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Disabilities and DataCrons


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I have small motor control in my hands which means my fine motor skills arent so good handwriting etc. so why does bw make these datacrons all but impossible to get? For someone like myself, and yes they are mandatory how would pvp ever be remotely fair when someone who cant obtain all these stat boosts compared to someone who can?
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If it makes you feel better, I haven't bothered to get any datacrons. So you won't be the only one without 'em.


However, catering to a very small minority of players is not how you go about designing a game. I feel for you and your disability, but the problem with the world today is that if you try to make a game (or anything) with the lowest common denominator in mind, you end up with a very bland end-product.

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Not trying to put you down or something, but how can you click on other game stuff and not a block on the ground? Also moving the camera and zooming in may make the datacron easier to click on.


I have bad eyesight, and a problem with some of the little datapads inside boxes for some missions. But a little camera juggling and zooming gets me through.


Also, BW cannot program the game to fit every single person out there. You know how many people there are with some type of impediment? They would never release the game...

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I have small motor control in my hands which means my fine motor skills arent so good handwriting etc. so why does bw make these datacrons all but impossible to get? For someone like myself, and yes they are mandatory how would pvp ever be remotely fair when someone who cant obtain all these stat boosts compared to someone who can?


I understand how you must feel. A lot of them don't require much to get other than just finding them. I don't want to spoil it for you, but take a look at my site and see which ones might be easier for you to get to that don't require a lot of jumping.

Edited by Thamelas
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They don't hate people with disabilities.


People lacking fine motor skills would have difficulty as brain surgeons (which requires really good fine-motor skills).


This doesn't mean doctors and medical boards hate such a disability--just that the practice requires a skillset you're not as well endowed with having.


As for the datacrons, there are plenty that don't require fine-motor skills, outside of that one on Tatooine.

Edited by Darren_Kitlor
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My friend without any disability raged when he missed his jump off some balloon after waiting an hour for it and another for it to get to the right spot to get his datacron. Probably in Tattooine. Edited by mikekdn
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I sympathize with your situation but your argument is kind of like saying Van Gogh discriminated against blind people because they could not see his paintings.


Just because you cannot make full use of something doesn't mean it was designed to purposefully prevent you from using it. It just wasn't designed specifically for you.

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I have small motor control in my hands which means my fine motor skills arent so good handwriting etc. so why does bw make these datacrons all but impossible to get? For someone like myself, and yes they are mandatory how would pvp ever be remotely fair when someone who cant obtain all these stat boosts compared to someone who can?


I'd say Ocean Marketing hates people with disabilities far more than Bioware does. At least according to Gabe, Tyco and "Dave."

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Some are just really awkward for everybody. I don't think fine motor skills come into play; it's just hard to do due to the combinations of game factors & the design. I'm not seeking to suggest that you are wrong per se; it's not like I'm there watching; but I really do think some are just bloody awkward.


I ended up logging out and swearing for a while after thirty attempts at the datacron on the pipes in Hutta, and that's two (what turned out to be simple once I figured it out) jumps! The greatest irony was I'd done it fine on three characters beforehand so I couldn't figure out what I'd done wrong or right.


The collision detection is the problem area. You have to find the place where the game will allow you to jump. If you go for what might look like an easy jump, but there's a huge invisible wall in the way due to the collision detection, you will get frustrated. I certainly did.

Edited by Grammarye
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I'd say Ocean Marketing hates people with disabilities far more than Bioware does. At least according to Gabe, Tyco and "Dave."


Whilst marketing a controller specifically designed for those with disabilities. Oh the irony.

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1. Yes, Bioware hates all people who are physically limited in a way that prevents them from playing the game to the full extend. (150 DS points)


2. No, Bioware loves everyone and I am sure if you send them an e-mail they would be happy to redesign the game for you. In fact ill help you write the e-mail. (150 LS points)


3. No, Bioware simply cannot cater everyone so it makes sense for them to take into account the largest group of gamers which do not have such physical limitations.

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I have small motor control in my hands which means my fine motor skills arent so good handwriting etc. so why does bw make these datacrons all but impossible to get? For someone like myself, and yes they are mandatory how would pvp ever be remotely fair when someone who cant obtain all these stat boosts compared to someone who can?


because its supposed to require some skill.


Sorry, but if you could just walk up to all of them, there would not be much point. Make it easy for everyone, you lose the appeal.


Sorry, but they cant design the game around universal access, or take eveyone's needs into account.

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I feel for you and your disability, but the problem with the world today is that if you try to make a game (or anything) with the lowest common denominator in mind you end up with a very bland end-product.


Excuse me?


I'd really re-think how you word things in the future.

Edited by Itose
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I have small motor control in my hands which means my fine motor skills arent so good handwriting etc. so why does bw make these datacrons all but impossible to get? For someone like myself, and yes they are mandatory how would pvp ever be remotely fair when someone who cant obtain all these stat boosts compared to someone who can?


If this is a serious post and not a troll (hard to tell anymore) I would be more than happy to log into your account when it is convenient for you and get whatever datacrons and matrix shards you want.


I have a cousin that loves to play MMO's. he was in Iraq and was hit by an IED, his motor skills are severely lacking but he tries.


I will guarantee your account safety, I have been apart of high level game communities for ever and could give you a dozen reputable references if you were concerned.


On a side not for people that don't understand how hard it is to get datacrons. A lot you have to "Lara Croft" to get to, or wait 40 minutes, jump on a balloon etc.

Edited by KetMalice
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I have small motor control in my hands which means my fine motor skills arent so good handwriting etc. so why does bw make these datacrons all but impossible to get? For someone like myself, and yes they are mandatory how would pvp ever be remotely fair when someone who cant obtain all these stat boosts compared to someone who can?


If you don't have the motor skills to get the datacrons, they you're already gimped in pvp. Sorry, but it's true.

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The jumping one MUST do to get some of the datacrons is well beyond what should be expected for any RPG. Hiding things is one thing but fancy jumping is just plan stupid, the +3 str one on Nar shadda pushed me over the edge, no, couldn't be +3 aim had to be one I want/need. A RPG is more cerebral than a FPS/run'an'jump style games... Such a mini game has no place in this genre of game... I am shocked that I have to explain this to people.
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I feel for you and your disability, but the problem with the world today is that if you try to make a game (or anything) with the lowest common denominator in mind, you end up with a very bland end-product.


Not to nitpick, but this game, like most, does cater to the lowest 'common' denominator. That's precisely why certain more 'uncommon' groups, such as those with very specific disabilities, find the game does not cater specifically to their needs. Fortunately there are groups like the ones mentioned in this thread that can help out.


Okay, it's sort of nitpicking. ;)

Edited by daemian
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Such a mini game has no place in this genre of game... I am shocked that I have to explain this to people.


How dare they try add someting different to their game, this is an outrage, everyone knows RPGs have a strict jumping to grinding ratio that must be upheld at all times!


Do you want to call the jumping police or should I?

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You can't jump across a ledge, but are playing to such a high level of pvp ability that a datacron is make or break for you? Sorry, but if you really have a disability which makes reaching the datacrons completely impossible, you're already at far too much of a disadvantage in live pvp to even notice any benefit from them
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I have small motor control in my hands which means my fine motor skills arent so good handwriting etc. so why does bw make these datacrons all but impossible to get? For someone like myself, and yes they are mandatory how would pvp ever be remotely fair when someone who cant obtain all these stat boosts compared to someone who can?


If you have slow reflexes a datacron or two wont do **** to help your pvp. Think before you ask for nerfs next time, son.

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