. GG.


that is probably one of the only reasons i would find an excuse to have a redo. really. I've done the oddball key-press-thing on alt tab before. Feel your payne.


However...that point still stands that it is really quick to level another toon to 10. I'm not saying that you dont have a right to be frustrated...but is it really their fault that a random keypress that may or may not have happened got recognized by your system?


since early release in December I have put a total of over 20 different toons through the various starting areas. They can literally be done in an hour and 20 minutes. some a tad bit longer.


an hour and 20 minutes is a cakewalk in an MMO. most raids will last longer then that (if its a progression run). takes the same amount of time to run belsavis dailies. really. If you can't take the loss of an hour and 20 minutes...


You probably deserve it more then anyone else in this thread...but really. gonna quit a game because of that? Sounds to me like your just venting, and some yokel who started a thread with this inane idea gave you the excuse you needed.


take a break, come back, and space bar through the cut scenes. you know the quests, you know the location of the mobs...it will be a cakewalk.

Edited by Elyx
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I could see including a single "do-over" AC-change - especially if it was within the first 10 levels of picking your AC (so before level 20 or you really are stuck). Honestly though I'd much rather just *start* with my advanced class. It is kind of strange to pick an inquisitor because you want to be a healer and/or ranged dps and have to spend the first 10 levels of the game as a much more assassin-like melee/force hybrid.


Start the Assassins/Shadows off with shock-staves instead of vibroswords, let the Guardians/Juggernauts start off with heavy armor (why not - Bounty Hunters do).


Some nights when I log into the game on my 50 assassin=-tank and see 3 or 4 hard-mode groups forming all "LF1M healer" I kind of wish I could "respec" to sorcerer-heals. I used to enjoy being able to do that with my paladins and druids in WoW.

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One thing that people should realise, IT SAYS BE SURE OF YOUR DECISION... however even I have found that after playing with the advanced class of shadow for example and seeing a sage after at around level 34 I realised I wanted to be a sage not a shadow and I feel like you should get to switch once becasue it makes it very impossible to decide at level 10 unless basing it on your personal prefrence and past experience.
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I've been playing the Imperial Agent for a few days now. At level 10, after much consideration, I decided to go operative over sniper because it seemed like a cool class that snuck around and then stabbed people. However, after awhile I decided that operative was much too slow and had pitiful damage output, so I just thought to myself "well I tried out operative and didn't like it, I should probably go sniper". That's when I found out that YOU CAN NEVER CHANGE YOUR ADVANCED CLASS. Why wouldn't Bioware let players change their advanced class. At this point I was level 18 and if I wanted to go sniper I would have to repeat about 3 days of work. I have loved this game so far, but this is the first major issue that I have run into. I hate myself for saying this, but WoW did it better.


Wow doesn't have advanced classes they just have a tree and in their next expansion they are even giving ride of that. You cannot change your advanced is common information it's nothing new.

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Much like how you can't respec from Jedi Consular to Trooper, you can't respec from Operative to Sniper.

When will you stubborn people learn that advanced classes are basically classes in their own right.

ALSO theres a solution.

Abandon that class and play the mirror on Republic.

Sniper is Gunslinger for Republics y'know?

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Advanced Class is sort of like a specialization. You can't feel how the class feels until after you really play it for a while. Then, you might realize you made the wrong choice.


To tell you the truth, I would happily pay maybe five dollars as a paid character service to change my advanced class.

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It is super duper clear, the quest giver says it: That once you pick there's no going back... I literally changed my mind second after i picked, and now i have to reroll my char... :( it would be nice to be able to change that.


Oh and btw Its not a class its a specialization... so don't compare it to being unable to switch classes in other games.

Those games didnt have specializations.

Edited by Tigersan
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It is super duper clear, the quest giver says it: That once you pick there's no going back... I literally changed my mind second after i picked, and now i have to reroll my char... :( it would be nice to be able to change that.


Oh and btw Its not a class its a specialization... so don't compare it to being unable to switch classes in other games.

Those games didnt have specializations.


The devs consider each AC to be a fundamentally different class. They have said so themselves as justification for not giving you an AC respec. Perhaps for RP reasons, it's a specialization, but mechanically, a Marauder is very different from a Juggernaut, and an Assassin is almost nothing like a Sorcerer.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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The devs consider each AC to be a fundamentally different class. They have said so themselves as justification for not giving you an AC respec. Perhaps for RP reasons, it's a specialization, but mechanically, a Marauder is very different from a Juggernaut, and an Assassin is almost nothing like a Sorcerer.


I know i just don't see any reason to make it this way... other than making people groan that they have to repeat all the quests they just did, because they didn't notice one aspect of the advanced class... that's all. I don't play this game 10 hours a day, 1 maybe 2. So re-rolling a character for me is kinda tiresome.

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Let's just not be like WOW, users.

Being tied into a character is a good way to increase the bond to an Avatar. However, most games do allow some sort of back alley deal to change specialization(which SWTOR also has), just not advanced class type.

I'm glad SWTOR went this way and 10 levels isn't a lot of new work.


Just saying, the worst thing about WOW is elitists making people feel bad because they have enough time and effort to play an online game a lot.

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Being tied into a character is a good way to increase the bond to an Avatar. However, most games do allow some sort of back alley deal to change specialization(which SWTOR also has), just not advanced class type.

I'm glad SWTOR went this way and 10 levels isn't a lot of new work.


I love my character, she's the only one with certain achievements and titles and without advanced class respec she's a useless waste of a slot. Try finding that out at 50 after you've poured heart and soul into developing the character.

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I still have to see some reasonable argument why this shouldn't be changed.


Everybody just either says "BW told you it's not possible" (which means "now it's not possible", not "it should stay like this forewer".


I still don't get why, if I want to experience the gameplay of the other AC class, I have to level up an alt for 50 levels with the same story. Some naysayer please explain what the bad effect on the game would there be.


BW should either add new stories (one for each advanced class) or allow AC class change. This is not a job, it's meant to be fun, entertaining. The concept of spending 12 days (that's 300 hours!!!) just to experience the playing style of the other AC makes no sense.

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You couldnt change your shaman into a hunter in wow neither... and leveling up a charakter was all the time the same experience aswell.


Btw: if you could change your ac, I want to change my class too.

Dont want to level up again when I want to play a different class.

Edited by Husofanten
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You couldnt change your shaman into a hunter in wow neither... and leveling up a charakter was all the time the same experience aswell.


Btw: if you could change your ac, I want to change my class too.

Dont want to level up again when I want to play a different class.


"In WoW you can't, and it's boring to level up alts there as well" is not much of an argumentation. We should look into how to make this game more enjoyable, not less.


Changing class makes no sense, as the storylines are different. Give me different storylines, and I will have no issue in levelling up a Sage to keep company to my Shadow. Anyway, that's not what's under discussion here.


It doesn't have to be possible to do at will, or cost-free. it could require you to retrain all the AC abilities, making it quite expensive, or it could involve losing a level, or it could be on a long cooldown (3 months? 6 months?), but the possibility to do it should be there.

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I still have to see some reasonable argument why this shouldn't be changed.


Everybody just either says "BW told you it's not possible" (which means "now it's not possible", not "it should stay like this forewer".


I still don't get why, if I want to experience the gameplay of the other AC class, I have to level up an alt for 50 levels with the same story. Some naysayer please explain what the bad effect on the game would there be.


BW should either add new stories (one for each advanced class) or allow AC class change. This is not a job, it's meant to be fun, entertaining. The concept of spending 12 days (that's 300 hours!!!) just to experience the playing style of the other AC makes no sense.


I can agree with this argument. Although you could level the same class as the other faction with a different story, ( I know you don't want lightning you want to throw rocks!) I get this too. So I can agree that an AC respec for a STEEP cost would be an idea. Either IRL money or in game credits. It breaks diversity in the game though with people switching ACS all the time, so meh.

Edited by spectreclees
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Well, for a different story and the chance to experience the playstyle of the other AC... you could always roll a member of the mirror class on the other faction.


That's what I am doing in the cases where I care about experiencing the other AC's playstyle anyway. I prefer the single-saber style of the Juggernaut so I'll play the same as a Guardian on the Republic side. I want to try the ranged DPS/healing of the Sorcerer but I already have a level 50 assassin so my Republic character there will be a Jedi Sage. Not sure about Trooper but I figure my Scoundrel will be a Gunslinger as my Agent is going to be an Operative.


Of course if you don't really care about the story, then just spacebar everything and do it faster because you already know how to do the quests. Then you have two characters at 50 with the same base class and flexibility to be either one whenever you want.

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cant they sticky it in a locked thread:

You cant change your advanced class, it was never intended it, it wasnt part of the designed, its not required and it wont happen any time soon for any kind of characters? be them level 10, 19, 35 or 50?

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BW should just add AC option at character creation so these idiots who apparently can't read nor hear stops whining.

Why reward incompetence? This is Bioware saying you should LEARN TO READ AND LISTEN TO QUEST GIVERS!

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